Hearing the liaison officer's information content again, the ghost spider was uneasy for a while.

"Sure enough, the person I met that day was the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan."

"I didn't expect to be able to see through his disguise right under my nose."

"It seems that he also wasted a lot of effort in order to cover up his whereabouts."

The ghost spider raised his hand and interrupted the intelligence officer's expression of self-blame.

"Even I didn't notice, let alone you."

"I don't blame you for this, there is no need to blame yourself too much."

"The most important thing now is to find the traces of Red Flame Sword Hao, and this time we must take him down!"

Saying that, the ghost spider picked up eight almost identical katanas from the table and walked out.

The officer hurriedly followed and asked, "Sir, are you..."

"Of course, I went to catch the Red Flame Sword Hao!" The ghost spider rightfully said.

"But the intelligence doesn't say..."

Before the officer could finish speaking, the ghost spider interrupted on the spot, he knew what the man wanted to say.

"Don't worry, this time it's not just me, there are other noble people to help, there will be nothing wrong."

A word dispelled the officer's concerns, and the ghost spider turned on two phone worms at the same time, and hurried to the place of the incident.

The phone worm on the left keeps reporting Yanagawa's current location, while the phone bug on the right is contacting another person.

After a few seconds, the phone worm on the right was also connected.

"Peach Rabbit? Here are the ghost spiders. "

"The target has appeared in the Chambord Islands, and I am going to intercept it."

"The area where he is now is probably on Island 43, please support immediately!"

If it's just a person, the ghost spider may not be able to raise the courage to face Yanagawa head-on.

But behind him stood a candidate for the admiral, Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit!

"If it's Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, even the Red Flame Sword Hao can take it, right?"

Each of the three admirals is a monster among monsters, far from being comparable to ordinary vice admirals.

Peach Rabbit, as a candidate for the general, is also strong.

The ghost spider once encountered the peach rabbit in the competition within the navy, and of course he was taught to be a human on the spot.

For this woman named Gion, he admired it from the bottom of his heart.

Then, he heard the familiar voice ringing from the phone worm, which calmed the ghost spider's slightly uneasy heart.

"This is Peach Rabbit, I have heard the news."

"I will arrive in half an hour, and before that, I will trouble you to try your best to intercept the Red Flame Sword Hao, hard work for you."

Peach Rabbit's voice was always so calm and calm.

Like Lieutenant General Tsuru, he has the power to raise courage.

The ghost spider's running steps became more determined, and the voice of the answer became more powerful.

"I will do my best to stop him, and the rest will be left to you."

There was only one word coming from the phone worm.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely arrive!"


The gaze returned to Yanagawa's side.

As soon as he entered the mouth of the alley, he was blocked by a mysterious man with an extremely large body and a cloak.

Just as Yanagawa was thinking about whether to kill him, the man released his cloak to reveal his true face.

"In Xia Jinping, I saw what happened just now."

"I am very impressed by Your Excellency's conduct, and I am willing to help Your Excellency, I don't know if I can have this honor in Xia."

Hearing this, Yanagawa was slightly stunned, and the hand that was already holding the handle of the knife relaxed.

The visitor wears a kimono with simple clogs at his feet.

The skin of the whole body is a strange light blue, and the imprint of the sun pirate group is exposed on the chest.

Coupled with that extremely recognizable fang, who can it be if it is not Haixia Jinping?

"Almost, I didn't resist pulling out the knife directly."

Thinking so in his heart, Yanagawa breathed a slight sigh of relief.

If he fights here at this critical moment with Jinping, who has the strength of the Seven Wuhai, I am afraid that he will only lose both.

Fortunately, I endured it, otherwise I really don't know how to end.

"No need to be so polite, just call me Yanagawa, since you want to help, then get rid of you."

Liu Chuan's gaze glanced randomly in the alley, and said with a slightly bitter smile: "I really don't know the terrain around here, and I'm afraid that if I have to run on my own, I'm afraid it's a disaster." "

It would be nice to have Jinping to help, I heard that he is always active near the Chambord Islands, he should be familiar with this place, right?

Only this time Yanagawa guessed wrong.

"That... I'm sorry, but I don't really know about the trail around here, we may need to fumble for a while. "

Scratching the back of his head, Jinping looked a little embarrassed.

Well, Yanagawa admits that he thought things too simply.

"But two people are better than one, aren't they?"

Yanagawa blinked, alleviating Jinping's embarrassment in this peculiar way.

"The most important thing at the moment is to escape the navy's pursuit first, and we'll talk about other things later, let's run first."

Hearing the sound of the navy calling around, Yanagawa smiled calmly and proposed to the comer.

Jinping also realized the seriousness of the problem at this time, and things were much more complicated than expected.

"Then please come with me, although I am not familiar with it, I can barely know some routes that ordinary people do not know."

"If it's just two people, it shouldn't be too much of a problem, let's go to a place I am more familiar with and hide for a while."

Saying that, Jinping turned around and walked towards the depths of the alley first.

Don't look at his fat appearance, his body shape is indeed unusually dexterous, and that fat body does not hinder his movements in the slightest.

Seeing this, Yanagawa touched his nose and quickly followed.

"According to Jinping's behavior, he should not pit me, right?"

Recalling the introduction to Jinping in the plot, Yanagawa knew it in his heart.

Haixia Jinping likes to act chivalrous and righteous, and has never disdained intrigue.

If such a person could not believe it, who else could he believe?

Do you have to believe that Klockdar?

No kidding.

Compared to Klockdar, Jinping does not know how much more reliable.

Of course, if it's just for now, the two of them can be regarded as half a pound and eight taels.

"After all, Klockdar still depends on me to find Hades, and he won't easily harm me at this time."

I walked around after Jinping, and walked on the cobweb-like path for an unknown amount of time.

A sunny area appears in front of you.

Walking out of the path, my eyes suddenly opened up.

In front of them was a small hill with a gentle slope.

The hills are covered with green grass and reflect a strange halo in the bright sun.

A white staircase sits on top of the hill, leading from the bottom of the small hill to the top of the hill.

At the end of the steps is a strangely shaped building.

Combined with the towering giant trees around it, the foam that rises from the ground to the sky from time to time gives it a unique beauty.

"What is this place, so beautiful?"

Yanagawa couldn't help but exclaim, this place is indeed too beautiful, making people feel refreshed.

Jinpei looked back at Yanagawa, pointed to the building on the hill and solemnly introduced, "This is Area 13, which is a bar owned by my friend." "

"If it's here, the Navy generally won't come over to bother, and we shouldn't have much problem avoiding it a little."

Area 13?


Yanagawa already has an answer in his mind, but he still needs to confirm it to know.

Following Jinpei quickly approaching the door of the bar, he saw the name of the bar, and Yanagawa finally determined where this place was.

"Xia Qi's Ripping Bar

It turned out to be the retreat of the famous One Piece deputy captain, Hades Renly.

Unexpectedly, Jinping actually knew those two and brought himself here together.

Yanagawa couldn't help but think: Is this really good?

"After all, Jinping doesn't seem to recognize his identity yet, does this also trust me too much."

You must know that Renly is not an ordinary person, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a super combat power standing at the top of the world.

As a big man of the same era as Karp, Renly's combat effectiveness is not much weaker than Karp.

Jinping actually brought him over to introduce such legendary figures, which shows how much trust Jinping has paid to him.

This is Yanagawa himself, and he definitely can't give his trust so easily.

Jinping is a very atmospheric person, worthy of being called a righteous man!

Walking inside the bar, the décor inside is not much different from other bars.

The most natural color of wood is the main color, which is extremely comfortable to look at.

When they approached, they saw a short-haired woman with a cigarette in her hand grabbing the front collar of a pirate, as if saying something.

Seeing them come in, Xia Qi turned her head and looked over.

Seeing that it was Jinping, she greeted her very happily.

"Ala, isn't this very peaceful? How did you have time for me? "

Then she saw a teenager dressed in blue follow closely into the bar.

Shrugging her nose slightly, she smelled an air that was difficult to hide.

"Oh, it turns out that I got into trouble again and came to hide."

"You guy is really not polite at all, every time he causes trouble, he comes to me, and he doesn't treat himself as an outsider."

Having said that, looking at the unconcealable pleasure on her face, Yanagawa knew that this person was just talking.

But seeing that Jinping seemed to take it seriously, his whole face became red, and he opened his mouth and was embarrassed to speak.

Seeing this, Xia Qi couldn't help but laugh happily.

"Don't take it seriously, I'm just making fun of you, I don't really want to blame you."

Pointing to the stool in front of the bar, Xia Qi continued: "Quickly sit down, you guys rest for a while, I still have a little matter to deal with here." "

"Sorry, I'm going to trouble you again."

Jinping leaned over slightly, and apologized sincerely.

"Where, you are our friend, there is nothing you are not sorry for."

Xia Qi waved her hand, not caring at all.

Seeing her like this, Jinping seemed to calm the apologies in his heart, led the way in front, and took Yanagawa to sit at the bar with him.

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