Although it had long been known that Yanagawa's Juhe slash was an extremely terrifying slash, seeing it with his own eyes still directly shocked them.

"Yanagawa-sama... Is he still human? "

"Can humans really cut such a strong slash?"

Bucky had seen Yanagawa when he was on Cape Gemini, and that time Yanagawa overturned the giant whale Rab with a knife, which was already very terrifying.

I didn't expect that what happened now was just a drop in the bucket.

If the attack at that time had been replaced by this trick, I am afraid that even Rab would not be able to withstand it and would have been torn apart on the spot, right?

"It's really like the end of the world, maybe this is the strength of the monster."

"I thought that our boss's strength was already the world's top powerhouse, but I didn't expect to see such a spectacular scene."

MR.1's eyes radiate a longing gaze.

As a fellow swordsman, MR.1 knows better than anyone how much power it takes to cut this earth-shattering blow.

I didn't expect that that thin body contained such strong strength, which was incredible.

I really want to have a day when he can cut such a powerful blow.


It doesn't really need to be that powerful.

Even if it's just a pocket version, even a smaller sword qi is enough for him to stand in this sea area.

For the first time, MR.1 was extremely eager to become a sword master.

In the past, he felt that Jian Hao's sword qi was too weak and not worth mentioning, but he was captured on the spot by this shining blow.

I can't help but yearn that I can also become a swordsman, and I have personally experienced the strength of a swordsman.

The huge movement not only made the hearts of the three people watching the battle surging, but also alarmed the aborigines on the island.

Deep in the forest, the large beasts were greatly frightened and fled in all directions.

The Baki pirate group on the other side of the pirate ship hurriedly drove the boat to avoid the boulders that kept falling from the sky.

In addition to this, the actual owners of the small garden, the warriors of the two giant races, were also alarmed.

Hearing a violent noise, Dongli, who was still sleeping, sat up in fright, and looked around sleepily.

Seeing the boulders constantly flying in the sky, I was instantly stunned.

"What the hell is going on, why are there stones flying in the sky, I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Dongli couldn't help but pinch his thigh, the severe pain made him grin, and also told him that he was very awake now.

So what's going on?

Dongli thought so and looked around.

Then I saw the scene that shocked his jaw.

"Huh? What about my mountain? How did the big one just put here disappear after sleeping? "

Dongli finally found that a mountain peak on the island had disappeared, as if it had disappeared out of thin air, without a trace.

Coupled with the big stones scattered in the sky, Dongli probably had some guesses.

"Could it be... Is it a volcanic eruption? "

Just as he was in shock, he saw Broki running over.

He looked equally frightened, running over to inquire about the situation.

"What's going on, is it a volcano erupting or an earthquake."

"What about the mountains? Where did the mountain run. "

Both were terrified and didn't know what the situation was.

After some discussion, the opponents who had been dueling for hundreds of years decided to form an alliance temporarily to investigate what happened on the island.

Not to mention how the others reacted, the battle between Yanagawa and the two continued.

On the battlefield, Klockdar hurriedly turned his head.

He had already made a mistake once, and he did not dare to be careless for fear of being attacked by his opponent again.

But it was too late, and Yanagawa would not miss any opportunity to attack.

With the Navy Type 6 body, Yanagawa's speed of action is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

After getting close, he unceremoniously swung his knife and approached his opponent's abdomen.

When Klockdar turned around, it was too late to dodge, and he hurriedly used elementalization to try to defuse the slash.

But the same move did nothing for Yanagawa.

"It's useless, elementalization can only reduce the damage to the body, don't try to use this method to deceive me again."

Murderous presentation.

Yanagawa felt that something was wrong with the touch coming from his hand, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his arm forcefully changed the trajectory of the swinging knife.


The crisp and pleasant voice sounded with the movement in his hand, accompanied by a trace of blood red.

Klockdar was stabbed, and a narrow slit was cut in his lower abdomen, and blood oozed out of it.

"I said I would tell you the meaning of seeing through the drama, and now I mean what I say and do it."

Yanagawa smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked at Klockdar with a smile.

Klockdar only felt a chill in his heart and took him for a demon.

"Damn it! One who doesn't pay attention will let this kid get his way! "

The hot sensation coming from his abdomen constantly stimulated Klockdar's nerves and made him irritated.

I didn't expect that just a time to turn his head allowed him to seize the opportunity, which is really hateful!

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and Klockdar no longer thought about those careful plans, and he had to give him a little bitterness.

While Yanagawa was still approaching, Klockdar waved his left hand, and the golden hook in his hand broke away and pierced Yanagawa's chest.

Yanagawa swung his sword to open the incoming hook and knocked the golden hook out.

He knew there were toxins hidden in it, but he didn't want to capsize in the gutter.

Just as Liu Chuan continued his efforts and worked hard to get his opponent, he saw that Lao Sha's hand was once again attached to the ground.

It turned out that the golden hook was just a pretense, a smoke bomb used to attract Yanagawa's attention.

The real killing move actually has another mystery.

I saw Klockdar with a cruel smile on his face, saying the name of the move word by word.

"Erosion reincarnation!"

Before the words fell, the ground, which was already dry ground, continued to shake, as if something was hidden inside, further eroding the moisture on the ground.

The already dry land is showing signs of turning into a desert, and its area is expanding to include the Yanagawa River.

There are sharp alarms in the heart, and it is the heart eye that is working.

The heart eye is clearly telling Yanagawa that this place is very dangerous and must escape as soon as possible.

In fact, there is no need to remind that Yanagawa also found the problem.

This Nima means to suck everything dry, if I don't run again, I'm afraid even I will become. People did it!

Liu Chuan did not dare to be careless, and quickly stepped on the air and jumped into mid-air to dodge.

"I don't believe that your fruit ability can still penetrate into the air, it depends on how you me."

After jumping into the air, the alarm in my heart went out instantly.

Yanagawa knew that he was safe, so he relaxed his mind and observed the movement of this trick gracefully.

The dry earth, which had almost been sucked dry of water, collapsed in an instant, and the land turned into a desert.

Moreover, the scope of desertification is still expanding, and even the mountain peak they are on has been affected, but in the blink of an eye, time instantly collapses into particles of dust.

This is a person, and it is estimated that it will not escape the fate of being sucked dry.

Fortunately, Liu Chuan had double insurance on him, and did not dare to face it head-on.

Otherwise, maybe Yanagawa will be buried here.

On the other hand, MR.3 They had already discovered something wrong when they saw Klockdar make the starting move to launch the erosion reincarnation.

MR.3 had heard Klockdar describe the dangers of this trick and knew how to deal with it.

A large number of candles spread out from MR.3, forming a plate on the ground.

When the plate was formed, MR.3 quickly jumped in with MR.1 on his shoulders, cutting off the connection from the ground before the effect of eroding reincarnation arrived.

At this time, he saw that Bucky was still in a daze, and hurriedly reminded him.

"What's the rest? Dead? Come on in. "

"Erosion reincarnation is part of the enemy and me, as long as it is touched by the ability to constantly erode, it will instantly become a dry corpse."

"If you don't want to die, hurry up."

The anxious cry woke up Bucky, who was still in a daze, and he looked at MR.3 blankly, and when he heard the words behind, he looked terrified, and hurriedly climbed into the safe house made of candles.

The moment he climbed in, terrifying fluctuations passed through the surface, and Bucky was considered to have picked up a life.

"You all know it's so terrifying, why didn't you remind me earlier, I almost died, you know!!"

Bucky flipped and played, roaring angrily and with sparks in his throat.

MR.3 will not get used to him and choke back on the spot.

"I have already reminded you for the first time, who let you react so slowly, you also deserve to die!"

The two wanted to continue arguing, but in the next second, they saw the collapse of the mountain from the afterlight of their sight, and they were instantly dumbfounded.

"What the hell is this... That's a little scary, isn't it? "

"Is this how you guys Qiwu Hai fight?"

"Can you still have fun!"

In terms of visual impact, the instantaneous transformation of the entire mountain into dust is not much weaker than the explosion.

In a way, without that loud noise, it would have been much more terrifying than an explosion.

It was a mountain, so quietly disappeared, turning into a pile of sand, who can bear this.

Bucky's careful liver plopping straight jump, even recalling the days when he worked in Roger's Pirates when he was younger.

At that time, as now, you can always see scenes that make people's jaws drop, and live in fear every day.

What is happening now reminds him of the old days and reexperiences the thrilling feeling.

MR.3 also froze, although he was an agent of the Baroque studio.

But this is the first time I have seen my boss get serious.

It turned out that the person who looked like the terrifying underworld leader turned out to be a terrifying existence.

Fortunately, when recruiting him at that time, he did not resist and chose to obey.

Otherwise, you may have to experience for yourself what it is like to turn into dry bones.

MR.3 was still young, and he didn't want to know what it was like.

On the island, a strange feeling flashed in the minds of the two giants who were still cautiously marching towards the disappearing peak.

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