If you want to deal with Yanagawa, at least wait for him to get a little closer.

After all, the distance now is too far from the headquarters of the Navy, and even the Warring States are at a loss.

"It's better to wait for him to go a little deeper and think of a way, when you get to the Chambord side, you can just send a general to get it, you don't need to be in such a hurry."

Sengoku said to himself, and his mood relaxed slightly.

But as soon as he saw Karp's appearance, his face instantly darkened again.

"You bastard..."


It is not only the navy that has received the news, but also other forces.

For example, Doflamingo, who was plotting Dressrosa in the New World, learned about the peak of Whiskey through an underground intelligence network.

"Hmph! The guts of this little devil are really not small, offending me to dare to come to the great voyage, it is really seeking his own death. "

Doflamingo looked hideous when he saw the intelligence coming from his subordinates.

However, this expression only existed for a moment, and when Seka looked at his young master again, Doflamingo's expression became much more normal.

If it weren't for hearing the sound of the young master gritting his teeth, Serka thought that he was hallucinating.

"Young Lord, since he has already arrived on the Great Voyage, do you want your subordinates to bring someone over and kill him?"

Seka the ridiculous baby sound, gesturing with her hand and making a gesture of wiping her neck, looking at Doflamingo and proposing.

Doflamingo smiled cruelly, but was eerily silent.

"Don't worry about it for now, our plan is not completed yet, and the matter is important."

It was only moments before Doflamingo responded.

It seemed that he was unwilling, but he still held back and did not agree to Serka's request for battle.

Two high-ranking cadres have died, and if they go over again, I am afraid that they will also fall into the result of figuring it out.

Doflamingo just can't help his brutal temper, not a brainless person, and there is no reason to give heads to mortal enemies for nothing.

If you want revenge, you still need to endure for a while, and it is not too late to personally lead people to surround and suppress when you get Doresrosa.

In his opinion, it is only a matter of time before he kills Yanagawa and is not in a hurry for the time being.


Looking at it now, Yanagawa's original strategy was actually correct.

As soon as he reveals his whereabouts, he will immediately be detected by his mortal enemy, and it is king to pass by low-key.

But the plan could not catch up with the change, who knew that the Navy would suddenly lift the table and expose him directly to the surface.

Now it's good, even if Yanagawa wants to keep a low profile, he can't keep a low profile.

People all over the world know his face, and unless he dresses up, it is difficult to escape the observation of those who care.

After another period of sailing, the Bucky Pirate Ship has arrived at the Island of Taikoo - the Little Garden.

It is an island covered by lush vegetation.

From a distance, except for two huge peaks and several volcanoes that are emitting white smoke, they are all covered in dense forest.

Tall and dense ancient trees dot the vast island, making it difficult to see the inside of the island.

The pirate ship docked on the coast, and the people on board looked at the river that stretched into the forest nearby, and were struggling to enter.

During this time, the Baki Pirates had seen the climate change of the Great Voyage, and the strange situation shocked them, and even Baki, who had always had a big heart, began to become cautious.

"Hey, playing with candles, didn't you say this is your territory?"

"Tell us about the situation inside, tell us what needs to be paid attention to on the island?"

The only person on board who knew about Little Garden was MR.3, and Bucky rightfully asked him about the island.

MR.3 Hearing the four words "playing with candles", the mood is not very good.

However, he has a task ahead of him, and even if he is in a bad mood, he has to cooperate in answering Bucky's questions.

"This island is relatively special, as an ancient island, it retains this most original style."

"In addition to the dense vegetation, there are some primeval creatures inside."

"For example, dinosaurs and the like, and the creatures on the island are unusually huge, which is quite dangerous."

MR.3 provides very detailed information and announces in advance the dangers lurking on the island.

At least to Bucky's ears.

But listening to Yanagawa's ears, it was a different consideration.

Yanagawa was stunned for a moment, and then waited for a while, seeing that MR.3 did not mean to continue the introduction, and a smile appeared on his face.

That's interesting.

Anyone who has seen One Piece knows that the small garden is not as simple as MR.3 says.

How did the name Little Garden come about?

An island where all living things are gigantic can be called a small garden?

Isn't it called a small garden because there are two giants living on the island, and the gigantic animals and plants have become petite in comparison?

MR.3 This guy definitely has a ghost in his heart.

It only shows the danger on the surface, but does not say the real threat, what can it be if there is no conspiracy?

Yanagawa did not believe that MR.3 did not know the real situation of the small garden.

They all regard this as one of the strongholds, can they still find out the intelligence on the island?

Whether others believe it or not, Yanagawa doesn't believe it anyway.

But there is no need to debunk him.

When everything came out, wouldn't it be nice to see his shocked expression.

Why unravel the mystery so early?

Seeing that the pirates on the ship were still arguing, Yanagawa walked up to them and the quarrel stopped.

"Stop arguing, the ship stays where it is, and Bucky and Mochi come with me."

"Others stay on the ship and don't run around, protect the pirate ship and don't make mistakes."

After speaking, without waiting for the pirates to respond, he jumped from the edge of the deck to the grass first.

At this time, Moqi reflected, quickly ran to the guardrail of the pirate ship, and asked loudly.

"Sir, why do I have to go in with me? I also want to stay on the pirate ship to protect the ship." "

Just listening to the candle player talk about the dangers on the island already scared him a little, and Mochi didn't want to go on an adventure with Yanagawa.

However, Yanagawa asked him to go over with him for a reason, so he listened to Yanagawa's faint response.

"Didn't you say that you are the strongest beast trainer in the world?"

"It just so happens that there are huge animals on the island, how good it is for you to tame them for us, save walking."

When Mochi was fine, he bragged about his past, saying that there were no animals in the world that he could not tame.

Whether it was true or not, Yanagawa paid attention.

At that time, whether or not you can tame the animal, it doesn't matter if you bring more Mochi.

If you can successfully tame it, it is very good, and it doesn't matter if you can't tame.

In line with the principle of making the best use of things, Yanagawa is still willing to give Mochi a chance to prove himself.

But in fact, Mochi didn't want this opportunity at all!

Who won't brag, he just has nothing to brag with his companions and make a fuss.

As for whether it can be tamed, Mochi really doesn't have that certainty.

However, looking at Yanagawa's serious eyes, Mochi could only obey him even if he didn't want to go.

Otherwise, it will not be as simple as being exposed to the lie, and maybe you will be beaten up and you will not be able to move.

Anyway, Mochi didn't have the guts to gamble.

Compared to Mochi's thorn, the other slippery head on the ship, Bucky, was unexpectedly obedient.

Without waiting for Yanagawa to see him, he consciously jumped to his side and waited for the others to come.

When Mochi was also in place, the two looked at Yanagawa and waited for him to give the order to move forward.

It's just that...... Yanagawa's gaze remained on the pirate ship.

"Hey, MR.3, you don't think you don't have to go without naming you, do you?"

"Can you come down and lead the way by yourself, don't waste my time."

The faint words entered MR.3's ears, making him can't help but shiver.

He answered casually and hurriedly jumped down.

"It's not that I didn't listen to your orders, I'm afraid of causing you trouble, it's my fault, pay attention next time."

MR.3's attitude of admitting mistakes is still very good, but Yanagawa still captures the cruelty hidden in the depths of his eyes.

"Gee, the agent is worthy of being a special agent, this acting skill is not known to be several levels higher than Bucky, I thought I was really so attractive and convinced you."

"If you hadn't shown your feet while on the pirate ship, I would have really been deceived by you."

Yanagawa thought with interest, and followed the guidance of MR.3 into the forest.

Thinking of MR.3's every move these days, the change in his eyes when looking at him, the smile on Yanagawa's face became more and more obvious.

This acting skill is simply comparable to an Oscar actor, why is it so similar?

What Yanagawa didn't know was that this time he was wrong about MR.3.

MR.3 really worships him from the bottom of his heart, but he really wants to harm him.

These two are two different things, and they do not conflict in the first place.

A group of four people walked in the forest, and the special smell emitted by humans quickly attracted the attention of the island's wildlife.

Within a few minutes, the forest suddenly made a whizzing sound.

Yanagawa stopped and looked in the direction where the voice came from with a hint of excitement.

"Something is coming, Mochi get ready!"

No need to be reminded, the others also heard the movement and watched the situation over there warily.

The trees in the distance trembled one after another, and the situation was spreading rapidly to this side, and everyone could see that something was coming.

The four watched nervously, only to stop when something was about to reach them, and the forest became quiet again.

After waiting for a moment, it was as if the threat had passed.

The experienced Yanagawa and MR.3 clearly knew that this was the calm before the storm.

The creature that came was most likely a carnivore, it was supposed to be in ambush and observing the situation.

But Bucky and Mochi don't know the situation.

They also thought that the danger had passed, and they breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at each other to relieve the tension in their hearts.

Bucky was about to say something, but before he could speak, a huge dinosaur head fell from the sky, opened its blood basin and bit the four people.

Yanagawa was the first to react, and his footsteps lightly stepped on the ground, easily flashing.

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