After a few more seconds, the gate opened and a group of soldiers walked in.

Yanagawa looked at the soldiers with interest, and then at Neptune again, somewhat expecting what would happen next.

Then he saw one of these Fish-Terran soldiers come out and go to Neptune and kneel on one knee.

"Report Your Majesty, there are intruders coming in on the side of the hard shell tower, and the brothers are difficult to resist the enemy, and they are begging for support."

Hearing this, Neptune glanced at the boy quietly, knowing who was coming, but still inquired about what happened.

"What the hell is going on, which bastard dared to break into my palace, do you know who is coming?"

The soldier was stunned for a moment, as if things had unexpectedly unexpected.

These days, the intruders coming over from the hard shell tower are basically routine tasks every day.

He had thought that King Neptune would send people directly over and drive those people away.

As a result, things went in an inexplicable direction.

The soldier quickly came to his senses, and although he did not understand why His Majesty asked this, he still answered honestly.

"The invader is Van der Deiken IX, he has bad intentions for the young White Star Princess, he wants to rob the White Star Princess, and also asks His Majesty to send support as soon as possible, and the brothers will soon be unable to resist!"

If it was in the past, without waiting for the soldiers to come, Neptune would have taken the initiative to send someone over.

Or take a trip to the monocoque tower yourself to meet the enemy.

But today is different, he wants to use the power of his guests.

It's just that...... Will Yanagawa offer to intervene in this matter?

Just kidding, he likes to watch the excitement, but it doesn't mean that he will take the initiative to get involved.

If Neptune felt that the teenager's curiosity would lead Yanagawa to ask voluntarily, then he was very wrong.

Yanagawa held a delicious shell in one hand, while enjoying the performance of the two, he tasted the special food with relish, without the slightest intention of asking.

Seeing this, Neptune suddenly became a little anxious, and exchanged ears with the right minister beside him, anxiously discussing.

"What can I do about this, our arrangement seems to be invalid."

All of this is actually arranged.

Van der Dyken's daily invasion time is almost within a fixed range.

Neptune and they had planned to take advantage of the curiosity of young people to dig a hole for Yanagawa and ask him to offer to help.

But Yanagawa didn't play cards according to the routine at all, and didn't mean to pay attention at all.

Of course, Neptune does not want to pay the price for the matter of being able to prostitute in vain, but when the matter comes to this, it is basically impossible to pin his hopes on the young man's initiative to ask.

The Right Minister was also very distressed, and the development of things got out of control and became complicated.

If the transaction is mentioned again at this time, it will seem a little too deliberate, and I am afraid that it will cause the disgust of young people.

Neither of them expected that Liu Chuan had already seen through all the possibilities, after all, the age was there, and no one would think that he could see through all this.

The right minister thought for a moment and gave a suggestion.

"Your Majesty, it's better for you to test this young man's attitude and see if he is willing to help."

Since the teenager does not want to take the initiative to bring it up, then it is up to them to take the initiative to bring it up.

It would be best if you could say yes, even if you were rejected.

At that time, it will not seem so deliberate to propose a deal.

At least it will not cause disgust among young people, in short, it is a two-pronged solution.

Neptune also thought of this and immediately nodded in approval.

"Then I'll give it a try."

The strategy is in place, and the next thing is to implement it.

Neptune didn't know how many years he had been a king, and his skin had been cultivated thicker than the city walls.

Making excessive demands without changing his face is just a trivial problem for him.

"That... Mr. Yanagawa. "

"You have already heard the matter, the strength of the people who came is very small, I wonder if you can help and drive people away?"

Blinking, Yanagawa looked at the tall middle-aged man with innocent eyes.

He was speechless for a while, he didn't expect his face to be so thick, and he directly offered to help.

That's a little too unkind.

Watching the play and seeing now, combined with the understanding of the plot, how could Yanagawa not see that this is a trap.

"They have already calculated that I have come to this, they want me to help, they want to fart!"

Thinking so, Yanagawa categorically rejected the possibility of helping.

It's just that it's not easy to refuse.

After all, it is the owner of Dragon Palace City, and he has eaten so many things from him.

As the saying goes, eating people's mouths is short, and taking people's hands is short.

There are still leftover shells in hand, and if you refuse it outright, it will be a bit too much.

But if you don't refuse, then what?

"It's better to put forward a more excessive condition and let him retreat in spite of the difficulties."

Thinking of this, Yanagawa suddenly had an idea.

"I don't know what the rules of Fishman Island are, but in the human world, you have to pay for finding someone to help."

Yanagawa pretended to be a little embarrassed, and then continued: "There were many people who wanted to ask me for help before, and they all offered a lot of money as a reward when they came, but I refused because I was troublesome. "

"It's just that they seem to have misunderstood something, thinking that I refused because they didn't get enough money."

"Inexplicably, after that, the people who asked me for help began to increase prices non-stop."

"By now, the price of asking me for help has almost become a sky-high price!"

The same is a serious nonsense, from the old age of the young man, listening to the ministers at the banquet eyelids jump.

Anyone can hear that this is a tactful refusal, but they can only take it seriously.

After all, they had never been to the human world, and they were really not sure if the teenager in front of them was lying.

And even if they lie, they can only take it seriously, otherwise this matter will be directly yellow, which is not what they want to see.

I listened to Yanagawa "sincerely" say: "You are Jinping's friend, asking me for help logically says that I shouldn't refuse, but I can't break the rules casually, right?" "

"Or forget about it, I don't bother to say the price, so as not to hurt the relationship between us."

As if convinced that they could not afford the price, Yanagawa and Ben did not even mention it.

Neptune and the Right Minister looked at each other, looked at each other, and were both a little speechless.

But when it comes to this, if you don't ask, you really freeze.

Neptune was more concerned about the stability of the island than about things outside his body, knowing that Yanagawa was refusing, but still asked.

"Mr. Yanagawa, let's talk about it, I don't know how much I want, I can ask you to do it."

In his opinion, young people can propose a price of two or three hundred million at most.

These money may seem sky-high to the outside world, but it is only a drop in the bucket for Dragon Palace City, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

If he can spend money to eliminate the disaster, Neptune is still willing to pay some price.

However, the young man's words made everyone present gasp.

Seeing Liu Chuan smiled a little embarrassed, he said a little embarrassed: "Five billion Bailey, this is already the lowest price." "

Looking around and seeing the stunned looks of everyone present, Yanagawa said embarrassedly: "Look, I just said that you can't accept it, it's better not to say it." "


This is no longer a question of whether it is acceptable or not, you are opening the mouth of the lion, blackmail!

Who can find a 500 million pirates to help pay 5 billion Bailey!

Nonsense must also follow the Basic Law, you can't mess around, bastards!

The ministers at the banquet blushed and looked at this young man who did not know the height of the sky with anger.

No one would have thought that he could offer such an excessive price!

The right minister almost fainted, he vaguely felt that this was the teenager taking revenge!

It is estimated that if you are sincere at the beginning, this may be another result.

Thinking of this, the right minister regretted it, and he honestly proposed a deal directly.

Now pour well, stealing chickens will not erode rice.

Neptune was stunned, and he couldn't come to his senses for a long time.

He glanced at the right minister with deep meaning, but did not shout in front of everyone.

In the face of everyone's annoyed gaze, Yanagawa's face did not change, and he even picked up the delicious food on the table and ate it without any psychological burden.

Quietly observing the faces of the people around him, Yanagawa smiled secretly in his heart.

"Tell you to dig a hole for me, this is good, stupid."

Just when Yanagawa thought that this was the end of the matter, he heard an unexpected answer.

"Yes, five billion!"

Hearing this voice, Yanagawa's eating action paused, and he looked for prestige in disbelief.

The person who said this was none other than the king of Fishman Island, Neptune .

Noticing Liu Chuan's gaze, Neptune said seriously: "As long as you can completely eliminate this wave of pirates, I can give out five billion Baileys." "

As if talking thousands and hundreds, Neptune spoke in a very calm tone.

These words not only scared Yanagawa, but even the right minister could not believe it.

"But... That's five billion..."

Neptune raised his hand to stop what the Right Minister wanted to say.

"Compared to the safety of Fishman Island, five billion is nothing, if you can eliminate this hidden danger, it is worth the money!"

The king of a country is not a king of a country, this courage, this means.

Even Yanagawa couldn't help but marvel at it.

The price of five billion was originally just an excuse for refusal, but listening to Neptune accept it without hesitation, Yanagawa changed his mind.

"Okay, since you said so, it would be too unkind if I refused again."

Sighing, Yanagawa agreed to King Neptune 's plea.

"For your sake, I promised to come down on this!"

Hearing this, there was another uproar at the banquet, listening to the tone of this young man, he seemed to be quite unwilling.

"That's five billion Baileys! You can buy five villas at Fishy Hills! Does he have any concept of money!? "

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