Even if this price is offered, it is only reluctantly agreed, which is beyond the understanding of the ministers.

Seeing the shocked faces of these people, Yanagawa pouted disdainfully.

"Five billion is indeed not a small number, but what good is it for me?"

If it is a large pirate group, it is estimated that it will be excited and can't sleep.

After all, five billion can allow them to quickly develop into a super-large pirate group, and money is directly linked to strength.

But Yanagawa had no intention of cultivating power at all, and the money was just a number to him, and it didn't mean much.

Of course, this does not mean that Yanagawa will help for free, but also give Neptune a discount.

"It's okay to help, discount or something."

"This is a matter of attitude, and we must not give in!"

Unlike the others, Neptune was relieved to hear the teenager agree.

Five billion is indeed not a small amount, but it is not to the point of breaking bones for the rich Fishman Island.

Again, as long as this hidden danger is eliminated, it is earned for Fishman Island.

As long as it can ensure the stable and stable development of the island, this money can be earned back in less than three years.

Compared to this, Neptune is more concerned about when Yanagawa will get things done.

"Yanagawa-sama, when are you going to leave?"

"What you need to prepare, I will arrange it for you immediately."

Yanagawa ate the shells on his hands and wiped them with a clean tissue.

"I'll leave now, I don't need to prepare anything, you just continue to have a banquet, I'll be back in an hour."

It's just a little van der Deken, which requires too much thought.

The reason why Van der Deken is so arrogant is simply that no one can catch him at the bottom of the sea.

If someone else came over, it would be a very troublesome task, after all, most of the strong people on the sea were Devil Fruit powerhouses, and their movements were strictly restricted.

But if you change to Liu Chuan, it is very different, he is a real big sword master, and the sea water basically has no effect on him.

And the enemy came to the door on his own initiative, which saved him a lot of things.

Just be cautious and don't accidentally let Van der Deken run, it won't take an hour at all.

Saying that, Yanagawa wiped his white hands and stood up with a knife.

"Tell him when Jinping comes back, I'll go out and do something and come back, so that he doesn't have to worry."

"Let him go home with me when I get back."

Seeing Neptune solemnly agree, Yanagawa walked towards the outside of the hall.

As he passed by the soldiers who had delivered the news earlier, Yanagawa spoke again.

"Let's go, lead the way, let me see what strength this stupid X who disturbed my meal has, and let him destroy all the good mood."

I came to watch the play well, but I was so hurt by such a guy that I was involved in it.

Yanagawa was very upset in his heart, and it was difficult to vent to his friends who were very peaceful, so he could only find this unlucky bastard.

Hearing the order, the soldier hurriedly stood up, saluted King Neptune and hurriedly ran to Yanagawa to lead the way for the boy.

Although he didn't quite understand why the king had paid so much to ask this man for help, he had also heard some rumors of monsters.

Secretly wondering how powerful this young boy would be, he quickened his pace and ran towards the hard shell tower.

Yanagawa followed behind, and he was a little impatient after running a few steps.

"Your speed is too slow, tell me which direction the hard shell tower is, I'll go over myself."

The soldier looked at the boy behind him who was strolling idly in the underwater world with some suspicion, thought about it and pointed to a place.

"Go about 800 meters in that direction and you will reach the hard shell tower."

You know, this is in the underwater world, not on land.

A human actually disliked the fish race for swimming too slowly, and he wanted to see why this human dared to dislike his speed too slowly.

Only the next second he was stunned.

I saw that Yanagawa stepped quickly on the edge of the foam that wrapped his whole body, and then like a cannonball, he squeezed out the sea water around him and flew out.

"Nani !!"

Seeing this scene, the Fish-Terran soldier's eyes widened, and his eyes bulged out, and he couldn't believe it.

As a soldier who surrounded Fishman Island, he saw a lot of human pirates.

But what he saw, most of the pirates basically lost their combat effectiveness once they fell into the sea, as if they were about to die, they only knew how to struggle.

The scene in front of him shattered the fish-people's understanding of the bottom of the sea, and they never thought that humans could still rush on the bottom of the sea in such an unusual way.

No wonder the king would come up with an amount of 5 billion, and there was something unusual about him.

Yanagawa hurried in the sea, and after a little feeling, he found that there was not much difference on land.

In the past, it was necessary to break through the barrier of air to freely control the body movement, but after reaching the bottom of the sea, the air turned into seawater.

In essence, there is not much difference.

Of course, there are differences.

It is much more difficult to break through the tension of the sea than to break the barrier of the air.

It's just that the truth is similar, and there are still very big restrictions on speed.

But even so, Yanagawa's speed is not known to be much faster than that of ordinary fishman soldiers.

The distance of 800 meters was fleeting, and as soon as he reached the vicinity of the hard-shell tower, Yanagawa heard the sound of the dense transfer of weapons.

It looks like the few pirates are at war with the King's Army.

It seems that they have the upper hand, and the king's army is about to be forced inside the hard shell tower.

It was accompanied by an extremely arrogant voice, and as soon as he heard it, Yanagawa couldn't help but frown.

"White Star Little Sweetheart, don't refuse, come to your uncle, and your uncle will take you to eat a lollipop!"

This voice was also too obscene, which made Yanagawa feel a little sick.

If that's all, then that's all, this guy seems to treat this place as his own territory, and he has no scruples at all.

This made Yanagawa intolerable.

"I'm already so strong, and I pass by in a low-key manner, you guy is good, I don't have any strength and dare to pretend X?"

"I'm afraid I haven't died!"

Yanagawa had anger in his eyes and slashed at the nearest pirate.

The sharp blade easily split the sea water and slashed towards the pirate with an incomparably fierce momentum.

The pirate suddenly felt cold in his heart and realized the sneak attack behind him.

But before he could look back, the whole person was stabbed in two pieces and died silently.

"Swinging a knife at the bottom of the sea is a little harder than on land, and you lose a lot of strength."

"However, it is just a loss of some speed and strength, and it will not shake too much strength."

With just one knife, Yanagawa could tell the difference between the two.

Swordsmanship has been integrated into his life, and experiencing these changes is as easy and natural as eating and drinking.

After cutting down the first pirate, Yanagawa wasted no time and cut straight towards the nearest pirate.

It has been said before, and this group of people will be wiped out within the scope of the hard shell tower.

Whether it is Van der Deken or other little minions, Yanagawa will not let any of them go.


When slashing at a pirate, he had good luck, and the high-raised blade just blocked Yanagawa's attack.

After cutting off the pirate's weapon in the air, the strength was slightly weaker, and it was not directly killed with one blow, but cut into the pirate's head and stuck inside.

The pirates ate pain and instinctively screamed, causing the assassination to end abruptly.

Van der Deken heard the screams and realized something was wrong, and looked back to check the situation.

Then he saw that most of his subordinates had died unknowingly, and only a few people were still fighting.

Then noticing the boy with incomparably deep eyes, Van der Deken couldn't help but shiver.

What kind of look was that?

There was a hint of carelessness in the indifference, as if the fishman who had been chopped off half of his head in front of him was not an intelligent creature, and his eyes were calm.

Noticing that his actions were exposed, his expression did not change at all.

It was as if everything was in his hands and he didn't care at all.

"Who is he, and why has he never seen such a person appear on the island."

"By the way, it looks like he is a human, is this a rescuer that Neptune moved from the human world?"

Thinking of this, Van der Deken quickly fled to the depths of the sea.

"Abominable! Neptune you wait for me, since you can move the rescuers, I can too! "

Van der Deken knew that staying here would only put himself in danger, and he withdrew decisively, not even having time to say hello to his subordinates.

Yanagawa glanced at it with interest, not caring.

In my heart, I was basically sure that Van der Dyken deliberately did not say hello.

Presumably, he planned to leave these people behind and stop his own steps.

But can he get his wish?

This is obviously impossible...

Glancing at the direction of Van der Deken's escape, Yanagawa did not rush to chase, but first got the rest of the pirates.

With his domineering control of seeing and hearing, the range of perception has exceeded the limit of his field of vision.

In addition, his speed was much faster than the other party, and Yanagawa had no reason to be in a hurry.

Taking advantage of the remaining pirates' uncertain efforts, Yanagawa cooperated with the people of the king's army to see them all over in a short time.

Only then did Van der Deken come to the edge of the domineering cover.

"I'm here to help, someone will explain the specific situation to you, now I need a simple bubble generator, any of you have this thing, give me one."

The King Army of Yanagawa was somewhat aware of the action before, and hearing him ask this, one of them only hesitated for a second and threw the things over.

The reason why he lost it was because Yanagawa's attack methods were too terrifying, and he didn't want to get too close to this teenager until he got the exact news.

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