Seeing that Yanagawa looked bad, MR.3 was anxious, and frequently looked at MR.1 to let him answer Yanagawa's question.

But MR.1 didn't seem to see it, and still stared at Yanagawa coldly without saying a word.

"So, MR.3, you don't know where your boss is, do you? It's like I've been tricked. "

Liu Chuan smiled angrily, he hadn't been teased like this for a long time, it seemed that someone really didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

MR.3 liver and gallbladder split, quickly explained.

"No, I already told MR.1, he said that the boss has rushed from Alabastan ..."

But Yanagawa would listen to his explanation, and hearing the news provided by MR.1, Yanagawa glared angrily.

"Good, good, it seems that you are very arrogant, then let me see how much strength you really have, dare to pretend in front of me."

Seeing that Yanagawa was already angry and showed signs of making a move, MR.1 finally opened the golden mouth.

However, what he said was not the answer Yanagawa wanted to hear.

"You... Is it really Chiyan Jianhao? It does look a bit like the pattern on the bounty order. "

Well, it turns out that it was for this reason.

Yanagawa finally understood, this guy didn't take himself seriously at all, even if he walked in front of him, he still doubted his identity.

"Very good! You will pay for your ignorance. "

What more needs to be said?

Yanagawa stepped the ground, and the distance of three meters was fleeting.

His right hand gripped the handle tightly and poked at MR.1's upper abdomen.

Although Yanagawa is extremely angry, he still has sanity, he needs Klockdahl's assistance, he can make a move, but he can't see blood.

I saw that the handle of the knife wrapped around the rope directly touched MR.1's abdomen and made a "ding" sound.

The sound was a bit like the sound of metal crashing together, and the touch in his hand told Yanagawa that he was hitting a hard object rather than flesh.

"Devil Fruit Ability?"

Feeling abnormal, Yanagawa took half a step back and opened the distance between the two.

Only then did MR.1 react that he was attacked.

This really happened too quickly, so fast that he only felt that the figure in front of him flashed, and the figure of his opponent disappeared.

When he saw him again, the other party had already attacked his body and flashed away.

"So fast!"

MR.1 looked shocked, and he finally realized that the strength of the visitor was far beyond his imagination.

However, this blow also made him understand the fact that his defense was still reliable.

"You're fast, and I admit you're strong."

"But it's useless, you can't break through my defenses."

MR.1, the ability to quickly chop fruits.

The Devil Fruit transformed his body, making every part of his body as hard as steel, giving him extremely strong defensive abilities.

Similarly, he can use the power of the fruit to transform any part of his body into a sharp blade, and the fast slash fruit is not an idle person in terms of attack.

"Really... Isn't it useful? "

Yanagawa knows how slow MR.1's response is.

He obviously didn't realize that he was attacking him with the hilt of a knife, and maybe he was still complacent and felt invincible, right?

Thinking of this, Yanagawa suddenly smiled.

"That's fine, then I don't need to continue to keep my hand, since you feel that your defense is strong, then try to survive."

Again using the Navy Six Style, the "shaving" of the accelerated body method instantly closes to the body of MR.1.

This time, Yanagawa did not attack with only the hilt of the knife as before.

He pulled out his knife.

It's just that the direction of holding the knife is reversed, and the blade is not aimed at the other party.

An ordinary swing of the knife towards MR.1.

This knife does not have any flashy special effects, just like Yanagawa usually exercises, just a very ordinary slash.

The only thing that makes a little difference is that it's extremely fast.

So fast that MR.1 simply could not find the trajectory of the blade in the air.

Yanagawa himself couldn't remember how many times he had swung the knife, and it was his most skillful move.

I saw a flash of white light, and the light blue blade of the chaotic sky hit MR.1's arm.

The two struck together to flash a lot of sparks, and the body of the MR.1 is really no different from metal.

But does it make sense?

Metal is omnipotent, invincible?

The so-called defense that cannot be broken through is pure joke!

Even the armed color domineering was not used, but an ordinary flat slash caused MR.1's body to tremble.

Feeling the pain coming from his body, MR.1 hurriedly used a move to strengthen his defenses.

"Chop people."

But this was useless, and Yanagawa slashed several times in succession.

The same move slashes in the same position, making MR.1's body vibrate constantly while bursting into sparks.

"I don't believe that your internal organs are also made of metal, there must be fragile parts under the hard shell, can you resist the slashing blow and withstand the vibration caused by the huge force?"

"I really don't believe it!"

Saying that, Yanagawa's movements couldn't help but speed up more than one layer.

The light blue blade body flashed in the air one after another, and only afterimages and sparks that continued to crack could be seen.

MR.1 seems to be in an extremely passive situation, he only dares to stand in place and passively defend, without making any offensive movements.

The battle goes directly into a one-sided crush, and the two are not opponents of the same level at all.

"How did it suddenly become like this?"

"Obviously, at the beginning, I said that I would wait for the president to act together."

"MR.1, this stupid guy is making his own claims again."

This battle has been going on until now, and MR.3 has always been in the eye.

When he first saw MR.1 resisting the attack, he still thought that MR.1 would not necessarily lose.

But seeing this, MR.3 also knows that there is no hope of finding any overturn.

He had even seen that Yanagawa was showing mercy under his subordinates, and he was suddenly a little relieved.

Yanagawa's retention means that he has not given up cooperation with the president, so that at least he does not have to worry about his life.

However, it seems that suffering is estimated to be indispensable.

All blame this guy MR.1 for messing around, causing him to be targeted by Yanagawa together.

Bucky was also watching the battle, his mouth growing big, and he was surprised by the sight in front of him.

"Is this guy's defense so strong? They have all cut so many knives, it seems that they can still hold up. "

"But he looks uncomfortable, obviously he has already prevented it, why is his expression still so painful?"

"It's so strange."

Not to blame Bucky for making a fuss, Yanagawa's strategy from the beginning was to indirectly attack the opponent's internal organs through concussion.

Concussions can transmit power, especially against a guy with an extremely hard appearance like the MR.1, which is very effective.

I saw that MR.1 struggled for a few seconds, and blood was already oozing from the corner of his mouth.

Noticing this, Yanagawa also stopped.

"Oh, it's such a waste, even the back of the knife can't bear it, and I dare to say that I can't break through your defenses, and I don't know who gave you the courage."

The words of disdain were so harsh in MR.1's ears, and he wanted to say something, but he vomited a large pool of scarlet blood.

"Hah! If you want me to be you, stay where you are and wait for the doctor to come and treat you. "

"Don't think I'm lying to you, if you continue to move around in your current situation, you may be violently killed on the spot."

Yanagawa is not alarmist.

No matter how strong a person's body is, his internal organs are still fragile.

Don't look at MR.1 on the surface that nothing happened, maybe his organs have already ruptured and are bleeding non-stop.

The large pool of blood he vomited was the best proof that if it wasn't for internal bleeding, how could it be such a large amount of bleeding.

MR.1 realized the seriousness of the problem and stood in place and did not dare to move.

But this gave Yanagawa a chance to vent his anger.

"Aren't you very strong?"

"Isn't it disdainful of me?"

"Why, it makes you feel very comfortable falling into this situation, right?"

"Have you ever heard of pretending to be struck by lightning?"

"Bah! What is it! "

When it came to anger, Yanagawa couldn't bear it anymore and spat unceremoniously into MR.1's face.

If he really had that strength, he would have dared to pretend in front of him without strength, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

That is, seeing that he happened to need Klockdahl's help, he did not kill MR.1.

Otherwise, there would be no need for such a hassle at all.

Wouldn't it be more relieving to directly cut him in two with an armed color domineering knife?

"I really have to thank your boss for living to this point."

"If it weren't for Klockdar's forces that happened to be in Alabastan and would have hacked you to death, would you know?"

After venting, Yanagawa's irritable mood in his heart was slightly reduced by half a point.

But that's all, if you want to really suppress this evil fire, you have to kill the initiator of all this, Doflamingo.

If it weren't for Doflamingo having to trouble him, why would he be making trouble to this point.

It was originally just a small trafficking case, but now he is directly famous all over the world.

Isn't that hilarious!

Thinking so, Yanagawa's gaze glared at MR.3.

"You have already seen the person, now contact me Klockdar and let him come and meet me quickly."


Just when MR.3 was at a loss and didn't know how to deal with the past, a hoarse voice came over.

"What else do you want?"

Yanagawa's gaze looked in the direction where the voice came from.

The person who came is one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, and it is also the target that Yanagawa is looking for, the king of the desert - Klockdar.

"Do you still need to say that? Directly hacked to death, of course, Klockdar! "

Seeing that the Lord had arrived, the anger in Yanagawa's heart finally showed signs of extinguishing.

However, there is a way that the two armies are in front of the formation, and they do not lose momentum.

Even if he noticed that Klockdar's mood was not happy, Yanagawa still chose to confront him.

He came to seek cooperation, not to ask him for help, so there is no need to whisper.

It's just that Yanagawa's words successfully ignited Klockdar's anger.

Originally, when he came over, he was already thinking about what Yanagawa meant, and whether there was a possibility of reaching cooperation with him.

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