Yanagawa thought for a while and asked his question.

"I want to know what the person who asked you to buy information on extraterrestrial meteorites before did, when he came to buy intelligence, what he looked like, and it was best if he could describe everything in his suit."

"If it really doesn't work, just answer my first question, what does that person do."

After thinking about it, Yanagawa still felt that it was in his interest to ask this question.

Most of the people who look for meteorites like him are swordsmen or swordsmen, but who they actually are, it remains to be verified.

The boss in front of him happened to see the appearance of the person, didn't he just confirm the person's occupation by purchasing intelligence?

With the intelligence trafficker's sensitivity to information, he would not forget the appearance of that person so quickly.

As long as the general appearance and clothing are determined, the occupation of the person can be determined.

If you identify the profession, you can obtain more information through other intelligence that follows.

Even if the meteorite is taken first and taken first, then more possibilities can be analyzed based on the intelligence obtained here, and it is more convenient to find people.

In short, fifty thousand Bailey to buy this news is definitely not a loss.

And it doesn't matter if you lose, you don't have much money anyway, it doesn't matter if you lose money or not.

Thinking so, Yanagawa picked up the cup and drank the fresh orange juice in the cup, while observing the boss's reaction.

The sour and refreshing natural juice is refreshing to drink in one sip, and even the boat and car work for many days have eased a lot.

Of course, this is an exaggeration, maybe it is Yanagawa's illusion or not.

The boss was still thinking, not knowing whether he was recalling the picture in his memory or measuring the value of this information.

This business is not in the boss's budget, you have to give him time to think.

After waiting for about ten seconds, the boss may have thought of something and put the brand new Bailey on the table into the cash cabinet.

"It was a man, about thirty years old, and the clothes on his body were forgotten because it had been too long."

"But the man's costume is still relatively recognizable, and he uses a sword like you."

"As for the time... If I'm not mistaken, it would have been seventeen days ago. "

"It happened to be caught in town that day... A special festival, very lively and I was very impressed with the day. "

On the day that the swordsman came to inquire about the news, the town planned a big plan to capture a "sea thief" worth 70 million Baileys.

The impression in the boss's mouth was that he was referring to this matter, but he couldn't say it in front of Bucky and his group.

If they noticed something strange, he would be in trouble by the bounty hunters.

Yanagawa was keenly aware of the pause when the boss changed his words, and although he was naturally perfunctory, all this did not escape Yanagawa's golden eyes.

It's just that he really doesn't care about this matter, and he hopes that the boss will reveal more about other things.

Like what...... The man.

It's a pity that the tavern owner's information ends here, and after saying these few words, he shut up and didn't mean to continue.

Yanagawa shook his head slightly, not caring much.

Thirty-something, seventeen days ago, with a sword.

Together, a thirty-something Jianhao passed by the Whiskey Peak seventeen days ago and asked about the extraterrestrial meteorite.

Because it was too long, the boss forgot the man's specific appearance and clothing, and only remembered that he was carrying a sword on his back.

"Jian Hao, this is really bad news."

Yanagawa sighed slightly, no longer as confident as before the outcome of this trip.

Not all those who use swords can be called Jianhao, and those who can be crowned with the title of Jianhao are at least swordsmen who can cut out sword qi.

Generally, this kind of swordsman has at least 30 million Baileys or more, and a swordsman of this strength often means that he can walk sideways in the first half of the great voyage.

Coupled with the seventeen days after the weakening, Yanagawa was a little discouraged, which was too normal.

It's just that there is a saying that sometimes it is really troublesome.

I saw that the boss looked at him strangely after hearing what he said.

"Who told you that he is Jianhao, I didn't provide this kind of information, I just said that the person used a sword like you, didn't say that he was Jianhao, don't misunderstand."


Seems like something went wrong.

Hearing the boss's words, Liu Chuan looked at him twice with confused eyes, and then reacted, and lightly hammered his thigh with some embarrassment.

"Yes, the boss just said that he used a sword, but he didn't say that he was a sword hao."

"It's all to blame that I habitually translated this sentence into the same Jian Hao as me, and I was confused for a while."

Only at this time would Yanagawa act like a little child, watching him gently stick out his tongue at the bar owner and wink his eyes as an apology.

The funny action put on a teenager his age does not make people feel offended in the slightest, and the boss just laughs and shakes his head without taking it seriously.

But in the next second, the boss suddenly reacted and looked at the teenager in front of him with wide eyes.

"You are Jianhao?!!!"

Because of the excessive shock, the boss's voice was inevitably a little amplified, which disturbed the surrounding customers.

The bounty hunter's wistful gaze swept over to this side, and the boss nodded apologetically to them, which was regarded as calming the things that disturbed them.

However, the shock in his heart did not abate in the slightest, and he still couldn't believe that the young man in front of him was a sword hao.

The swordsman is a rarity on the sea, and the sword hao can be described as a treasure among rare things.

You must know that those who use swords are not necessarily all Jianhao, such as some who use the ability of the devil fruit to drive weapons, then they cannot be called Jianhao at all.

For this kind of person, at best, it can only be called a swordsman, no more.

After all, their strength is more reflected in the fruit ability than in swordsmanship.

Most of the real kennobles disdain to eat the devil fruit, they are samurai who are truly loyal to kendo, and they have been with the sword all their lives.

And this strange species actually appeared in the tavern of Whiskey Peak, and it was a teenager who looked to be less than sixteen years old.

This made the tavern owner, who was extremely sensitive to intelligence, have a strange guess.

Looking closely at the appearance of the two Yanagawa, the boss suddenly knew in his heart.

"This is the monster who waited for the newspaper."

"I didn't expect that just now in the tavern was still discussing his affairs, this person came to the door."

"Do you want to be so clever."

Carefully observing Liu Chuan's expression, seeing his somewhat dazed eyes, the boss couldn't help but muttered in his heart.

"Don't let him discover what he thinks, it's not so devilish, right?"

No wonder he thought so, Yanagawa's eye change was so obvious that the bar owner, who had been immersed in intelligence work for many years, instantly noticed the problem and confirmed that his mind was partially seen.

If this matter was placed on a middle-aged man, he would not be too surprised.

After all, life experience is over there, if you can't see it, you have lived half your life in vain.

But when it comes to the teenager in front of him, it is a little surprising.

Think about what he himself did when he was fifteen years old, as if he was still learning, even the movements around him ignored the past, let alone had the same amazing observation as this teenager.

It is clear that they are already so prominent in professional skills, and they are so alert, which makes others how to live.

Goods have to be thrown away, and people have to die compared to people.

The bar owner can't help but feel that he has lived in the dog's stomach for most of his life, and an inexplicable inferiority breeds in his heart.

But he was not the only one whose heart was shaken, in fact, Yanagawa, who was at a loss, was also very confused.

"What did the boss mean when he looked at me just now?"

"What the hell did you see, it looked like this."

"Has my appearance been transmitted to the Great Route?"

"Shouldn't it?"

"Obviously I'm only active in the East China Sea, how can he find out my identity?"

Just when Yanagawa felt that it might be his delusion, the boss's vicissitudes of gaze attracted his attention.

"No, this is! This has obviously been discovered, otherwise this matter would not make sense! What is he doing with low self-esteem! "

Yanagawa, who was already a little confused, was even more confused, he couldn't understand what was happening and why everyone looked like he was known.

Glancing back again, the eyes of the bounty hunters who were looking at him were flickering.

When he made contact with his gaze, he unanimously chose to retreat, looking like "I don't know anything, don't look at me".

Obviously, his identity has been completely exposed, if this does not reflect the problem, Yanagawa will not be Yanagawa.

"What is the situation, say good low-key, say okay after asking the intelligence and run away."

"The inexplicable identity was exposed, and I couldn't understand what was going on."

Following his gaze and looking down, his gaze naturally touched the young bounty hunters.

The eager gazes of those young people gave Yanagawa a familiar feeling, as if many people wore this kind of look when they challenged him.

It's just that these people often don't end up very well.

Either he was directly killed by him and sent to see death, or he lay on a hospital bed to recuperate, and it is not clear when he will recover.

Yanagawa instantly felt that this place was not suitable for long, and patted Bucky's shoulder, telling him to quickly follow and run.

"Bucky, my identity is exposed, it's time to go."


Bucky hadn't figured out the situation yet, and his eyes were a little confused.

"It's nothing, either you stay here and wait to be eaten and wiped clean, or follow me to leave quickly, the choice is yours, whatever you choose."

Yanagawa's tone was still so flat, but what he said made Bucky understand the current situation.

"It's not that bad, is it? They're not..."

Bucky was about to point to the guests in the tavern and say they were welcoming.

But the scene in front of them tells Bucky an extremely cruel truth, they are surrounded by a group of young people.

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