"What's the must-kill list?"

Liu Chuan's face had a hint of solemnity, and his eyes looked at Xia Qi brightly.

The words were spoken by her, and she seemed to understand the way she looked.

Yanagawa hopes to get an answer from Shakki's mouth.

Xia Qi noticed that the cup in front of the two was empty, and did not rush to answer.

Instead, he poured a glass of wine for Jinpei from the table and refilled a glass of juice for Yanagawa.

Then he poured himself a glass of water and took a sip lightly, and then slowly explained it.

"The must-kill list is a new gadget made by the navy when Roger the Pirate King found the end of the world."

"This list, like its name, means that the person on the list must die."

"Roger was on this list back then, and as you can see, Roger died."

"After that, there was another baby who was not yet born on this list, but then I don't know why it was canceled."

"There was a very big movement at that time, and I believe that you have experienced this too."

When he said this, Yanagawa's gaze looked at Jinping.

Seeing Jinping nodded thoughtfully, he spit out two words.


That incident is still fresh in my memory.

The people of the world government went crazy and went all over the world looking for pregnant women.

And even those newborn children will not let go, as long as there are suspicious objects.

Only after strict inspection, will the person be released.

As for what happened later, I don't know, maybe someone was found, or maybe it was for other reasons.

Anyway, that's all it takes.

In this regard, Yanagawa has some speculation.

It is estimated that what Shaqi said should refer to Ace's affairs.

That movement was indeed much more than what was happening in the Chambord Islands.

It's normal for them to feel something.

It's just that...... What does this have to do with him?

He is not Roger's descendant, and he has no special origin on the bright side, so why is he on the must-kill list?

It's just inexplicable, okay!

In his thoughts, Yanagawa accidentally saw the glass of refilled juice on the table, but he was not in the mood to drink now.

Liu Chuan raised his head to look at Xia Qi, did not hide his doubts at all, and asked.

"So, why am I on such a terrible list, it doesn't make sense!?"

However, Sharqi's reaction was still so flat, as if he didn't feel strange at all.

I listened to her say calmly: "Actually, when I heard your information, I already guessed whether you would be included in this list. "

Yanagawa: ???

"By what?"

Why was she always so calm, as if it were all expected.

"Don't you feel a little?"

Hearing the teenager ask this, it was Shaky's turn to feel strange this time.

"Think about how old you are now, have you turned sixteen?"

"You haven't reached the age of sixteen to be able to tie with Qiwu Hai, if you continue to grow, can the navy rest assured?"

"Can the world government rest assured?"

This is a question that can be answered without thinking.

Of course, it is impossible to rest assured.

Since you can't rest assured, get rid of him before his wings are full.

Isn't this normal logic of thinking?

Hearing this, Yanagawa finally understood.

"So you want to erase me just because you are relieved?"

"The world is cruel enough."

How to say it.

After thinking a little, Yanagawa felt that this logic still made quite sense.

Indeed, in the face of uncontrollable variables and threats, the best way is to directly extinguish them in the bud.

Even as a victim, he felt it was an effective response.

Isn't it a little too cruel to just do that?

Don't they have a little bit of kindness to speak of?

Yanagawa couldn't help but feel confused, he was still too young and saw the world too well.

It turned out that the inner core operating logic of this dead knot turned out to be so cold and ruthless, without the slightest warm living space.

It is simply more cruel and terrifying than the ancient feudal era, and there is no glimmer of light.

"That's the reason, that's the reason."

After figuring out what kind of existence the real world is, Yanagawa relaxed instead.

Since the truth of this world is so cruel, there is no need for him to be scrupulous.

In the future, people who see the Navy and the world government, just kill them directly.

It turns out that the forbearance for so long has been exchanged for these, which is simply not too ridiculous.

Although the boy was smiling, his gaze became deeper and deeper, and he could not see the slightest brilliance.

Jinping sensed that something was wrong, and his face was anxious.

Without the slightest hesitation, he quickly reached out and pushed the boy.

"Wake up, cheer up, don't let the darkness erode your heart, they are wrong to do so."

Yanagawa's gaze turned to Jinping, and seeing his sincere gaze, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

Gently patting Jinping's arm to let him go, Yanagawa said in a brisk tone:

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I just figured out something."

Repay grievances with virtue, how to repay virtue.

If the Navy wants to kill me, then why should my subordinates show mercy?

Yanagawa just figured out one thing.

In the past, he was still too soft-hearted and let some people go.

Now that he has figured it out, he will definitely not show mercy to his subordinates in the future!

Thinking so, Yanagawa stood up from his chair.

Seeing this, Jinping and Xia Qi were slightly stunned, not knowing what he meant.

"Are you planning...?" Jinping asked with concern.

"Nothing." Yanagawa lifted the mess placed on the bar counter into his hand and said without care: "There are some guys who shouldn't have come, I'll go out and drive them away." "

Saying that, Yanagawa took a step forward and walked towards the door of the bar.

When he reached the door, the boy turned his head and looked at Jinping.

"By the way, I forgot to say."

"It's something I'm doing alone, and I don't need help."

"Can you see what I mean?"

Jinping understood, of course he knew what this boy meant.

He wanted to bear the consequences alone and did not want to implicate himself.


But Jinping felt that he couldn't think that he hadn't seen it, they had already joined forces and fled here, and they should be able to be called friends.

If a friend is in trouble, how can he be indifferent.

It's just that Yanagawa has already made up his mind, and he interrupted directly before Jinping could speak.

"No, as long as you don't see it, that's the biggest help to me."

"I will remember today's kindness in my heart, and I will get together again when I have time in the future!"

He was grateful that Jinpei could help, but in fact Yanagawa didn't think that Jinpei could help anything.

The target of the two people is too obvious and is not conducive to escape.

Breaking contact with Jinping while it is not yet on the Navy's watch list is the best way to deal with it.

By this time, Yanagawa had no nostalgia.

I opened the door of the bar and walked out decisively.

Inside the bar, Jinping still wanted to chase after him.

At this time, Sharkey's hand was on his shoulder.

Jinping looked at Xia Qi for no apparent reason, and saw that her expression was extremely serious and serious.

"It's better that you don't get involved in this, that teenager's strength is much stronger than you think."

"Not only will you not help with the past, but you may drag him down."

Or Shaqi can see more clearly and know what the most favorable decision is at the moment.

Although Jinping was unwilling, he also knew that Xia Qi's head was much better than him, and he struggled for a long time to follow Xia Qi's advice and did not follow out.

It's just that Xia Qi doesn't seem to be completely unconcerned, seeing that Jinping is in a low mood, she smiled and beckoned to him, signaling him to follow.

"Let's go, there is a place with a good view on the third floor of the bar, let's go and see if this teenager can create a miracle."


As Yanagawa walked out of the bar, he saw hundreds of Navy soldiers running in four columns from the bottom of the stairs.

When they reached the hill, they scattered and moved to the sides.

It seems that he wants to surround the entire small hill and cut off the possibility of Yanagawa escaping.

Seeing this, Yanagawa smiled.

I don't know if these soldiers know who they are facing, and they dare to disperse their forces.

Surrounding the tavern is certainly a good strategy, no matter which direction he breaks through, he can grasp his escape route.

But in this way, do they still have the strength to confront themselves?

Yanagawa thought.

It's just that the characters who appeared next made Yanagawa understand.

The Navy came prepared.

Those soldiers are just an insurance, and the real combat power is the vice admiral with eight blades - the ghost spider.

It is precisely because of the existence of ghost spiders that they dare to boldly surround the hills.

Otherwise, they will be like spies hiding in the shadows, only observing and not moving.

Until a high-end combat power comes over.

This is the tactical literacy of the Navy's elite, they are not ordinary navies.

Yanagawa's gaze did not stop on these sailors for long, and when he saw the ghost spider walking over, Yanagawa smiled.

Seeing this former opponent, he still missed it a little.

At that time, he was not suppressed by the ghost spider, and he remembered the scene clearly.

"Isn't this the Ghost Spider General? I haven't seen you for a long time, and you're coming to me again? "

The young man held the knife to his waist, with a smile on his face, as if to say hello.

The ghost spider did not dare to be careless, he knew the strength of this teenager too well.

"I let you escape last time, and I won't let you go this time."

"Red Flame Sword Hao, you are dead!"

The ghost spider's tone was firm, and he seemed to have decided that he had won.

But to Yanagawa's ears, this is somewhat ridiculous.

Today is not what it used to be, and his strength is not known to be much higher.

At this time, the ghost spider still talked big, which was a little too arrogant.

"You are quite confident, have you grown in strength during this time, or have you had someone else to help?"

Yanagawa's gaze scanned the surroundings, not seeing anyone else.

"There is no one else nearby, so you think your strength can already defeat me, right, it's ridiculous."

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