From using thrust at the beginning, pretending to reveal the intention to push away, to jumping into the air and dodging the trajectory of swinging the sword in unexpected ways.

Then to the later part of the competition for courage, the resolute momentum.

It is said that Peach Rabbit was just pretending to be a novice before and paralyzing the opponent's nerves.

This woman is not at all what it is rumored, just a flower in a greenhouse.

At least, she hasn't gotten to that point yet!

The rumors are simply false!

Whoever really believes is a real fool.

Yanagawa completely denied the truth of the rumor, which was too far from the truth to be believed.

However, Yanagawa also felt a little strange.

The peach rabbit naturally shows that delicate appearance and does not look like it is pretended, which is very strange.

In a way, the appearance of the peach rabbit is somewhat in line with the image of a flower in a greenhouse.

But at the same time, her judgment and action are so strong, she can't be a little girl who has never seen the world.

The two phenomena of conflict appear in one person at the same time, which makes Yanagawa wonder.

But if Yanagawa knew about Momoto's experience, he understood that it was normal.

And the rumors are actually true, but they are just expired rumors and have lost their timeliness.

If it was a peach rabbit two years ago, it would be exactly the same as the rumors, and there was almost no difference.

But after that setback, Peach Rabbit has begun to become independent.

After two years of experience, she is no longer what she used to be, and she cannot speak the same as the woman two years ago.

It is her ups and downs in life that have fostered her unique character.

Yanagawa wondered, it was too natural.

"Hmph, don't you keep making small movements?"

Peach Rabbit was unconvinced: "You are allowed to use tricks, and others are not allowed to use them?" What a child who didn't grow up. "

Well, Yanagawa has discovered another character trait of hers and likes to take revenge.

It's all hit to this extent, and I haven't forgotten the previous mockery.

Now that I found an opportunity, I immediately taunted back.

It seems like...... Looks...... It's pretty cute.

Her character really has a lot of young girls' side, mature and immature in one, contradictory personalities fused together to form a unique personality.

It's pretty interesting.

Both needed some time to calm the tension in their hearts, and neither was in a hurry to attack.

Xia Qi, who was watching the battle, was relieved to see this.

"Whew~ I thought the two of them were going to fight hard... Fortunately, they are all calm. "

The previous accident was obviously a situation that no one expected, when the situation of both of them was very critical, and a little inattention was a situation in which both sides were defeated.

Fortunately, their luck was good, and no one was injured.

While breathing a sigh of relief, Xia Qi was faintly shocked in his heart.

Before she judged that Liu Chuan's strength was enough to think about Gao Ming.

Now it seems that he is still underestimated.

"The move of the two just now seems to be very dangerous, do they have the confidence to fight against each other like this?"

Jinping pondered, but did not come up with a result, heard Sharqi's voice and wanted to ask her opinion.

Xia Qi spat out a cigarette and said slowly: "No, they didn't expect that to happen, it was an accident." "

"Both of them fought too fiercely, neither of them refused to accept defeat, and the result was that the battle was out of control."

Saying that, Xia Qi looked at Jinping meaningfully.

"If you encounter this situation in the future, you must calm down."

"The consequence of everything out of control is to pin your life on ethereal luck."

"It's too extreme to be desirable."

As long as he is alive, he can continue to cultivate.

Continue to cultivate, sooner or later you will be stronger than your opponent.

The young man is too uncalm this time to forget the reason for coming to Japan for the sake of momentary gains and losses.

Jinping thought for a moment and replied, "If it were me, I'm afraid I would make the same choice as him." "

Xia Qi was stunned, looked at him with incomprehensible eyes, and then listened to Jinping and continued.

"You may not be very clear if you are not a warrior, sometimes what we pursue is to seek a breakthrough in life and death, and it is difficult to feel the battle without experiencing these dangers, which is a path that warriors must pass."

"Oh, so it is." Shaki nodded in understanding.

No wonder Rayleigh is always adventurous, and I'm afraid it has something to do with it.

Anyway, she is not a battle freak and is not interested in these.

After a short rest, the two started at the same time and got entangled again.

With the experience of the last time, this time Peach Rabbit became cautious and no longer easily let Yanagawa get close.

It's no problem to fight reflexes, and Peach Rabbit is confident that he will not fall into a disadvantage.

But the knife that emitted the blazing flame was too bad, and it didn't leave a way for people to live at all!

She is stupid to put herself in a disadvantageous situation, and will not give the teenager any chance to get close!

Yanagawa also understood that it was impossible to force Momo Rabbit to fight in close quarters.

The best attack distance of the sword is within a meter to two meters, and the previous distance, if Peach Rabbit did not deliberately let him in, otherwise it would not be possible to get close.

However, Yanagawa is not discouraged, not that only close proximity can create an advantageous situation.

Isn't it possible to suppress the opponent now?

As long as you continue to take the initiative on the battlefield, sooner or later you will find a chance to defeat this woman.

There is no need for too many flaws, as long as you find an opportunity that makes the other party unable to react, Yanagawa has the confidence to kill the other party with one blow.

This is not his arrogance, but a fact.

Only Jianhao knows Jianhao best, and Yanagawa knows the current situation very well.

He is almost invincible, as long as there are no accidents, sooner or later the victory will be his, and Yanagawa is not in a hurry.

As time passed, the intensity of the battle skyrocketed, and soon entered the white-hot stage.

Those onlookers of the navy have long been in a state of sluggishness.

His throat kept rolling, saying something inconsequential.

"Are they really human? Why is it possible to do this? "

The two figures on the battlefield kept disappearing, and then constantly appeared.

And every time they exposed their figures, they would usher in a violent impact.

By now, the two have used all their means.

The use of shaving to hurry has become the most basic means.

The blades on the hands of the two seemed to be smeared with pitch-black ink, showing an inky black that could not be dissolved!

Anyone with a little insight knows that it is armed color domineering.

I don't know when, the two chose to close their eyes.

The battle has been fought until now, and the information provided by the sight is no longer enough for them to reflect.

It must be dealt with by seeing and hearing domineering.

Otherwise, the speed is too slow to keep up with the opponent's reaction.

In such a quick encounter, any brief loss of concentration can put people in danger.

If you don't want to be killed by your opponent, then obediently close your eyes and abandon all information interference.

The wind howled on the hills, which was not a naturally formed air flow, but the result of the constant collision of the blades of the two people.

Chaotic air currents spread in every corner of the battlefield, bringing very big restrictions to the movement of the two.

If there is a slight mistake, it will affect the speed, and the result of stopping rashly is very clear to both of them, and they dare not be careless.

This situation has been going on for more than twenty minutes, which has made everyone watching the battle a little numb.

Jinping looked sluggish and muttered.

"Yanagawa has such strong strength at such a young age, and it will take a few more years, I don't know what the scene will be."

Xia Qi smiled and said, "That's why the Navy put him on the must-kill list, otherwise do you think that list can be put on casually." "

"Well, you have a point, in a way, Yanagawa is quite terrible." Jinping thought so, and somewhat understood the reason for the Navy's doing so.

Jinping's age is not small, and after so many years of wandering, he has also made some names on this sea.

In his opinion, his strength is not as good as this teenager, which is somewhat terrifying.

In other words, Yanagawa's potential may be several times his potential.

If you continue to grow with such strength, I am afraid that you will become a real monster.

When no one can stop him, what the world will become is up to him.

Of course, the Navy and the world government will not accept this situation, in fact, he will not accept it either.

After all, these are all real interests, and there is a risk that the whole world will be destabilized.

In the face of this risk, it is indeed impossible to remain indifferent.

However, he is more supportive of Yanagawa, the world government is not a good thing in the first place, it is better to die all of them.

As long as these dirty guys die, the world will be a little cleaner.

He should be the leader who leads the people to happiness, but because of his own selfish desires, he persecutes the bottom civilians of the whole world.

Don't let it be in such a world!

Thinking so, Jinping sighed: "If only in the future, like you deduced, this teenager could have the power to pry the whole world." "

"Even if the world doesn't change for the better, at least it won't be worse."

"The world is just sucking right now."

Xia Qi smiled disapprovingly, "Think so much about what to do, it doesn't have much to do with you anyway, so don't think about it." "

"How could it be okay?" Even Ping was stunned.

If the world could be a little better, the woman she yearned for wouldn't die.

Fishman Island finally appeared a princess that people can really love, but because of the selfishness of some people, hey...

Sighing in his heart, Jinping collected his mind and continued to set his eyes on the battlefield.

There is no point in thinking about this now, so let's pay attention to the battle in front of you.

Xia Qi, who had been secretly observing, saw Jinping's expression and guessed what he was thinking.

But Shaky didn't care much.

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