"Speaking of which, people are really unlucky to say."

"When I first arrived in the capital of seven waters, I was inexplicably despised by the bastards in the port, and I almost lost my anger."

Feng Kelei said aggrievedly, as if he had been treated unfairly, and his tone was full of resentment.

"But fortunately, people have always been generous, did not calculate with him, did not attract attention!"

At this point, his tone became proud again, and he could say that his tone was very full.

Plump enough that Klockdar could imagine the look on this guy's face as he spoke.

There was another surge in his abdomen, and Klockdar couldn't help but cover his stomach so that he could feel a little better.

"Stop talking about things that don't matter, can you talk about the point?"

This guy is obviously not a talker, but sometimes he always has to mention these little things that are not worth caring about, and he doesn't know what the problem is.

Hearing the boss's reminder, Feng Kelei finally paid a little attention, but it was only a little, and it was not much soft.

Just listen to him say: "People have to consider that the task goes smoothly, and they don't pay attention to the bastard who doesn't know what politeness is." "

"After arriving in the capital of seven waters, I went directly to the destination of the mission - the shipyard."

"It's just that the security there is relatively strict, and outsiders are not allowed to enter."

"But this is not difficult for people, people pretending to be workers and successfully mixed in."

It can be heard that Feng Klei is very proud of this and extremely satisfied with his actions.

"Next, people began to inquire about the news of the iceberg boy, that person seems to be very famous, just ask a random person and inquire."

"Then the people changed their faces and turned into the appearance of a shipwright, intending to observe the iceberg boy up close."

"But I don't know why, every time someone wants to get closer, someone will always come to someone to help."

"People can't refuse, they can only go over and help."

"As a result, I spent most of the whole day in labor, and I was almost exposed on the way."

"There's no way to get the job done."

After talking for nearly a minute, Feng Kelei finished his day's experience in its original form.

Except for not saying the details, everything that should be explained is clear.

Klockdar fell into deep thought after listening to it, and the content of the obedience seemed to hide something that could not be seen on the bright side.

One of the most obvious is why Von Kray has someone come and obstruct him every time he approaches the mission objective.

Under normal circumstances, it is reasonable to be stopped once or twice.

But if you are repeatedly obstructed, it is extraordinary.

Thinking of Yanagawa once said that icebergs are under the surveillance of the world government.

Klockdar naturally wondered if this could be a ghost by someone from the world government.

Iceberg was deliberately isolated and denied him contact with outsiders.

As long as others don't come into contact with him, there is no risk that Hades' blueprints will be transferred out.

Thinking about it this way, it seems quite reasonable.

Klockdar pondered for a moment and asked, "Do those who split you apart have anything in common?" "

If it were someone from the world government, Von Kray might be able to find something unusual.

After all, although the agents have many hidden skills, they will always reveal some clues.

Especially the agents trained in the same place, they are more or less similar in temperament or movement.

Even the most powerful agents cannot avoid these flaws, and Klockdar also runs an intelligence studio and has a deep understanding of this.

As if Feng Kray was remembering something, there was a meaningless muttering sound from the phone worm.

“emmm...... If you have the same point, boss, don't say that people really haven't noticed. "

"The reasons why they asked me for help are quite normal, and their expressions are very natural, not like they are deliberately pretending."

"But it seems a little strange to hear you say this now."

Von Kray said hesitantly, as if caught in thought, and a few seconds later he suddenly exclaimed, so startled that Klockdar almost dropped the microphone to the ground.

"Oh! That's right! People remembered! "

"When those people walk, they walked the same distance every time, as if they had been measured by a ruler."

"At that time, I was going to pretend to be one of them, but I was troubled by this problem for a long time, and in the end, I didn't succeed."

If it weren't for this, his infiltration plan would not be so difficult, and he was inexplicably interrupted every time.

If you pretend to be those administrators, it is estimated that it will be much smoother.

At least you won't be asked to help, at least you won't interrupt the progress of the task.

In Von Kray's opinion, it was just a matter that bothered him, but listening to Klockdal's ears, it was like thunder, and his heart was trembling.

"Is it really an agent... If this is the case, then MR.2 is estimated to be dangerous. "

Perhaps ordinary people don't notice their own cadence.

In fact, it is almost impossible for an untrained person to measure like a ruler, and the distance of each step is exactly the same.

Listening to Von Kray's description, Klockdar could instantly judge that this group of people had undergone special training and debunked their pretense.

In this world, in addition to a trained navy, only agents can do this.

This is a habit that has been trained for a long time, and most of the novices who have just come out of the training camp cannot break this habit.

Or rather, they may not be aware of the problem.

After all, when training, you are surrounded by the same kind, hiding among the same kind, it is difficult to find these flaws.

Fortunately, this group of agents is new, otherwise Klockdar would not have been able to find the problem so easily.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Klockdar hastened to issue instructions.

"MR.2, cancel the dive mission, hurry up and get out of the shipyard."

"After you come out, it's best to go around where no one is, clear your tail and return to the harbor."

"After that, leave the capital of the seven waters as quickly as possible, and don't stay there."

Klockdar's tone was extremely serious, and the solemn words made Von Kray dare not be careless.

"People hear it, so let's do it."

Then Klockdar gave a few more instructions, and temporarily thought of a plan to deal with the accident, so that Von Klay could prepare.

This is not that Klockdar is worried about the safety of his subordinates, but that he is afraid of being found out.

Before touching the mission objective, he encountered the agent when he first arrived in the peripheral area.

Just by looking at this, we can see how seriously the world government takes this matter.

If the World Government really discovers that he is fighting the iceberg, maybe in a few days he will hear the news that the three admirals are dispatched at the same time.

Therefore, Von Kray must not show his horse's feet and be caught by the world government.

At that time, even if Feng Kray is loyal to him, it is estimated that he will not be able to escape the fate of being targeted by the world government.

Just thinking about that possibility made Klockdar shudder.

"MR.2, you must remember that you must keep your spirits up and not show the slightest bit of horse feet."

"Otherwise, I'm sure you're dead this time!"

The harsh wording made Von Kray respond with twelve-point spirit.

"BOSS, don't worry, people will definitely do their best to get out from here this time, and you also know that people's ability BOSS will definitely not be a problem!"

Hearing Feng Kray say this, Klockdar also knew that it was useless to talk more, said "everything must be careful", reminded Feng Kray again and hung up the phone.

"It seems that everything that little ghost said is true, and the world government really sent a lot of people to monitor the young man called Iceberg."

"In this way, the design drawing thing must also be true."

"Otherwise, there is no reason to make a big move."

Klockdar's gaze was slightly lost, and from time to time he talked to himself, describing the conclusions that had come to mind.

"So, do you want to find a way to grab the design drawings from the iceberg?"

After thinking for a while, Klockdar negated the plan.

It doesn't matter if you cheat or steal.

In plain sight, this is an almost impossible task.

And the risk is too great, so great that if it is exposed, he will surely die.

For the blueprints of Hades, Klockdar can go on an adventure.

But knowing that it was a matter of sending death, he was unwilling to do it.

It's just that in this way, all hope must be placed on the finished product that does not know where yet.

This is not news to celebrate.

Still, he was at least certain of one thing.

The information that Yanagawa said should not need to be questioned, since the design drawings are true, the finished product will not be fake.

Klockdar was finally able to relax and concentrate on how to get to the New World.


On deck, Daz was intently observing the daily training of the "monster".

Since his health has improved slightly, he has come to the deck every day to try to find the secret of Yanagawa's strength.

But now, it seems that there is no secret.

There are only three things Daz has observed these days.

That is: hard work, hard work, and especially hard work!

Red Flame Sword Hao is like a perpetual motion machine, training day and night.

As if he didn't feel tired, he was training when he came to observe, he went back to sleep, and Yanagawa was still training.

Even when he woke up the next day and came to deck again, what he saw was still training.

The world says that behind the glamorous there is an unknown bitterness and sweat.

Now it seems that this statement makes a lot of sense.

If it weren't for such a hard exercise, how could Red Flame Jianhao be famous at this age and be known to the world.

Daz is acutely aware of the impact of effort on a person.

He has made up his mind to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to observe the daily life of this young hero.

After parting, he plans to train hard like Yanagawa.

Daz believes that as long as he can persevere, sooner or later he can achieve the same achievements as this sword master.

After observing for a while, Daz found that Yanagawa had already shown signs of sweating on his body.

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