But looking at the appearance of MR.3, he doesn't seem to care much.

MR.3 just wants to vent the bitterness in his heart, and he doesn't really want to talk to Yanagawa about something.

"Many times I really admire you, there are too many places for you to admire, not only the simplicity of being young, but also deeper habits and concepts worth learning."

Many times, MR.3 looks at Yanagawa as if he were his idol.

Occasionally, I can still exude the same gaze, as if looking at the future of the gods.

Yanagawa didn't like that look, but he had to say it was enjoyable.

This is a very contradictory feeling, one side rejecting and one side accepting.

Seeing that MR.3's eyes also exuded that abnormal future at this time, Yanagawa suddenly became a little interested.

"Then tell me what habits and ideas are worth learning in me?"

Speaking of which, even Yanagawa himself does not know where he has so many advantages.

Habit is good to say, every day to see others exercise so hard, the heart will naturally rise admiration.

But what is the idea?

Are you sure I have such a thing on me?

How could I not know?

Yanagawa's puzzled look did not make MR.3's heart waver, and his gaze was even more sincere.

"Not to mention that you have practiced at such a young age to a height that ordinary people cannot reach in their entire lives, just talking about your courage is enough to amaze people."


What guts?

What is this guy talking about, how did I not know?

Yanagawa looked inexplicable, unable to understand what MR.3 was saying at all.

However, what he said next made Yanagawa's face darken.

Just listen to MR.3 followed by an affectionate exclamation.

"Knowing the danger of the Great Voyage, you dare to be in danger, if you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that you will have long been hiding in the shadows and working hard to practice, and then come out to operate after you have strong strength."

"The same is true of the billion bounty offered by Doflamingo, plus the official bounty of 500 million, for a total of 1.5 billion."

"People who dare to go out alone to adventure with such a high reward, I have only seen you in my life."

On the Great Route, there are not a few pirates worth hundreds of millions.

Even when it comes to the seas of the New World, there are quite a few people worth a billion.

But like Liu Chuan, it is rare to be alone and worth 1.5 billion.

Even the four-emperor whitebeard, who has a reward of more than four billion yuan, is backed by his own forces.

If Whitebeard dares to act alone, I am afraid that many people will focus their attention on him.

That's a bounty of up to five billion, and it also represents the power pattern of the New World.

Even high-level pirates can't resist this temptation to attack the most powerful man in the world.

In contrast, Yanagawa's solitary adventure on the Great Route is somewhat intriguing.

Discerning people can see that the Bucky Pirates are just Yanagawa's use objects, and they are not his partners at all.

And even if they were, then they were not qualified to participate in the battle of Yanagawa .

In this situation, he dared to enter the great route, and MR.3 could only express his feelings with worship.

However, this word sounded to Yanagawa's ears and had another meaning.

"You wait first, what a billion bounty and five billion bounty, why can't I understand what you mean?"

"Can you tell me carefully about the situation here, I'm a little confused now, I need to slow down."

MR.3 What exactly does this mean?

It seems that Doflamingo offered me a reward?

Does his bounty count, and as a pirate, how can he offer a bounty to someone?

Also, what is the official 500 million reward?

Does the official mean the Navy or the World Government?

Didn't I have a total bounty of 300 million?

Is it rising again?

Seeing that Yanagawa's tone did not look like a fake, MR.3 was also a little confused, what the hell is this.

"The official reward refers to the Navy's reward, which was originally 300 million, but it has become 500 million in the past few days."

"As for the Doflamingo reward, it is an underground reward, no matter what status it is, as long as you kill you, you can receive this reward."

"Of course, the underground bounty is not the same as the official bounty, they have a commission commission, and it would be good to receive 600 million for a total of one billion."

"Usually, the interest of fifty percent is about the same..."

Seeing that MR.3 had plans to continue, Yanagawa hurriedly stopped it.

"I don't want to know the news, say something useful."

"For example, how my bounty suddenly increased, and how the bounty hunter at Whiskey Peak recognized my identity."

"Then there is the question of what Doflamingo's bounty will affect, I just want to know that."

If you recall carefully, the situation in the tavern was very strange.

If the tavern owner accidentally recognized me as Red Flame Sword Hao, it wouldn't be surprising.

After all, it is to do intelligence work, and this information sensitivity should be there.

The really strange thing was the group of bounty hunters, or more accurately the younger ones.

It stands to reason that even if I have 300 million... No, with a reward of 500 million, they shouldn't recognize my identity so easily.

After all, not in the same sea, even if you remember my appearance, it will not have much effect.

From what I know about the bounty hunters, this group of unprofitable guys shouldn't do this useless work.

Their behavior was really strange, especially when the old hunters weren't interested in me.

Thinking of this, Yanagawa's eyes were fixed on MR.3's body, wanting to get an answer from him.

"Isn't it all written in the newspapers? Haven't you seen it? "

"The reason for increasing the bounty is that you took out Rear Admiral Virgo of the Navy Headquarters and was listed as one of the extremely dangerous existences."

"To remind the Navy on missions at sea, you have specially raised your bounty."

"As for how did the bounty hunter at Whiskey Peak recognize you?"

"I'm afraid it's hard for people all over the world who read newspapers to forget your image, and it's normal for them to recognize it."

MR.3 said as a matter of course, and when he spoke, Yanagawa's gaze became a little strange, as if he was looking at a primitive person who did not touch society.

In particular, just now he looked respectful and reverent, how did he change his attitude in just a few minutes?

Yanagawa was speechless on the spot, and couldn't help but want to complain.

However, hearing the information spoken by MR.3 was a little complicated, and for a while Yanagawa couldn't tell the spirit to think about these details.


This is the key word Yanagawa extracted from his words.

The increase in the bounty was somewhat unexpected, but reasonable.

But what the hell is a newspaper?

Of course, Yanagawa knows the world newspapers that are popular in this world, and he likes to read them in his spare time on weekdays, but he will not buy them specifically.

The contents of the newspapers are strange, about the changes in the power of pirates in the New World, and the dynamics of various countries.

Of course, the most is commercial information, such as the lack of important supplies on the island of the Great Route, and so on.

Occasionally, some important news about pirates is published.

For example, where did the navy and pirates clash, how many casualties, and so on.

But the reports are targeted, only for explosive information or major events related to the world order.

Other than that, stories are rarely published in newspapers, especially for newcomers.

Listening to the meaning of MR.3, it seems to mean that he has entered the field of vision of the whole world.

In other words, there is an issue of the newspaper that carries his message, and is it still on the more important half?

Yanagawa thought for a moment and decided that it would be better to confirm the news about the newspaper.

"Which issue of the newspaper are you talking about being so faceless and skinless, and publishing my report casually without my consent, it seems to be a relatively important half to listen to what you mean, which is also too much, right?"

Although it is only a matter of time before he becomes famous, Yanagawa does not want to become famous in this way.

After arriving in the new world, there is a chance to become famous, so why be in such a hurry?

At the moment, he has not fully grown up, and there is still room for growth.

The result of being famous is ushering in more storms, which is not a good thing at all, right?

Moreover, the most important thing is that it was published in the newspaper without his consent, which made Yanagawa feel that he did not receive the respect he deserved, and he was angry.

But it is clear that MR.3 does not pay as much attention to human rights as he does, and it is natural to give the answer.

"It's the last issue of the newspaper, the headline on the front page, don't you really read it?"

I haven't paid attention to such a long face in the newspaper, this teenager is really pitiful, I'm afraid I don't know how honored it is for pirates to be in the newspaper, right?

MR.3 looked at Yanagawa with a little face, and Yanagawa was extremely annoyed when he saw it.

Who is happy to report!


It's okay to publish your privacy and deeds, isn't this something that only happens if you have a hole in your brain?

The three views of the two are fundamentally opposite, and their views on this time are also different.

But isn't that what it should be?

After all, Yanagawa is not a person of this world, and it is impossible to completely assimilate into it.

Thinking of his own background, Yanagawa did not want to continue to dwell on this issue.

"Forget it, don't talk about the newspaper, you first talk about Doflamingo."

Spending a billion dollars to reward me, I'm afraid he's not crazy.

Isn't it good to have this money to strengthen yourself?

Do you have to trouble me?


Yanagawa was annoyed and secretly vowed in his heart to give Doflamingo a good look.

After waiting for a long time, seeing that MR.3 did not mean to speak, I couldn't help but urge.

"What is the situation, you are talking about it, digging a hole and not filling in you are a person?"

Hearing the urging, MR.3 suddenly returned to his thoughts.

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