"Yanagawa-sama looks surprised, has he never seen the natural system, has he been frightened by elementalization?"

MR.3 asked unconsciously, he did not see the mystery.

Bucky thought a little, just watched him slowly shake his head, hesitating to say his guess.

"If I'm not mistaken, Yanagawa-sama has a record of fighting with the ability of the natural fruit."

"When I was in the East China Sea, there was a navy named Smogg, and he was the natural fruit ability."

MR.3 listened and nodded from time to time.

"And then?"

Bucky looked at MR.3 with idiot-like eyes.

"Do you still need to ask? Of course, he was bloodied by Yanagawa-sama. "

Seeing that MR.3's expression was not very happy, Bucky did not continue to be arrogant but honestly explained the cause of the matter.

He is really afraid that Yanagawa will not be able to beat Klockdar, and he is afraid that he will be retaliated by MR.3 at that time.

"It is said that at that time, Lord Yanagawa used an armed color domineering."

"Let me see, Yanagawa-sama is surprised how Klockdar can use elementalization to dodge slashes."

Bucky's guess is inseparable, basically guessing Yanagawa's psychology at this time.

MR.3 was surprised when he heard it.

"Is it actually armed color domineering?"

However, he was soon relieved, after all, Liu Chuan had awakened the overlord color domineering, and it was natural to have an armed color domineering protective body.

On the battlefield, Yanagawa's eyes flickered, looking at Klockdar not far away, his mind turned sharply, guessing how he did it.

It stands to reason that armed color domineering is an elemental nemesis, and this should not happen.

But in fact, this has already happened, and it clearly appeared in front of him.

Since it is a fact, there must be a rationality for its existence.

Klockdar must have done this in some way he didn't know.

But time did not allow Yanagawa to think more, and before he could figure out what was going on, Klockdar made a new move.

"The surface is cracked."

Only to see Klockdar's right hand clinging to the grass.

As he exhaled the name of the move, the green weeds withered rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if drained of moisture, becoming crisp and brittle.

The breeze blew through, and a large area of weeds shattered into powder, and the surface of the ground showed Yanagawa in front of his eyes.

However, this is not the end, even the yellow-brown ground seems to have been affected by the rustling fruit, and it has dried out at a very fast speed.

After only a few seconds, the trees of the entire forest withered, even those rootless trees that fell to the ground, and the ground dried up on the spot and became a desert.

Klockdar is actually capable of turning forests into Gobi!

It was an eye-opener.

It was only then that Yanagawa realized Klockdahl's purpose in doing so.

"It turns out that you did this to change the battlefield environment and make the battlefield favorable to you."

In turn, Yanagawa also guessed the other party's means of dodging.

"Moreover, the way you dodged before was actually a very risky act."

"It is a bluff in order to create an opportunity for yourself to change the battlefield, a false illusion."

"I underestimated you, Qiwu Hai is worthy of Qiwu Hai."

Seeing this, how could Yanagawa not understand what really happened during this period.

Klockdar's means of dodging are very simple, and if Yanagawa has experience in fighting high-end combat power, he will definitely understand it instantly.

But it's not too late, after all, people grow up by constantly adapting to changes in the environment, and Yanagawa is no exception.

"Oh? Is it adventurous? "

Klockdar seemed a little unimpressed, looking at the way he was in control, it seemed that Yanagawa did not think that Yanagawa had guessed his means.

Yanagawa smiled, this pretend calm trick was also embarrassed to use in front of him, and he simply did not treat him as a person.

"You don't have to pretend, it's just elementalization in advance, just think a little and guess what method you used to avoid the slash."

The answer is actually as simple as that, but Yanagawa has never seen this kind of coping method, and he didn't expect it for a while.

If you think about it, what else can Klockdar's means of dodge have?

He is an ability of the fruit of nature, not a magician, let alone a master of illusion.

Is it really possible to create illusions to confuse opponents?

It's impossible to think about it.

When Klockdar heard the five words "early elementalization", his face finally changed.

I thought that the little ghost was just testing his reaction, but I didn't expect to let him guess correctly, which is a little difficult to do.

But...... Even if you guess what, it's a big deal!

Klockdar thought weakly, but his mouth refused to admit defeat.

"Hmph! Even if you guess so what, do you have a way to deal with it? "

Hearing this, Liu Chuan suddenly couldn't help but laugh.

"What you said is really interesting, if you don't believe it, you can use it again, you just see if I can kill you!"

In the face of an opponent who has mastered domineering, there is a great risk in using advance elementalization.

Early Elementalization is based on the opponent's reaction, elementalizing a part of the body in advance, and evading attacks by freeing up a part of the body.

Yanagawa could think of multiple ways to crack it in an instant, and Klockdar, who did not believe that as a natural fruit ability, did not know the weakness of this trick.

He was just bluffing, and if he really dared to use it again, Yanagawa would be sure to cut him to pieces in minutes.

No special method is required, just change the attack course.

Elementalization in advance is a very subtle move, but the more subtle it is, the more troublesome it is to control.

Klockdar was able to dodge those two slashes because he saw through Yanagawa's attack route and responded in advance.

But what if Yanagawa changes course halfway?

Can Klockdar react?

No kidding, the initiative is in Yanagawa's hands, as long as he wants to change the trajectory of the slash at any point.

It was strange that Klockdar could react.

"Well, even if you have a point, but what's the point?"

Since he had already seen through, Klockdar did not bother to pretend and admitted the flaws of this trick.

But he doesn't think it's going to change the course of the war, and what he really wants to do has already been done.

The tree-lined forest had turned into dry land, and the purpose had been achieved, and Klockdar did not realize how much it was to expose the hole card in advance.

Instead, he felt like he had earned.

The rustling fruit can only work its best in a dry environment, as long as he is in dry land, he can do anything!

"What's the point? You'll know in a moment. "

As an opponent, Yanagawa of course could not reveal his plan in advance, he just coped casually and put his mind back on the battle.

Seeing that his opponent's momentum was getting stronger and stronger, Yanagawa also knew that he could not continue to delay.

The hand holding the blade uncharacteristically put into the scabbard, as if intending to send gold to the army.

But his actions clearly told Klockdar that this was not the case.

I saw that Yanagawa's body was slightly leaning forward, with his left foot behind and his right foot in front.

The right hand tightly grasps the handle of the knife and makes the usual starting gesture.

So far, he has not really used killing moves, and seeing the scope of the desert gradually increase, Yanagawa finally can't help but use the hole card.

In the end, he is still a sword master after all, and the final battle still has to speak with a sword.

His strongest blow was concentrated on this move, and the name of the move is needless to say.

"Ju He One Slash!"

Just as Klockdar was wondering what he was going to do, a dazzling light erupted from Yanagawa's hand.

That blazing, incomparably red flame.

Just like the first fire in the world, sacred and dazzling, people dare not look directly at that ray of fire.

Klockdar resisted the instinct to block his right hand in front of him, squinting his eyes as much as possible in the strong light, eliminating the interference of the light, and finding the trajectory of his opponent's attack with great difficulty.

Finally, he saw it.

He noticed the murderous intent lurking in the dazzling light.

Seeing the crimson blade that was thicker than his body, Klockdar knew he had to dodge.

This is no longer an attack that can be processed with elementalization, the attack range is too wide, the sword qi is too fierce, and once it is hit, it basically declares the battle defeated.

Klockdar reacted instantly, tumbling towards the side.

Halfway through the dodge, the extremely thick blade passed by Klockdar's side, and he successfully dodged the killer blow.

"Saved! It's horrible. "

At such a close distance, Klockdar could clearly feel the endless energy contained in the sword, if he really hit this sword, he would be crippled even if he was immortal!

The sword light instantly passed by Klockdar's side, and continued to pass towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

Klockdar couldn't help but turn his head and see that the incomparably fierce sword qi disappeared into the mountain, disappearing silently, as if nothing had happened.

But in the next second, one of the only two peaks in the small garden exploded.

The mountain, which was thousands of meters high and looked unshakable, was so shattered.

A large number of rocks erupted, covering the entire sky.

The light is blocked outside the island, like the end of the world, and the ground is shaken.

Klockdar still underestimated this slash, this is not only a serious injury, I am afraid that it will be torn to pieces on the spot, right?

He couldn't help but feel afraid, but fortunately he didn't dare to use elementalization to dodge, otherwise he might really evaporate from the world.

The three of Bucky were no longer able to speak at this time, and it was the first time they had seen such a terrifying sight.

Knowing that the mountain occupies almost a third of the entire island, roughly estimated that the area alone is about the size of Whiskey Peak.

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