The island where people were found can only be described as lucky.

This saves Yanagawa a lot of energy and greatly shortens the time to find clues.

But not until then.

Yanagawa glanced at the already slightly dim sky and decided to find a place to rest for the night first.

"Don't worry about meteorites, let's find a place to rest for the night first."

Klockdar nodded in agreement, he was also very tired and desperately needed a good rest.

"Just do as you say, as long as you are not in a hurry, I have no opinion."

The trio went deep into the island and soon found a camp.

The camp is a small village artificially walled with low fences, and most of the interior is simple wooden buildings.

There are not many people in the village, mostly dressed as herders.

Yanagawa casually asked someone for the location of the hotel, and found a place to live in.

The rooms offered by the hotel are very basic, just a detached log cabin.

But fortunately, it is clean and tidy, and it is not difficult to accept.

Tired for a long time, Yanagawa quickly fell asleep.

After the night passed, after waking up, Yanagawa only felt miraculously refreshed.

The feeling of coming out of a groggy state was so refreshing.

The next day, Yanagawa went to Klockdar's house early in the morning to discuss the follow-up plan.

Seeing the clean and refreshing room, the three people sat around the table.

Yanagawa's gaze looked towards Klockdar and proposed, "Let's inquire about the whereabouts of the meteorite together today, and then make plans when we find the specific place where the meteorite fell." "

Without clues, there is no way to arrange a plan, and the most important thing is to find the whereabouts of the meteorite.

No matter what information is available, there will always be a way forward,

However, Klockdar seemed to have other things to deal with, and his brows furrowed slightly when he heard Yanagawa say this.

"I don't have time today, I guess I can't help you, I'm afraid you have to inquire about the news yourself, I have other things to deal with here."

He had just received news that Feng Kelei had successfully escaped from the capital of seven waters and was about to come to meet and make peace.

He had to cooperate with Feng Kray to answer, and he couldn't spare time to help.

Yanagawa thought thoughtfully and nodded faintly.

"Well, since you don't have time, forget it, I'll go to the village first to inquire and see if there are any clues."

They are just partnerships, not close partners.

If you want to change the other person's mind, it is not yet there.

Being too anxious will only make things worse, and Yanagawa does not intend to force Klockdar to help.

Leaving the cabin, Yanagawa came to the village.

In fact, it is more appropriate to call it a tribe or a camp than a village.

Although there are buildings such as log cabins, these buildings are temporarily erected at first glance, and do not look like long-term places to stay.

In the humble village, I randomly found a middle-aged man dressed as a herdsman to inquire about the situation.

The results went unexpectedly smoothly, and I heard useful clues when I first found the first person.

"Extraterrestrial meteorites? You're talking about fireballs falling from the sky, right? "

The villager thought for a while, seemed to have thought of something, and confirmed it to the young man in front of him.

After receiving an affirmative answer, the villagers spoke more.

"You're really looking for the right person for this."

"I still remember what happened that day, it was horrible."

The villagers said with trepidation, as if they had encountered an extremely terrifying experience, and their voices trembled a little when they said this.

Just look at him as if he fell into memory, his eyes became a little distracted.

"That was many days ago."

"I remember it was a night, and it was no different from usual."

"Just suddenly, the sky brightened, as if during the day, the whole sky was dyed red and everything around became clearly visible."

Speaking of the key place, the middle-aged man's eyes revealed fear, as if he remembered the despair of that day.

"When I looked up, it was a huge fireball, as if the sun had fallen in the sky, just like the end of the world."

"I was scared and saw other people hiding in the house, and I ran home and hid."

"After a while, it was like an earthquake, and the earth was constantly shaking."

"But this situation lasted less than a few minutes, and it didn't take long to calm down."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man's tone also became a lot calmer, so he continued to say.

"By the next day, our leader sent a lot of people out to observe the situation nearby."

"But because everyone was scared, they didn't dare to go too far and didn't find the place where the fireball fell."

"After a few days, this matter will be over, and the leader said that it was just a false alarm, so don't worry."

"That's how it passed."

After listening to the stories of the villagers, Yanagawa fell into deep thought.

First of all, the credibility of this story is still relatively high.

I remember that when I watched the video in the past, the scene I saw was basically the same as the herdsman's description, which basically ruled out the possibility of him lying.

As for the search for clues later, I didn't find this part.

As the saying goes, Wangshan runs a dead horse, and this is the same now.

It does not mean that seeing a meteorite fall from the sky means that the place where it fell is very close to the person, the result may be diametrically opposite, and this distance cannot be judged.

However, from his subsequent statement, he felt an obvious tremor, although the distance was not close, it was not too far.

Thinking of this, Yanagawa had a rough guess.

"Uncle, can you tell me the direction in which the fireball fell? Probably where did it fall? "

The middle-aged man thought for a moment and slowly shook his head.

"I remember that the fireball was in the sky at that time, and I was patronizing the escape and didn't pay attention to the place where it fell."

"But... If I'm not mistaken, it fell towards us, not somewhere else. "

Hearing this, Yanagawa nodded thoughtfully.

"Oh... So it was. "

If this is the case, then the location of the meteorite should be within the confines of the island.

Saying goodbye to the middle-aged man with a smile, Yanagawa turned to ask the others for clues.

After a busy morning, according to the descriptions of many people, Yanagawa has a clearer understanding of this incident.

In general, the information provided by almost all of them is similar, basically no difference, just a little supplement in details.

This made Yanagawa certain that the meteorite fell on this island or two adjacent islands.

At the very least, the possibility of falling into the sea can be ruled out, the worst case scenario is ruled out.

"In this way, things will become simple, as long as Klockdar helps and sends his subordinates over to carpet search together, I believe it will not take long to dig up the meteorite."

"It's just that I don't know if someone will come first and find things one step ahead of us."

Thinking of this possibility, Yanagawa stopped and turned to walk towards the temporary place where they were staying.

"The search for extraterrestrial meteorites should be done sooner rather than later, and it is best to start preparing now."

"If you are cut off, you won't be able to cry if you want to."

Back at the lodge, Yanagawa walked into Klockdar's house.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw an unexpected person sitting in front of a table in the room.

Yanagawa glanced at him suspiciously, slightly stunned, and then came to open a chair and sit up.

The person who came was none other than MR.2 von Kray.

He also just arrived here, and successfully connected through Klockdahl's guidance.

At this time, Feng Kelei was reporting in detail the entire history of this mission, and he had only said the general process because he was in a dangerous environment.

Seeing Liu Chuan walk in, Feng Kray was also a little puzzled, his gaze looked at Klockdal, as if asking the boss if he wanted to continue.

Seeing Klockdar nodding slightly, he put down his heart and continued.

Yanagawa listened for a while and understood what was going on.

It turned out that the guy Von Klay who sent out to confirm the information turned out to be Von Klei.

Think about it, Von Kray is the ability to imitate fruits, and this kind of task is the most appropriate to send him over.

When he heard Feng Kelei say that he had confirmed that it was closely guarded there, the corners of Liu Chuan's mouth rose slightly.

For him, it is actually enough to confirm this.

As long as Klockdar knew that the information he said was true, then the next thing would be smoothly completed.

After listening to Feng Kelei's thrilling escape process, the more Liu Chuan listened, the more relaxed his heart became.

The more thrilling the encounter with Von Kray, the more credible the information he provided.

If he could, Yanagawa even hoped that Von Kray could fight with the people of the world government.

It's a pity that the process of their fight is more tracking and anti-tracking, a contest of professional skills, and there is no battle.

"There are so many of them that when they were in town, they changed their image several times in different places, which threw off these tails."

"It's also fortunate that people can transform, otherwise it is estimated that they will not be able to escape this time, and they will almost scare people to death."

After listening to Feng Kelei's heartfelt description of his experience, Liu Chuan was completely relieved, and the matter of cooperation had been closed, and there was no doubt.

Also relieved of course is Klockdar, since it has been determined that the design drawings of Hades are in the hands of the young man named Iceberg, it means that the information provided by Yanagawa is fine.

Since there is no problem with intelligence, then Hades will fall into his hands sooner or later.

Klockdar took a deep breath and turned to look at Yanagawa.

"How are you doing over there, have you found the news?"

Liu Chuan was smiling secretly in his heart, and the smile on his face became more and more obvious when he heard him ask this.

"The whereabouts of the meteorite have been inquired about, just around these islands."

"But it's not clear exactly where, and you may need to send a large number of people over and carpet contraction."

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