Suddenly, he felt that something was wrong, and turned his head to look at another mountain.

As a result, they saw the mountain turn to dust.

"Nani! The other mountain is gone! How so! "

Before I could investigate what was happening here, another mountain collapsed so quietly.

The strange scene made the two fall into shock, and fear continued to spread in their hearts.

Even the fearless giants began to be afraid, and it was all too weird enough.

"Or let's forget it, it looks like someone is fighting, let's not make that fun."

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the landfall is the result of the Devil Fruit's ability.

If it is such a headless and brainless past, I am afraid that it will be attacked.

Although the giants are brave, it does not mean that they are brainless.

Seeing that he couldn't do anything, Dongli retreated.

Brocky was equally surprised, but he was more curious and wanted to see it clearly.

"Why don't we find a higher place to see what's going on?"

"As long as it's not too close, there shouldn't be a problem, right?"

He wasn't sure, but if his home was demolished like this, he should at least know who did it.

Even if you can't take revenge, you have to find out who the enemy is, don't you?

Dongli thought about it and felt that what he said made some sense.

It's just that there are still big mountains nearby, and there are only a few volcanoes left to climb.

The two looked at each other, immediately had an idea, and walked towards the nearby volcano.


The battlefield had been completely reduced to desert, and Yanagawa felt that the chilling terrifying fluctuation had left far away, and fell from the air with confidence and boldness.

Yuebu was still very physically extensive, and after cutting that blow, he felt a little out of strength, and he had to save some strength.

However, Klockdar didn't seem to be much different, and the gasping sound in his ears made Yanagawa understand that Klockdar's situation was not very good.

The two were originally half a pound and eight taels, and he relied on the mistakes of his opponent to leave scars on the other party.

After fighting each other's big moves, they are a little physically exhausted, which is normal.

It's just that it's not yet time to let down your guard, and although the remaining physical strength is not much, it is not much.

It's okay to keep fighting, just save a little.

Thinking so, Yanagawa took the initiative to stick over again, swinging his knife and slashing towards Klockdar.

Having been injured, how dare Klockdar use advance elementalization to deal with slashes.

Reluctantly raised his somewhat sore arm and opened the incoming blade.

Yanagawa pulled back with the thrust coming from the knife, moving slightly away from his opponent and lost in thought.

I don't know if this trick can break through the elementalization, if it can't be broken, it will be a bit of a waste of physical strength.

Either way, it's better to try it first.

It is estimated that there is no drama in the head-on chop, this guy's speed is not much slower than me, it is just a waste of effort.

Thinking so, Yanagawa's face struggled for two seconds, and he put the knife into the sheath again, and cut out the Juai chop.

"Ju He One Slash!"

Klockdahl's pupils shrank, thinking that he was going to face that great terror again.

But what happened next reassured him.

The sword qi that Liu Chuan cut out this time was far less powerful than before, and it was far less than it in terms of scale and power.

Even the light that burst out of the sword qi was much dimmer, and it didn't look like it was strong.

Klockdar habitually wanted to pounce to the side and dodge the sword qi.

But seeing that the young man's gaze was only fixed on himself, he instantly changed his mind.

"Elementalize in advance."

If this teenager finds an opportunity, it is estimated that he will be stabbed.

Instead of dodging to avoid revealing flaws, it is better to use elementalization to avoid sword qi.

At least he can keep an eye on Yanagawa's movements, so that he can't find a chance to sneak attack.

Watching the sword qi quickly approach the other party, Yanagawa felt a little nervous.

If this knife was avoided by Klockdahl, it means that this battle is in a stalemate and there is no breakthrough in a short time.

In this way, the battle is basically a draw, and he does not want to see this result.

But the truth is cruel, after all, it is a reduced version of the Ju Unity Slash, and the radiation range of the sword qi is too small.

The fiery red sword qi passed through Klockdar's body without hindrance, and exploded into the desert, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Looking at Klockdar's appearance again, there is a slight look of injury.

The scaled-down version of Ju Heyi slash is obviously unable to help the long-known Nanabukai, and Yanagawa's abacus is empty.

Seeing that nothing could be done, Yanagawa very simply put the knife into its scabbard, took two steps forward, and proposed to stop there.

"Hey, it looks like none of us can take each other, so let's just forget it."

Hearing this, Klockdar's face became fierce.

"Beat my subordinates and want to leave it at that? That's not going to work! "

It was you who said you wanted to hit, and now it is you who says you don't want to hit.

You have the final say in everything?

How can it be so easy!

Klockdar didn't want to give up so easily, at least he had to leave something behind in this teenager.

Yanagawa sighed a little helplessly and made a helpless expression.

"So what do you want to do, do you want to continue fighting?"

"That's a waste of time and meaningless."

As long as it is a master, it can be seen that the current situation has been exhausted by physical strength, and it is really just a waste of time to fight again.

Will there be any change in the pointless consumption of both sides' physical strength?

Not really!

If it's just an ordinary attack, it won't cost much strength at all.

The body's natural recovery of energy is enough to offset these losses, and it is pure nonsense to want to consume people to death.

As for those two agents.

It's not that Yanagawa is arrogant, even if Yanagawa can only move one finger, they can't threaten Yanagawa.

This is a gap in the realm, not something that the state can make up.

Yanagawa's understanding of sword qi has reached a certain level, and with the naval six styles he has learned, he can completely use one finger to stimulate sword qi.

Can those two block his sword qi?

It doesn't exist at all!

Thinking of this, Yanagawa suddenly felt uninterested.

"If you really think you still have a chance, then you can try, I can play with you, it won't take much time anyway."

Without him, Klockdar will also make some attempts.

Of course, he could see that the situation had reached an impasse, but he was just unwilling to stop like that.

Not to mention the insult to MR.1, the faint pain in the abdomen made Klockdar angry.

It would be strange if he could be willing to stop like this.

For a time, the yellow sand spread again, and all parts of Klockdar's body turned into sand blades, constantly attacking.

Or kick or wave your arms.

Transformed into a variety of blades to look at Yanagawa.

The stormy attack looks very gorgeous, but the only thing that remains unchanged is that it can't hurt Yanagawa at all.

Yanagawa didn't even bother to pull out the knife, so he shuttled through the flying sand and stones so easily.

The body is still as clean as ever, not even a grain of sand and dust has been stained on the body.

"Look, I said it."

"I told you it was a draw, if you don't believe it, you are really a head iron."

Yanagawa, who was skilled in seeing and hearing domineering, moved freely in the attack without feeling any pressure.

Not only that, but he even closed his eyes and yawned by the way.

Klockdar who watched was bruised, but helpless.

This went on for about two minutes, until Klockdar finally realized that the battle could not continue.

Sensing that his opponent had stopped attacking, Yanagawa opened his eyes again and looked at him.

"Now you should be satisfied, right?"

They have been fooling around with him for two minutes, and they should let him vent enough and be satisfied.

Thinking so, Yanagawa tentatively said his intentions.

"If it's okay, let's talk about cooperation, how do you think?"

Klockdar's eyes widened angrily, and he was so angry that he couldn't do it.

Satisfied that you are a ghost satisfied, why don't you let me punch two punches if you are really sincere?

"Or that sentence, insulting my subordinates and still talking to me about cooperation, are you crazy or am I crazy?"

"You're not sick in the brain, are you?"

Klockdar was completely unable to understand Yanagawa's brain circuitry, and if he came to talk about cooperation, why not discuss it from the beginning.

What are his subordinates doing if they have nothing to beat?

Spit on people, which is not like what a partner should do.


Hearing this word, Yanagawa was a little stunned.

When did I insult your subordinates?

But soon he remembered the MR.1 thing and knew it in his heart.

"You said he, that guy can't measure himself, he has to play prestige in front of me."

"Can you tolerate this?"

"Comparing my heart to my heart, isn't it excessive for me to teach him a meal?"

Yanagawa doesn't think that he has done anything wrong, he has no ability to come out and pretend, this is not looking for a beating or something.

He just fulfilled MR.1's wishes, and he did a good thing.

Hearing what happened, Klockdar's expression softened slightly.

Think about MR.1's stubborn and arrogant temper, it seems that it is really possible to provoke this teenager.

However, this matter has yet to be verified, and he cannot be listened to.

Thinking of this, Klockdar beckoned to MR.3, who was still watching not far away, wanting to hear the cause of the matter.

MR.3 hesitated after seeing it, thinking that it had been a while since he stopped, and he should not start again in a short period of time.

Thinking so, he obediently walked over.

At the same time, he did not forget to carry MR.1 with him.

Maybe the boss called him over for, in case he asked about the conflict with the adult before, he had to restore the process together with MR.1.

Bucky saw MR.3 carry the man away, leaving him alone.

Glancing left and right, it was all the endless desert, and Bucky was a little scared, shouting "wait for me" while running towards the center of the battlefield.

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