MR.3 reacts a little slower.

However, his dodging movements are very gorgeous, and a path made of candles appears under his feet like ice.

MR.3 Follow the path that suddenly appears to avoid danger.

"Nani! What is this thing, it's terrible! "

Captain Bucky used his ability to fragment, splitting his body into several parts to escape the range of the Tyrannosaurus rex's attack.

While running, he did not forget to exclaim, as if he was dying, and the reaction was extremely exaggerated.

If Yanagawa hadn't seen with his own eyes that he had successfully escaped the danger, he really thought that he would have been eaten by the Tyrannosaurus rex.

But Captain Bucky's successful escape doesn't mean they're safe.

In an instant, only Mochi was left in danger.

Poor Mochi did not bring his pet, the imposing lion.

Mo Qi had no combat power at all, and was standing in a daze with his hands and feet at a loss.

Just when Yanagawa was already preparing to pull out the knife to save people, something strange happened.

Just watch Mochi raise his hands to reach out to the incoming dinosaur, looking at the fierce beast with unusually loving eyes.

It is also strange to say, the originally extremely fierce Tyrannosaurus rex was stared at by him for two seconds, and his eyes became ignorant and curious.

Forgetting that it was here to hunt prey, tilted its head to look up close at the lewd man with cat ears.

Seems to have developed a slight affection for him?

"Let me say, I have a hand in taming animals, and there is no beast in this world that I can't tame!"

Mochi was greatly encouraged and got a little carried away.

While he continued to mobilize the thinking of the Tyrannosaurus rex, he did not forget to show off his abilities.

Bucky seemed shocked by this magical scene and cried out in surprise.

"Yes, I didn't expect that this guy of yours still has two hands, and he is worthy of being my subordinate."

Just saying that he was not satisfied, walked to Moqi and patted him on the shoulder, looking honored.

Even MR.3 opened its mouth slightly, as if in disbelief.

Only Yanagawa, his expression was still so calm.

No, or rather, he looked at the two men with a hint of interest in his gaze.

Others may not know, but Yanagawa can clearly feel the malice that gradually amplifies in the Tyrannosaurus rex.

With a domineering appearance, he is the one who knows the situation on the field best.

Next, just when Bucky and Mochi thought they were in control.

The Tyrannosaurus rex, which was originally relatively well-behaved, suddenly changed its face, and looked maliciously at the two people below him with its big teeth intertwined.

That kind of expression is unusually similar to the arrogant appearance of children after successful pranks, and it makes people feel chilled.

In the next second, the Tyrannosaurus rex launched an attack.

Once again, he opened his blood basin and mouth, and without hesitation, he bit towards the two people in front of him.

This time, Bucky couldn't avoid it anymore, and the two of them hugged Mochi and screamed loudly.

"Wow!! Fooled! I'm going to die!! "

Bucky's eyes were almost popping out, and his tongue was separated from his body, constantly fluttering in midair.

Seeing that they were about to die in the mouth of the beast, Yanagawa's hand touched the hilt of the knife at his side.

Jokes are jokes, people jokes are jokes.

But in the end, he still can't watch these two people die.

First, he also needs to take Bucky's pirate ship to Alabastan to find extraterrestrial meteorites.

Second, during this time, Bucky and his group brought him a lot of joy, and he wanted to continue to enjoy that unique atmosphere, how could he easily let them die.

Yanagawa's gaze was extremely clear, and his eyes were shaking around the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex, looking for the direction to start.

The hand had already touched the handle of the knife, and the next second the knife flashed.

I saw the Tyrannosaurus rex that pounced on the past stiffly froze in place, just when Bucky thought that he was being played with again, and despair rose in his heart.

The entire head of the Tyrannosaurus rex separated from the body and fell to the ground.


The meadow could not withstand the heavy, deep depression.

The dead Tyrannosaurus rex still had that cruelty in its eyes, and it didn't react to the fact that it was dead.

Yanagawa put the knife away, walked to the two who were still in a daze, and each gently kicked the two to sober up.

"Wake up, don't be in a daze, don't waste time."

Bucky woke up first, his eyes looking confused.

"This is, are we already safe?"

What had just happened was so sudden that it almost didn't freak him out.

"Of course, or you think."

After answering Bucky, Yanagawa turned to look at Mochi, who was also awake.

"If you say it's better to go back first, go and tell your companions that there is a Tyrannosaurus rex corpse here, and let them help carry it over."

"The words of this Tyrannosaurus rex should be a reward for your hard work these days, and you can eat it for dinner."

Seeing Moqi looking at the Tyrannosaurus rex and wanting to stop talking, Yanagawa knew that he was worried that he would not be safe on the way back, and smiled and said two more words to reassure him.

"Don't worry, the creature of Tyrannosaurus rex has a strong sense of territory, and there will be no other large carnivores around here."

"You don't need to worry about safety on the road, as long as it's an ordinary forest."

After that, Yanagawa no longer paid attention to the man's reaction, and made a look at Bucky and MR.3, asking them to follow.

After a while, he disappeared into the dense forest again, leaving Mochi alone in place.

The cold wind blew through, and Mochi realized he was alone.

Looking around, I couldn't help but shrink my shoulders.

Remembering Yanagawa's proposal when he left, he had the courage to run towards the road that came over.


The gaze returned to Yanagawa and them.

Bucky was really stupid and bold, and after realizing that he was out of danger, he instantly returned to normal and became the very energetic Captain Bucky.

After walking for a while, seeing that Yanagawa didn't mean to speak, Bucky slowly leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"Yanagawa-sama, are you sure there is treasure on this island? It always feels like it's dangerous. "

When Yanagawa specifically beckoned him to come with him, Bucky naively believed that the treasure was hidden on the island.

Otherwise, there's no reason to bring him with you, isn't it?

However, in fact, Yanagawa simply thought that something interesting would happen with Bucky, so he brought him with him.

It's also true that there's always joy where Bucky is there.

Whether others find it interesting or not, Yanagawa enjoys Bucky's performance like a mobile meme.

Hearing Bucky's question, Yanagawa answered with a smile.

"No, I just came to find Klockdar to reach a cooperation, there is no treasure on this island, don't think about it."

Why are you bringing me here without treasure, looking for fun?

Bucky looked at Yanagawa's back with dissatisfaction, his eyes mournful.

However, he did not dare to vent the resentment in his heart, and Bucky's desire to survive had always been strong, and he would not make such low-level mistakes.

"Then when are we going to look for the treasure, is the treasure far away from us?"

Yanagawa keenly noticed the change in Bucky's tone, knowing that Bucky must be dissatisfied again, but he didn't care much.

After thinking casually, Yanagawa answered Bucky's question in a nonchalant tone.

"The specific location has not yet been inquired, and when I get to Alabasta I will almost know the hiding place of the treasure."

"You also know that treasures are usually buried in some location that people can't find, otherwise they would have been taken away long ago, right?"

"Be a little patient, finding treasure is never easy."

As soon as Bucky thought about it, Yanagawa seemed to have a point, nodded and stopped talking.

The team began to fall silent again, leaving only a squad of three people to hurry.

Under the guidance of MR.3, the group quickly arrived at the secret base opened up by the Baroque studio.

It was a space carved out of the cliff of a mountain.

There is a gate hidden in the empty cliff wall, and the shape and color of the gate are very similar to the environment of the cliff wall, and if you don't look closely, you can't really find that this is the entrance.

MR.3 naturally looked at Yanagawa, waiting for him to make an idea.

"This is the better meeting place between me and MR.1, I wonder what you think, adult?"

Yanagawa raised his chin towards the gate and motioned for him to knock.

"Just call people, there is no need to engage in something imaginary."

"I came to you to cooperate, and I don't have other ideas, what to do so complicated."

MR.3 nodded and walked to the door with a start knocking.

From the knock on the door, it seems that there is some kind of pattern.

It seems that these agents also like to engage in code or something, as if they are very professional.

After a while, the heavy gate opened.

MR.3 and the man at the door looked at each other, and the man hiding in the base appeared.

The visitor was none other than the number one agent of the Baroque studio, a flat-headed man with a tall horse, MR.1.

"Why are you, your boss, didn't you say that you would meet in the small garden?"

"Why can't I see your boss."

Seeing that the person who came out was not Klockdar, Yanagawa couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

My gaze skimmed over MR.1 and looked deep into the cave, where it was empty.

Don't Klockdar hasn't arrived yet, has he?

Speaking of which, the nest of the king of the desert should be in Alabastan.

That guy is coming to the little garden and also has to come by boat.

If he's not here yet, that's understandable.

Yanagawa looked towards MR.1, waiting for him to give an answer.

However, what surprised Yanagawa was that MR.1's attitude was somewhat strange.

MR.1 looked at him like looking at a cold air, looking like no one was in sight.

And he doesn't seem to have the intention to explain, which is kind of funny.

Yanagawa only glanced at it and judged that something was wrong, and turned his gaze to MR.3.

"Tell me, what's going on."

"I said I didn't mind your little tricks, but I also warned you not to trick me."

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