For the unwillingness in the heart, or for future survival.

A group of young people still gathered together to discuss the possibility of going to the East China Sea in a group.

The old hunter sitting next to him smiled sarcastically when he saw their excited looks.

I think that there were also a group of people who saw Charlotte Lingling young and looked pitiful, and they had the courage to go to the new world.

As a result, most people did not even see what the target looked like, and died in an accident halfway through.

And the rest of the group was very lucky to find the target, but before they could make a move, they were directly killed by Charlotte Lingling, who was in her early tens.

At that time, this event shook the entire bounty hunter industry, making it clear once again that there are monsters in this world.

Now that so many years have passed, young people have forgotten the lessons of that year and want to repeat the mistakes of the past.

But the old hunters didn't stop them from dying.

Instead of pouring cold water on the group of people who should have been eliminated, it is better to use the surplus value of this group of people to alert their peers.

I believe that experiencing something similar once will sober up more people.

This is a good thing for the industry as a whole.

They just want to say to these young people: Thank you for your outstanding contribution to the entire industry.

Although this contribution is accomplished by giving lives, doesn't that just mean that they are great?

The old hunter thought maliciously, and suddenly felt that the beer in his hand was more fragrant.

The bounty hunters who were in the tavern divided into two groups, discussing things separately, when there was a sudden noise outside.

Experienced bounty hunters simultaneously looked out the door, knowing that business was coming to their door.

But they are not in a hurry to go out, anyway, the prey will always be led by the townspeople, just need to wait for the rabbit.

At that time, first list the prey to see if there are any characters who cannot be provoked.

After confirming that everything is okay, it is too late to do it.

Anyway, the pirates will stay here for three days.

Three days was enough time for them to plan a watertight hunt.

Sharpen knives without mistakenly chopping wood, do not rush for a moment.

In the tavern, the old hunter waited for his prey to be on top, waiting to find out how the prey was in good condition.

The new hunters, on the other hand, were still discussing the plan to capture Yanagawa as if everything was under control, and they looked confident.

A few minutes later, there was movement at the gate of the tavern.

Four footsteps slowly approached from a distance.

Not long after, a clown dressed as a thin man pushed open the short American bar door and walked into the tavern.

"Boss, give Uncle Ben a beer and another pound of jerky!"

The person who came was the leader of the Baki Pirates, Captain Baki.

Along with him were the cadres of the two pirate groups, Capache and Mochi.

When he heard that Yanagawa was going to the bar, Bucky still didn't resist the desire to explore one or two, and followed.

He said that there would be no danger by following Yanagawa and that he could be protected even if there was a crisis situation.

Yanagawa had no choice but to let him follow.

As a result, when he walked halfway down the road, the guy was praised by passers-by and got carried away, and walked in front of Yanagawa to enter the bar first.

Completely forgetting that he was the one to be protected, he began to put up the boss's score.

Yanagawa doesn't care about it, but others don't think so.

These days, the one who comes to the front when coming to the bar is usually the boss of this group.

Bucky attracts the attention of all hunters, who habitually start with the one at the head to gauge the quality of their prey.

Soon, someone recognized Bucky's identity.

The man sat in his place and unabashedly communicated with his companions with gestures.

"Bucky the Clown, fifteen million Bailey, is a big fish."

"I fancy this prey, who wants to get involved?"

"The old rule, the bounty is divided equally."

According to local rules, whoever first sees the identity of the prey has the power to lead the operation.

Seeing the figure of 15 million, many people's eyes lit up and they suddenly thought.

I saw a large group of people raise their arms in unison.

Bucky gave them a strange look, just as if it was a local welcome event, and smiled and waved at them.


As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became a little embarrassing.

Bounty hunters should respond enthusiastically to their prey, or just ignore the past.

Fortunately, this question did not need them to get entangled, and the familiar one in the lead showed a warm smile and casually said hello perfunctory.

Satisfied, Bucky sat down at the bar, picked up his glass and started drinking.

Liu Chuan, who came in last, looked at him with no intention, and was suddenly speechless again.

Quietly observing the people in the tavern constantly communicating with gestures, secretly guessing the meaning of these gestures.

Walked over to Bucky and sat down, asked for a glass of juice and drank it, watching the bounty hunters with interest.

"Is it really okay for them to exchange intelligence with such fanfare?"

"Look at Bucky's unconscious appearance, it seems... It's really nothing. "

Perhaps the pirates of this world are too simple and completely unaware of the murderous plot hidden here.

But all this is in Yanagawa's eyes, as long as he does not ignore the past, then everything is fine.

"What does that gesture mean?"

A bounty hunter pointed at his group of three, then crossed his hand to make a pistol gesture, and then the bend of his index finger turned into a trigger gesture.

On the surface, it seems that he is going to shoot the three of them, but judging by the reactions of other bounty hunters, it does not seem to be so.

Seeing the eyes of others looking at his group a little lost, Yanagawa probably guessed what it meant.

"It probably means that the three of us don't have an official reward, otherwise they have no reason to be suddenly disappointed."

Start with the leader and analyze the identity of the person, then narrow down the scope and start looking for the target in a small area.

Speaking of which, the bounty hunter's analysis method is quite interesting.

At least nothing wrong with efficiency.

In this age of underdeveloped information, it is rare to find out who Bucky is.

Extending out through Bucky's identity and judging the identity of others can be regarded as a clever means of detection.

It's just that they seem to have forgotten one thing.

The one who came with Bucky may not be the people of the Bucky Pirates, and the one who followed behind him into the bar may not be the one with a relatively low status.

Empiricism makes bounty hunters ignore the existence of risk, and the person they miss is Yanagawa.

Yanagawa observed for a while and couldn't help but feel a little bored.

In fact, no matter what industry group, it is like that if you see more.

There are not a few more hands, nor a few more eyes, they are all human beings with two legs and two arms, nothing unusual.

Turning his head to look at the bar owner, Yanagawa asked about the extraterrestrial meteorite.

"Boss, I heard that a meteorite has recently fallen from the sky in this vicinity, is there any news on your side, the price of intelligence is not a problem."

The boss was a middle-aged man with a neat beard repaired, and while wiping his wine glass with a clean rag, he blurted out after thinking for a while.

"It just so happened that someone also asked this question some time ago, just I went to understand it, more specific I don't know, can only give you a general range."

Saying that, the boss gestured to count the money, and then extended five fingers.

Yanagawa glanced at Bucky, who made a "fifty thousand" gesture with his lips.

Well, everyone is watching, is it necessary to make it so mysterious?

It's like doing something shady, it's a shame.

Liu Chuan's face turned dark, and he took out 50,000 Bailey from his arms and handed it over.


The boss took Bailey and counted the money neatly in the cash cabinet.

This boss seems to be well-educated, whether it is when gesturing or collecting money before, he does not reveal the slightest lewd atmosphere, which is completely different from ordinary intelligence traffickers.

Just watch him wash his hands gracefully, dry his hands and continue to do his previous work.

Seeing that Yanagawa's gaze was still focused on him, the boss smiled.

"Alabastan, the meteorite fell on Alabastan."

"In fact, you don't need to come to my side to inquire about the news, just find a random passerby to know the general situation."

"Speaking of which, you still lose a lot."

He still seems to be more exquisite, and after collecting the money, he told Yanagawa the truth in a blink of an eye.

But Yanagawa didn't care much.

This kind of thing is inherently unpredictable, even if you ask passers-by, you may slam your nose.

Fifty thousand Bailey is not expensive, just the price of solving the trouble.

As long as the intelligence is successfully obtained, this is nothing.

What really made Yanagawa care more was the person who the boss just said was looking for the whereabouts of the meteorite as he did.

Most people don't ask this kind of question, especially in a place like a bar.

It was probably guessed that the man was either a sword master like him or a swordsmith.

Regardless of the identity, Yanagawa didn't want to hear it.

After all, they all have the same purpose, they are all here for extraterrestrial meteorites.

After thinking for a while, Liu Chuan took out another fifty thousand Bailey from his arms and handed it over.

The boss's expression was a little puzzled, but he still took the money.

"What question do you want to ask?"

The boss did not rush to put the money into the cash cabinet, but first asked Yanagawa about his intentions.

Usually, when selling information, he first quotes, and then the customer decides whether to buy the information, such as directly giving money to ask about some small things.

However, he saw that Yanagawa's age was a little too young, thinking that he did not understand the rules, so he just took the money and did not put it away directly.

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