The light of the sword flashed, and a head spun and fell to the side.

At this time, the moaning sound like a mournful cry quietly stopped.

His gaze shifted elsewhere and he glanced at Daz and Von Kray who were watching the battle.

Daz's gaze was still that cold look, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

However, this guy Feng Kelei's eyes flickered, as if he did not dare to look at him.

Yanagawa touched his nose and took the initiative to look away.

He can say that it was just an accident, not intentional...

"My heart was obviously stabbed, it was this guy who came up by himself, and he had to deviate from the original trajectory before he was stabbed in the waist."

"It's none of my business, okay, don't get me wrong!"

But looking at Feng Kelei's expression, he didn't believe it at all, and he didn't even dare to look at Liu Chuan anymore.

This teenager is too scary to mess with.

Shifting his gaze to Da Hei's side, Klockdar jumped onto Da Hei's shoulder when Da Hei's movements were too big and he didn't have time to adjust his posture.

The big hand was held on the thick neck, and I don't know what method was used, and this huge strong man was like an electric shock, constantly twitching.

Then, Da Hei's body contracted rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than a few seconds, the huge body was left with only shriveled flesh and thick bones.

Da Hei was drained of body fluids by the King of the Desert and directly turned into a dry corpse.

Qiwu Hai is worthy of being the Seven Wuhai, and a small minions of the New World are not worth mentioning in front of him.

It took less than a minute to kill the opponent, and it ended the opponent's life in such a terrifying way.

After getting rid of the enemy on his side, Klockdar spat out smoke and walked towards Yanagawa.

"I need an explanation."

Yanagawa touched his nose a little embarrassed, not knowing what to say for a while.

As soon as the thought turned, he simply played a trick.

"Explain what? I thought you were all gone, so I just pumped him out. "

"Who knows you're still where you are, it's none of my business."

By this time, the facts were already unclear.

Klockdar could indeed see clearly, Yanagawa just casually swung the person over, as if he really had no other ideas.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's talk about what these people do."

Klockdar very generously ignored the question and asked instead about the origin of these people.

The people of Kazuno Country may be Kaido's subordinates, and if it is really Kaido's people, he must plan early and clear his relationship with this matter.

However, Yanagawa's next words made him relax and didn't care much.

He listened to Liu Chuan calmly said: "These people are the people of the Black Carbon Great Snake, they want to find trouble with the dojo master I once cultivated, and they intend to teach them a lesson." "

Of course, the so-called lesson is to kill these two people directly.

After all, Koshiro has a gift of knowledge for Yanagawa, and he is the only one who cares about him from the bottom of his heart.

No matter what the reason for all this is, since you have encountered it, you can't turn a blind eye.

The best way is to solve the problem from the root cause to avoid future problems!

I believe that killing the two big guys should make the black charcoal snake throw a rat trap, as long as this guy stops here, then this matter is over.

Of course, if the black charcoal snake gives a face, it is another matter.

Don't worry about more debts, anyway, there are already so many enemies, don't care about one more him.

At that time, it is a big deal to go and make a big fight with the country, if there is a chance, simply kill the black charcoal snake.

"Anyway, those who offend me don't want to have a good end, one is counted as one, and sooner or later take revenge back!"

Thinking so, Yanagawa asked Klockdar and them to go back to rest first, and he stayed to solve Tail.

When the samurai of Wano Country came to their senses, under their shocked gazes, Yanagawa spoke.

"Tell your general not to touch the mind of Frost Moon Village in the future, otherwise he will end up like those two people."

"I'll take a trip to Wano Country in person and cut off his dog's head!"

The samurai of Wano Country only promised, and they couldn't even mention the tone of their reply.

Seeing this, Yanagawa shouted sharply: "Did you hear that!?" "

This time, the samurai of Wano Country finally reacted.

"Heard, heard, don't worry, my lord, we will definitely bring the words!"

If you don't answer again, I'm afraid you will die here.

"Okay, if you hear clearly, then you can roll, roll!"

Yanagawa waved his hand, signaling them to get out.

A bunch of guys who even have courage are not worth his hands.

And Yanagawa also expected these people to go back to pass the message, so he did not kill them.

As if amnestied, the samurai turned around and ran.

It's like a demon following behind him, and he doesn't even dare to turn his head.

"Hmph, this is the samurai of Wano Country that the world praises? It's a shame! "

With a faint glance at the appearance of this group of people fleeing in embarrassment, Liu Chuan spat, not bothering to evaluate.

He got up from the ground and stretched.

"Everything is done, so go back and get a good night's sleep."

"I'll have to continue my journey tomorrow, and I'll live at sea again."

The thought of not knowing how long he would have to drift next, Yanagawa had a headache.

After all, the sea is not land, and it is shaky every day, and ordinary people really can't adapt.

After another night of rest on the island, Yanagawa left from Changhuan Island with Lao Sha early the next morning.

The next destination is the Chambord Islands, which have long been negotiated.

Once there, they will be heading to the New World.

The thought of meeting Doflamingo soon made Yanagawa excited.

"Disgusting me for so long, you son of a bitch should also pay the price."

"When I get to Dressrosa, you watch, I will make you regret provoking me!"


As soon as Klockdar's ship left the Long Roundabout, a naval warship landed on the island.

Vice Admiral Momo Rabbit just got the news of Yanagawa's stay here and came over.

"I just hope it won't run for nothing, and I hope that the little guy hasn't run away yet."

She has tried to speed up as much as possible, but unfortunately the sea is always so far away.

Even if you set off at the first time, you may not be able to catch up with the change in time.

The limitations of the times, this is also a matter of no way.

Led by a staff team to the island, the navy soon found the villagers who lived there.

Stopping in front of a young girl, Peach Rabbit took out the wanted warrant and asked in a gentle tone:

"Hello, little girl, have you seen this teenager?"

The girl took the wanted warrant and carefully distinguished, isn't this the teenager who just stayed on the island?

Glancing left and right, I didn't see Yanagawa's figure.

"He was still staying with us in the morning, but I don't know when he disappeared, maybe he left, right?"

The girl said unsurely.

She knew about the wanted order, but she didn't expect that the good-looking little brother turned out to be a pirate.

Peach Rabbit deliberately covered the wanted amount so that the girl could not see it, otherwise if she saw that series of numbers, I am afraid she would be frightened.

Peach Rabbit nodded lightly, and talked with him gently for a while.

At this time, a navy man ran over quickly.

"Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, you come to my side to take a look, I seem to have found traces of battle."

Peach Rabbit was stunned for a moment, said goodbye to the girl in a good voice, and hurriedly followed.

"Traces of battle, could it be that Red Flame Sword Hao fought with people again?"

The naval officer scratched the back of his head in distress.

"I don't know about this, it's just some strange traces, I'm not sure if it was done by Red Flame Jianhao."

Without further words, Peach Rabbit followed the young general and left quickly, coming to the battlefield last night.

There are many traces of bonfires burning around, and it seems that someone has rested here for a while.

In addition to the more obvious burn marks, three places are worth noting.

The peach rabbit came to the trajectory of the ground that was ploughed out, carefully looked at the two eyes, and said with certainty: "There are people here who have been beaten and flown over, and the depth of the traces on the ground should have flown out flat." "

While thinking about what had happened in his mind, Peach Rabbit explained to his subordinates.

The officers listened with little understanding, but somewhat understood some superficial experience.

"That means there was a fierce battle here, and someone was sent flying out, right?"

"And what's with the blood stains here? Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit? "

An officer asked, pointing to a pool of blood, the distribution of which was linear, and there was a large pool of blood in the initial direction.

"This is the blood stain that was cut by the knife, and from this place to the other side, it is obviously the blood stain that was splattered by the knife."

"Judging by the amount of bleeding, either a cut in the abdomen or a decapitation, there is no other possibility."

Peach Rabbit pointed to the blood stain while explaining to everyone present, and finally her gaze stayed on the large pool of coagulated blood.

"It's a little strange here, the blood is not evenly distributed, it seems to have traces of smearing."

"But if someone deliberately covers it up, then it can't be said."

"So you can probably tell that there have been crazy struggles here."

"It should be too painful."

After roughly deducing, Peach Rabbit reviewed what happened here yesterday.

Judging from her confident tone, it seemed very determined.

But she couldn't tell where the man who had been slashed was so struggling.

Peach Rabbit pondered for a long time, but could not reason it.

And she couldn't tell whether she had cut her abdomen or beheaded her in the bloodstain.

Either way, one thing is certain.

The person who is cut down will surely die, and there is almost no possibility of survival.

Judging from the subtle traces on the scene, it looked like it was cut out by the Red Flame Sword Hao.

In this sea, no one except the Red Flame Sword Hao could cut the flames with a knife.

It is basically certain that the perpetrator is the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan.

After thinking for a while, Peach Rabbit had an answer.

No longer dwelling on the details, but moving to another place to observe the traces of the fight.

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