Everyone's eyes looked towards the door in unison, and they were immediately relieved to see the people coming.

It was none other than the chief of staff of the headquarters of the Navy - Vice Admiral Tsuru!

In addition, she was accompanied by Vice Admiral - Peach Rabbit.

Lieutenant General Tsuru walked into the conference hall expressionlessly, glanced at what was written on the tactical board, nodded slightly towards Sengoku, and sat down in his seat.

"I'm really sorry, I just got the notice, I knew that there was a meeting here, I came one step late, and I ask for your forgiveness."

Gentle and majestic words came out of the mouth of the crane general, bringing the power to calm people's hearts, so that the lieutenant general present could not help but stand up.

Vice Admiral Tsuru is one of the spiritual pillars of the Navy headquarters, and her presence always makes others inexplicably mention their courage.

Even the difficulties that are usually afraid to face have the courage to face them head-on.

The vice admirals repented for what they had done and felt that they had lost face in the navy.

After helping Lieutenant General Tsuru to take his seat, Peach Rabbit stood up immediately and bowed slightly to the Sengoku and everyone present as Lieutenant General Tsuru spoke.

She apologized to you in place of Tsuru.

And this made the lieutenant generals present more remorseful and secretly scolded themselves for their cowardice.

"Warring States, what step has the meeting been?"

"You go ahead and chair the meeting, I'm here to listen."

"By the way, find out how powerful this boy named Yanagawa is, why does it make you so jealous!"

The sonorous words made Sengoku wake up from his musings, nodded slightly at her, and talked about the content of the previous meeting.

"We just talked about who is willing to accept the task of capturing Yanagawa , and no one has yet taken the initiative to come forward and is still waiting for the results."

The arrival of Vice Admiral Tsuru gave Sengoku a different mind.

He knew that Lieutenant General Tsuru had a strange power that was exciting, and he felt that bringing up this topic again this time would have a different result.

But...... It doesn't seem to make a difference.

The lieutenant generals repented and repented, and still no one wanted to take over this hot potato.

Just when Sengoku felt that there was no need to continue, a crisp female voice came out.

"Since you are all busy, let me take charge of this task."

Sengoku hurriedly raised his head and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

It was Peach Rabbit who came with Lieutenant General He who spoke, and the candidate for the general appointed by the world government took the initiative to stand up.

"Oh? Are you sure you'll catch him? "

"You must know that Yanagawa's strength is extraordinary, he may be much stronger than the vice admiral here."

Having said that, looking at Sengoku's eyes that flashed with a strange light, it seemed that she did not intend to stop her from capturing Yanagawa look.

However, the Warring States did not forget to remind Peach Rabbit.

It is one thing to hope that someone will take the initiative to take responsibility, and it is quite another thing to deliberately conceal intelligence in order for them to take responsibility for the Navy.

However, Peach Rabbit didn't seem to be worried, so she listened to her confidently say: "Since he can tie with Qi Wuhai, he must have his uniqueness, but my strength is not something he can deal with, if it's just for now, I'm still more confident that I can arrest him." "

When Peach Rabbit said this, his body emitted a strange light, and his whole body was shining.

The heroic posture captured most of the vice admirals, and they were looking at this woman with both beauty and strength with adoring eyes.

Sengoku nodded in satisfaction, "Since you've already said that, then it's not good for me to say anything more." "

"I hope you remember a little, though." Sengoku's expression was extremely serious, his eyes were firmly fixed on Peach Rabbit's eyes, and he said extremely seriously: "The ghost spider used to be able to faintly gain the upper hand in the hands of Yanagawa , but now he is no longer Yanagawa's opponent, the other party's growth rate is far beyond your and my imagination, don't be careless!" "

Sengoku is very at ease with Peach Rabbit, don't look at her delicate appearance, but she is a real candidate for the general.

Her strength, Sengoku, there is no need to worry too much.

However, there is one point that the Warring States must remind against, that is, there must be no slightest entrustment.

The peach rabbit is too well protected by the crane, and so far there is not much actual combat experience, it is very necessary to remind her.

The amorous woman replied seriously: "Please also ask the Marshal of the Warring States to rest assured, I will not shame the banner of the navy, and I will go all out!" "

"Well, this matter will trouble you! Please be sure to capture the Red Flame Sword Hao back, please!" "

The Warring States solemnly bowed slightly to the peach rabbit, and the meeting was finally successfully over!



Doflamingo, who was plotting Dressrosa in the New World, also heard news of Yanagawa's battle with Klockdar.

On the pirate ship of the Don Quixote family, a group of senior officials discuss their views on the matter in the dark captain's room.

"I didn't expect that Clodahl that waste actually lost, how could he lose to that kid, it's hard to believe."

Seka was furious, as if he had lost, and his eyes were full of anger.

It seems strange, but as long as you know the relationship between the strength of the seven martial seas, you know that it is not surprising.

As a high-ranking cadre of the Doflamingo family, Seka naturally couldn't beat another Qiwu Sea, Klockdar.

Klockdar drew with Yanagawa, which means that Seka's strength is not as good as Yanagawa.

This makes how can Seka, who has always wanted to ask for war and intends to personally kill Yanagawa, be willing?

His performance during this time has been like a joke, reminding Serka all the time that he is so funny.

Of course, Seka will be angry, but what he is angry about is not that Klockdar is not strong, but that he is angry that he is not self-sufficient.

"Gee, you said one thing wrong, Klockdar did not lose to Yanagawa, and the result of their battle was a draw."

Torrebol fanned the flames on the sidelines, and it was hard to see Seka's annoyed look, which made Torrebol feel interesting.

Of course, Seka understood that he was disgusting himself, and couldn't help but stare at his "companion" viciously.

Just as the scene became more and more tense, Doflamingo's voice came.


Doflamingo's gaze fixed on Torrebol and he warned: "Stop playing these boring tricks, Seka is your companion, not your plaything, you better be respectful." "

After a stern warning, Doflamingo's tone softened, and he immediately asked about the recent situation of the previously arranged operation.

"How is the identity check of that little ghost, is there any news?"

Since Yanagawa provoked Doflamingo, he has not given up to find out Yanagawa's background.

It's just that most of his manpower in the East China Sea was almost killed by Yanagawa and had to be resent from other places, and the investigation progress was a little slower.

Torrebol bowed respectfully to show submission, and then opened his mouth wide, revealing his teeth and slowly said: "The specific origin is unknown, but I have found the kendo hall that trained Yanagawa out." "

"Speaking of which, this guy's life experience is quite interesting..."

Torre Polorry said a lot.

From Yanagawa's mediocre performance since he was a child, to the sudden display of abnormal talent later, it is described in great detail.

Doflamingo couldn't help but feel a headache when he listened to it!

"You'd better say something you want before you speak, it's too wordy."

Yes, Torrebol is a talker, and many times the same sentence has to be repeated thousands of times before he stops.

Although Doflamingo was very tolerant of the people of the Don Quixote family, he was also a little unbearable to this person's verbosity.

"Huh? Have it? "

Torrebol was shocked, realized that he had made an old mistake again, smiled awkwardly, and then picked up the key points and continued.

"In addition to that little ghost's interesting life experience, it is worth mentioning the owner of the Frost Moon Village Isshin Dojo."

"The owner of that dojo is named Koshiro, and he is a powerful sword master."

As soon as he said two words, Torrebol forgot Doflamingo's warning and began to dance and talk like no one else.

"Dover, you may not know the identity of this person, he has a lot of origins."

"Do you know the country of Wano? It was the country that Kaido occupied. "

"That Kenhao named Koshiro is an old minister who escaped from Wano Country."

"What's so strange about that, you might ask?"

"Of course, this is not unusual, there are too many people from the country of Wano to count."

"What's really interesting is who Koshiro once pledged his allegiance."

"That's an amazing character!"

"Any idea who he is?"

"Saying it might scare you!"

"That person is the former captain of the Whitebeard Second Team, that is, the swordsman of the later Roger Pirates."

"Daimyo of Wano Country, Mitsuki Ota!"

Rory spared a long circle, and Torrebol finally brought out the key points in the intelligence.

"The owner of that Yixin Dojo is a retainer of the Guangyue clan, a descendant of the Frost Moon clan."

Doflamingo rubbed his somewhat swollen temples, ignored Torrepol's performance, and began to meditate instead.

The name Mitsuki Ota still had some impressions when he said it.

Once the world's number one swordsman, the royal thug on the One Piece ship.

There are so many legends around this man that it's hard not to notice.

But this is obviously not the point, the focus is on Koshiro as a person.

I didn't expect that the teacher of that little ghost in Liu Chuan had such an identity, which was really unexpected.

Doflamingo thought for a while, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You say, what if I inform the Black Carbon Great Snake about Koshiro?"

"With that guy's temper, I'm probably going to fidget, right?"

The black charcoal serpent's means of obtaining the general of the country of peace are not glorious.

As a rebel, what he was most afraid of was the courtiers of the Guangyue family.

If he knew that there was a remnant party of the former Guangyue clan living in the East China Sea, I am afraid that he would send people to find trouble with that person.

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