Now, that doesn't seem to be the case.

The strength of the two is really equal, which is completely unexpected by the navy.

"Doesn't it mean that it is only slightly stronger than the vice admiral, how does it look like Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit?" Could it be that the strength of Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit is also like this? "

"Impossible! Didn't you see that Lieutenant General Ghost Spider was not the opponent of this teenager at all? It must be the relationship between Red Flame Sword Hao and too strong. "

"No matter what, there seems to be something wrong with our intelligence, and there is no way to measure the strength of the Red Flame Sword Hao!"

After observing a few times, after the two became serious, they really couldn't help anyone.

Moreover, it was obvious that the Red Flame Sword Hao was the one who held the initiative in the battle.

"Seriously, your actual combat ability seems to be not much different from that of a novice."

"If it weren't for the basic skills being solid enough, I don't know how many times I hacked to death now."

Yanagawa kept fighting with Peach Rabbit, chattering endlessly.

Using words to disrupt your opponent's thinking is also a good tactic, especially if the opponent is easily fooled.

"If you want to fight, fight well, can you shut up and say two words."

Compared to the beginning, Peach Rabbit has calmed down a little.

However, the moves in her hand still lack methodology, and she can only passively defend.

Compared with Yanagawa's leisurely strolling, as if by surprise, Peach Rabbit's attack was too dull.

Except that because she is as beautiful as a flower and does not lack ornamentation, she is almost useless in Yanagawa's eyes.

"You need to relax a little bit and be a little more flexible, otherwise you won't pose any threat to me."

It is clear that there was a brilliant performance when he first appeared, but now he has fallen into mediocrity, just like novices, he only dares to deal with it with basic skills.

Yanagawa had a faint feeling that Peach Rabbit was paralyzing his nerves now.

Perhaps she was really angry at first, and lost her mind in that moment.

It is estimated that it should have been reflected a long time ago, and it will not have much impact.

After all, no matter how you say it, you are also a candidate for the admiral, and you can't really be the same as a novice.

She seemed to have gone a little too far.

However, Yanagawa is not too sure of his judgment.

It was the first time he had contacted her, and he didn't know her information yet.

In case she really grows up to now under the protection of General Tsuru, as rumored to be.

What is manifested now may also be normal, not necessarily an illusion.

After thinking for two seconds, Yanagawa decided to test her reaction.

After all, the performance at the beginning was too amazing, and the skill of using power to fight did not look like a product of a flash of inspiration.

Yanagawa consciously narrowed the distance between the two, intending to make the battle more thrilling.

As the saying goes, an inch is long and an inch strong, and an inch short is an inch dangerous.

At a relatively long distance, the danger of fighting is not too high.

After all, the farther the distance, the slower the attack.

But if you switch to melee kombat, it's completely different.

In an instant, several knives can be cut, which greatly shortens the reaction time.

Thinking so, Yanagawa took a step abruptly and got closer to the distance between the two sides.

The distance of the original two meters suddenly became less than one meter, which surprised Peach Rabbit and exposed his original face.


The sound of a series of weapons clashing came out one after another, and the rhythm was faster than the sound of the alarm clock ringing, which showed how much their fighting speed had increased.

At this distance, neither of them could fully utilize the advantages of weapons.

It can be said that he basically gave up the competition in swordsmanship and fought for reflexes.

But even so, they still rely on an understanding of the sword.

Giving up the blade is impossible.

For a sword hao, losing a weapon is equivalent to death.

Both have a clear understanding of this.

Don't give up on your strengths.

Because the distance is too close, it is impossible to open and close the weapon.

All they can do is scratch their opponents with a blade close to the hilt.

In this regard, Yanagawa took advantage a little.

It's not that he understands swords more deeply than Peach Rabbit.

It's because he has the special effects of blazing fire, that's all.

What Peach Rabbit wielded was just a cold weapon.

But when it comes to Yanagawa, that's the effect of a blade and a burning stick.

It's not a fair fight.

"It's not fair! Red Flame Sword Hao was despicable and shameless, and he actually used this way to deal with our commander! "

"Yes! It's so mean! For example, we also help and secretly put two shots, right? "

"Come on, they are so close, be careful to accidentally injure Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, and you have seen the consequences of the previous sneak attack, so don't mess around."

The navy was indignant and angrily called Yanagawa mean.

At the same time, we are also discussing countermeasures to see if we can help Peach Rabbit.

But the gap in strength between the two is too big, even the elite navy can't do anything.

For the evaluation outside the battlefield, Yanagawa did not take it seriously at all.

Isn't the purpose of fighting to kill and injure the enemy... As long as he can kill the opponent, he doesn't care if he is mean or not.

Seeing that Peach Rabbit furrowed his eyebrows and seemed to be in trouble, Yanagawa smiled.

"I'd rather see how you can get out of the inferior situation, like to pretend to be stupid, continue to pretend!"

The heat emitted from the knife has already caused great inconvenience to Peach Rabbit.

Even the pink cloak on his body began to show scorched yellow marks.

You must know that the flame on the knife body is not an ordinary color, and it cannot be regarded by common sense.

The blazing flames distorted the surrounding air and the temperature rose sharply.

If it continued, it would not be her cloak that burned her, but her body.

Peach Rabbit bit her lip tightly, her face a little struggling, as if she was thinking about something.

Suddenly, a strange brilliance flashed in her eyes, and she had already made a decision.

During the next collision, Yanagawa suddenly felt a thrust coming.

Uncharacteristically, Peach Rabbit did not choose to quickly take the call, but planned to push him away.

But...... Will she get what she wants?

Don't be naïve!

Yanagawa very decisively vented the strength in his hand, leaving Peach Rabbit's blade with nowhere to focus on, pushing away the blade and continuing to push out.

At the same time, Yanagawa flashed the oncoming blade sideways and came to the position on the side of the peach rabbit.

At the time of the handover of blades, the knife in his hand had been pushed away from his back.

With the direction of the blade body, Yanagawa suddenly used force and picked up diagonally from the bottom up!

Peach Rabbit obviously did not expect this change and was a little at a loss.

Just when Yanagawa thought that this knife would definitely be able to cause fatal injuries, Momo Rabbit made an amazing choice.

She actually jumped up!

When Jian Hao is faced with an attack, he rarely jumps up to deal with it.

After all, there is nowhere to borrow power in the air, which also means that the already thrilling battle will fall into mortal danger.

Peach Rabbit's reaction was completely beyond the instinct of a Jianhao, and even Yanagawa did not expect this situation.

I saw the peach rabbit spinning in mid-air for half a circle, head and feet, swinging a sword from above.

The unexpected attack method, this time it was Yanagawa's turn to be a little difficult to adapt to.

The trajectory of his sword swing at this time has completely lost the lock on Peach Rabbit, and if he is re-recruited, he can only block.

And if you do this, Peach Rabbit can successfully get out with the strength of this wrestling.

This is not the situation he wants to see.

But it seems too late to continue to attack instead of defend.

What to do?

Yanagawa's mind raced and he thought about countermeasures.

The time was too short to think about how to respond.

Simply! Be ruthless.

Just fight with her for speed!

The speed at which the two swung their swords was equal, and neither was much faster than the other.

But Yanagawa is the one who wields the weapon first, which theoretically has a certain advantage.

It's just that if you continue to swing it, the sword will round and attack upwards.

This is a taboo in swordsmanship, making it difficult to make up your mind.

But who Yanagawa was, he didn't care about the rules that these humans had set.

Peach Rabbit can break the convention, jump into the sky and make a surprise move, he can't do it?

Thinking so, Yanagawa turned fierce and plucked up enough strength to swing his sword!

In less than a blink of an eye, the blades of the two were almost approaching.

Yanagawa's gaze was fixed on his opponent's sword, and his heart was anxious.

"Quick! Faster! "

It is necessary to slash the opponent before the opponent's blade swings, otherwise the danger will become him.

At the moment of crisis, the situation on the battlefield was out of the control of the two.

All they can do now is do their best to resign themselves to fate.

Even Sharkey, who was watching the battle from the open-air balcony on the third floor of the bar, couldn't help but hold his breath.

This was beyond her experience, and even she couldn't predict which direction the outcome of the battle would take!

It may be that both lose, or it may be that both are fine.

The trajectory of their sword swing is too chaotic to guess.

Time was still passing, and after a short delay, the results of the battle between the two still showed the result.

Unexpectedly, each of them flew the other out, and no one hurt anyone!

At the last moment, both Yanagawa and Momotu, both saw the final result at that time.

Originally, they were all ready to be injured, but at the last moment, the blades of the two unexpectedly collided together.

After making a sharp and piercing sound, both of them were a little unable to withstand the force of the collision.

The peach rabbit was directly shot into the air, and it took several turns in free fall before regaining control of his body balance and adjusting his posture with the moon step.

As for Yanagawa, he cut a long depression in the grass, and even used the hilt of his sword to resist the impact, which kept his body from falling.

In this short confrontation, both of them showed their combat intelligence and courage, making the battle that had lost suspense become full of variables again.

Yanagawa calmed the agitation in his heart, and said in a tone that was really like this.

"You woman is scheming, really pretending in front of me."

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