"The navy is coming to kill me by all means, do you have to be merciful until now?"

"The ghost spider is worthy of admiration, but so what, the navy wants to kill me, can I still let them go again and again."

"No, it's impossible!"

After some psychological struggle, Yanagawa finally decided to kill the killer!

The contradiction between him and the navy was already too sharp, so sharp that there was no room for buffer.

If you let the ghost spider go now, who knows if it will be their turn to fall into a desperate situation next time.

Will the ghost spider let me go then?

It's impossible!

Liu Chuan's eyes were grim, with endless killing intent.

What people pursue in the world is to be at ease, and in the past, he has been merciful to his subordinates many times, that is, he still cares about his past identity.

I feel that in this orderly world, we should preserve the goodness of our hearts and respect the rules.

But at the moment, it seems that the world is not worth it at all.

Thinking of this, Yanagawa raised the blade he was holding in his hand and slashed at the dying man who insisted on standing with an indomitable momentum.

"I admire your persistence, but in order for me to live freely on this sea, please die!"

This time, Yanagawa no longer plays with his opponent with a teasing mentality.

But the killing intent has been decided, and there is a determination to kill!

The navy saw that something was wrong, widened its blood-red eyes, and looked at all this with a look of despair.

Although this result had long been guessed, what they saw with their own eyes still made them unbelievable.

The rows of navies were blinded and roared angrily.

"Nope! How dare you! That's a vice admiral, how dare you kill him. "

No one wanted to believe that this teenager actually did it.

You must know that no pirate has ever dared to kill a vice admiral, this kind of thing is unprecedented.

Is this example going to be broken today?

Is there really going to be a naval backbone to fall again?

The chilling blade was too cold for the navy to look directly.

The sailor couldn't stand it and closed his eyes in pain.

The speed of swinging the sword was fast, and the sharp sword was close to the ghost spider's forehead in a blink of an eye.

But at the same time, the trajectory of the blade was so clearly visible, watching death descend on this tough guy.

Just when everyone felt that everything was about to end, a pink sword qi suddenly flew from a distance.

Yanagawa raised his eyebrows and spit out with interest: "Interesting!" "

The trajectory of swinging the sword changed slightly, and it slashed towards the incoming sword qi.

As soon as the two came into contact, a huge wind pressure erupted, which made the teenager a little breathless.

It's just that these occurrences are too short, and the power of the sword qi is slightly inferior.

The same slash passed, and the two canceled each other out and became disappeared.

Only, look around again.

The ghost spider was blown away for a distance by the wind pressure that erupted from the blow of the two colliding in the air, temporarily saving his life.

Yanagawa was willing to let him escape easily, and quickly chased after him and made up another sword.

But at this time, the reinforcement of the navy, a woman in a pale pink cape had intercepted it.

"Stop! The majesty of the navy is not allowed to be trampled on! "

With a majestic coquettish voice, it was Peach Rabbit.

She is galloping through mid-air, trying to stop Yanagawa before he kills his colleague.

And seeing that her speed is not inferior to the young Jianhao, it seems that Liu Chuan is about to fail.

But Yanagawa didn't care at all, his face remained unchanged, and his eyes were always fixed on the man who had passed out in the past.

He must kill the ghost spider today, this is what he wants to tell the navy, there is absolutely no good end if he provokes him!

Anyone dares to ride on his head, really as a soft persimmon?

After letting it go a few times, he actually kicked his nose on his face and put him on Raushizi's "must-kill list".

I really think of him as a random kneading, right?

Without teaching the Navy a lesson, they don't know what kind of character they have messed with!

"What I said, today the ghost spider is dead, even if the immortals come over, they can't save him!"

Saying lightly, Yanagawa did not squint, and cut out a slash again.

The fiery sword qi was released from the sword body and directly attacked the vice admiral who had passed out.

Seeing this, Peach Rabbit's pupils shrank and flew closer.

Before the sword qi arrived, he successfully intercepted in front of the ghost spider.

Looking at the crimson sword qi that shot over, Peach Rabbit held the sword in both hands, leaned over slightly, and his face was extremely solemn.

Feeling the terrifying energy contained in the sword qi, Peach Rabbit did not dare to be careless at all.

Condensing the spirit of the whole body, two slashes were instantly cut.

The blade crossed in midair, shooting out X-shaped sword qi towards the crimson blade.

As soon as the two came into contact, an even more violent storm broke out!

The air currents surged wildly, and the moss attached to the hills flew uncontrollably off the ground, was blown and swirled and flew into the sky.

For a while, a green tornado erupted in the clearing between the two.

Strong air currents blocked Yanagawa's steps.

Peach Rabbit actually blocked his way with the sword qi cut out by Yanagawa Chuan!

The navy on the hill, only then realized that the situation was wrong and hurriedly opened its eyes.

Looking at the woman who appeared on the battlefield in the distance with wide eyes, the navy exclaimed.

"It's Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit is finally here, and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider is finally saved!"

"Yes, if it is Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, it must be fine, she is a candidate for the general!"

"This hateful guy will definitely get retribution, Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit, let this kid see the strength of the navy!"

The navy was full of momentum, and the uplifting words came out one after another for a while.

Looking at their excited looks, it was as if they had already taken Yanagawa, and they didn't worry about other changes.

Liu Chuan sneered, not disdaining them at all.

He just waved the chaotic air a little, and the air flow was instantly destroyed, and the two peach rabbits appeared in the field of vision again.

In an instant, the surroundings became silent again!

The Navy, which was still excited just now, was like a duck whose throat was choked, unable to say a word.

Originally, Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit's brilliant performance made them think that they were stable.

But is it only half a second later?

The situation took a turn for the worse, and the frenzied storm was so easily broken.

Even Peach Rabbit, who was holding the ghost spider and planning to temporarily retreat, was surprised by this scene.

The amorous woman's cherry small mouth opened slightly, and her face was full of disbelief.

"How is this possible, how did you do it, to destroy the storm so quickly."

A beauty is a beauty, and even a surprised expression is pleasing to the eye.

Peach Rabbit's shocked look did not destroy her amorous image in the slightest, but had a strange sense of beauty.

But alas, this is on the battlefield.

No one will appreciate her beauty!

Yanagawa moved at his feet and quickly approached.

Coming to the two was a merciless thorn.


Peach Rabbit snorted, and hurriedly raised his sword to block.

Yanagawa's target is not her, but the unconscious ghost spider!


A crisp sound sounded, and the swords of the two collided together, and both bounced out.

Momotu's strength was comparable to Yanagawa's, and he knocked out the sword in his hand along with his whole person.

Of course, Peach Rabbit did not fall into any benefits, she still had a person with her at this time, and she was in a hurry to deal with it.

Lian took several steps back before slowing down.

After regaining her balance, her beautiful eyes stared at the teenager cautiously.

He was moving so fast that he had to keep an eye on it all the time.

Otherwise, it will be suddenly attacked like just now.

Yanagawa fell steadily to the ground, his ears trembled slightly, turned his head, and easily dodged the bullets that sneaked up.

This man shot quite accurately, but unfortunately the speed of the bullet was too slow to threaten him at all.

Without looking back, he threw a sword qi behind him, and Liu Chuan's figure disappeared again.

A bitter scream sounded in the navy, and a soldier who looked like a sniper was cut into flesh by sword qi!

The navy who was still thinking about the opportunity to sneak up on them put down the weapons in their hands, they had already tried too much, and each time they were easily dodged by the teenager.

The price of shooting is the loss of a life in vain, and in a high-level battle like theirs, the Navy simply does not have the qualifications to shoot.

At the same time, there was a sound of gasping around him.

In such a high-intensity competition, this demon-like teenager could still maintain a calm observation.

It seems that they really have no chance of sneak attack.

Peach Rabbit's gaze never left Yanagawa's body, seeing him disappear again, and instead captured his position with a domineering look.


Instantly judging the trajectory of the boy's movement, before he could appear, the long sword in Peach Rabbit's hand swung over first.

Yanagawa's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly raised his sword to block.

"Dang!" With a bang, he was shot out again.

"I don't know where you learned the Navy Six Style, but with your mastery of the Six Style, it is not a threat to me at all."

"We can discuss, let my companion go to the treatment first, I will not do anything to you during this time, you can also take a break."

"Everyone takes what they need, what do you think?"

Peach Rabbit knew that it would be difficult for him to get out in a short period of time and suggested.

After fighting several times, Momo Rabbit probably understood what level of Yanagawa's strength was and knew that he had a way to break through into his own defense.

However, she also understands that it is difficult for her to get out, especially if she still has a man on her body.

Continuing to fight is just a waste of time, neither she nor he will achieve the effect he wants.

The peach rabbit is quite indifferent, but the ghost spider is almost unable to hold on.

His breathing became weaker and weaker, and if he did not receive treatment, I am afraid that he would really die soon.

The ghost spider fell here to help her, and Peach Rabbit couldn't watch him die.

Yanagawa tilted his head and looked at Peach Rabbit expressionlessly.

"Do you think it's possible?"

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