Yanagawa couldn't help but laugh when he heard it.

"You don't seem to have figured out the situation yet, but you don't need to be clear either, it's all going to die anyway, and dead people know so much to do."

Since you've chosen to do it, get it done!

Yanagawa didn't think to let them go.

Hearing this, the faces of everyone present changed greatly.

They seem to have forgotten an important thing.

This young man cut several guards with a single knife, and his strength is extraordinary!

George is accustomed to acting as a bully on weekdays, and at this time he still dreams of bullying others.

Just look at his forehead instantly covered with cold sweat, obviously looking panicked, but still fierce and inward: "Don't mess around, move me, Lord Draco will not easily bypass you." "

He was a slave trader, and he dealt with Draco a lot on weekdays, and he did not provide them with good goods.

Therefore, he also maintained a certain contact with the Draco, so as to use the fox fake tiger to fight the dog.

Now that he accidentally kicked the iron plate, George still wanted to pull the tiger skin and pull the flag, hoping to use the power of the Draco to avoid a disaster.

But will Yanagawa care about this?

Not to mention this guy who is also a civilian, even if it is Draco who stands in front of him today, so what?

He is already a pirate with a reward of more than 100 million, will he be afraid that the reward will be several hundred million more?

It doesn't matter at all, okay.

Yanagawa was too lazy to speak, and he was ready to express his attitude with actions.

I saw that the boy's body shook slightly, and he disappeared in place.

By the time he reappeared, the knife was already stained with blood that could not be dissolved.

In the blink of an eye, there was no one in the middle of the street except himself.

Everyone, including George, the fat pig, was cut in two by Yanagawa.

Moreover, the injuries on their bodies are almost the same.

It was cut in two by the blocker.

The miserable screams rose and fell one after another, from flaunting their might to being more tragic than anyone who shouted, but in an instant.

These people obviously have not heard the truth of pretending to be B being struck by lightning, and today they finally understood.

It's just a pity... This lesson can only be learned in the grave.

In just over ten seconds, George and his party all lost their breath.

Yanagawa glanced at his masterpiece and sighed deeply.

"I already plan to let you go, but I have to mess with me."

"Well, you're all dead, and I have a bunch of troubles in my body, so why bother?"

Having said that, Yanagawa did not regret it in the slightest.

The footsteps slowly came to the mermaid girl, and the shackles on the girl's neck broke on the spot with a flash of swords.

Looking at this poor woman who did not have the slightest brilliance in her eyes, Yanagawa sighed and said, "Let's go, you are already free." "

"Free? What a precious word. "

The girl's expression was still so numb, and there was no trace of brilliance in her eyes.

She talked to herself so faintly, as if she had seen through everything.

She looked at Yanagawa blankly, leaned over and bowed to him slightly.

"Anyway, thank you."

After that, he jumped into the water on the side and disappeared into the sea in less than two seconds.

Looking at the position where the woman finally disappeared, Liu Chuan sighed in his heart: "This woman is afraid that she is already helpless, but unfortunately this kind of thing is too fragile, and I can't help you." "

Only those who have experienced despair know how precious hope is.

But once she has experienced hell, even if hope is placed in front of her, this person will be indifferent.

What this young girl has experienced has completely wiped out her soul.

Yanagawa himself knew that he had only rescued the mermaid's body, but not her soul.

In this regard, Yanagawa just sighed.

"This damn world."

The darkness of the world is caused by the general environment, which cannot be changed overnight by one person.

Yanagawa was never a savior, and he never wanted to be a savior.

He just saw all this as a life experience, and did not take it to heart.

With a shake of his wrist, he shook the dirty blood attached to the knife and repeated the previous step on the sea, only to put the mess back into the scabbard.

It's over, and it's time for him to go.

Only then did the crowd seem to react, screaming and fleeing.

"Ah!! Kill! Run! "

"There are demons killing people on the island, where is the navy dead, hurry up and arrest people!"

For a while, the streets were extremely chaotic.

When those guards were about to kill Yanagawa, these people watched with interest.

When he killed everyone back, he panicked again.

Human nature is sometimes so funny, absurd and ironic.

Pouting disdainfully, Yanagawa took a step towards the dimly lit alley.

As he was about to enter the mouth of the alley, an even greater exclamation came.

"I remember, he is the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan, a sea thief worth 500 million!"

I don't know who said this, but I heard it clearly in Yanagawa's ears.

Liu Chuan smiled bitterly and said in his heart: "Sure enough, I was recognized." "

In fact, there is no need for this man to remind him, as long as he makes a little guess, his identity will be naturally exposed.

Who else can kill people at this age who can kill without changing their faces?

What's more, Jian Hao's characteristic was obviously exposed, and he didn't even need to think about it to figure out his identity.

It's just that before hearing the identity exposed with your own ears, you can't help but wonder if it is possible to ignore the past.

This is a fluke that everyone has, and no one can avoid it.

It's just that Yanagawa is also well aware that this possibility is very small.

Now it's just a ruthless telling him this, but nothing has changed.

Unable to help sighing again, Yanagawa took a step closer to the inside of the alley.

There is already a navy chasing in the distance, and if you don't run, I'm afraid that the movement will become more and more noisy.

If you can't stand it then, it's fun.

You must know that the headquarters of the Navy is not far away, and there are five terrifying guys there.

As long as any one of them comes, he will inevitably be unable to eat the result of going around.

When the navy came, he saw the mess on the streets.

Their faces darkened on the spot.

"I don't know which bastard dared to commit murder in public in the Chambord Islands, didn't you put us navy in your eyes?"

The Navy was indignant and looked for people passing by to find out about the situation.

Hearing these four words of Red Flame Jianhao, his face showed a solemn expression.

"It turned out to be this guy, if it was him, it would be no wonder."

Yanagawa's ferocity has spread throughout the entire naval system, and no one is unclear about what the four words of Red Flame Sword Hao mean.

Whether it is an agent of the world government or a pirate, few people can escape in his hands.

Only when facing the navy will he be soft.

"Does this mean that he still has justice in his heart?"

That's unknown.

In other words, all they had to do now was to find the whereabouts of Red Flame Sword Hao and report it to their superiors.

Whether Red Flame Sword Hao had justice in mind or not, it had nothing to do with them.

Pirates are pirates, and there has never been justice or injustice.

The enemy of the navy is the existence that must be destroyed.

As the elite of the navy, the sailors of this department will not waver in their hearts.

Hearing where Red Flame Jianhao last appeared, he picked up his courage and quickly chased after him.

At the same time, a large number of telephone bugs in the island's naval base rang at the same time.

The liaison officer connected the phone, and all the messages pointed to one person at the same time, that is, Red Flame Jianhao!

The chief of the communications department quickly got the news and hurriedly walked into the garrison office with the documents.

Inside is Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Ghost Spider.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, the latest intelligence, Red Flame Jianhao appeared in the Chambordi Islands, and killed 53 people in public on the streets."

"The cause of death of these people is the same..."

Saying this, the naval officer couldn't help but swallow and spit, showing a trace of horror in his eyes.

"They... They were all cut off! "

How much of a vendetta this is to execute the slash.

Isn't it bad to pierce the heart directly?

What a force it takes to stop people and cut them off, and there are more than fifty people, it is terrifying to think about.

But the ghost spider didn't seem to be frightened by these news.

He was more concerned about intelligence than the circumstances of these deaths

The already hideous face of the ghost spider became more serious, and he quickly asked.

"Are you sure it's more than fifty?"

"You must know that the Red Flame Sword Hao has no past of killing civilians, don't be mistaken."

The ghost spider rightfully treated those people as civilians.

After all, the number of people is too much, except for civilians, it is difficult to imagine that so many people will appear on the streets at the same time.

Only this time he guessed wrong, the group of people who died really had a complicated background.

"Nope! It was not civilians who died, but a group of merchants who specialized in the slave trade. "

"And after many inquiries, we can basically confirm that that person is the Red Flame Sword Hao, and the ghost spider lieutenant general does not need to doubt the authenticity of the intelligence!"

When it comes to their professional skills, the head of the liaison department will not back down half a step.

Insist that there is no problem with the information provided by the department, so that the ghost spider can dispel his concerns.

"At the same time, we noticed an unusual change."

"Red Flame Jianhao did not wear a white dress this time, but changed into a blue one."

"And his hairstyle has changed dramatically, so we can't confirm the identity of the man for a while."

"The most important thing is that he seems to have used some special method to hide the knife, which adds another layer of difficulty to identification."

"That's why we only discovered the whereabouts of Red Flame Jianhao until now, and it is our responsibility to say it."

The officer's self-reproachful words reminded the ghost spider of the scene a few days ago.

At that time, he also seemed to have passed by Yanagawa.

It's just that because he has changed so much, he didn't recognize him, and he actually let him run away under his nose.

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