That's so much fun.

There is no need to do it yourself, relying on the black carbon snake can cause trouble for the sworn enemy.

Doflamingo's favorite thing to do is drive away tigers and wolves, and there is nothing more comfortable than taking advantage of fishermen.

Thinking so, Doflamingo couldn't help but laugh strangely.

"Fu Ji

Torrebol heard the young lord's laughter and immediately stopped chattering.

He also realized that there was a lot to be done, and laughed along with Doflamingo.

"Hey, hey, hey... Young master, subordinates this arrangement? "

Without verbal communication, Torrebol was clear about Doflamingo's intentions.

Doflamingo laughed for a while, stared at Torrebol coldly for a moment, and only then nodded gently when he saw Torrebol's nervous face.

"Go, tell the Black Carbon Great Snake the news in detail, and make sure he clearly knows what kind of person Koshiro is."

When he said "detailed", "clear" and "what kind of person he is", Doflamingo seemed to bite the accent with deep meaning.

Torrebol made a "knowing" look at Doflamingo.

"Don't worry, I will definitely carefully convey the news to the black carbon snake."

"So that he knows exactly how scary Koshiro is."



The Great Route, the first half.

A medium-sized speedboat gallops across the sea.

The shape of the speedboat is similar to other pirate ships, which is also a monorail.

It's just that the hull is more slender, the lines are softer, and it has a linear flow.

But the speed of the speedboat suddenly doubled, far beyond the ordinary boat.

Yanagawa struggled to swing his knife on the bow deck where he was used to staying.

Before I knew it, sweat had covered my forehead and I was drenched.

Even with his current strength, every swing of the knife still made him feel hard.

As his strength grew, Yanagawa's understanding of the sword also increased.

Every swing of the knife consumes a lot of energy, and it is not as simple as it seems.

After exercising for a while, Yanagawa was a little tired.

After stopping to admire the surrounding scenery for a moment, seeing that the sea was the same, he pouted boringly and turned his head to look at the interior of the speedboat.

Klockdar did not know where he had gone and did not appear on deck.

Only MR.1, Daz Bonis, was sitting in front of the table and chairs placed on the deck, watching him cultivate with dull eyes.

These days, after a simple treatment, Dazz's body is no longer in trouble.

He usually sits in a chair and observes Yanagawa's daily exercise, as if he wants to learn something from him, every day, without stopping.

In this regard, Yanagawa did not care at all.

The swing of the sword day and night is because of the existence of the system, and the swing of the sword makes Yanagawa's strength grow at an alarming rate.

And the system only belongs to Yanagawa alone, and the others have learned, I am afraid it will not be of much use.

Although wielding a knife is indeed quite interesting, each swing of the knife will have a different experience, and there is an inexplicable feeling of refreshment after doing your best.

But that will not necessarily increase the strength of other Jianhao, let alone Daz, who is not even Jianhao.

According to the understanding in the past few days, Yanagawa somewhat understood why this guy Daz was so cold to him in the first place.

It is a cold personality, and this kind of person may not be enthusiastic.

Character determines destiny, and if Daz's personality is a little softer, he will not be beaten half to death.

It's a scourge.

Yanagawa glanced at Daz and pouted boredly, not wasting any more time on irrelevant people.

Tense your nerves and re-engage in cultivation.

"Since Klockdar is not here, there is no need to rest."

"It's better to step up your cultivation and raise the Ju Unity Slash to level 40 as soon as possible."

Thinking so, Yanagawa's spirit became more and more concentrated, and he devoted himself to exercise.

The hull of the speedboat is not large, but it is not small either.

In addition to the deck, which is more than ten meters long and four meters wide, there are cabins below deck that are blocked by unknown wood.

Klockdar, whom Yanagawa had been looking for, was staying in a dimly lit room.

This is a room with various office tools just like an office.

Klockdar was reading the latest information in the dim light.

Because he wanted to help Yanagawa find the relationship between the extraterrestrial meteorite, the speedboat directly skipped Magnetic Drum Island, Alabastan and Gaya Island, and went straight to the next destination - Long Roundabout.

In this way, it was possible to travel to the new world as soon as possible, but problems also arose, and the daily work of the Baroque studio could only be handled on the speedboat.

Klockdar didn't feel anything about this.

Whether it's a palatial office or a dark and damp cabin, it's just a slightly worse environment.

He has experienced more difficult times, and he cares about these details.

More than the hardship of the environment, Krakdal cares more about the actions of the capital of seven waters.

After hearing the design drawings of the ancient weapon Hades hidden there from Yanagawa's mouth, Klockdahl couldn't wait to send the senior agent in the studio, MR.2--von Kray, over as soon as possible.

It was about ancient weapons, and without getting exact news for a day, Klockdar sat still.

Even as Yanagawa said, the capital of seven waters has been firmly controlled by the world government, and there is no way to get the design drawings of Hades.

At the very least, he wanted to determine whether the information Yanagawa provided was true and credible.

After all, on the sea, the most common occurrence is fraud and betrayal.

Even now, Klockdar can't confirm whether what Yanagawa said is true.

Or to put it another way, he couldn't trust Yanagawa wholeheartedly.

Although he can basically believe that it is difficult to make up a leak-proof lie at Yanagawa's age, something unexpected will always happen in this world.

From the information obtained so far, Klockdar has not been able to determine the authenticity of the information.

Only by really investigating and hearing clear news from his henchmen can he truly feel at ease.

Klockdar squinted at the document in his hand, where it was written:

MR.2 has arrived in the capital of seven waters and is trying to sneak in and get close to the target person - the iceberg.

It was a document that had just been passed this morning, and it lifted Klockdar's spirits.

Von Kray is an ability to imitate fruits, and if it were him, I am afraid that he would have successfully met with the iceberg at this time.

After all, the imitation fruit can allow von Kray to dress up in disguise, and can vividly imitate everyone who has seen.

You can easily solve most of the trouble in the infiltration, and get close to the young man called Iceberg.

Compared to other agents in the studio, von Kray is a perfect fit for infiltration missions.

"Now we only need to wait for MR.2 to pass the intelligence over, and it is estimated that there will be preliminary results today."

Klockdar finished reading the contents of the document and knocked on the table and said to himself.

With von Kray's business ability, it is not too difficult to carry out a sneaking mission without being detected.

The content of the task he arranged for his cronies was not too difficult, and the first step was to observe the movement around the iceberg, whether it was a murderous plot as Yanagawa said.

With such a simple mission objective, I believe von Kray will soon be able to give results.

Just when Klockdar thought that the operation would go very smoothly, the phone worm rang just in time.

The sound of "purr" echoed in the small space, unusually loud.

Hearing the call of the phone bug, Klockdar woke up from his musings and picked up the microphone to answer.

After a moment of silence, von Krey's magical voice came.

"Moxi Moxie, is it a boss?"

"This is MR.2, I have heard the news you want~!"

The pretentious voice heard Klockdar's ears, causing him to involuntarily frown slightly.

Von Klay always inadvertently disgusted him, and Klockdar had not yet been able to adjust to the contrived appearance of this cronie.

Klockdar took a deep breath of his cigar and slowly spit it out.

A large amount of smoke filled the cabin, making Klockdar's face erratic.

"I'm MR.0, you say, tell me what you heard."

From the beginning of their acquaintance, Klockdar had reminded von Krey more than once not to speak to him in that tone.

But he always promised to be good, but when it came time to report the intelligence, he still completely ignored it, and still reported the news in that shemale-like tone.

Klockdar did not think of ways to correct his subordinates.

Whether he hit or scolded him, he tried, but von Kray seemed to be born like this, no matter what he did, nothing changed, and he still went his own way.

By this time, Klockdar had abandoned his original idea.

Trying to adapt to the sound that could easily give him goosebumps, he had already resigned.

Perhaps it was the magnetic field interference, and the voice coming out of the phone worm with a little noise that lasted for several seconds before stopping.

I listened to the phone worm, first "snapping" twice, and then heard Feng Kelei's distressed voice.

"What, why is the signal suddenly bad, it's really annoying to say."

As if he found that the phone worm had returned to normal, Feng Kelei's surprised voice came out again.

"Seems to be all right, Moxi Moxie, can you hear me?"

Klockdar's brain was bruised, and he resisted the idea of cursing angrily, and replied in a calm tone.

"Hear me, tell me what you see."

If it weren't for the rush to inquire about the information about the Hades drawings, Klockdar wouldn't want to talk directly to von Kray.

The voice was so uncomfortable that he couldn't accept it.

Fortunately, the abnormal situation only happened once, and the next call became smooth.

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