But seeing MR.1 being humiliated in public, Klockdar dismissed the idea.

"When will my subordinates get someone else's turn to teach a lesson, I've never heard of this truth!"

"Chiyan Jianhao!"

Since he became the Seven Martial Sea, there have been very few people who have flaunted their might in front of him.

Not to mention killing his subordinates in front of him, which was unacceptable to Klockdar.

Seeing that the atmosphere of the scene became more and more tense, it seemed that he would start at any time.

Bucky walked up to Yanagawa with a nervous look and whispered a reminder.

"Sir, this is the Seven Wuhai, are we a little more restrained?"

This is not the color of MR.1, if it is hit, it will be hit, it is not a big deal.

Klockdar is one of His Majesty's Seven Martial Seas, one of the pirates standing on top of the world.

If he really clashed with Klockdar, Bucky didn't think Yanagawa could win the battle.

But will Yanagawa listen to him?

Obviously that's impossible!

There was no word back down in his dictionary, and even if he needed Klockdar's help, he didn't think to keep his breath down.

All roads lead to Rome, and you don't have to cooperate with Klockdar to find extraterrestrial meteorites.

It's a big deal to subdue Klockdar and force him to help.

Thinking so, Yanagawa's fighting spirit burned.

It just so happened that he hadn't fought enough before, and if Klockdar didn't know how to lift up, he would just use him to vent the evil fire in his heart.

"Don't talk that nonsense, your dog upsets me, what's wrong with kicking two feet?"

"If you are not convinced, show your hand, and we will see the real chapter under our hands."

"If you don't have that ability, don't force your head, lest everyone have a bad look on their faces."

Yanagawa is not afraid of Klockdar.

What's wrong with Qi Wuhai, provoke one is to provoke, provoke two is also provoke.

He didn't think he couldn't beat Klockdar.

Hearing him say this, Bucky became even more anxious.

"Klockdar is a natural fruit ability, it's really not that easy to deal with."

"Adult, you can restrain your temper a little, even if I beg you, just a little bit, is it not good to live in peace?"

Bucky was about to cry, it was the fruit of nature.

It must be known that the three admirals of the navy are all capable of the fruits of nature, and the natural system is basically equal to the admiral.

Even if Liu Chuan is strong, how can he beat the natural fruit at this stage.

There is basically no chance of winning this battle.

If Yanagawa knew Bucky's thoughts, he would probably have dismissed it.

What happened to the natural fruit, isn't Smogg the natural fruit?

Armed color domineering Tianke is natural, and he is not without elemental means.

Seeing that Yanagawa had made up his mind, Bucky was not good to continue persuading.

Watching Klockdar's movements vigilantly, Bucky quietly moved away from Yanagawa, deeply afraid of being affected.

By this time, Klockdar's anger had reached its peak.

"In that case, let's see what you're capable of!"

Obviously just a little ghost, really dare to say anything!

Since he doesn't give him face, why should he waste time here, just start fighting.

Klockdar opened his arms as yellow sand seeped out of the meadow and floated into the air.

In less than a moment, yellow sand flew in the air.

At some point, a small storm was condensing in the palm of Klockdar's hand.


The battlefield has been arranged, and Klockdar no longer delays and throws out the sandstorm in his hands.

"Sha Lan!"

I saw that after the originally subtle storm was put into the air, it converged with the sand and dust flying in the air, and a huge storm was directly formed in an instant.

The sky and the earth changed color, sandstorms isolated the sun, and the battlefield fell into darkness for a while.

Yanagawa's gaze remained fixed on Klockdar, as if he was unaware of this, and directly chose to ignore the storm that was coming.

Seeing this, Bucky was sweating profusely.

Unable to care about the waves in his heart, he quickly reminded Liu Chuan.

"Danger, Yanagawa-sama! Hurry up and get out of the way! "

The wind and sand in the sky were like the product of the wrath of the gods, making Bucky shudder.

Is this the strength of nature?

It's just terrible.

Looking at the sandstorm that was getting stronger and stronger not far away, Bucky was desperate, and his eyes were lightless.

And the same is true of MR.3, it is the first time he has seen the boss go all out, it is simply as scary as the end of the world.

Of course, what was even more terrifying was the teenager.

Obviously the storm was already in front of him, but he was still indifferent.

It seemed that in his eyes, this storm was just a trivial trick, and he did not pay attention to it at all.

The next second, MR.3 saw the teenager move.

Just pulling out the knife, very casually in the air.

The imminent storm becomes extremely unstable as if it has been strongly disturbed.

However, it was still barely fulfilling its mission, but it was no longer able to return to the sky, and when it reached Yanagawa, the storm subsided, and not even a single piece of sand touched Yanagawa.

Such a terrifying move was actually destroyed by this young and easy one.

It's just incredible.

Bucky exclaimed even more, unable to believe what was happening in front of him.


"I broke the attack of the Seven Wuhai with just one sword, am I not mistaken?"

Yes, it was such a casual knife that cut down the seemingly unstoppable sandstorm.

This is no coincidence, let alone a trick by Klockdar.

It is Yanagawa's grasp of air flow that rises to a realm unimaginable to ordinary people.

Any wind-related moves are ineffective against him.

"This trick is very spectacular, very visually impactful, but unfortunately it is a little weaker, and it can be done casually."

"Is that all your strength?"

"It's really weak enough."

Liu Chuan disdained and played the wind in front of Jian Hao, what is the difference between this and brushing a big knife in front of Guan Yu.

As long as you practice swords to a certain level, you will be very sensitive to changes in airflow.

Sandstorms look unbeatable, but in fact, as long as the balance point of the air flow is upset, it will collapse in an instant.

The bells and whistles, there is no practical use at all, and it is not useful in the middle.

As Yanagawa spoke, Klockdar's heart shook dramatically, and he was completely stunned.

He didn't hear what Yanagawa said at all, and his mind kept thinking about why it had become like this.

In his expectation, the storm should swallow this teenager in an instant, directly killing him in seconds.

But now the situation is completely different.

The casual picture like a child's play became Klockdar's demons.

He couldn't help but wonder if he was the boy's opponent.

One of the most powerful attacks is so easily destroyed, then the other moves will also fall the same way.

Although he was the initiator of the attack, Klockdar did not realize how subtle Yanagawa's "point" was.

Inexplicably caught in self-doubt, shocked.

But Yanagawa is not polite.

Klockdar dared to be in a daze in battle, he felt obligated to teach this guy a lesson.

Let him understand what the price of mistakes is!

Yanagawa's figure flashed and approached his opponent with a shaving.

The chaos in his hand was instantly unsheathed, and the blade flashed straight to Klockdar's throat.

Noticing the incoming blade in the afterlight, Klockdar subconsciously raised his left hand to block the attack.

When the two touch, it makes a violent noise.


The deafening sound woke MR.1 in recuperation, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a scene that shocked him.

I saw that the blade collided with the golden hook, setting off a film of air visible to the naked eye.

As the two continue to wrestle, the film continues to expand in a round shape.

Less than a blink of an eye had already included the two.

At this time, the membrane containing infinite power finally reached a spiritual point and suddenly burst out.

It formed an extremely strong qi wave, like spreading everywhere.

Everywhere they went, whether it was the dense weeds on the ground or towering trees, they were uprooted and thrown into the air.

For a while, the sky was green, and a large amount of vegetation flew away, falling to the ground with moist soil.

During the battle, Bucky and MR.3 were unable to move because they resisted the shock wave, and they were smashed by the same big tree.

But fortunately, the system of the two of them is quite good, and they have not suffered much injury.

Fortunately, they were separated from the battlefield by some distance, otherwise it is unknown whether they would have been so lucky.

MR.1 was completely stunned, and he thought that when he fought Yanagawa before, the strength shown by that teenager was already his limit.

I didn't expect it to be just the tip of the iceberg, which is also terrible.

"Is this the strength of the monster?"

"No wonder the newspapers say that this teenager is extremely dangerous, and it is recommended that people avoid it when they see it."

"If this knife really cuts at a person's body, who can be safe?"

MR.1 considered himself powerless to resist, and if Yanagawa had been a little more serious at that time, I am afraid that he would have been killed on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, MR.1 saw that his boss was beaten out by the teenager, which made his mood very complicated.

On the one hand, I secretly feel that this is a natural result, and on the other hand, I don't want to admit that my boss's skills are inferior.

In any case, Klockdar was sent flying out is an established fact, and no matter what he thinks, it will not change the result.

"Huh! You are really confident enough to dare to lose your mind while fighting me. "

"If it weren't for the battle instinct to save your life, I'm afraid you wouldn't have died on the spot?"

For this result, Yanagawa is still quite satisfied.

It was originally a fleeting opportunity, it was enough to achieve results, what else could he ask for?

Yu Guangzhong noticed the two people who were pressed by the big tree, and Yanagawa still had the strength to cut out a sword qi and save the two.

However, his eyes are always fixed on Klockdar, he will not make the same low-level mistakes as his opponents!

After Bucky and MR.3 got out, they immediately looked towards the center of the battlefield.

It was now bare, with only yellow-brown dirt left.

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