For a long time, MR.1's indifferent voice came from the other end of the phone worm.

"Okay, I'll relay your words to the boss."

"But I hope you also understand, MR.3, this is no joke."

"If you let me know that the information you provided is wrong, I will kill you."

With a calm tone and a cold voice, MR.1's voice is very penetrating.

But MR.3 has long been accustomed to it and is not moved at all.

"As long as the news is confirmed, my side will cooperate immediately."

"As for the information I provided, hum! You don't need to care. "

After speaking, MR.3 took the lead and hung up the phone.

He also has a temper, don't try to make him low.


Alabastan, rainland.

Baroque Studio Headquarters, a luxurious office.

The long-haired man with a big back on his head sat half-lying behind his desk, his slender thighs resting on the delicate table.

With his suit and cigar in his mouth, he is very gangster.

In the office, the phone worm rang.

Klockdahl squinted at the phone bug on the table, waiting two seconds to pick up the microphone.

"I'm MR.0, speak."

Real names are not allowed in Baroque studios, even if each other knows each other's identities.

This is the rule, and even Klockdar as the boss will abide by it.

The phone worm is a familiar indifferent voice, but compared to when talking to MR.3, MR.1's voice has a hint of respect.

"BOSS, MR.3 said that he caught a big fish, please BOSS you personally go to the small garden."

"The target is a little guy named Red Flame Sword Hao, and I heard that the bounty is 1.5 billion."

The voice always revealed a hint of disdain, and it sounded like MR.1 didn't quite believe MR.3's judgment.

Klockdar took a deep breath and let out a long puff of smoke.


Knocking on the table for two seconds of contemplation, Klockdar responded to the phone worm.

"I see."

"You tell MR.3, I know."

Regarding the news of Yanagawa, Klockdar is naturally very clear.

A young genius from the East China Sea, a figure who is obviously only a teenager and has already made the navy's must-kill list.

A few days ago, the navy also specially sent him news that if he met Yanagawa, he would find a way to kill him.

This guy is under special care from the Navy, how could Klockdar not inquire about the situation?

Therefore, he judged that the intelligence of MR.3 was basically fine.

This is a very simple logical reasoning that does not need to be examined at all.

No child dared to impersonate the Red Flame Sword Hao, and even if there was, he should have been killed at Whiskey Peak.

Since he can come out from there, it means that Yanagawa's identity is fine.

So, now Klockdar is thinking about how to deal with this.

Is it necessary to kill the opponent with all your strength according to the orders of the navy.

To be honest, this is a very big temptation.

As one of the strong men of the underground forces, if Klockdar wants to get the underground bounty, he can basically receive the full reward.

Add that part of the Navy's bounty, which is 1.5 billion Baileys.

Few people can resist this temptation, and neither can Klockdahl.

However, he still had some concerns, after all, it was Da Jianhao who killed the rear admiral of the navy headquarters.

At the same time, the senior cadres of the Don Quixote family also died at the hands of that person.

Klockdahl is not really sure he can win his opponent.

If he loses, his losses will be great.

It was a gamble, and Klockdar had to find a one-size-fits-all solution.

At least go and see the situation first, and hear what purpose Red Flame Jianhao wants to see him.

A rash attack is likely to lead to accidents, and it is better to be cautious.

Thinking so, Klockdar pressed the bell on the table.

After a series of crunching sounds, the door to the office opened.

"What are your orders, BOSS."

A young woman dressed neatly and dressed like a hotel lobby manager bowed down and asked.

Klockdar flicked the cigarette ash and slowly ordered the woman.

"Prepare me a small boat, I will go to sea."

The woman bowed and withdrew.



On the sea, MR.3 was relieved to receive a clear instruction.

Adjusted his mood and came out of the shadows.

Seeing that Liu Chuan was still cultivating in the old place, MR.3 walked over with a happy expression.

"Sir, our boss has promised to meet you in the small garden, and I believe that we will be able to reach cooperation with the boss in two days."

"I just got the news and told you to the adults, do you feel very happy?"

Yanagawa stopped swinging the knife and glanced at MR.3 inexplicably.

What's so happy about this, isn't it a matter of course?

Looking at his appearance, this guy seems to be here to invite credit, is he trying to get my praise?

What a strange person.

Thinking so, Yanagawa still praised him.

"You're doing a good job."

Hearing this, MR.3 is as happy as a child who has eaten candy.

No longer disturbing Yanagawa's exercise, the footsteps ran away.

Yanagawa looked at his back as he left, thoughtfully.


At the same time, at the end of the first half of the Great Voyage, the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fandor.

Sengoku had just heard from his subordinates that Yanagawa was passing by the whiskey peak, and was looking down in his office in thought.

"This little ghost, has he finally entered the Great Voyage?"

"I thought he would hide in the East China Sea for the rest of his life, but I didn't expect him to have the guts."

The Warring States were thinking, and suddenly there was a movement of "clicking, clicking" around him.

It was a crisp sound that he could already hear in his office.

However, that usually appeared when he was eating snacks, and hearing this voice at such a time gave Sengoku a sense of foreboding.

Hurriedly turning his head around, sure enough, as he guessed, a sturdy old man with black hair was munching on his most beloved senbei.

"Hey! Old fellow! That's my stuff, don't move! "

The Warring States not only said, but also walked over and stretched out his hand to be strong.

Karp smiled heartlessly and pushed him away with his hand.

"Don't be so petty, isn't it just a few senbei, isn't it good to take it out and share it?"

Sengoku tried several times, but failed to snatch back the treasure that Karp was holding in his arms.

Sighing helplessly, he shrugged his shoulders and returned to his seat.

"Karp, you're so old, are you still rummaging around like a child?"

On the way back, Sengoku saw the scattered drawers on his desk, and his head was bruised.

This old guy was always like this, rummaging things while he was a little inattentive and snatching away his beloved little snacks.

The point is that he can't beat Karp, and he can't pull that face to make a move with Karp, so angry!

However, this is not the most angry, and more angry will come immediately.

Just listen to Karp pick his nose indifferently.

"What does it matter, the old man has been friends with you for so many years, what else do you and I divide."

"You really are, always hiding good things in the drawer, if you put it on the table, will the old man turn over your desk?"

Well... Look at what this means, it seems to be my pot?

The Warring States are about to explode, but he just can't do anything about Karp, no matter how angry he is, he can only endure it.

Seeing the red face of the Sengoku and the white eyes in his nostrils, Karp disagreed.

He even walked up to Sengoku while stuffing something into his mouth, curiously looking at the documents on the table.

"Speaking of which, what are you thinking? Then get into the mind. "

Sengoku rarely was in a daze, and every time he looked at him in a daze, it showed that something big had happened.

I don't know what happened this time, Karp was very curious.

The marshal glared at his old friend angrily, but did not hide it, satisfying his curiosity.

"Do you remember the Yanagawa I told you before? This kid has come to the Great Voyage, and I'm thinking about how to deal with him. "

Originally, he planned to wait for Karp to return to the East China Sea, and ask him to catch this outlaw who made a big fuss in the East China Sea by the way.

But the plan could not catch up with the change, Yanagawa had already come to the great route, and this plan was not finished.

However, in a way, it seems easier to deal with this little ghost.

It's just that now he is still in the first half of the great voyage, and it's still too far from the naval headquarters, and it's hard to do it for the time being.

"Oh! That kid! The big people who came out of our East China Sea are quite powerful. "

Karp is still that indifferent attitude, a mouthful of senbei, seeing the Warring States' eyelids jump and jump.

Hearing this, Sengoku, who was already angry, raised his hand and slapped the table.

"Awesome ghost, can't you help me think of a way to kill this little ghost who hasn't grown up yet?"

Sometimes the Warring States are a little skeptical about whether Karp is a navy.

As far as his faceless and skinless virtue is concerned, he now looks old, which makes people embarrassed to do it.

If you are a few dozen years younger, you may one day be put into a sack and pulled to a place where birds do not poop and be beaten to death.

Of course, Karp is unaware of this, and he even throws the pot with great shame.

"The old man is not a marshal of the navy, and these things are not under the responsibility of the old man, why let the old man help you think of ideas?"

I don't know what he said when he was close to Sengoku just now, and he cleaned up the relationship between the two in a turn.

The Warring States were angry and corrupted, and at the same time very helpless.

"Forget it, you better eat your senbei, talking to you will be by you sooner or later."

It is impossible to get rid of Karp and hunt down Yanagawa.

Karp this guy has a scale in his heart, and he will not be killed if he is not a real villain.

So far, Yanagawa, this little ghost, has no intention of targeting the navy or civilians for the time being.

In this case, I am afraid it will be difficult to get Karp to actively track.

As for the others.

The vice admiral is not necessarily Yanagawa's opponent, and the general needs to sit in the navy headquarters to protect the scumbags.

There is really no way to deal with this trouble for the time being.

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