But fortunately, if the other party is successfully fooled, the action should be much easier.

Thinking so, Yanagawa let go of the resistance in his heart, and his acting skills became more and more proficient.

"It's a pity Uncle Oh, you are already one step late, not long ago, the fireball has been taken away, you guys came for nothing this time."


Denjiro seemed to be shocked when he heard this, and his drinking action suddenly stopped, and he looked at the boy in front of him drunkenly and confused, as if he wanted to confirm that he had heard correctly.

Seeing him like this, Yanagawa repeated with a smile.

This time, Denjiro heard clearly and spewed out.

"What!? When exactly? "

"Is what you said true? When was it, I still heard from the people here in the afternoon that they couldn't find anything. "

"How long has it been since the thing disappeared?"

Denjiro couldn't believe it, and even wanted to cry, his life was a little too miserable.

"Just this afternoon, I saw with my own eyes a group of uncles dig the fireball out of the ground and leave our Long Roundabout."

Yanagawa's ability to lie has basically reached the point of pure fire, without the slightest flaw.

In fact, I am not lying, but I just changed the characters.

Replaced their group with strangers, replaced with strangers.

If you really pursue it, it is not a lie.

Denjiro knelt directly, kneeling on his knees with his arms on the ground.

"Ah! It's really bad luck. "

"I received a broken task to go to such a remote place as the East China Sea to catch people."

"I was going to make some extra money on the road, but as soon as the front foot came, someone snatched the back foot away."

"Heaven for God, do you still have heavenly reason?"

"You'd better kill me."

Denjiro exudes an air of decadence, as if he has turned into a salted fish, and his eyes are blank.

It should have been some funny scenes, but in Yanagawa's eyes, it was like frost.

East China Sea...... Arrest!

Yanagawa keenly grasped two key words and instantly connected with Koshiro.

Sure enough, his hunch was not wrong, the real purpose of this group of people was actually the East China Sea.

But...... The East China Sea is so big, it is not necessarily a trouble to find Koshiro.

In order to confirm that I will not make a mistake, there is a misunderstanding.

Yanagawa was still patient and planned to continue the temptation.

However, before he could figure out how to speak, he heard Denjiro's low roar like venting.

"Koshiro, this damn guy! What a waste of Uncle Ben's time! "

Well, even the temptation is not necessary, and everything is explained without asking.

It's a real hammer!

Hearing this, Yanagawa no longer planned to pretend.

Now that they knew that their target was the owner of the Ichishin Dojo, it was pointless to continue to tempt.

Unexpectedly, they actually went to capture Koshiro, they simply didn't know whether they were dead or alive!

Yanagawa forced himself to endure his anger and asked in an icy tone: "Tell me, what is your purpose in finding Kenshiro, honestly I will give you a pain, otherwise don't blame me for torturing you." "

The sudden change in tone made Denjiro a little confused about the situation.

How did it become like this.

Look at the teenager in front of him, where is the appearance of youth and sunshine.

Seeing his gaze that chose someone to eat, Denjiro felt a chill in his heart, and the drunkenness was instantly dispelled, and he immediately woke up most of the time.

The momentum exuding from this teenager is definitely not something that an ordinary teenager can have.

Denjiro could almost smell a strong smell of blood, and the boy probably had a lot of blood on his hands.

Otherwise, it would not be possible for him to have such a strong killing intent in his momentum.

At the same time, the cow-like guy also looked here.

No need to ask more, he also noticed that something was wrong.

That terrifying momentum is too terrifying, as obvious as the lights in the night, and it is impossible not to notice it.

"Say, while there is still a chance now, you can say more, otherwise you won't have a chance in the future."

Warning of the trouble of finding Koshiro, Yanagawa has already sentenced the two to death in his heart.

The samurai of Wano Country surrounded them.

Yanagawa's gaze remained motionless, not paying attention to them at all.

A wave of anger rose in Denjiro's heart, why did this little devil look down on them!

"Little ghost, who are you and what is your relationship with Koshiro?"

"Why bother us?"

Yanagawa snorted coldly in disdain, not bothering to answer.

"I gave you a chance to answer the question, didn't I let you understand the rhetorical question?"

"The one who knows the face quickly explains the words, and then dies, and this matter is settled."

Seeing his tone chiseled, looking like he was dead, Denjiro was furious.

"What a hairy boy who doesn't know the height of the sky, dares to talk to Lord Ben like that."

"Come, give me all together!"

In fact, there is no need to greet, these samurai can not help but rush over.

Only, does this work?

Yanagawa didn't even move, just glanced over with a look.

An unrivaled momentum rose up on his body, turning into tangible things like shock waves spreading in all directions.

The skilled overlord-colored domineering penetrates the body of the samurai of Wano Country.

One second they were still charging with anger, but after coming into contact with this momentum, they instantly froze in place.

Then, the popping sound came one after another.

The samurai of Wano Country fainted directly!

Overlord color domineering!

It turned out to be overlord-colored domineering!

Who is this teenager, and why can he use the overlord color domineering so skillfully?

You must know that even in the country of Wano, the overlord color domineering is a rare species.

Not one in a million people will wake up.

However, it is unbelievable that such a rare and legendary qi machine appeared on a teenager.

Denjiro froze directly, and what happened in front of him broke through his cognition, making it difficult for him to accept!

"When is the overlord color domineering so worthless, even a little devil can easily grasp it?"

Hearing this, Yanagawa didn't even think about it, and directly pulled out his knife and cut it over.

"Don't talk more nonsense, you better die, it's the same to ask others!"

Too lazy to waste time on a person who does not know whether he is dead or alive, simply kill him.

Thinking so, the movements in Yanagawa's hands became even more fierce.

A dazzling crimson sword qi split out!

"Buzz !!"

The sword qi streaked through the air with a piercing sound, and the sound alarmed Denjiro and made him awaken from the shock.

Seeing the sword qi in front of him, Denjiro's gaze cast a light of fear.

Not daring to be careless, he quickly pulled out his sword and resisted in front of him.

The sword qi wrapped around the armed color domineering and the blazing original special effect collided and shot out a large number of sparks.

In a hurry, Denjiro didn't block the blow, spitting blood in his mouth and flying out.


A bitter scream followed, and I saw Denjiro draw a long trajectory on the grass and fall to the ground with an unknown life or death.

At this time, Da Hei had recovered from the shock of the overlord-colored domineering, and quickly pulled out the machete he was carrying behind his back and slashed towards Liuchuan.

"Don't be too arrogant little ghost, I want you to die today!"

A low figure came from the strong man's throat, like a giant beast roaring in the mountains.

Yanagawa frowned slightly when he heard it, and then roared back in a louder voice.

"What are you doing loudly!"

At the same time, he did not forget to deal with the opponent's attack, raising the light blue blade and casually slatting.

The chaotic air hit the opponent's huge sword, and shot it out with Da Hei.

Xu was intentional or unintentional, the direction in which Da Hei was flown was Klockdar's side.

Looking at the trajectory of the flight, if Lao Sha does not move, it should be just pressed by Dahei.

From this point of view, Yanagawa seems to have done it on purpose.

Glancing at Klockdar with deep meaning, Yanagawa turned his head again with a hint of a smile on his lips, looking at the middle-aged man who struggled to get up from the ground.

"How's that, can I say it now?"

Denjiro hesitated, as if he was still hesitating.

Seeing this, Yanagawa pouted.

"Forget it, you still die, when you die, your subordinates should know each other better, and it makes no difference to ask them."

Saying that, Yanagawa stepped on the ground and used the Navy Six to quickly approach.

Without seeing when he made the move, Yanagawa made a sudden stab and quickly stabbed over.

There was already a roaring flame burning on the blade, which looked very eye-catching in the dark night.

Denjiro's pupils shrank and he tried to dodge sideways.

But Yanagawa's speed was so fast that he didn't have time to react.

"There's no way, you can't go on like this, you can only fight!"

Denjiro's gaze froze, the muscles in his hand tensed, and he mustered up enough strength to swing towards the incoming blade.

The two collided together, causing the incoming weapon to deviate slightly from the trajectory.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Denjiro accelerated his dodge.

However, it was still too late, he simply did not have enough time to get out of the safe area, and he was still stabbed in the side by the chaos.

The blade pierced the body more than two inches, barely penetrating half of the body.

Seeing this, Liu Chuan's eyelids twitched slightly, and he only felt a phantom pain coming from under him.

"You asked for this, don't blame me!"

The location of his stab happens to be one of the Achilles heels that all men have, the kidneys!

That is, commonly known as the waist.

With this sword, even if Denjiro does not die, it is estimated that he will not be able to be humane in the future.

Yanagawa didn't expect to stab that part, and could only say that fate was destined for Denjiro to escape.

The mournful screams like a cry continued to come, and Denjiro collapsed directly to the ground after being hit by the sword.

He seemed to be suffering unimaginably pain, rolling and whimpering on the ground.

Yanagawa could probably imagine the pain he was experiencing, because he himself felt similarly.

That phantom pain sensation is not to mention how refreshing it is.

Seeing that his expression was so painful, Yanagawa decided to give him a pain.

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