Long roundabout is not big, small is not small.

Even if the approximate range is determined, as far as the four of them want to search, it will not be possible to find it in a short time.

However, if you can increase the manpower, it is estimated that it will not take too long to find the meteorite.

After all, there will definitely be abnormal phenomena in the place where the meteorite falls, and it will not be like ordinary stones, without characteristics.

As long as you have features, it will be much easier to find, and I believe that you will find clues soon.

It's just that none of this seems to be necessary.

When he first heard the word meteorite, he saw that Feng Kelei's expression became a little unnatural.

That kind of expression seems to be telling everyone in this room: Isn't it?

A look of disbelief but a little surprise made Yanagawa and Klockdar have some guesses.

"You're MR.2, von Kray, right?"

Liu Chuan looked over with clear eyes, saw Feng Kelei nodding dumbly, and said with a smile: "Did you find something?" Can you tell me about it? "

Feng Kray subconsciously looked at his boss, saw Klockdar nodding with a smile, and only then said the matter.

"When people came to meet the boss, they saw the meteorite."

Sure enough, looking at his expression, you knew that there was a scene, and the result turned out to be that there was no hiding place for iron shoes, and it didn't take any effort to get it.

Von Kray not only found clues, but also directly found the meteorite itself.

Yanagawa was both happy and a little speechless when he heard this.

It took him so long and so much effort to find a clue.

This guy poured well and found the thing directly.

Even more infuriating, he didn't take it seriously, and he didn't think of putting things away at all!

It's really intentional to plant flowers and flowers, and unintentional to plant willows and willows.

People who want meteorites are anxious, racking their brains to analyze the information obtained.

No matter how hard you try, you still get general news.

On the contrary, it was Feng Kelei, who had no interest in this, and outsiders found it first.

But anyway, this time I finally found something.

No matter how you find it, as long as the result is fine, then everything is good to say.

Seeing that Feng Kelei still wanted to continue to explain the situation, Liu Chuan shook his head with a smile, pulled away a chair and stood up.

"Don't say it, just take us directly and waste that saliva for what."

Since they have all been found, why do you need to pay attention to this information.

As long as Feng Kray takes him directly, won't it?

Why take off your pants and fart in one move.

Feng Kelei was stunned when he heard this, and reacted.

"Yes, it seems to be the truth, then I better take you with me."

Without further ado, the four immediately came out of the house and were about to set off to find the whereabouts of the meteorite.

Just as soon as he went out, Feng Kelei seemed to have thought of something and asked Liu Chuan.

"Young man, you are looking for meteorites to take them away, right?"

Seeing Liu Chuan's unknown nod, Feng Kelei continued: "That black stone is not small, we can't bring it back like this." "

While saying, he gestured again.

Judging by the contours drawn by his hands, the meteorite should have been more than a meter in diameter.

Indeed, if it is true as he says, it is difficult to bring things back empty-handed.

After all, you can't carry it back, right?

If it's angular, then it's okay, you can find a way to lift it back.

But if it's a round ball, it's worse, and you can't push it back like a snowball.

Thinking of this, Yanagawa's gaze looked at Klockdar.

"I don't know if you have a box or something over there, if so, please borrow me to use it."

Klockdar spat out his cigarette and ordered Daz in a nonchalant tone.

"You go to the ship's warehouse, there is a big box there, you go and get it."

It's not a big deal, something that can be done casually, and Klockdar can't find a reason to refuse.

The honest Daz went like this, and it didn't take long to find a box with a length of almost one meter three and carry it back to the squad.

Everything was in place, and the four set off immediately.

By the time the meteorite was found, more than two hours had passed.

It's not that Von Kray remembered the wrong way and lost time.

It's a bit long, and even they take a lot of time.

Seeing the pitch-black ball-shaped thing, Yanagawa endured his excitement and asked others to help transport the things back together.

The four of them worked for a while, digging up the meteorite from the charred land and putting it in the box.

Finally, the honest Daz carried the suitcase back to the speedboat.

By the time it was time to put things on the ship, the day was basically over.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Yanagawa proposed to rest on the island for a day and set off for the Chambord Islands the next day to prepare for the New World.

Klockdar had no opinion, and even if others did, they were not qualified to mention it, and the matter was settled.

When the four returned to the camp again, they suddenly found that it was quite lively.

A group of strangely dressed men were sitting on the grass outside the camp, lighting several bonfires, as if to rest.

Liu Chuan glanced at it a little curiously, and the clothes on those people gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

After a little thought, I know where that familiarity comes from.

These people generally wear Japanese-style samurai clothes, isn't it similar to what Koshiro usually wears?

Coupled with the katana dangling on the side of these people, they clearly told others that they were from Wano Country.

"I don't know what these people from the Wano Country are doing here, don't come to find extraterrestrial meteorites like me, right?"

Yanagawa recognized their identities and said to Klockdar with a smile: "It would be a pity if this is the case, we have already taken the things away." "

Happiness is always based on the pain of others, and the thought of these people's dazed expressions when they see the empty crater makes Yanagawa feel a burst of amusement.

Klockdar glanced at Yanagawa expressionlessly, not understanding what he had in mind, and smiled so lewdly.

However, the thought of this operation going so smoothly, it was normal for him to be happy, and he didn't care.

However, the teenager next to him smiled and laughed, and his face suddenly became very ugly when he thought of something.

Klockdar is a little inexplicable, just now it was fine, why did he suddenly say that it changed? Did he miss something?

Just when Klockdar was puzzled, he heard the young man in front of him say in a rather unkind tone, "You guys go first, I'll test the situation." "

Saying that, he turned his head and walked straight towards the group of samurai of Wano Country, as if he was in big trouble, and there was no intention of discussing at all.

Klockdar stopped and looked thoughtfully at the boy's departing back.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to wait where he was for a while.

After all, there are too many mysteries in the teenager, maybe there are some secrets hidden in these people.

If you really listen to his words and leave directly, you may miss some important information.

Yanagawa walked forward with heavy steps, but with each step, his steps became brisk.

It was also his complexion that changed.

That solemnity disappeared at some point, leaving only a faint curiosity on his face.

Yanagawa suddenly changed color before because he saw the identity of the leader man.

Light blue hair, exaggerated airplane hair style, who can this person be if he is not a mad deathman.

Look at the burly guy next to him, as strong as a cow, and looks very similar to a cow.

That person seems to be a member of the Great Serpent Royal Court, right?

Before, I thought that the person who came was a swordsman who came to find the whereabouts of the meteorite outside the sky, but after discovering the identities of these two people, Yanagawa had an ominous premonition in his heart.

If it was an ordinary samurai, it would be fine, maybe it was near the Long Roundabout, and it was normal to hear a meteorite falling here.

But if it's Denjiro, is it possible that he came here from the New World specifically for a meteorite?

Let's not mention that this place is 108,000 miles away from the New World, can you see the picture of meteorite falling.

Even if he could see it, there was a red earth continent blocking it, and it was impossible to get accurate information.

And as Denjiro, one meteorite is not enough for him to come from the New World specifically.

Obviously, they came for another purpose.

Yanagawa faintly felt that it was possible to have some connection with himself, which was his intuition.

So he decided to come and test it out.

If he thinks too much, that's it.

But it's really the same as he thinks, don't blame him for being unkind.

Walking up to Denjiro, Yanagawa behaved like an ordinary teenager.

After observing Denjiro with curious eyes for a long time and making sure that this person was Denjiro, Yanagawa spoke in a curious tone.

"Hello, uncle, are you also here to find clues about the fireball?"

The childlike tone made Denjiro wake up half-drunk and look forward with drunken eyes.

The young man in front of him was handsome in appearance, with a curious face, and a knife hanging from his side, which seemed to be a young man who worshipped swordsmen.

This kind of child can be found everywhere in Wano Country, but it is rare in other places.

Thinking that this child might be his admirer, Denjiro was perfunctory, although he didn't quite feel like a reason.

"Interval~! Right! That's right, Lord Ben came to find the extraterrestrial meteorite, do you know any clues? "

Denjiro looked drunk, his tongue was a little knotted when he spoke, and his speech was not very clear.

And he also burped uncontrollably, which seemed a little choking.

Smelling the heavy alcohol, Yanagawa wrinkled his face and quickly covered his nose.

"It stinks!"

Denjiro was stunned when he saw it, and then laughed.

"You guy, it's really interesting to know that Lord Ben is drunk and has to lean over."

Yanagawa felt a pang of crookedness in his heart, if it weren't for the real intelligence, he wouldn't have pretended to be simple.

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