"Isn't this just the beginning? Why do ghost spiders get hurt? "

Just when the navy was worried about the ghost spider, a strange saying came out.

"If you think that Lieutenant General Ghost Spider is invincible, you are very wrong."

As soon as these words were spoken, many eyes were drawn, and a large group of people looked towards the strange officer.

The young officer was not afraid in the slightest, pointed at the two people on the battlefield, and said in a chiseled tone.

"You see, the commander has already controlled the opponent's blade, and the Red Flame Sword Hao's weapon has been restrained by the lieutenant general."

The Navy fixed its eyes, but isn't that it?

The eight blades are intricately intertwined, and the chaos is dead in the middle.

It seemed that Red Flame Jianhao really fell into the absolute inferiority as this officer said.

"It must be so, this must be the scheme of the ghost spider lieutenant general!"

"Yes, how can the vice admiral of the navy headquarters not beat a child, it must be so."

The Navy was excited, had already decided that this was the case, and felt that the ghost spider had won the battle.

But is that really the case?

In the next second, the seemingly immovable blade emitted blazing flames.

The blade shook at an extremely fast speed, and the blades that were pinched on the chaotic body were ejected one after another, and it was only a random movement to restore freedom.

Not only that, the flames that burst out of the blade also left a scorched mark on the ghost spider's thigh.

This made the injury that was not worth mentioning much more serious.

The officer was simply talking nonsense, he did not judge the situation on the field at all.

Seeing this, the surrounding navy looked towards the officer with strange eyes.

The young man instantly broke out in a cold sweat, and did not dare to say a word, for fear of saying the wrong thing and being besieged by his peers.

"I just want everyone to have a little confidence in the chief, how so..."

The battle changed rapidly, and the ghost spider flew back with the force of pushing away.

Yu Guang noticed that the boy's figure disappeared again, and the ghost spider also activated the shave in the Navy Six and fled from the place where it was before.

In the next instant, Yanagawa just appeared where the ghost spider was before.

Close your eyes and feel the changes around you, and see that you are domineering.

The sword flashed, and the chaos in Yanagawa's hand swung again.

"Ju He One Slash!"

It was obviously just an ordinary slashing action, but it burst out with a dazzling light.

A crimson sword qi instantly generated, and when the ghost spider just appeared, it slashed in front of the vice admiral.

The ghost spider's pupils contracted instantly, and fear was revealed in his eyes.

This slash was so sudden, so sudden that he didn't even have the slightest mental preparation.

Hurriedly raised the blade in his hand, intending to offset the sword qi with the same slash.

The dense sword light was staggered, and one shining light after another was transmitted.

At the same time, a violent wave of qi came out, making everyone watching the battle barely resist.

The spirit of the ghost spider was more concentrated than ever, his eyes stared at the sword qi in front of him, he waved his arms and hair, and constantly slashed over.

But it's already too late.

Even if the ghost spider tried its best, it only cut off part of it.

There was still crimson sword qi slashing at him.

As soon as the dazzling air blade touched his body, it suddenly exploded, and the crazy air blade vented its energy, bursting out a large amount of violent air currents raging on the body of the ghost spider.

For a time, a large amount of blood splattered out.

It turned into a little blood mist and spread around the ghost spider.

It was just the residual sword qi energy, which caused great injuries.

The ghost spider was cut with countless openings of all sizes, and blood flowed.


Seeing this scene, the navies who surrounded here swallowed their spit in unison.

It was terrifying, and before they could see what was going on, they saw the ghost spider soaked in blood and covered with wounds.

This is still the damage that Lieutenant General Ghost Spider received when he dispersed most of the sword qi.

If they were to be themselves, would there be a way to live?

Thinking of this, their eyes revealed endless fear.

I didn't expect this inconspicuous-looking sunny boy to be so ferocious.

With a single sword, he can cut out such a terrifying sword qi.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider must hold on, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit will come over immediately, must hold out until that time, as long as Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit comes, then he can be saved!"

"It's really not okay, it's better to let us come, sir, don't force it, we don't need to fight him to the death!"

"Really, if it doesn't work, just stand down, we still have guns, we can snipe this pirate from a distance, no need to force it."

When the sailors saw the tragic situation on the ghost spider, they had worry on their faces and loudly persuaded.

He even forgot to hide the information and revealed the upcoming support of Peach Rabbit.

It can be seen that they are really afraid, and fear makes them lose their cool.

It's just that the ghost spider doesn't seem to mean anything about it.

"You... When exactly..."

Although the body was covered with a large number of wounds, the ghost spider did not seem to have much effect.

He was more shocked, even if he still hadn't figured out where that sword qi came from.

Yanagawa stood in place and did not rush to pursue the past.

Seeing that the wounds on this person recovered at an extremely fast speed, they no longer bleed.

He pouted and said disdainfully: "Isn't it normal for Jian Hao to release sword qi?" What is there to fuss about. "

Well, he admitted that he was actually pretending.

This is just the latest skill he has mastered, and it is not as easy as he says.

Even if it is Jian Hao, it is impossible to casually exert powerful sword qi.

Only when the sword is swung in a very precise trajectory will sword qi be generated.

Once the posture is not right, the strength is insufficient.

Or maybe the trajectory of the blade is slightly off.

There is no way to condense powerful sword qi.

The sword that Yanagawa casually cut was actually the result of a recent breakthrough.

After the level of Juhe One Slash broke through level 40, he had a higher level of understanding of sword qi.

Don't look at that knife is quite casual, in fact, the trajectory of the swing is calculated in advance.

It is a straight line without the slightest deviation.

It is precisely because of this that the sword qi of Juhe Slash is condensed, otherwise it is just an ordinary air blade, and the effect will be much worse.

Of course, the power of the sword qi that omits a large number of steps will be much weaker.

There is no way around this.

Otherwise, a casual sword with the same power as an all-out blow would be too metaphysical.

Even kendo must follow the Basic Law.

How much energy is input will output the corresponding sword qi.

The principle of equivalent trading remains unchanged.

However, this does not mean that the abbreviated version of sword qi is useless.

I was caught off guard when I didn't see the ghost spider and was directly stabbed?

The abbreviated version of Ju Heyi is strong in suddenness, which makes people unpreventable!

Yanagawa was too lazy to explain, seeing that the domineering smell sensed that the injuries on the ghost spider had affected his actions, and continued to pursue the past.

"The ability to return life is quite good, but unfortunately it can only barely control the injury, and it cannot be treated in the real sense."

"Your injury looks serious, can it be okay?"

Yanagawa reappeared beside the ghost spider.

With a knife in his hand, he said casually, and was not in a hurry to attack.

The previous way for the ghost spider to treat the injury was achieved by returning the life, but the wound was closed and the injury seemed to disappear.

It's like silicone with glue, except that it looks okay on the surface.

But in reality, those wounds are still there, and there is a fundamental difference from complete healing.

Right now, the ghost spider's combat power is once again limited, and if you attack with all your strength, it won't take long to kill him.

Before seeing the support of the navy, how could Yanagawa easily kill the ghost spider.

Before the support came, he also counted on the ghost spider to bring him fun.

On the third floor of the bar, Xia Qi, who was observing, saw this and knew it in his heart.

"I didn't expect this teenager to be stronger than expected, and the ghost spider kid is probably in trouble."

Xia Qi saw that the situation on the field was firmly in Yanagawa's hands.

If it is an intact ghost spider, it may be able to find a way to retreat, and also escape from the battlefield with a way.

But now, if you want to leave the battlefield, I am afraid that you must get Yanagawa's permission.

This is no longer a matter of suspense or suspense, even the life and death of the ghost spider is controlled by Yanagawa hands.

Unexpectedly, the dignified vice admiral not only failed to cause any trouble for the teenager, but also fell into crisis.

Unconsciously, Liu Chuan has grown to this realm, which is really terrifying.

Xia Qi couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the times had really changed.

Less than ten years have passed since the era of the sea thief opened by Roger, and another king has already appeared.

I'm afraid that soon this teenager will have the final say on this sea.

It's just not clear how long that will take.

Xia Qi had a premonition in his heart that it would not be too long before that day came.

The speed of this teenager's progress is really amazing, I am afraid it will not take long to dominate the entire ocean.

At that time, even the navy and the world government will not be able to restrict him.

I am afraid that at that time, it will be the world government that should be afraid.

After all.

Even now, this teenager is not something that the average navy can deal with.

Jinping, who was also watching the battle, was slightly stunned when he heard this, and asked, "Why do you say that?" The battle isn't over yet, is it? "

Shaky shook his head slightly and returned to the sofa in the center of the room.

"No, the battle is over."

Lighting a cigarette and putting it in his mouth, Xia Qi took a deep breath and said while spitting out the smoke: "The rest of the battle is meaningless, it's just a teenager's game, there is nothing to see." "

With Xia Qi's experience, the change in the situation on the field naturally could not escape her eyes.

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