If the news of a meteorite falling on Alabastan is a well-known thing on whiskey peaks.

That means that the direction of the meteorite fall is near Alabastan or farther away.

Otherwise, how do the people of Whiskey Peak know the location of the meteorite, which is obviously unreasonable.

Only if it falls near this can the whiskey peak swear that the meteorite will fall on Alabastan.

Closer to Klockdar, he has more accurate information about this.

But surprisingly, Klockdar didn't seem quite sure either.

I listened to him uncertainly: "I also looked at it that day, it seems to have fallen to the side of Long Roundabout, but where it fell, I really don't know." "

Well, that's really bad.

If that's the case, there's still a long way to go before finding the meteorite.

I hope to find more detailed clues after arriving at Long Roundabout.

Thinking so, Yanagawa couldn't help sighing.

"Then I can only go to the Long Roundabout Island to take a look first, I didn't expect to find a meteorite to waste so much, it's true."

I thought that it would not take long to find something and return to the East China Sea after arriving at the Great Route, but I never thought that it would take so much effort.

I already knew that it was better to directly ask where to find the finished building materials, and run over to buy it directly, which is simply a waste of time.

But since you have come this far, let's go to Long Roundabout Island to find out the situation.

If you really can't do it, contact the owner and ask where you can buy finished materials, you are too lazy to find it.

The boy's look of loss fell into Klockdal's eyes, and only at this time did Klockdar feel that Yanagawa looked like a normal teenager.

Isn't it a natural manifestation of a teenager, it seems that he is just a child.

Seeing that Liu Chuan was a little discouraged, for some reason Klockdar suddenly softened his heart and suggested: "Without further ado, it's better for us to set off immediately and go to Long Roundabout Island to take a look." "

Yanagawa was stunned for a moment and asked, "Don't you still have something to do?" Don't need to prepare a fleet to prepare for the search for Hades? "

"Huh." Klockdar chuckled and said disapprovingly: "No, those things naturally have my subordinates to help me prepare, and then I only need to meet with them and not delay our trip." "

This feeling is good, Liu Chuan quickly agreed to come down and let him help find the whereabouts of the extraterrestrial meteorite together.

"That's really good, trouble you, let's hurry over."

Klockdar waved his hand disapprovingly, "Aren't we partners?" Until Hades is found, it is proper to help each other. "

As for what exactly was going on in his heart, it is unknown.


Klockdar then summoned two of his subordinates.

Let MR.1 follow him, while MR.3 is arranged to prepare for the new world.

Yanagawa said goodbye to Bucky and sincerely persuaded him to return to the East China Sea to become his overlord.

Having seen the battle between the two, Bucky also understood that he could not participate in the next operation.

Although he was unwilling to give up the treasure like this, he still listened to Yanagawa's words and left from the small garden.

However, looking at the direction he left, it seems that he did not return to the whiskey peak.

Anyway, the days of partnering with Bucky are over.

Saying goodbye to Bucky, Yanagawa, Klockdar, and MR.1 boarded the speedboat that Klockdar drove when he came over and left from the small garden.

After they left, Dongli and Brockie, who were hiding in the crater, dared to climb out of the crater.

"These two people are really terrible, especially the boy who played with knives, I'm afraid he blew up that mountain, right?"

Brocky said with a palpitation, touching the soot on his face with his hand, and the huge palm was stained black with scorch marks.

He didn't get to see Yanagawa make a move, but he saw the mountain collapse.

Combined with what he saw later, Brocky guessed that Yanagawa had blown up the unattainable peak.

As for the other mountain, there is no need to say more.

Only the guy with the big back would play with the sand, and he must have done it.

Just seeing these two fight like each other was enough to make them terrified.

I think the battle before coming should have been more intense, I don't know what kind of situation it was.

Just seeing the huge forest turn into a desert can probably be imagined, but unfortunately I couldn't see the battle scene with my own eyes.

The two giant patriarchs sighed for a while, and somehow began to fight inexplicably.

Maybe the battle between Yanagawa and the two inspired the fighting spirit of the two, anyway, it doesn't matter.


A few days later, news of Yanagawa and Klockdar's battle in the Little Garden spread around the world.


To be precise, only those who follow Yanagawa will deliberately pay attention to these news, and others may not be interested in the battle between them.

Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

The conference room was quiet, and the Marshal of the Warring States was standing on the podium at the front of the hall to direct the meeting.

"Red Flame Sword Hao and Klockdar fought on the Primeval Island for unknown reasons."

"After destroying the two giant peaks and a large area of jungle on the island, the island of the Archean is considered a waste."

"There is no detailed information about the result of the battle between the two, I only heard that it was a tie and left separately."

"That's probably the way it is."


"I heard that someone saw Yanagawa continue to go deeper into the interior of the Great Passage, and I am afraid that it will be near us soon."

"I want to discuss with you while he hasn't come over yet, how to deal with this scourge that can already compete with the Seven Wuhai."

"If you have any opinions, you can raise them here and see if you can find a safe solution."

Yanagawa's existence can really be described as a henchman of the Warring States.

It's only been a long time since he fought with Klockdar, and if he grows up again, it will be worth it.

You must know that Klockdar is also so weak than the admiral, Yanagawa's growth rate is too fast, and he is already challenging the fragile nerves of the Sengoku.

He couldn't wait for Yanagawa to be nearby and then send someone to clear it up.

He wanted to have someone go and arrest that guy right now.

He can't be allowed to grow anymore.

It's just that...... The quiet scene in the conference room made the Warring States feel disappointed.

Not to mention the three admirals, they themselves have the duty of protecting the Draco, and they will not easily leave this sea area.

The others, those vice admirals who usually look very reliable, did not take the initiative to stand up and accept this responsibility.

Sengoku is really disappointed, these people are the backbone of the navy!

His gaze turned to Karp, the old guy who had fought together.

Karp was clasping his nostrils indifferently and didn't even give him a straight face.

"Well, it's naïve to expect him to come forward, this guy who has no heart and no lungs, just let him die."

Glaring at Karp angrily, the Sengoku's gaze skipped over one vice admiral after another.

Ghost Spider - This abominable guy actually shrunk his head under his neck and was acting as a shrunken turtle!

"It seems that the experience of fighting Yanagawa last time has scared his guts, and this guy seems to be unable to count on it."


Dauberman, this unruly fellow, also has a weak side, really incomprehensible, blind with a hideous face.

"Gee, since he doesn't want to come out, don't be too reluctant."

Warring States looked at him one after another, and no one dared to look at him.

This made him wonder: Could it be that Yanagawa's existence really made the navy unable to raise the courage to confront it?

Obviously just a little guy who hasn't grown up yet, why doesn't anyone dare to come out to meet the task?

Is...... There is a loss of face!

Sengoku couldn't help but hide his face and sigh, a small Yanagawa actually made all the lieutenant generals lose the courage to confront it.

A scourge is a scourge after all, and it already has such destructive power before it comes into contact.

If he really let these vice admirals meet him, it is estimated that most of them will be timid before a battle and lose the momentum of the navy, right?

Thinking so, Sengoku sighed and gave up the idea of interception.

"Forget it, if you don't want to go, let him get away for a while, and wait until he gets closer!"

Sengoku was tired and didn't want to say more, and his gaze shifted to Akainu, a subordinate who had never disappointed him.

"At that time, trouble the red dog you run and kill this guy."

"Sakaski, are you okay?"

Perhaps it was the others who brought too much disappointment to Sengoku, and Sengoku's voice was not as firm as it was at the beginning when he asked Akainu.

Fortunately, Akainu is that tough guy after all, and he is not disappointing the Warring States.

The red dog moved his neck and said without care: "Don't worry, it's just a brat who has not dried up, and then I will let him see what justice looks like." "

"It's the best." Sengoku sighed and nodded, and said with regret: "It's a pity that without the order of the world government, you can't leave the navy headquarters easily, otherwise I will send you over now to eliminate this threat that has not yet grown, so that I can be at ease." "

Sengoku did not hide his worries in the slightest, after all, Yanagawa's growth trajectory is obvious to everyone, how can such a terrible guy not make people feel afraid?

The three generals present could understand the sorrow in the hearts of the Warring States and did not say much about it.

It's just that looking at the eyes of the red dog looking at the Warring States is still a little dissatisfied, understanding is understanding, but he really can't look at the pretentious look of the marshal of the navy.

Seeing that there was no need for further discussion, the Sengoku was about to announce the dissolution of the meeting.

And at this time, an unexpected person appeared.

The door of the conference room slowly opened, and Yangguan entered the conference hall through the doorway.

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