"Release a new bounty, the bounty amount is set at 740 million, since you can suppress Gion, this price should be about the same."

Sengoku said lightly towards the recorder on the side.

Then his gaze turned to the decadent fellow.

"Gion, I'm sorry about the knife, but I hope you can cheer up."

Peach Rabbit looked dead and had not recovered until now.

"I'm dead, don't talk to me."

Warring States have some headaches, these top combat forces each have their own character weaknesses.

The most obvious weakness of the peach rabbit is the little temper that cannot be erased.

"The matter of the knife has already taken shape, and I heard that a big fast knife appeared in the middle of the Great Route."

"If you are interested, go and check it out, this period of time should be a holiday for you, and you should adjust your mentality."

Hearing this, Peach Rabbit pouted.

Jin Pi Luo was a partner who grew up with her, how could other knives replace it?

But...... If it's a quick knife, it's barely acceptable.

Thinking so, Peach Rabbit reluctantly said: "First of all, you have to reimburse me, otherwise I won't go!" "

The big fast knife is hundreds of millions, and she can't afford that money.

Sengoku was really drunk, with a childlike tone.

"Okay, good, you hurry up and take a look, don't get in the way here... Time wasted. "

Coaxing the peach rabbit out, Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's been two years, and it's still a child's temper."

The green pheasant shook his head disapprovingly.

"No, her growth is already very amazing, but the sword is too important for Jianhao, and it is normal that a broken weapon will inspire her deep inner vulnerability."

The pheasant has seen the analysis and decision-making ability of the peach rabbit with his own eyes.

Compared to the three admirals, in some ways Peach Rabbit is more suitable for this position.

They are just a little stronger than Peach Rabbit, and they are a little stronger inside.

Really compared to the comprehensive strength, the three major generals may not be much stronger than Peach Rabbit.

At least in terms of strategic command, it is far inferior.

Hearing the words of the green pheasant, the red dog raised his head and categorically denied it.

"The most important thing in the navy is the determination to fight evil to the end, and a navy without faith is unqualified!"

"Even Peach Rabbit... No matter how good Gion is, she is not a qualified navy! At least I won't admit it! "

Seeing that the two people were about to argue over this topic, the Warring States felt even more headache.

Just chased away a problem child, and came out another two, it was simply annoying!

Can such a navy still be saved?

Ask for an answer.

Quite urgent.


Fishman Island, Fishy Hills.

After a night of rest, Yanagawa only felt refreshed.

It is worthy of being a high-end villa area, and even the furniture inside is top-notch.

The soft and comfortable bed is different to sleep on, and the whole person feels a lot more relaxed.

Although I slept high-grade when I was on board, it was on a ship, and it was impossible to be as smooth as on land.

After washing, Yanagawa walked out of the room with a relaxed and cheerful pace.

The special food of Fishman Island has been set on the table, and judging from the food box on the side, it looks like it has just been delivered by a high-end hotel outside.

The dishes were still steaming hot.

What is strange is that there is no seafood in the hearty dishes.

But when he thought of the origin of the Fish-Terrans, Yanagawa was relieved.

I'm afraid that those sea fish are no different from distant relatives in the eyes of the fish people, and it should be normal for them not to eat fish.

Without much thought, it was quickly settled for breakfast.

When he had been practicing in the courtyard for a while, Jinping also woke up.

After eating breakfast in a daze, waiting for him to freshen up, they went to the Sea Forest together to enjoy the scenery.

However, after arriving there, Jinping seemed to fall into some abnormal mood, and the whole person became very low.

Yanagawa couldn't help but ask two words, but Jinping just smiled reluctantly and didn't answer.

Yanagawa didn't care much, everyone had their own secrets, there was no need to dig into the roots.

After admiring the exotic scenery, Jinpei then takes Yanagawa back to Coral Hill to enjoy a sumptuous lunch at the Mermaid Cafe.

In the shop, Yanagawa meets the Shinto Lady Charlie.

With curious thoughts, fate was counted in her for once.

The results shown and the actual situation are completely different, making Yanagawa lose interest in her.

Just after they left, Xia Li had a cold sweat on his face.

Even the cute little mermaid sister didn't even respond to the slightest question.

Until more than an hour passed, Xia Li seemed to wake up from a nightmare.

"It's really terrifying, why are so many sea kings appearing, and Fishman Island is going to be destroyed?"

"Nope! Impossible! We are not afraid of sea kings at all, and it doesn't matter if the film is broken. "

"Even if Fishman Island is destroyed, we can rebuild it, nothing will happen, don't scare yourself."

Xia Li's words frightened the mermaid sisters who were gathered around.

"What, is Fishman Island going to be destroyed, how is this possible?"

"It's simply impossible, store manager, don't talk nonsense."

"They all say don't give divination to others casually, the store manager is really annoying."

At this time, Xia Li came to her senses.

Seeing the beautiful girls around them, they were shocked and explained seriously.

"No, it's not necessarily destruction, it's just that some sea kings have appeared."

Listening to her say this, the mermaid sisters were relieved.

It's just that Xia Li didn't say the number of sea kings, if they let them know the dense sea king classes, I am afraid that they will faint on the spot.


In the afternoon, Yanagawa visited the Mermaid Bay again under the leadership of Jinping.

The fairytale-like world impressed Yanagawa.

Blue sky, white clouds, and that unusually soft sunlight.

The underwater world is as beautiful as in a dream.

No...... Even in my dreams, I have never seen such a beautiful place.

Yanagawa even made a decision on the spot.

If he is too old to move later, he must spend the rest of his life here.

It's so beautiful, I've never seen a more beautiful place than this.

Spend an afternoon in Mermaid Harbor.

After taking time to exercise here for a short while, Yanagawa returned to Fishfolly Hills satisfied.

"Ah! It's a nice island, I'll come back a few more times in the future if I have the chance. "

"Seriously, your hometown is really beautiful, as if it doesn't exist, giving people a wonderful feeling like a dream, what a nice trip."

Saying that, Yanagawa is even more looking forward to tomorrow's trip to Ryugu City.

Other places are so beautiful, presumably Dragon Palace City is more distinctive, right?

Hearing the undisguised admiration, peace and honor.

"Of course, this is the most beautiful place in the world, and there is no other place like my hometown."

Say he's fat, and he's still panting.

However, Yanagawa also had to admit the charm of Fishman Island.

Even the Chambord Islands could not be compared with here, and it was indeed the most beautiful island he had seen so far.

That kind of aesthetic artistic conception, just thinking about it makes people unfinished.

"How is the itinerary for tomorrow, did the Dragon Palace City agree?" After a while, Yanagawa sobered up and asked.

Jinping replied with a smile: "It was arranged last night, and tomorrow afternoon, the king of Fishman Island specially set up a banquet to invite us, and it was a good time." "

Hearing this, Yanagawa stopped and drank water and looked towards Jinping, "Why, is it a unique festival here?" And a banquet? "

The abnormal phenomenon is always so obvious, in Yanagawa's eyes, any abnormality means the danger hidden in the secret, and he instinctively becomes vigilant.

Jinping didn't feel that Yanagawa's tone was a little wrong, and still said excitedly.

"No, maybe it's a relationship I haven't seen for a long time, it's more enthusiastic, right? Anyway, I think it's quite normal. "

"I hope so." Yanagawa said calmly, picked up the cup and continued to drink.


The next day, the third day to Fishman Island.

In the morning, the two went to visit the Yumin Cultural Center and the famous Marin Shopping Center.

After buying local specialty products, take the carriage sent by Ryugu City to Dragon Palace Castle.

The location of Ryugu Castle is located above Fishman Island and is the tallest building in the entire island.

If you want to go up, you can either take a special path called "waterway".

Or be invited by Ryugu Castle to ride in a special carriage.

Of course, Yanagawa can jump with moon steps.

But there's no need to sit like that.

After all, it was in people's territory, and they didn't show malice towards him.

Doing this on someone else's territory is tantamount to provocation, not that necessary.

From the carriage, you can overlook the entire Fishman Island.

Even from time to time, he pointed out, and without pointing to an area, he introduced Yanagawa to what place it was.

Enjoy the scenery of Fishman Island from different angles, and have a unique style.

After a few more minutes, the carriage came directly above the entire island.

There, like the entrance to Fishman Island, two membranes block the passage between each other.

Ride a horse-drawn carriage through a long passage to the dimly lit Ryugu Castle.

Above the quaint palace, there is a lifelike Chinese dragon.

Under the soft light, you really entered the world of fairy tales.

Moreover, this is a real seabed.

Everything around is soaked in seawater, and if there is no foam to block it, Yanagawa, a human being, will have trouble breathing.

Fortunately, when I first entered the Ryugu City area, someone was very kind enough to provide a simple bubble generator.

Gently pressing the red button, a circle of foam emerged from the wooden stick-like generator, wrapping Yanagawa in her entire body.

"Here... It's really interesting. "

Yanagawa keenly noticed the change in the official's expression.

Guessing in his heart, this person was probably testing whether he was a Devil Fruit Ability.

Sure enough, the real world is full of hidden secrets, and the people here are far less innocent than in the comics.

Of course, the simple is also real.

Just like this one next to Liu Chuan, he didn't see anything abnormal.

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