"Report to General Akainu, the pirate Yanagawa has escaped on the Nanabu Sea, Klockdar's ship."

"The time to escape from here was 37 minutes ago, and their ship was plated, and it looked like it was going to the New World."

In the face of Sakaski, no one dared to show the slightest mental outlook that did not belong to the Navy.

You must know that this is the strictest admiral in the navy, and he has to lose half a layer of skin if he is targeted.

After the officer finished reporting the situation, he saw that the red dog's gaze was still fixed on him.

His throat surged and he couldn't help but swallow his spit.

The eyes of the red dog general are too terrifying, and I don't know how Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit did it, and he dared to yell at the red dog general!

It's really courageous.

Sakaski stared at him for a long time before asking again.

"Are there coated ships in the naval base on the island?"

If it's only 37 minutes, there's still the possibility of pursuit.

The officer recalled and shook his head.

"Report sir, there have been no diving missions recently, no coated warships."

Hearing this, the red dog was furious.

There are no warships, so what are you doing in such detail and idle to do?

"You, follow me to study for a while, I think you still need some exercise, so I decided."

Sakaski pointed to the officer who reported the situation and asked him by name to report to his department.

The officer looked ashen, but still forced the mood to cry and answered loudly.

"Yes! Sir! "


With Jinping's guidance, they passed through the underwater passage very smoothly and arrived at Fishman Island.

Seeing the huge island with a double membrane from a distance, Yanagawa felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Compared to the other islands on the Great Route, this is the one that is truly unique."

"Not to mention the unique scene that Yangshu Eve can transmit sunlight, Fishman Island alone is unique enough."

"It's really worthy of the excessive gathering of the fish-people race, and compared with the human country, it is completely two worlds."

"I just don't know what the empty island will be like, and when it is empty, I have to take a look."

Strange landscapes always bring a pleasant mood.

Yanagawa looked at the scenery of Fishman Island and sighed in his heart.

Jinping seemed to have discovered Yanagawa's mood, and followed him and said proudly: "Amazing, right? "

"Humans who come to Fishman Island for the first time will admire the scenery, but for me who has lived here since I was a child, it is so ordinary."

"But I really love here, this is my hometown, and it is also the paradise of the fish people."

"I'm glad you like it here, my friend."

After these days of contact, Jinpei finally understood the relationship between Yanagawa and Klockdar.

Jinpei doesn't like these pirates very much, preferring to stay with Yanagawa.

It's a pity that Yanagawa dances the sword most of the time, and he can only enjoy it quietly on the side, so he doesn't bother to disturb.

Only now did he have the opportunity to say a few words to Yanagawa, and Jinpei seemed a little excited.

Of course, anyone who introduces their hometown to a friend will inevitably feel this sentiment.

This is a matter of course.

"Speaking of which, Jinping, you have already helped me a lot, I don't know if you need help, I can handle the things you are inconvenient for me." Yanagawa seems to have a deep meaning.

But Jinping seemed unaware and smiled blandly.

"What trouble can I have, this is my hometown, no one will trouble me."

Well, listening to him say so, Yanagawa gave up.

Since you already treat him as a friend, you can't pit him.

"No one is better, if there is any trouble, you can come to me at any time during this time."

"As long as it's you, I'll help you with anything, after all, we're friends."

Yanagawa said with a smile, then pulled out the sword in his hand and began to swing it.

Jinping has long been accustomed to this and does not care.

As for such a hard-working person, he can have such strong strength at this age.

Anyone who sees Yanagawa exercising will not doubt his strength.

After all, this is bought in exchange for everyday life.

The pirate ship passed through two membranes under the vigilant gaze of the Fish-Terrans and entered Fish-Man Island.

According to Jinping's guidance, Klockdar and his party first went to the hotel and stayed at the hotel.

The ship also needs to be resupplied, and they also need to buy permanent pointers for the new world, which will take a certain amount of time, and they will not want to set off in a short time.

After settling Klockdar, Jinpei signaled Yanagawa to follow, and although Yanagawa did not know why, he still followed out.

As soon as he left the door of the hotel, Jinping gave the answer.

"The hotel is for outsiders, it's not a good place."

"I heard you say before that you want to visit Fishman Island, so I'll take you to the Coral Hill to live."

"It just so happens that I have a friend who has a villa over there, and you can stay at my friend's house these days."

Listening to Jinping's tone, it seemed to be very familiar with that friend, and he didn't have the slightest embarrassment when talking about the borrowed matter, and he looked like a matter of course.

Of course, Yanagawa will not refuse.

It's best to enjoy the local scenery, so there's no need to stay in the hotel.

In this way, he followed Jinping to the Coral Hill.

Yanagawa admired the mermaid sisters walking on the street, each of them was as beautiful as a flower, and everyone had their unique style.

It's like entering the world of beautiful women, which makes Yanagawa a little dazzled.

However, judging by their attitudes, they don't seem to like the appearance of humans very much.

I think it is also the appearance of humans that broke the calm of Fishman Island.

It's weird that they can like humans.

Seeing them, Yanagawa couldn't help but think of the mermaid he met in the Chambordi Islands.

"I don't know what happened to that mermaid, whether I have found hope to live again."

With Jinping by her side, although the mermaid sister did not show much enthusiasm, she did not show disgust.

Along the way, it can be seen that Jinping has a lot of prestige on Fishman Island.

From time to time, someone would take the initiative to greet Jinping, and even when they saw him, a human being, they did not forget to smile.

This is already enough prestige to break the racial balance, and I don't know what Jinping has done to make them remember.

Passing through the Coral Hills, they came to Fishfolly Hills.

From the beautiful corals, one after another detached villas stand here.

With the soft light emitted by the Yangshu Eve, it is exceptionally beautiful.

"It's so beautiful, is this the most beautiful place on Fishman Island?"

Yanagawa couldn't help but exclaim admiration, his eyes looking straight at those beautiful scenery.

It's really amazing here as Jinping said.

"No... This is only part of Fishman Island. "

Jinping shook his head with a smile and introduced: "In addition to Yufley Villa, Fishman Island also has several scenic places such as Sea Forest and Dragon Palace Castle, I will take you to visit them one by one in the past few days, so let's stay here today." "

"Dragon Palace City?"

Yanagawa thoughtfully asked, "Isn't that where only members of the royal family can live?" Can you get over? "

Jinping smiled and said disapprovingly: "I have had some dealings with people from the royal family before, and I am good friends with one of them, so there is nothing you can't go." "

Yanagawa recalled a little, but did not remember the relevant plot.

It seems that his relationship with Bai Xing is quite good, right?

Or are you talking about someone else?

For a while, Yanagawa really forgot.

But whatever about him, it's just passing by anyway, and these things don't matter.

"That's okay, you're the host, and I'll listen to your arrangement."

Staying in one of the villas, Yanagawa washed his body, changed into clean clothes and walked out of the bathroom.

When he usually exercises, because he has to save time and fresh water, he basically takes a bath once every three days.

But here it is not needed.

First, he doesn't need to save fresh water, and second, he also needs to relax.

You can do the exercise things occasionally, without constantly swinging the sword from morning to night.

Habitually took up arms and came to the courtyard.

I saw that Jinping was already sitting on a delicate chair in the courtyard, drinking tea.

"I didn't see your friend when I came over, did he go out on something?"

Yanagawa casually took the juice from Shinpei's hand and took a sip.

"No, he lives elsewhere and occasionally comes here to rest for a while."

"You don't have to feel pressure, just live with peace of mind."

Like the owner of the house, Jinpei took out a chilled juice kettle from the refrigerator in the courtyard and put it on the table.

"The things are put here, if you want to drink it, do it yourself, I will not be served by anyone."

It was rare that Jinping would joke, and Yanagawa suddenly laughed.

"Okay, well, then I'll taste the juice that Lord Jinpei personally poured for me."

Learning the tone of those who greeted Shinpei on the road, Yanagawa said as he picked up the juice and took a sip.

"Ah! Or the juice is the best to drink, comfortable! "

Jinping choked and coughed a few times.

"Drink more, like a child."

It seems that he is still not very comfortable with joking, and his face is red.

Seeing this, Yanagawa smiled even more happily.

"What to say, originally a child, how can you be like a child, you talk really interesting."

Hearing this, Jinping couldn't stand it, picked up the teapot and fled into the house.

"I'll rest for a while, and you can play by yourself for a while."

After saying that, he ran away, inexplicably a little cute.

Jinping's plan was to rest in the villa for a day and wait for the next day to start exploring the entire scenery of Fishman Island.

The tentatively scheduled time lasted for three days, and by that time it was time for Yanagawa and them to leave.

Seeing that Jinping ran away, Yanagawa smiled to himself with interest.

Hearing the sound of the door closing inside the house, I laughed even more.

It turned out that at this time, Jinping couldn't afford to joke so much, and just said two words and surrendered.

After that, although the reaction was a little slower, it was still able to get along with the Straw Hats.

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