Sure enough, time is the best nutrient, and anyone will grow.

"I just don't know how long it will take me to grow to the level of a general, it shouldn't be too far away, after all, I've worked so hard."

Thinking so, Yanagawa couldn't help but clench the weapon in his hand, walked to the open space and began to swing his sword.

In the soft sunlight, the teenager sweated.

This may be called youth.


???Ding! The number of sword swings has accumulated 100,000]

[Reward: Armed Color Domineering Level + LV1]

Before you know it, the number of swings of the sword has reached six figures.

Yanagawa wiped the sweat on his forehead, and his mind moved, and the attribute panel suddenly appeared.

???Host: Yanagawa ???

???Power: 355(+60)???


???Stamina: 371(+66)???

[Active Skills: Sword Art LV42 (+LV4), Juheyi Slash LV40 (+LV8), Armed Color Domineering LV37 (+LV11), Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering LV32 (+LV10), Overlord Color Domineering LV27 (+LV8), Navy Six Type LV14 (+LV13)]

???Passive Skill: Heart Eye LV27 (+LV7)???

???Sword Art Characteristics: Blazing Flame Original LV28 (+LV10)???

[Cumulative number of sword swings: 100,000]


Unknowingly, all three basic attributes had broken through to more than three hundred.

In addition to swordsmanship and ju unity slashing, the armed color domineering is also almost reaching the watershed of level 40.

In addition, most of the other skills are around level 30, which can be regarded as a big breakthrough.

There are still a lot of gains from serious exercise during this time, in addition to the obvious increase in strength, the panel is also a lot stronger.

It is expected that after the basic attribute fully exceeds 400, it should be able to compete with the three major generals, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.

In addition, the good news is that the number of skills has finally not expanded.

After the level itself reaches level 40, it is extremely difficult to improve the skills, and if it is reassigned to each skill, God knows when it will usher in the change of level 60.

Fortunately, the system is still relatively intelligent, knowing that the skills are enough to use, and did not continue to expand.

Also, it is not clear what will change after the armed color domineering reaches level 40.

"There should probably be a domineering sakura."

"If it's Ryu Ying domineering, it's still pretty good."

"If there was a domineering Sakura in that battle with Peach Rabbit, it is estimated that it would not take two days."

"Just give me a day, that's enough."

"But this doesn't seem to make much sense, one day is enough for the admiral to go back and forth, as if it is useless to break through in advance."

Sinking his head to think for a while, Yanagawa smiled.

"What about him, the past is gone, what do you want it to do."

"It's better to seize the time to exercise, and when the skill has fully broken through 40, the enemy at the level of Peach Rabbit still doesn't want to handle it how he wants?"

Thinking so, Yanagawa couldn't help but start swinging the knife again.

???Ding! The number of sword swings has accumulated 100,000! ???

???Ding! The number of sword swings has accumulated 100,000! ???


Yanagawa: ...

After swinging two swords, Yanagawa stopped swinging his sword and complained:

"System, what the hell is going on with you, hurry up and give me a good count!" Bastard! "

Obviously, when it came to 99999, he was still counting seriously, how to get to six digits, he would come to 100,000.

The devil knows how many hundred thousand, and the lack of accurate values makes Yanagawa feel a little unaccustomed.

But no matter how he complained, the system, as always, did not choke.

"Gee, lack of intelligence is not good, but if you have a system, you should be satisfied, or don't be greedy."

Although the system counted a small problem, Yanagawa's enthusiasm for training was not affected in the slightest.

Swinging a sword has unconsciously integrated into his life, and it is already a part of life.

For a day without wielding a sword, Yanagawa was uncomfortable.

The first day I came to Fishman Island was spent in training.


At night, the Dragon Palace Castle is brightly lit.

A minister who looked like a seahorse walked into the palatial palace.

The palace is full of golden treasures, but it is difficult to hide the fact that it is empty.

The right minister came to the past seat and bowed half-kneeling.

"Your Majesty, the latest news has been received that Haixia Jinping has returned to Fishman Island and is living in Yufoli Villa."

"There is also a group of human pirates who entered Fishman Island with him."

"Jinping-sama seems to have a good relationship with one of the humans, and took him with him into the villa there."

The burly Nepson sat on the throne, raised his eyebrows when he heard the human, and looked at the minister to the right.

Then Nipson was slightly surprised to hear that Jinping had become friends with humans.

"Friends? Friends of humanity? Are you sure? "

You must know that after that incident, Jinping did not have much affection for humans.

How did you get mixed up with humans?

The right minister said sharply: "It is indeed a human being, and the identity of that human being is somewhat special, it is a sea thief worth 500 million!" "

Saying that, he handed over the wanted warrant in his arms.

Nipson hesitantly took the wanted warrant and looked up.

The portrait on the wanted warrant turned out to be a teenager, and looking at his smiling face, it seemed to be quite reserved.

"Are you sure this is a sea thief worth 500 million?"

When speaking the words "sea thief", Nepson's tone was extremely exaggerated.

The underdeveloped Fishman Island had never heard of the deeds of Red Flame Jianhao.

"OK! And the one that was most active in the first half of the Great Voyage. "

"I also heard a few days ago that he had a fight with Qi Wuhai and it was a tie."

"There is no need to question his strength."

Hearing the right minister say something like, Nepson nodded thoughtfully.

If it can be tied with Qiwu Hai, it is not unusual to have a reward of 500 million.

"In this way, we really have a great big man on Fishman Island!"

Having said that, looking at Nepson's expression is still cold, it does not look like he has feelings.

"So, why did you come with this news?"

No matter who comes and what does it have to do with him?

At most, I will meet with Jinping a few days later, can these pirates still attack Dragon Palace City?

Hearing the displeasure in the king's tone, the right minister organized the language and said seriously: "Your Majesty, do you remember the guy who harassed Princess White Star?" Lately he's become more and more arrogant. "

"What do you mean?" Nepson's face finally changed, and he looked at the minister in disbelief.

"The minister means that it is better to use this pirate and let him help eliminate the big trouble in our hearts for us!"

The right minister said in a gloomy tone, and gestured to a beheading when he spoke.

It seems that he looked at Van der Deiken IX is also an eyesore and moved his mind.

"If I could, of course I would like to do it, but you have to understand that it's a sea thief with a reward of 500 million..."

Nepson had great concerns in his heart, and the sea thief who used this strength was afraid that he would be eaten back.

If it is debunked, won't you fall to the same fate?

In this regard, the right minister has long had an idea.

"Your Majesty, pirates have always been able to buy, and we are not short of money in Dragon Palace City."

"That's true, too." Neptune thought for a while, and nodded thoughtfully, "Since you are Jinping's friend, then you can arrange to try it, if it is Jinping, I can still trust it." "

The right minister immediately took the order and withdrew.

"Lord's order, this will be done!"

Those guys are getting more and more excessive, and they simply disgrace Dragon Palace City.

Be sure to clean them up this time! Let them understand what it will cost to challenge the dignity of the royal family!

Thinking so, the right minister's gaze became more and more fierce.


Great Voyage, Paradise.

In the marshal office in Marin Fandor, Sengoku listened expressionlessly to the report of the red dog.

"So, we didn't get the slightest news of Yanagawa in advance, let him run away under his nose, right?"

"What the hell is the intelligence department doing, even the whereabouts of a pirate can't be monitored, what use do they want!"

As he spoke, Sengoku's expression became fierce, and he was even more angry when he said it!

He has already attached so much importance to this arrest, why are there still people dragging their feet and failing to discover Liu Chuan's whereabouts in time?

The red dog was silent for a long time, and said calmly: "I don't blame the intelligence department this time." "

Sengoku's gaze looked towards him, not knowing why he said that.

I heard Akainu continue: "That guy named Yanagawa doesn't know when he got mixed up with Klockdar, Klockdar is also engaged in intelligence, and it's normal that he didn't find any trace of them." "

"Oh? Klockdar? Seven Wuhai? "

Hearing this, Sengoku was confused, how did these two people get mixed together.

If it was really Klockdar, it was really not to blame on the head of the intelligence department.

"Have you found out the relationship between the two of them?" Sengoku asked.

Akainu slowly shook his head, "It's not clear for the time being, but they went to the New World, and there should be news soon." "

Although the forces of the navy failed to infiltrate the New World, they were full of their spies, and it was not surprising that Yanagawa's whereabouts would soon be recovered.

"So... New World..."

Sengoku's gaze was lost, as if he was thinking about something.

"If it's a new world, then don't continue to meddle."

"The pirates there are not comparable to those guys in the first half of the Great Voyage, I believe they will impress Yanagawa."

Thinking of Yanagawa causing trouble everywhere, Sengoku felt that he would probably be targeted by those guys who ate people and did not spit bones.

If that's the case, you don't need to do it yourself.

It is best if Yanagawa can match up with Whitebeard, and according to Whitebeard's short character, he will suffer a lot.

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