Peach Rabbit doesn't seem to have figured out who is now taking the initiative on the battlefield.

Yes, Yanagawa admits that he can't break through in a short period of time.

But so what?

When you find an opportunity, just give her a hard note.

Time has to do in such a hurry.

Moreover, the ghost spider seems to be dying, can't it also achieve the purpose if it continues to drag on for a while?

Why do you have to listen to her and let a person who is already dying escape from danger?

Really think of him as an ignorant teenager?

One thing about the young image is that it always makes some people inadvertently careless.

It's a pity that Peach Rabbit doesn't seem to be among them, looking at her just temptation, but she has been looking at herself vigilantly.

Yanagawa moved his slightly sore neck, ready to raid again.

He was about to perform the Navy Six Style, but he heard a "purr" sound coming from his arms.

Liu Chuan was stunned, and his left hand involuntarily touched into his arms.

"Which guy is going to call at this time."

"The timing is so good, I have to choose between answering the phone and killing the ghost spider, right?"

He wanted both, but alas, it was impossible.

The reason why Peach Rabbit stayed where he was and did not dare to move was because he was watching them all the time.

If she answered the phone, she would find a chance to escape, and he had to choose one of them.

After thinking about it for a while, Yanagawa finally took out the phone worm.

The deepest reason he wanted to kill the ghost spider was to make up his mind.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the ghost spider dies or not, the moment he starts, the purpose has been achieved.

Killing the ghost spider was just to sober up the navy, and Yanagawa paid more attention to his life than to teach them a lesson.

No matter who the caller is, it is necessary to answer it in a timely manner.

There is no need to get tangled at all.

Peach Rabbit noticed that the teenager answered the phone and took the opportunity to quickly leave the battlefield.

Come to the surrounding navy and hand over the ghost spider to them.

"You guys hurry up and send Lieutenant General Ghost Spider to the hospital, his breath is already very weak, if you slow down a few steps, your life may be in danger."

Peach Rabbit said very seriously, and the Navy soldiers also knew the seriousness of the matter.

"Don't worry, sir, we will definitely send Lieutenant General Ghost Spider for treatment as soon as possible!"

While speaking, the navy carried the ghost spider to the stretcher that had been prepared a long time ago, and ran quickly to the bottom of the hill.

At this time, Yanagawa's gaze stayed on the ghost spider.

However, because he answered the phone, he did not rush to catch up.

"Klockdar, you'd better have a reasonable reason, otherwise, this matter won't pass easily."

The caller was none other than the titular partner, Klockdar.

This guy contacted Yanagawa once this morning and said that the coating was almost over.

I don't know what it means to call again at this time.

If he hadn't been exposed when he had escaped before, Yanagawa would have wondered if he had done it on purpose.

Calling him at a critical moment is really fatal.

Perhaps hearing that Yanagawa's tone was a little unkind, Klockdar was verbose and picked up the point.

"I just want to inform you that the ship is coated and ready to go."

After concisely saying what he wanted to explain, Klockdar's tone became a little playful.

"Listening to your tone, you seem to be in some trouble, do you want me to come and pick you up, can you handle it?"

Listening to him didn't seem to be here to help, but more like to see the excitement.

Yanagawa deduced from his words that Klockdar really did not know what happened to him, and he should not have deliberately disturbed himself at this time.

"I'm in area 13 now, I'm in a little trouble, where are you, and I'll go over as soon as I'm done dealing with things."

Yanagawa's tone was extremely flat, since he was not deliberate, there was no need to entangle too much.

However, Liu Chuan did not show the slightest enthusiasm, this guy knew that some information was specially hidden, which was also not a good thing.

"Area 13? That's quite troublesome. "

After thinking for two seconds, Klockdar spat out a cigarette and said, "Forget it, I'd better go over and pick you up, don't waste time." "

Area 13 is located in the heart of the Chambord Islands, and it is logical that ships cannot drive in.

But if it's a coated ship, it's a different story, they can dive in from the bottom of the sea.

Yanagawa was just about to answer that it didn't take so much trouble, and wanted Klockdar to wait in place.

But after thinking about it, I still agreed.

"Then it's hard for you, you come and pick me up, just in time we can go directly to Fishman Island."

Klockdahl said no problem, and then hung up the phone.

Yanagawa took the phone worm back into his arms, with a strange smile on his lips.

In a way, Klockdar's concealment of important information can be regarded as a miserable harm to him.

Isn't it his turn to pit this guy this time once.

"And the way to heal the other body, how can he also taste the taste of being pitted."

Thinking so, Yanagawa's mood became a little happier.

Even the ghost spider successfully evacuated didn't care much.

Looking at the peach rabbit who had finished explaining the matter and was walking back, Yanagawa smiled and asked: "How is it, does that guy still have a way to live?" There are several percent sure that they will be saved. "

With the injuries on the ghost spider's body, if it weren't for the ability to return life, he would have died at this time.

Even if that were the case, his situation was not optimistic.

During the battle, Yanagawa did not show any mercy to his subordinates and took the battle seriously.

The injuries on the ghost spider's body were all cut by him one by one, and Yanagawa knew this all too well.

"You guy even dares to gloat."

Hearing Yanagawa's playful tone, Momo Rabbit became angry on the spot, his eyes widened, and his eyes looked at him with anger.

"If you don't learn at a young age, you have to learn cruelty like a pirate, is this how your parents educated you?"

"Huh!" Liu Chuan sneered and said disdainfully: "Still pretending here, don't you have any sense of what relationship we have now?" "

"It's all to the point where you die and I live, and I still reason with you, it seems that you really haven't experienced the gloom of this world."

Also, how can a little flower who has lived in the greenhouse of the shelter of his eldest sister since he was a child experience the reality of the world.

Thinking of this, Yanagawa said in a tone that seemed envious, but in fact sarcastic: "I really envy that you can have a sister who thinks about everything for yourself, lovely young lady." "

Peach Rabbit's face changed on the spot, as if it had been poked in the sore spot, and he was angry!

"Shut up! You imp who doesn't understand anything! "

It was precisely because of her lack of experience that she failed to run for the rank of admiral.

Obviously, her strength is strong enough, at least she can save her life in the hands of the three major generals.

She could have successfully ascended to the rank and become the fourth admiral of the Navy.

But because of a word from the Warring States, she was disqualified.

"People who have not experienced wind and rain are not qualified to become the highest combat power of the Navy, you better experience a few more years, and when you understand what is called the cruelty of the world, then you will also be qualified."

This makes how can a woman who has been better than her peers since childhood be able to accept!

That phrase remained in her mind and became a nightmare that she would never forget.

Two years later, she thought she had escaped this nightmare.

But I don't want to be awakened again because of a teenager's casual words.

Peach Rabbit was so angry that even looking at Yanagawa's eyes showed killing intent.

Seeing this, Yanagawa laughed.

"Hah! It seems that it has poked your sore foot, what a little girl who does not know the world, and she is angry. "

Like a child with a bad personality, his smug look made Peach Rabbit completely angry.

"I said shut up! You rude imp! "

As if she had lost her mind, her figures flashed one after another, as if moving instantly, and quickly approached Yanagawa.

After getting closer, he stabbed his head, and the sharp sword light flashed and went straight to the throat of the young man.

Yanagawa glanced at it and pouted disdainfully.

Footstep took a step back, easily dodging the slash.

"Hey, just speed and strength, no planning at all, this attack is really ridiculous, it's worse than when I first learned the sword."

A pink peach rabbit, the attack cut out seems to be invulnerable, but it is just a flower rack.

There is no need to resist at all, and there is no need to do too much dodging action.

Just pull back and easily dodge away.

It seemed that she had really been touched by a wound.

Shots are out of proportion.

After dodging the slash, Yanagawa took advantage of the gap she showed and slashed out.

"Study hard! This is called a real cross-cutting slash! "

Roared, with a fierce momentum, made exactly the same posture as the peach rabbit, and brandished the long sword!

The same move has different effects in different hands.

The movements of the two are clearly identical, but Peach Rabbit has the illusion that he is in the sky and earth and has nowhere to escape.

Peach Rabbit was stunned for a moment, his mouth opened slightly, and his eyes showed surprise.

"Obviously you just took one more step, is the gap so big?"

Yes, Yanagawa is exactly the same as her attack, the difference is that she just took one extra step.

It's just six inches away, but the effect is very different.

Peach Rabbit hurriedly regained his sanity and raised his sword to block.

As soon as the blades of the two came into contact, a large number of sparks burst out.

Along with it, there is also the sound of "nourishment".

Although Peach Rabbit's actual combat level is slightly inferior, its hard power can still be comparable to Yanagawa's.

Neither of them could withstand the huge force coming from the other, and each took several steps back.

The navy watching the battle around was stunned, they did not think that even Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit was just a fight with this teenager.

Originally, I thought that Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit would fall into passivity because of some scruples.

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