The environment here is very nice and perfect for people to live for a long time.

Just because it is located at the end of the first half of the great voyage, the identity of the people who come and go here is complicated.

People from all walks of life gather here, including pirates.

Each giant tree on the island has its own number.

From Island 1 to Island 79, each island has its own unique character.

Among them, Island No. 23, where Yanagawa enters the archipelago, belongs to the illegal zone of the island.

Usually only pirates or other criminals stay in these places.

Ordinary people will not be in the area of islands 1-29 now.

As for how this atmosphere was formed, it is related to Draco.

It's still too early to talk about Draco, so there's no need to say anything more.

Just know a little, everything that exists is reasonable.

Now that illegal areas have gained a foothold here, they have their unique uses.

Of course, Yanagawa doesn't care about that.

He showed little interest in the dirty deals, and with a guide map of the Chambord Islands in hand, he made a straight way to Area 35.

Island 35 is a famous shopping area and the first place Yanagawa will visit on this trip.

After all, wearing a cloak is still too conspicuous, and Yanagawa would like to walk around this beautiful place in an upright manner if he could.

When it's time to change into a normal one, change your hairstyle.

After that, hide the knife, I believe that you will not reveal your identity.

After all, young people all look similar, and no one will deliberately distinguish his appearance.

Under this premise, it is still relatively safe.

Arrived in the Chambord Islands smoothly, first went to the clothing store to buy a refreshing dress.

The hue of the color is mainly blue, which is not much different than the white samurai uniform he usually wears.

When all this was done, Yanagawa did not hurry to shake off his cloak and swaggered out of the clothing store.

Instead, he continued to hide his appearance and went to the barbershop to take care of it again.

Under the exquisite skill of the barber, his image has changed greatly.

If it is not a close person, such as Koshiro, I believe that it is difficult for anyone to recognize him as Yanagawa.

By now, all disguise can be removed.

After going out, he threw away his cloak and old clothes, and Yanagawa swaggered in the middle of the road.

Tentatively passing by in front of the navy a few times, sure enough, as he suspected, there was no need to hide his whereabouts too much.

The next thing was simpler, and Yanagawa relaxed and wandered around the island.


On Island Thirty-Three, a group of navies maintain order under the leadership of ghost spiders.

During this time, a large number of pirates suddenly poured into the Chambord Islands.

This made the naval headquarters feel that something big would happen, and quickly sent several vice admirals such as Ghost Spider to station in the Chambord Islands to prepare in advance for possible incidents.

While passing an intersection, the ghost spider suddenly looked into the depths of the street.

The adjutant on the side saw him in a daze, and couldn't help but ask: "Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, is there any problem?" "

The ghost spider retracted his gaze, and then couldn't help but look at it twice, and finally shook his head to deny it.

"It's okay, it should be my delusion, he can't appear here."

He just saw a young man dressed in blue looking a little familiar.

I couldn't help but observe it a little more.

But the difference between that kid and Red Flame Jianhao was quite big, and he didn't see the weapon he was carrying.

Although the ghost spider had some doubts, he did not seriously confirm it.

After all, from the time calculation, Yanagawa appeared in Alabastan at most at this time, and it is impossible to appear here.

But in fact, Yanagawa actually stayed on the island.

And just walked under his nose.

After turning a corner at the end of the street, Yanagawa patted his chest and exhaled.

"Lying groove, this is also too thrilling, I didn't expect that guy really didn't recognize me, it's really exciting."

Yanagawa actually discovered the existence of the other party one step ahead of the ghost spider.

Originally, he planned to bypass him, but after thinking about it, even he almost couldn't recognize himself, and it was impossible for the ghost spider to recognize him.

With this thought in mind, Yanagawa ventured past the ghost spider.

The result was obvious, although the ghost spider was a little suspicious, but did not stop him to ask about the situation.

In fact, as long as he chose to do so, Yanagawa was basically exposed.

The appearance can be camouflaged, but it is too difficult to perfunctory the sound of a more natural past.

Especially if Yanagawa himself is not sure that he will not laugh, it is even more difficult!

But after this time, Yanagawa can finally be sure of one thing.

That is, as long as he does not die and attracts the attention of others, then he will never be exposed.

"Finally, I can play with confidence and boldly."


While Yanagawa was wandering around the island, Klockdar on the port heard a very interesting news.

Crockdale held the microphone in his hand and asked with interest:

"You said that Yanagawa kid was included in the Navy's killing order?"

"And the Navy issued a warning to me not to get too close to Yanagawa?"

"That's really interesting intelligence."

It is normal that Yanagawa was included in the Navy's attention list, after all, at such a young age, he has a strength comparable to Nanabukai.

As long as the people of the Navy are not stupid, they will definitely include him in the spotlight.

But the must-kill list is more interesting.

You must know that since ancient times, only Roger, the Pirate King, has been included in the must-kill list by the Navy.

Unexpectedly, Yanagawa also won this award today and successfully left his name on this special list.

It's just that anyone knows that this is not necessarily a good thing.


Can't say that.

For Yanagawa, this is absolutely too bad news to be true.

I don't know how much trouble will arise in the future because of this list.

Even Klockdar began to expect what would happen to Yanagawa, and he was very interested in it.

But another piece of news made Klockdar less pleasant.

That commanding tone made him extremely disgusted, he was not a subordinate of the Navy, why should he obey the orders of the Navy.

"You go and tell Sengoku, I know about this, I will consider his proposal."

When he said the word "propose", Klockdar bit the accent deliberately.

It is necessary to separate orders from proposals, otherwise these navies will become more and more excessive.

As for the "proposal" of the Warring States, he will indeed think about it.

And he also thought about it, and the result of the consideration was "not considered." "

After hanging up the phone, Klockdar laughed loudly.

"Just because you guys still want to order me, don't joke."


Although he did not take the Navy's order seriously, Klockdar did not intend to disclose the news of the must-kill list to his partners.

Resisting the navy did not mean favoring Yanagawa, and Klockdar wished that the conflict between the two sides would be more violent.

Only in a chaotic situation can he achieve maximum benefits.

Thinking so, Klockdar brought up the phone worm to contact Yanagawa.

Within two seconds, the call was connected.

"Yanagawa, are things still going well? Have you encountered any difficulties? "

Klockdar asked with a concerned tone, as if he cared deeply about it.

Yanagawa was stunned for a moment and answered his situation.

"Okay, everything went well, at least there were no problems."

Even the ghost spider who has seen it once has been fooled, and there is nothing more cool than this.

"Do you have something going on? Doesn't it mean that you should not use the phone bug to contact if there is no emergency? "

Yanagawa asked suspiciously, this is still Klockdar's words, don't contact if it doesn't matter.

As a result, it only took long for me to call over.

It's inexplicable.

"No, I just suddenly want to care about you, and I can rest assured when I hear the news that you are safe."

Klockdar was just in a good mood and wanted to hear Yanagawa's voice so that he could be in a better mood.

After all, that's great news.

Yanagawa listened confused, and then hung up the phone with a confused look.

"I really don't understand what this guy is doing, it's just inexplicable."

I lowered my head and pondered for a while, but I didn't find a clue, and I simply shook my head and gave up thinking.

"Leave him alone, it's none of my business anyway, love it!"

With that said, Yanagawa walked towards the amusement park.

The Bubble Park on Island 33 has many thrilling projects.

Finally came to the Chambordi Islands, Yanagawa naturally did not let go of the local characteristic projects, and all kinds of playgrounds were visited.

Compared to the playground in my hometown, the entertainment facilities here have its own unique place.

After playing around, Yanagawa had a rough judgment in his heart.

It's almost different, each has its own characteristics.

In this way, he spent the first day in the playground, which can be said to be full of harvest.

Life always needs to be relaxed, and you can't just focus on cultivation.

Usually when there is nothing to experience on the boat, it is just that, but it is really enjoyable in addition to training.

But it's different when it comes to the Chambord Islands, a super tourist attraction where cultures blend together, where you can basically experience the customs and customs of various countries.

There are also a wide variety of goods, souvenirs from various regions, and so on.

If you don't take advantage of this time to enjoy more, when you get to the new world, it is like experiencing it.

"These seven days should be a holiday for yourself, it is rare to come here, you must relax."

Thinking so, Yanagawa fell asleep in the soft bed.

He spent the next few days playing.

Apart from occasional daily contact with Klockdar, a "partner", he did not dabble in anything related to work.

It can be regarded as a complete vacation for myself and relaxation with all my heart.

It's just that this only happens in the first few days.

In the days that followed, with the Navy growing more and more.

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