"As long as Aquaman is in my hands, I am invincible."

"At that time, whether it is that little ghost or the annoying royal family, give me all death!"

Saying that, Van der Deken laughed wickedly.


With that already lewd look, it will not give people a chill all over the body, but there is a disgusting sense of disgust.

He apparently did not notice that a figure had actually boarded the flying Dutchman with him a long time ago.

Yanagawa, who was hiding in the secret, also smiled, but his smile was extremely disdainful.

"Think better than anyone, but unfortunately the strength does not match, the plan is a little interesting, but you don't have the opportunity to implement it."


Time passed slowly, and after about half an hour, the flying Dutchman moved from above Fishman Island to directly below Fishman Island.

There is the notorious place on Fishman Island, Fishman Street.

Docking the boat at the edge of the street, Vanderdyken crossed the huge membrane and entered Fishman Street.

Unlike Fishman Island, it is in an area where sunlight cannot reach.

Fishman Street is only nominally within the scope of Fishman Island, and its location is actually in the deep sea.

Walking down the dimly lit streets, Van der Deken didn't feel anything wrong at all.

It seems that he also lives in this environment all year round and is very adaptable.

Coming to the wreck of the ship that had been buried deep under the sea for many years, Van der Deken knocked lightly on the ship's door.

Soon, the door was opened.

A man who looked like a shark glanced coldly at the comer, turned his head and signaled him to enter with his chin.

Van der Dyken walked into the room with two indifferent smilks.

Inside the room is the leader of the New Fishman Pirates, Hody Jones.

"What are you going to do? Did you figure it out to be my subordinate? "

Hody Jones got up from his chair, clenched his canine teeth, and smiled wickedly.

These people seem to confuse majesty with cruelty, as if they don't laugh cruelly and cruelly, as if they can't stop their subordinates.

Van der Deken was also unwilling to be outdone, revealing an expression that seemed ridiculous to Yanagawa.

"You're right, I need your power!"

Van der Dyken did not deny Hody Jones' rhetoric, as if agreeing to accept Hody Jones.

But at the same time, he also put forward conditions.

"But if you want me to join you, you have to do one thing for me, otherwise everything will be free."

"Hmph!" Hody Jones snorted coldly, not caring.

He had already guessed that this would be the case when he heard that Van der Dyken did not deny it.

"Say, what conditions, I will help you get it."

As early as on the way here, Vanderdyken had already thought about it, let Hody Jones attack Dragon Palace City and attract the attention of Dragon Palace City.

And he himself took advantage of the maneuver to snatch the white star over.

At this time, there will naturally be no hesitation when speaking.

"It's very simple, let's attack Dragon Palace City together and become the master of Fishman Island!"

Seeing that Hodi was a little hesitant, Van Di Deken gave a more adequate reason.

"If you want me to join you, at least you must have the corresponding strength."

"The strength of the new Fishman Pirate Group alone is far from enough, only if you master Fishman Island can you be regarded as a real sea pirate!"

Hody Jones was shocked, not knowing what this guy wanted to do.

But the thought of the two joining forces and almost having the ability to overthrow the royal family, Hody Jones was moved.

He has long seen that the royal family's attitude towards humans is very unhappy, as long as he can attack Dragon Palace City, Fishman Island will be what he said in the future.

At that time, it is not a matter of his words to seal off Fishman Island and prevent humans from entering?

Thinking of this, Hody Jones made a decision.


This is an acceptable outcome for both sides.

Whether or not van der Deiken backtracked by then, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, as long as you control Fishman Island, you don't worry about the development of the pirate group.

As for whether Van der Deken will back?

With all due respect, Van der Deken is not yet his opponent!

The two were in alliance, and at the same time stretched out their large webbed hands and held them in the air.

"Then it's settled, you help me attack Dragon Palace City, and I will join your new fishman pirate group." Van der Dyken said with a cruel smile.

Not to be outdone, Hody Jones smiled equally wickedly: "One word is a decision!" "

Smiling, Hody Jones ordered to the subordinates on the side.

"Go, go and gather the brothers, just say I have something important to discuss."

Doss, who was guarding the door, obeyed, opened the door and walked out.

Hody Jones looked back at Van der Dyken, intending to discuss the details of the attack.

Only in the next second, he suddenly saw some strange movements.

"What is this?"

Hody Jones seemed to see a flash of crimson light, and he didn't know what it was.

Hearing this, Van der Deken was a little puzzled.

"What? You're saying..."

However, before the words were finished, Hody Jones saw a scene that made him creepy.

Van der Dyken's head slipped off his body and fell to the ground.


There was silence in the stronghold of the New Fishman Pirates.

Everyone saw it and saw that the guy with the hat died so strangely.

Before he died, he was still talking.

As he spoke, his head fell off!

It was so terrifying that Hody Jones' scalp was a little numb.

"In the end... What the hell is going on here? "

Hody Jones couldn't help but take a step backwards and fart. The strand sat down on the ground.

He wanted to ask his subordinates if they had seen what was going on.

However, his pupils became even larger.

Jaeu's zebra-like fishman, he also suffered the same situation as Van der Deken.

With his eyes open, he died without realizing it.

Like Van der Dyken, his head slipped in front of him, and everything was so quiet.

Hody Jones was really scared this time, and he looked at the others.

Then I saw my subordinates losing their heads one after another.

Hody Jones' fear had reached its peak, and he wanted to scream loudly, but for some reason he couldn't.

In the next second, he only felt that the sky was spinning.

After a moment of dizziness, he saw his feet.

Just as he wondered what was wrong with him, he completely lost consciousness in front of him.

When the pirates in the room were completely dead, Yanagawa came out in the dark.

"Gee, I thought there would be fierce resistance, but I don't even know what happened."

Kicking Hody Jones' head away, Yanagawa said disdainfully: "What a bunch of trash." "

Saying that, Yanagawa disappeared into the darkness again and quietly left the room.

Outside, Doss received an order to gather all the subordinates of the New Fishman Pirates.

A group of chaotic guys emerged from the depths of darkness and rushed to where Noah was.

Yanagawa sat on the branch of a large tree, silently watching as the pirates were gathered together.

Whispering and coming out of the shadows.

"How are you? The scraps of the New Fishman Pirates? "

The relaxed and casual look is as if they are on their own territory, and no one else sits on the wine barrel, looking at them with interest.

A large number of gathered pirates looked at the uninvited guests at the same time, Doss reacted, and asked sharply: "What kind of person are you, why are you here?" "

Fishman Street is not within the scope of the film package, and it stands to reason that he alone cannot appear here.

The strange thing made Doss have an ominous premonition, and looked at the human boy in front of him vigilantly.

Yanagawa was silent, his eyes focused on the fish-man pirates who were still gathering here.

"I don't know how long it will take for these guys to fully gather, anyway, there is no hurry, wait first."

By this time, the agreed hour had long passed.

Since you can't rush back in a short time, it's better to wait patiently and kill all these guys before going back.

Seeing this human being's unmanned appearance, Doss couldn't make up his mind for a while, and he wanted to ask the boss's opinion.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a shadow that made him fearful.

The people inside... All dead.

At this time, Doss had already understood that it was the Grim Reaper who came to claim their lives.

Doss wants to alert his partner and tell them to run.

But it was too late, and a thrust from behind him pushed him into the room, and then the door closed.

Doss trembled with fear, not knowing what the man was trying to do.

But in the next second, he didn't need to think about it.

Because...... His head is gone!

Yanagawa finished all this as if nothing had happened, and continued to return to the original barrel and wait quietly for a while.

When no new fishmen gathered in the darkness, they stood up under the surprised eyes of the pirates.

"Okay, I'll send you on your way now."

"Miscellaneous people, are you ready to die?"

The young man's arrogant words made the pirates of the Fishman Pirates angry.

"Where did the hairy boy come from, who gave you the courage..."

But before he finished speaking, he was stunned by the blazing light like daylight in front of him.

The huge energy flashed away, and the blazing fire raged on the bottom of the sea.

It was just a breather, and the people in the clearing quietly disappeared.

They were all torn to pieces by the furious sword qi!

It became piece after piece of tiny minced meat.

"Okay, it's done!"

Yanagawa snapped his fingers at the bottom of the sea, as if he had completed a very simple task, and swam towards the fishman island overhead with a relaxed and happy pace.

"After all, it's a big list of five billion, how can I handle things cleanly."

"Sweep away the evil forces on Fishman Island, I think Neptune will be satisfied with this result."

Thinking so, Yanagawa's smile became even brighter.

Looking at his appearance, he looked like he had just killed hundreds of people.

The real ruthless people bury the yin in the bottom of their hearts, and only the guys who are fierce on the outside and inside will grin.

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