Yanagawa suddenly felt that something was wrong.

When I first arrived, it was nice to see a sailor on a street.

But by now, at least twenty navies patrol every street.

And looking at their well-trained appearance, it seems that they are not yet ordinary navies.

Looking like the elite coming out of the headquarters of the Navy, it is far from being comparable to the ordinary Navy.

Yanagawa has seen with his own eyes how a thief was killed by these guys.

Almost three hundred meters apart, just a casual shot that the thief was killed on the spot.

This kind of divine marksmanship, if you want to say that he is an ordinary navy, who can believe it.

Yanagawa doesn't believe it anyway.

And judging from the man's dress, he seemed to be just an ordinary member of these navies.

In other words, this elite navy is scattered throughout the island.

What exactly happened that would make the Navy so nervous.

Is there something I don't know?

For this reason, Yanagawa specially contacted Klockdar to ask what had happened in the past two days.

As a result, the answer was that there were a large number of pirates gathering in the Chambord Islands, which was no big deal.

Yanagawa carefully recalled that he did see a lot of pirates when he was on the road.

If you want to say that, it seems that there is really no problem.

After thinking for a while, Yanagawa gave up his intention to pursue this question.

No matter how much the Navy has, it is impossible to recognize his true identity, all this is meaningless.

Anyway, it doesn't have much to do with him, it doesn't matter if they are heavily guarded.

Thinking so, Yanagawa walked out of the hotel without psychological pressure.

At this time, he did not know that Peach Rabbit's warship had arrived in the Chambordi Islands and was looking around for news of him.

However, the sudden appearance of naval elites on the island really has little to do with him.

The truth is, as Klockdahl said, that the Navy is just taking precautions.

After Yanagawa went out, he first walked around the street aimlessly twice, finished breakfast and prepared to go to Area 40 to buy some souvenirs and prepare for leaving.

When he arrived at Island 43, he was ready to buy some snacks to stock up on the road.

Something happened that didn't make him very pleasant.

A fat man with a big belly with a large group of retinues flaunted his might in the middle of the street.

Pushing passers-by all the way, as if the street was opened by his house, only he was allowed to pass by himself.

If this were to be placed on Draco, Yanagawa would endure it.

But this guy seems to be obviously a civilian, and as the bottom of society, he actually did the business of bullying the weak.

It's a shame!

What makes Yanagawa even more intolerable is that this guy is still holding a chain in his hand, and the end of the chain is a mermaid sister whose upper body is a human and whose lower body is a fishtail.

Looking at her heart-like expression, it seemed that she had lost hope in life.

Even the disgusting fat man kept whipping with the whip, and she didn't respond.

It's like the walking dead, just walking slowly.

This woman has lost her soul.

It's terrifying that one person should be tortured to this point by another.

Is there still humanity in this world?

Is there still a royal law?

Yanagawa didn't know, because the world seemed to be so dim.

And seeing the pedestrians on the street numb and accustomed to all this look made Yanagawa even more mixed.

I listened to a man next to him who seemed to be an outsider and asked with interest: "What kind of person is that fat man, it is really enviable that he can have a slave of the mermaid." "

The faces of the people on the side changed drastically, and they quickly stopped the behavior of this person's discussion.

"Shh... Be quiet, that's our famous rich man in the Chambord Islands, I heard that he has a little relationship with Draco, saying that he is fat and you don't want to die? "

"It's actually related to Draco, that's too powerful, if only I could be like him, then Draco, it's really enviable."

"Who said it wasn't, and I don't know where this guy got his shit luck, such a good thing let him run into it, this world is really unfair."

The guy who kindly persuaded passers-by not to talk indiscriminately at the beginning, couldn't help but start to be quietly jealous when he said it later.

Yanagawa, who was watching from the sidelines, heard this, and did not know how to evaluate this person.

It can only be said that this is the way of the world, and people living in this environment have long been accustomed to dominating and being dominated.

There is a lack of correct concepts from the root.

Call them stupid, that's not it.

Empathy, it is difficult for anyone living in this environment to cultivate the correct three views.

But to say that they are okay is a bit too much.

At the very least, they lack the concept of good and evil.

Seeing intelligent beings who are also in human form suffering, at least have some empathy, right?

Even if you can't do anything, let's talk about the girl who suffered.

As a result, these people just talked about the identity of the fat man with relish, and when talking about girls, they only had envy, which was simply strange.

Yanagawa listened for a while and didn't want to stay here any longer, he was afraid that he would not be able to help but be humane if he stayed for a while. Feeling hopeless.

"I'm still in the best stage of my life, but I don't want to be polluted by these disgusting things."

Forced to endure the discomfort, Yanagawa took a step towards the depths of the street.

His identity is too sensitive, especially at this juncture, and must not let the navy detect the abnormality.

There are too many elites on the island, and if they are discovered, it may be difficult to escape from here.

And even if you manage to escape, it will delay the trip, and it is not worth the risk for a stranger who has never been in contact.

Yanagawa constantly calculated the gains and losses in his heart, sobered himself up, and tried not to be nosy as much as possible.

Calming the grievances that rose in his heart, Yanagawa walked through the side of the street, avoiding the crowds.

But there is a saying that it is a blessing or a curse, and it is a curse that cannot be avoided.

Yanagawa was so low-key, he wanted to walk on both sides of the street, as if he didn't see it.

These usually high-spirited entourage still found him, with arrogant faces, and stretched out their disgusting hands to push him.

"Didn't you see us adults passing by? Dead? If you want to die, I can fulfill you! "

Yanagawa gritted his teeth and wanted to suppress the anger in his heart.

But this guy's arrogant look has always lingered in his mind.

If you can't bear it, you don't need to endure it anymore, Yanagawa can understand that some scum is really incurable.


Sighing, Yanagawa took a step back, avoiding the push of his entourage.

The attendant was stunned when he saw him, and then seemed to be laughed angrily.

"Yo huh! Dare to dodge, you kid looks young, not small. "

"It's not long eyes, can't you think about it, right?"

"Today I really want you to remember a little longer, let you see the color!"

The guy who looked like a retinue shouted in a high-spirited manner, asked the guards to come over, pointed at Yanagawa and said that he wanted his life.

"Little ones, cut this faceless imp for me."

"I dare to avoid my kindness to Xiao Ye, I don't know if I live or die!"

Hearing this, the guards gathered around.

Surround Yanagawa in groups.

A toothless guy walked up to his entourage with a flattering smile and flattered.

"Xiaoye, you dissipate your anger, he may be a civilian, if he really cuts, maybe there will be some trouble."

The entourage didn't care about that, he was angry now, he had to vent it.

"No, this little devil is a pirate, I said yes, you just cut it or you don't have to worry about anything else."

Well, obviously just a dogleg has such a great majesty, which shows what its owner will behave on weekdays.

At this time, the body of a man with a cloak hiding in the shadows trembled slightly.

He also seemed to be enduring his anger.

Seeing that the group of guards seemed to be encouraged, they swung their knives at the young man with endless malice.

The man's arm in the shadows was shaking.

"What if... If it's not a critical moment, I'll definitely help you! "

"But not now, it can't attract the attention of the Navy!"

This man with blue tendons on his pale blue shoulders is none other than Haixia Jinping.

Jinping's face looked very painful, and he felt guilty for not helping Yanagawa.

Seeing that the boy was about to die under the knife, Jinping closed his eyes in pain.

Only in the next second, Jinping did not hear the sound of the blade entering his body.

Instead, a sharp whistle echoed through the streets.

Jinpei suddenly changed color and opened his eyes.

I saw that the guards who surrounded Yanagawa were cut in two on the spot.

The sound he had just heard was the hum of Yanagawa wielding his knife.

The streets were silent, and everyone was stunned by what was happening in front of them.

Originally, they were expecting to see the exciting scene.

It's just that the current situation seems to be a little too stimulating, and people can't react.

"So, you're the most noble person under the sun, aren't you?"

The cold voice echoed through the street, and the initiator of it all spoke.

Yanagawa's eyes were extremely deep, and he stared condescendingly at the man dressed as a retinue with an indifferent gaze.

This indisputable guy had long been paralyzed on the ground, his crotch was wet, and he was scared to pee.

"It's ironic that such a noble person was scared to pee his pants."

The mocking voice made the entourage return to his senses slightly, and he pointed at Yanagawa in a staccato manner, intermittently.

"You you know, know who I am, who it is? I'm a big businessman George's subordinate. "

"Oh~ that's amazing." Yanagawa sneered and clapped.

Then, he pointed the handle of the knife at the fat man who was not far away and also did not know what happened.

"You mean this fat pig, that's amazing!"

Fat, fat pig!

When someone dared to call Lord George that, passers-by were stunned by what this young man said.

George also did not dare to believe it, even the vice admiral did not dare to call him a fat pig, where did this guy have the guts!

"Do you have the ability to say it again, dare I call me a fat pig!?"

George's dead pig-like voice passed through the distance of tens of meters and heard into Yanagawa's ears.

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