"I just want to make a windfall, I'm not interested in Hades, you don't need to worry about this."

Halfway through, Yanagawa seemed to realize something, and looked at Klockdar with an exaggerated expression.

"It's not... Listen to the tone of your voice, don't tell me you're interested in this thing, right? "

"If that's the case, it's not going to be easy."

Hearing this, the corners of Klockdar's mouth twitched, and the topic that he wanted to avoid was finally raised by this teenager.

He brought up this question because he wanted Hades, originally just to test Yanagawa's attitude and see what he thought of Hades.

As a result, Yanagawa did not intend to take things for himself at all, but just wanted to exchange money.

In this way, Klockdar himself inevitably fell into a passive situation.

Should he admit that he has an idea about Hades? Or should I deny it?

Whether you admit it or not, it doesn't seem to be very good.

If he admits it, he will be caught as a weakness by Yanagawa and will become a bargaining chip on the other side's negotiating table.

If you deny it, it will be difficult to explain it at that time.

The current strength of the two is not much different, but that is only for now.

With Yanagawa's amazing progress speed, I am afraid that it will not be long before his strength will surpass him.

If you lie now, disputes will inevitably arise when distributing benefits.

He wasn't sure he would win this teenager now, let alone in the future.

It is best to resolve all conflicts that may lead to disputes from the very beginning, and do everything possible to avoid possible conflicts in the future.

Thinking so, Klockdar made up his mind.

It's a big deal to suffer a loss, anyway, I am bound to get Hades!

"Yes, you're right, I do want to get Hades!"

"But you don't need to worry about splitting the money."

"If you really find Hades by then, ten billion wealth, I will give it up!"

"Of course, the premise must be after finding Hades!"

Speaking of which, Klockdar did not have much certainty in his heart.

After all, it's an ancient weapon!

But Yanagawa doesn't care, it's all fiction anyway, how can you find it!

He pretended to be confused as a teenager, pretending to be unaware of what a teenager should be.

"Tens of billions? That's a lot of money. "

As if he didn't have much concept of money, he pretended to be happy and nodded quickly.

"No problem, then tens of billions are good, anyway, it's almost at this price, you are very sincere."

Yanagawa didn't really know the teenage boy's mental situation, but he didn't need to know it either.

Learning to be an apprentice who once lived together in the kendo hall, his vivid performance successfully tricked Klockdar.

Anyway, the most important part has already been taken care of, and there is no need to pursue perfection in these details.

Observing Klockdar's expression, he really didn't notice anything wrong.

"If it's all right, how happy is the cooperation?"

Klockdar tentatively extended his intact right hand towards Yanagawa, who understood and slapped him in the face.

"Nice to work with."

The high-fives were successful, and the cooperation agreement was tentatively reached.

"Now that the cooperation has been reached, shouldn't you show your sincerity?" Klockdar asked.

It wasn't that he was too anxious to know the whereabouts of Hades as soon as possible.

It was just to confirm Yanagawa's intention to cooperate.

Generally, after the two parties reach an initial cooperation, they have to show some sincerity and make the other party believe that they are coming with sincerity.

Klockdar can express his sincerity at any time, but Yanagawa is different, he has important news that cannot be shared casually.

He asked this to know in what way Yanagawa would express his sincerity.

To be honest, Klockdahl was looking forward to it.

As mentioned before, Yanagawa had already thought of a plan on the way here, and of course he would not let go of these details.

Just look at him think for a while, casually said: "I can only say that the information about Hades is in the new world, and the specific cannot continue to be revealed." "

Seeing that Klockdar's expression did not seem to be satisfied, Yanagawa smiled and quickly said: "But I can give you another piece of information, I believe you will be satisfied." "

The hole cards that had not been used before could finally come in handy, and Yanagawa was very satisfied with this, at least not in vain.

I saw that he said confidently: "The design plan of Hades is now in the capital of seven waters." "

"You go to the capital of seven waters to find a young man called Iceberg, you should be able to find it."

Everything Yanagawa said this time is real intelligence, and it was originally something to be taken out to win people's trust.

Hearing Klockdar ask this question, he happened to be in the middle of the game and said this information.

What is his biggest hole card in this world?

Without a doubt, certainly the system.

But what about other than the system?

That's naturally the understanding of the plot.

Or to put it another way, he knows far more about the world than anyone else.

Information is always one of the most important resources.

In some ways, it would not be excessive to remove one or two words.

With a lot of information in your hands, how can you make good use of it?

Especially when it comes to fraud, half-truths are always the scariest.

Finding that Klockdar seemed to be moved, and seemed to have the intention of sending someone to get the things on the spot, Yanagawa smiled slightly, and then continued to speak without finishing his words.

"But I suggest you'd better not act rashly."

Looking at Klockdar's puzzled gaze, Yanagawa explained with a serious expression: "That young man named Iceberg has been strictly monitored by the people of the World Government, and if you act rashly, I am afraid that you will also enter the vision of the World Government." "

"I'm sure you won't like that feeling, as if you're going to swallow it at any moment."

If you are targeted by the world government, it is much more exciting than being treated as a thorn in the eye of the navy, you must know that the world government can directly order the admirals, not to mention those powerful agents - CP.0 organization.

Once it is identified by the World Government as an object that must be eliminated, as long as there is no strong enough force to support it, even the Seven Martial Seas will be crushed to ashes.

Klockdar's mood was like riding a roller coaster, and it was extremely uncomfortable to get up and down.

When he heard Yanagawa talk about the design drawings of Hades, he thought that he could easily get the thing he dreamed of.

But hearing the next words, Klockdar directly gave up this plan.

Are you kidding!

If he was found looking for Hades, the world government would definitely not let him go.

Thinking that he was going to be hunted by the three generals at the same time, Klockdar couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and couldn't help but tremble twice.

Think about it or forget it, life is more important than the so-called Hades.

And didn't you listen to this teenager?

Although he did not have the blueprints, he had information about the finished product.

And at the moment, it seems that the credibility of this news is very high.

As long as someone is sent to confirm whether the iceberg mentioned in Yanagawa's mouth is under the surveillance of the world government, it can basically be determined that there is nothing wrong with his intelligence.

Thinking of this, the corners of Klockdar's mouth re-hung a smile.

"I am satisfied with this information, and now it is my turn to express sincerity."

"I heard you say that Alabasta has what you need, let's talk about it."

"As long as it's not too expensive, even if it is given to you directly, then why not?"

Listening to his tone, it seemed that he had taken the country of Alabastan into his pocket.

Directly boast about Haikou, let Liu Chuan choose.

As everyone knows, he has fallen into the trap designed by Yanagawa and has been trapped by this boy who looks to be only in his teens.

Hearing him say this, Yanagawa was naturally very happy.

Isn't the purpose of his coming here to find extraterrestrial meteorites, and with Klockdar's help, I believe that he will be able to get things in his hands soon.

Thinking so, Liu Chuan said with a happy mood: "I heard that a meteorite fell on the island of Alabastan during this time, and this is the meteorite I am looking for." "

Klockdar was stunned for a moment and asked, "What are you looking for meteorites for?" "

Then he saw the katana on Yanagawa's side, and he had already come up with the answer without waiting for Yanagawa to answer.

"Ah! I probably understand, I'm looking for the material of the forged knife, right? "

Jianhao's search for extraterrestrial meteorites is not a strange thing, many Jianhao have the habit of finding materials and finding craftsmen to forge.

After all, only tailor-made weapons are the most convenient, and Klockdar knows it all too well.

"But it's not easy."

Klockdar looked embarrassed, as if he had encountered difficulties.

Seeing this, Liu Chuan chuckled in his heart, and suddenly had a sense of foreboding.

"What's going on, is it a step ahead?"

Seeing that Yanagawa was a little anxious, Klockdal smiled slightly to calm his emotions.

"Not really, it's just..."

Just what!

You're going to say it!

Yanagawa is dying, and Klockdar is still creating suspense over there.

Just when Yanagawa was about to be unable to resist urging, this guy finally announced the answer.

"It's just that the meteorite didn't fall in Alabastan at all, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Well, so it was.

Yanagawa was slightly relieved in his heart, and his hanging heart fell again.

However, the furrowed eyebrows were not relieved by the clear answer, so I didn't know when I would find my goal.

"Where did the meteorite fall, not Alabastan, at least not too far away, right?"

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