The sword qi released by this teenager before was just a trick, and he wanted to make Peach Rabbit hesitate.

No wonder he suddenly wasted his physical strength and released those useless sword qi out.

It turned out to make her curious and hesitate for a few seconds.

Now it's okay, just fall into the full set of the juvenile cloth.

Even if you regret it, you have to see the young man's sword qi.

The distance between the two was more than thirty meters, and at this distance, Peach Rabbit did not have the slightest certainty to escape the lock.

The best way to deal with it is to fight hard, or after the sword qi is released, find the moment to escape.

At that moment, the lock is lifted, and there will definitely be no problem running again when the time comes.

But as a swordsman, can Peach Rabbit get rid of the temptation to fight head-on?

After thinking about it for a while, Peach Rabbit decided to see the situation.

While Peach Rabbit was still thinking about how to deal with it, Yanagawa's side was ready to charge up.

The complete version of Juhe One Slash is so troublesome that it must be charged for a while to release it.

If you get too close, you will be interrupted, and if you are too far away, you will not be sure of hitting your opponent.

Only in a certain distance interval is the best time to release.

Before I didn't want to throw sword qi like money, I wanted to arouse the curiosity of Peach Rabbit.

Locking her qi machine is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also to enhance her fighting spirit.

The distance of thirty meters is not far, but it is not short.

It's almost impossible to hit her at that distance.

The only way is to arouse her fighting spirit and let her fight head-on.

Of course, this is just a gift from Yanagawa before leaving.

There is no intention to continue.

Even if it hits the peach rabbit, it is estimated that there will not be much success.

It also takes a long time to get results.

Since the red dog is already on the way, he can't delay for too long.

In any case, he was left with only one choice, and that was to run.

This time, let the ghost spider run away.

And now it seems that you can't take the peach rabbit.

Without any results, Yanagawa looked very unhappy.

At least something has to be left behind.

Thinking so, Yanagawa released the sword qi that had been accumulated for a long time!

Unlike ordinary sword qi, Ju Heyi slashed out with a dazzling light.

Then a huge crescent-shaped sword qi shot out like a substance, heading straight for the unusually handsome woman.

"This... This is! "

Under the bright light, Peach Rabbit subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

However, she never closed her eyes and observed the situation of the sword qi through a small range.

Seeing the huge energy that was almost condensed into substance, Peach Rabbit was first startled, and then a sense of unconvinced pride rose in his heart!

"Even if it is a powerful sword qi, I will break it for you!"

Also a swordsman, Peach Rabbit doesn't want to lose to an impolite imp.

I knew in my heart that I could dodge the past, but I still chose to stand in place and greet me head-on.

The sword light instantly arrived in front of Peach Rabbit, and the momentum accumulated on Peach Rabbit's body also reached its peak.

At this time, Peach Rabbit's eyes emitted a strange light, and he snorted, and swung his sword towards the sword qi in both hands.


A wistful roar sounded, followed by a huge wind pressure.

No...... This should not be called wind pressure, it is more accurate to replace it with an explosion.

However, this was only the beginning, and there was a brief lull after the explosion.

Then, a seemingly harmless white transparent diaphragm emerges.

The faint thing like a light curtain is slowly getting bigger, and when it accumulates until one person dodges.


There was a wave of actual explosions.

This is followed by a shock wave that is recognizable to the naked eye.

That huge energy touched the bodies of the surrounding navies, throwing everyone out.

After the shock wave spread, except for the woman at the center of the explosion, the navy was no longer visible on the hill.

Seeing this, Yanagawa pouted lightly.

"It's really boring, I managed to resist it."

This is the first time that someone has cracked the joint knife head-on, and the myth that there has never been a defeat has been shattered.

Yanagawa was barely able to accept this.

The so-called killing move ends here, and it is impossible to eat all the tricks in the sky.

After all, his strength is close to the highest combat power of the navy, and it would be strange if he could still be invincible.

He didn't bother to look at the rest, put the knife away, aimed it at the ships at sea and jumped over.

On the third floor of the bar, Xia Qi, who was sitting in the VIP seat watching the battle, had a messy hairstyle.

"It's really a wonderful sword qi, the last time I saw this level of sword qi, it was Rayleigh."

"This young man's sword qi is not much weaker than Renly, but it impresses me."

Speechless, is that all?

Don't you see that the ground has sunken down?

This is your territory, does it really matter if it is destroyed like this?

"But seriously, Yanagawa is really too strong, if I face that sword qi, there is only one way to escape."

"If you really want to hit, it is really a dead end."

Jinping couldn't help but sigh that the Red Flame Sword Hao was too strong.

After the shock wave, Peach Rabbit, who was at the center of the explosion, was in shock.

It was the first time she had seen such a violent sword qi, and if she wasn't fully prepared, she really wasn't sure she would be able to resist it.

And even so, she suffered a lot of injuries.

There was blood oozing from the corner of her mouth, making this strong and delicate woman look delicate.

Noticing that Yanagawa was about to run, Momo Rabbit just wanted to chase him.

However, his feet were soft, and he almost fell on his head.

"Abominable! The body keeps calling! "

Peach Rabbit was annoyed, and after accepting the devastating blow head-on, she was a little out of strength, and she could only watch Yanagawa escape.

For the glory of a swordsman, she even gave up her duties as a navy.

This made Peach Rabbit feel a little weak.

It's just that at this time, there is no navy around, and no one sees her embarrassed appearance.

The sailors were swept away by the shock wave and flew into the sea.

At this time, I was still swimming in the sea, on the edge of the slippery hills, struggling to climb up.

Peach Rabbit looked at the teenager vigilantly, afraid that he would take the opportunity to sneak attack, but it seemed that he did not have this plan, and he was slightly relieved.

Recalling the scene just now, Peach Rabbit is still terrified.

If he really allowed that sword qi to spread, I am afraid that at least one island would be destroyed.

Fortunately, she resisted, otherwise the loss would not necessarily be smaller than the credit for capturing Yanagawa.

Anyway, at least she didn't do anything wrong.

Thinking of this, Peach Rabbit's mood calmed down slightly.

By this time, the elite navy had climbed out of the shore and returned to the hills.

When I saw the huge cave sunken into the ground, my eyes bulged out.

"This is also too terrible, if it weren't for Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, allowing this sword qi to spread out, I'm afraid that the Yarchiman Mangrove would not be able to withstand this shock wave and break it, right?"

"Why, didn't you see that the land here has been turned up? It is possible that even the buildings in the trees will disappear along with them. "

"Red Flame Sword Hao's strength is also too terrifying, even the general candidate can't deal with him, can he really send out the general?"

After the shock, there is endless worry.

His strength is already so strong, what can he do in the future.

Could it really be that as the Marshal of the Warring States said, there would be a lawless pirate?

Such times were too sad for the Navy.

Obviously, they are the protagonists of maintaining world peace, but don't let that happen.

In any case, the outcome of Yanagawa's escape could not be changed.

Didn't you see that the ship had already begun to sink?

It's impossible to keep chasing.

Now I can only hope that the pirates of the new world can bring him some trouble and slow down his growth a little.

As for sending generals to hunt them down, it was almost impossible.

The general also has to protect the damned guys, it is impossible to leave at will.

The navy sighed for a while, gathered around Peach Rabbit, and asked about the next plan.

"Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, what should we do next?"

Peach Rabbit looked at them with a complicated expression and asked, "Are you the people who are chasing you this time?" No one else? "

Her words alerted the Navy and brought them to their wake-up from their suddenness.

"Yes, we still have quite a few brothers in ambush around, why don't you let them help and attack the ship of the Baroque studio?"

Peach Rabbit said angrily: "Then what are you waiting to do, hurry up and give an order." "

The naval officer smiled awkwardly, "That, our commander has already gone to the hospital, you see..."

Well, it turns out that they don't have the power to give orders.

Seeing this, Peach Rabbit picked up the phone worm handed over by the officer to give the latest instructions.

"Everyone, shoot the pirate ship together, be sure to destroy the ship for me after they sink!"

As soon as these words came out, the navy that was densely packed around came out of the shadows.

Without a specific order, one after another sounded.

At this time, Klockdar on the ship made a move.

Out of nowhere, a large amount of sand and dust flew towards those navies.

The sudden formation of a sandstorm captivated their eyes and made it impossible for them to aim.

It didn't take long for the ship to sink from the sea.

After a large bubble, it disappeared without a trace.

In the end, the Navy couldn't help.

Allowing them to appear arrogantly and leave at will, they did not play the role and deterrent power of the navy at all.

Jinping in the bar saw this scene and got up from his chair.

"Well, since they have all dived into the sea, then I should also go."

Xia Qi glanced at the fat man out of the corner of his eye, "What are you going to do?" "

Jinping stopped his steps to leave and turned around: "I have already gone to Fishman Island with Yanagawa Yue before, and the agreed things must be done, this is a man's promise." "

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