"Well, since you have made up your mind, then I won't persuade you much."

Xia Qi took a puff of his cigarette and said lightly: "I just hope you don't forget a little, pay more attention to everything, don't be used by others and don't know when the time comes, it would be silly." "

Although the tone was flat, his words were full of concern for Jinping.

Jinping was very moved when he heard this, and bowed to Xia Qi to thank him.

"Thank you for telling me this, I can feel your kindness."

"It's really good to be able to make you a friend, but I'm always in trouble for you, I'm very sorry."

Sharkey has always been so sincere with his friends, but it would have been better if he could be a little more honest.

Obviously he is concerned, but he always speaks in a flat tone, and he doesn't seem sincere at all.

Fortunately, Jinping is not a wooden pimple, knowing the concern in the words, he can experience the faint warmth.

"Isn't it right for friends to help each other?"

"Don't you often say that? How did you start saying thank you now? "

Xia Qi waved his hand indifferently and signaled him to hurry over.

"You better hurry up and catch up, although you are a Fish-Terran and swim fast, but don't forget that Klockdar's boat is also notoriously fast."

"If it's a little later, it is estimated that you will not be able to catch up."

Jinping scratched the back of his head, laughed, and solemnly said goodbye and turned away.

"Then, see you next time."

"See you next time."

Xia Qi replied calmly, seeing that Jinping's figure had gone away, not knowing what he was thinking.

When Jinping's figure disappeared on the surface of the sea, she raised her head again.

"Okay, the good show is over, go back and work hard."

With that said, Sharkey left the balcony and returned to the tavern.


On the boat, Klockdar's gaze was firmly fixed on Yanagawa.

"You shouldn't lie to me that it's a trivial matter that doesn't matter, that our relationship has been completely exposed to the Navy, which will make my situation very delicate."

He thought that Yanagawa had clashed with other pirates, but he never thought that he had provoked the navy.

Moreover, the person who came turned out to be a candidate for the general, which he did not expect.

In fact, looking back now, he should have thought that there would be a problem here.

The navy is acting with such fanfare on the island, he should pay attention to the intelligence over there.

It can only be said that he still forgot the fact that Liu Chuan is not an ordinary teenager, and inadvertently fell into his way.

For Klockdahl's question, Yanagawa seemed justified.

"In my eyes this is a trivial matter, when did I lie to you?"

If he hadn't heard the news from Shachi, he would still be in the dark at this time.

This guy Klockdar actually hid such important information from him, so that he didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and almost planted it here.

Since Klockdar can make small movements behind his back, why can't he?

Anyway, this thing is done and done, there is nothing to say.

Everyone knows it, as for wanting him to admit that he has dug a hole, dream away!

Klockdar was also a little weak-hearted, knowing that this time he was not kind first, and he was embarrassed to continue to ask.

But he remembered this matter in his heart, and sooner or later he would take revenge one day.

While the two were secretly fighting, the pirates on the ship issued a warning.

"President, something is approaching from the bottom of the sea, what should I do?"

It's not as easy at the bottom of the sea than on the surface.

Hazards can occur everywhere and care must be taken everywhere.

Klockdar looked closely in the direction of his subordinates, where a fat figure was rapidly approaching, unable to see the appearance of the person coming.

Instead, Yanagawa judged who it was from the clothes on the man.

"It turned out to be him."

With that, Yanagawa looked over at the guy who looked like the captain.

"This is my friend, the Fish-Terrans, you just let him come."

He remembered that he had made an appointment with Jinping to go to Fishman Island together.

Unexpectedly, Jinping already knew his identity and knew the Navy's must-kill list, so he still chose to come over to fulfill his promise.

Yanagawa immediately had a clear evaluation of him.

"This man is a friend worthy of deep friendship and a trustworthy friend."

It is clear that they are just a relationship of meeting each other, knowing that there are huge risks here, and they have to fulfill the promises they have made.

Such a person is not worthy of being a friend, so who else can be trusted?

Seeing Jinping calmly swimming from a distance, Yanagawa decided in his heart that he planned to make him a friend.

If nothing else, this intention alone is enough to make him pay attention.

Passing through the membrane of the ship, Jinping jumped onto the deck, came to Yanagawa, and said seriously: "We agreed to go to Fishman Island together, and I came to be your guide." "

"I didn't expect you to remember, you are not afraid of being implicated by me and targeted by the navy?" Yanagawa smiled lightly and asked.

"Nope! You are my friend, and you must keep your agreement with your friend, and I don't want to lose my words. Jinping's tone was very serious, and there was no joking in it.

Liu Chuan nodded lightly, "Since you said so, can I still drive you away?" "

Patting Jinping's shoulder, Yanagawa smiled and said, "Welcome to join, my friend." "

Yanagawa did not say that you are welcome to join us, but changed the word, welcome you to join.

In order to let Jinping avoid confusing the pirates on the ship with him.

But looking at his appearance, it seems that he did not realize the deep meaning of Yanagawa words.

"I'm happy to be part of you."

Jinpei stretched out his hand towards Klockdar with a happy expression.

Klockdar glanced at Yanagawa with a strange gaze and said with a smile: "Welcome." "

Gotta, be a villain for nothing.

Gee, honest people are terrible.

Thinking so, Yanagawa rolled his eyes at Klockdar.

Seeing Klockdar smiled even more happily.


The navy on the shore could only watch as the pirate ships fled.

It took so much manpower and material resources, and in the end only a half-dead lieutenant general was harvested.

This humiliation made the Navy unbearable and discouraged one by one.

Peach Rabbit contacted the local hospital and was immediately relieved to learn that although the ghost spider was severely damaged, his life was unhindered.

Seeing the surrounding navy looking weak, Meimei froze and reprimanded: "Look at what you guys have become one by one, it's just that the mission has failed, and the next time you train carefully, just try to complete the task next time, is it necessary to cry and lose your face?" "

"But... But this time it was too much of a failure, not even a single wound was left for him... And, Lieutenant General your knife ..."

The navy beside him still hasn't been able to regain its strength, and it's still so virtuous.


Peach Rabbit saw the soldier pointing at his knife and looked over suspiciously, "What happened to my knife?" "

I didn't see anything abnormal at first glance, and when I looked closely at the two eyes, it seemed that there was no problem.

Just as she was puzzled, the man who had just spoken walked up to her side and pointed his finger at the position of the back of the knife.

Peach Rabbit looked at it for unknown reasons, but his heart was cold.

"Ah!! My knife!! Jin Biluo, you must cheer up, don't be fine! "

The woman who was still calm and calm and reprimanded the soldier just now was instantly shocked, like a little girl who had lost her baby, at a loss.

Looking at the back of Jinpiluo's knife, it turned out that the blade body was densely covered with countless cracks in invisible places.

That time, the sword qi slammed into pieces, and it actually shattered her knife.

No wonder when I was carrying the sword before, I always felt that something was not quite right, and I thought it was an illusion.

In retrospect, it turned out to be so.

Peach Rabbit's hand involuntarily began to tremble slightly, she was so distressed.

This is a famous knife, a partner who grew up with her.

Jian Hao's second life is so incredible, how can Peach Rabbit not be distressed?

She even has the heart to die!

"It's good to dodge it, why don't you have to give a sword qi to get by, this is good, how to repair this!"

Peach Rabbit wanted to cry without tears, full of regret.

But at the same time, she clearly knew what the consequences of failing to stop the sword qi would be.

If you give her a chance, she will still resist the sword qi.

But this time she will be more cautious, at least not let the knife look like this.

"That... Lieutenant General ... Don't get excited, I don't look quite right..."

Before he finished speaking, the knife in Peach Rabbit's hand was completely shattered.

Like weathered parchment, it crumbled into a pile of powder, and it couldn't even be put together.

Peach Rabbit's whole person was petrified.

"My knife, you died so miserably!"

After about half an hour, the belated Admiral - Akainu, finally arrived in the Chambord Islands.

"What about people?"

The red dog had a cigar in his mouth and fixed his eyes on the petrified peach rabbit.

"People? What people? My knife is gone, I'm going to die. "

Peach Rabbit is like an ordinary little girl, teary-eyed.

She is holding a silent ceremony for her love knife.

The red dog's forehead was bruised, and he almost didn't resist wanting to knock her on the head to make her sober up.

But at the critical moment, he remembered the grandmother who always had a kind smile and resisted the urge.

"Isn't it just a knife, what do you look like!"

"Give me a good cheer and report the situation!"

In the past two years, I thought that the peach rabbit had matured, but I didn't expect it to be the same, and I was directly depressed when I encountered some setbacks.

What else should a general candidate look like!

Peach Rabbit was not afraid of him at all, and roared loudly: "What do you know, the sword is a second life for the swordsman, I am already dead, I don't want to talk to you!" "

Hearing this, the red dog was completely speechless.

"What a trash, play with yourself!"

The red dog was no longer too lazy to talk to this girl who did not grow big, and looked at the navy on the side.

The navy, who was still a little depressed, noticed the gaze of the red dog, and immediately straightened his chest and reported loudly.

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