After a while, the three of them came over, and Klockdar glanced at Yanagawa with deep meaning, and then turned his gaze to MR.3 to ask about the incident.

Looking at his calm appearance, Klockdar actually had a good idea, but it was better to confirm it for the sake of caution.

Then he repeated what Yanagawa had said and asked MR.3 if the truth was like this.

MR.3 glanced at MR.1 hesitantly, and finally gave an affirmative answer.

"Although the details are a little different, this is roughly what it looks like."

MR.3 Heart Road.

MR.1 just suspects Yanagawa's identity, not a show of might.

However, in front of these big people, it does seem to be a little disrespectful.

This matter does not judge who is right and who is wrong, it can only be said that there is probably no big problem.

Klockdar nodded thoughtfully, it seemed that it was indeed a problem with MR.1.

If that's the case, then it's understandable.

As for the details, none of that matters.

He knows MR.1 too well, this guy's personality is inherently easy to offend people inadvertently, there is nothing to argue.

"Well, even if things are as you say, it's wrong with MR.1."

"Now you can talk about your intentions, I don't know what the famous Red Flame Sword Hao wants to cooperate with when he comes to me, this Qiwu Sea."

"If you can really bring me any benefits, it is not impossible to cooperate with you."

Klockdahl said as he pulled out a well-made cigar from his jacket pocket and lit it at the corner of his mouth.

As a hero on the sea, he values practical interests more than the battle of will.

After all, Qi Wuhai also wants to eat.

In order to maintain a decent and luxurious life, Klockdar's daily expenses are quite large.

If Yanagawa can provide something valuable, he can really put aside this little contradiction and cooperate with him sincerely.

Hearing his tone soften, Yanagawa knew that this matter was no problem.

As for the content of the cooperation, it has been planned on the way here.

"There must be a lot of benefits, it depends on whether you dare to do it with me!"

Saying that, Yanagawa turned his gaze to Bucky and lifted his chin to keep him away.

Bucky was reluctant, but kept his distance as he was instructed.

Then Yanagawa's gaze lingered on MR.1 and MR.3 for a while before looking at Klockdar.

The meaning is obvious, let him hold back left and right.

Klockdar smiled indifferently.

"It's okay, they are all my cronies, there is no need to hide it, you can just say it directly."

Yanagawa didn't quite believe it, and there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Is it? Then I'll start talking about the content. "

With a soft sigh, Yanagawa also spoke in an indifferent tone.

"This matter has to do with Hades..."

However, as soon as he said the first sentence, he was interrupted by Klockdal.

"Stop, you wait first."

As if forgetting what he had just said, Klockdar gave two subordinates a look and signaled them to get out.

The stakes are so high that even their own cronies can't trust them wholeheartedly.

MR.3 looked confused.

How to say that change is change, just say a few words to let the two of us avoid, say good trust us?

Seeing that the boss's face became impatient, MR.3 was not very satisfied in his heart, but he still hurriedly carried MR.1 and ran.

If he delays for a while, he is afraid that he will be directly beaten out by the boss.

The boss has made it clear to him, and if he doesn't leave, he will give his face and not face.

When the two of them also moved away together, Klockdar spit out the smoke ring and looked at Yanagawa.

"Okay, let's go on."

Gee, that's realistic enough.

Yanagawa complained in his heart, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and spoke of his plan with a slightly pleasant tone.

"I accidentally found the place where Hades is buried, but I can't handle that place alone, so I want to find a force with similar strength to work with."

As he spoke, Yanagawa observed Klockdar's expression attentively.

Seeing that the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, his heart was amused.

In the plot, Klockdar has long coveted the ancient weapon Hades.

Because he knew this information, Yanagawa deliberately used Hades as a gimmick to seduce Klockdar into the bait.

As expected, Klockdar was moved.

Although Yanagawa smiled secretly in his heart, he did not show it on the bright side, pretending to be unaware and continued to say.

"Originally, I was going to find Hawkeye, after all, he is a Jianhao like me, and we have a lot of common language."

"But after coming to the Great Route, I realized that Hawkeye had no power at all, and it was not much different from working with him alone."

"Then I heard about you, and it just so happened that Alabastan had what I was looking for, so I grabbed MR.3 to see if I could reach a cooperation with you."

"If you are interested in Hades, you are out, I will give news, and we will dig up the treasure together."

"At that time, no matter what the harvest is, we will be half a point."

"Of course, if you're not interested, it's good if you don't hear it, it's no difference if I go to someone else."

Yanagawa looked indifferent, as if he didn't care.

In fact, he pretended to be in order to seduce Klockdar into the bait.

The trick of trying to get away with it has always been very useful, and coming to this world is no exception.

Sure enough, Klockdar's eyes changed when he looked at him.

However, he barely kept his face unchanged, as if he was trying his best to endure his true emotions without violence.

It's a pity that all this has no effect in front of Yanagawa, he knows Klockdar too well.

"Hades, the ancient weapon Hades, I'm a little interested in it."

"But how do you make sure you're telling the truth and not lying to me?"

Klockdar pretended to be calm and tried his best not to reveal the excitement in his heart.

In addition to being excited, he also maintained a trace of calm, knowing that Liu Chuan was likely to deceive him with something out of thin air, and he had to ask clearly.

Hearing this, Liu Chuan scratched his head with some embarrassment.

"This question ... How to explain it? "

To be honest, if you don't say that Hades was originally a lie made up by him, even if it is true, it cannot be proven.

You can't bring someone over and point to the object and say, "Look! This is Hades", right?

That's a bit of nonsense.

For now, there is only lateral evidence to increase the truth of the matter.

So, how do you make up a story?

In fact, Liu Chuan had a premeditated plan in his heart, and he had already made up a story.

It's just that I can't show too indifferently, I'm afraid of being seen by the other party, so I pretend to be troubled.

After hesitating for a while, Yanagawa pretended to think of something, his eyes widened vigorously, and he looked towards Klockdal.

"Do you know why Doflamingo hates me so much?"

"Do you know why he wanted me with a billion bounty?"

Seeing Yanagawa's mysterious appearance, Klockdar blinked his eyes and asked very cooperatively.

"Isn't it because you ruined Doflamingo's business and killed his subordinates?"

"Could it be that there is a deeper reason for this?"

Asking this, Klockdar also began to think about this possibility.

In general, how can pirates in the East China Sea be directly related to Doflamingo.

Even if someone destroys the business, directly arrange for the subordinates to get it done.

If you can't get it, it's a big deal, just give up.

For the sake of a pirate active in the East China Sea, there is no need to make everyone known.

Unless...... What is a hidden secret in it.

There is no need for Yanagawa to guide, and Klockdar himself makes up a lot of things in his brain to add color to the story.

Before Yanagawa could speak, he believed more than half of it.

Yanagawa keenly sensed the change in Klockdar's demeanor and knew that he only needed a simple induction.

Talking too much will only be counterproductive.

"I think you probably guessed the truth, in fact, I inadvertently snatched the clues of Hades from Doflamingo and his gang, so Doflamingo bit me tightly."

"Otherwise, why would he reward me with a billion? Enough to eat? "

Yanagawa asked casually, as if it were really the same thing.

Seeing this, Klockdar showed such a look.

"So it is."

If it is really as Yanagawa said, it seems that there is no problem at all.

Yanagawa inadvertently broke Doflamingo's conspiracy and even snatched their results.

Because of the important matter related to ancient weapons, Doflamingo sent his men down one after another to snatch things back.

As a result, his subordinates were inferior to others, but were killed by Yanagawa in seconds.

From what Klockdar has learned, all this makes sense and nothing out of the ordinary.

The only surprise was the newspaper.

Yanagawa was targeted by the Navy for unknown reasons, vigorously publicizing his danger.

Because the matter has already been laid out, Doflamingo is afraid that the conspiracy will be exposed, and he does not dare to continue to send people over.

Everything makes sense, nothing is wrong.

Klockdar made up his brain for a while, filled in the details in the story, and convinced himself.

He already believed what Yanagawa said, and Doflamingo's reaction proved from the side that the information in his hands was likely to be true.

It's just that Klockdar still has some concerns and needs to make it clear to Yanagawa in advance.

"But listening to what you mean, it doesn't seem to be referring to the production drawing of Hades, but to the finished product."

"If so, how should things be divided then? Have you ever thought about this question? "

Cooperation between pirates is often fragile, and the biggest problem is the uneven distribution of benefits and the possibility of civil unrest.

This is what Klockdar wants to say, what if there is only one Hades.

In this regard, Liu Chuan has already had a plan, and still talks about his distribution plan with an attitude of indifference.

"Isn't it simple, when the time comes, find a buyer to sell the thing, and just split the money."

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