A group of "little guys" who do not know the cruelty of the world dare to pretend to be the most hanged one in front of Liu Chuan, and there is a remnant of death.

When coming out of the film, first penetrate the first layer of film to the isolation layer.

After passing through another membrane into the interior of Fishman Island.

Next, Yanagawa unabashedly uses the "razor" and goes straight to Ryugu Castle.

Although it was already a little late, it was actually only half an hour.

When I went back, it was almost nightfall, and it happened to be dinner in the evening.

It is believed that the banquet that has been prepared for a long time will last until midnight and will not end so early.

Remembering the special food provided by Ryugu Castle, Yanagawa couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

I can't help but speed up a bit, hoping to eat fresh and delicious food sooner.

"Speaking of which, in fact, those guys who have become shredded seem to be a special food, right?"

Recalling the scene in the depths of the sea, Yanagawa couldn't help but lick the corners of his mouth, and he had the idea of wanting to taste the taste.

But this is just an idea, not a concrete attempt.

Besides, it is also an intelligent creature.

Although the species are different, Yanagawa still can't step through the hurdle in his heart and will not do it easily.

There are ready-made things that do not eat, but go to find excitement, and Yanagawa is not idle to that point.


In Gironkaude Square, a fishman noticed the abnormality in the sky and exclaimed.

"Look, there seems to be something flying in the sky, what a speed!"

The fishman in the square heard the voice and looked in the direction he was pointing.

A red figure was like a shooting star, rushing towards the entrance of Dragon Palace City.

There was an uproar in the square, and they all guessed what it was.

People who had not seen an abnormal situation for a long time became excited, pointing at the red lightning in the sky like a festival.

Inadvertently, Yanagawa left the legend of "Red Lightning" on Fishman Island.


In the shocked eyes of the guards, Yanagawa re-stepped into Dragon Palace City.

Seeing that they seemed to have questions to ask, before they could speak, Yanagawa took the initiative to give an answer with a smile.

"Don't care, it's just that something went out, the banquet is still going on, there is nothing abnormal."

The guards guarding the gate of Dragon Palace City were directly speechless.

What do you call don't care, see you flying over and think what kind of monster, they are shocked.

Fortunately, Neptune said hello at the beginning, don't anger this distinguished guest, otherwise they may subconsciously stab over.

At that time, who is this matter, and they have to bear the blame.

In the strange eyes of the guards, Yanagawa ignored it and walked towards the palace.

When he opened the gate of the palace, he saw that Jinpei was still casually fighting with Neptune for wine, and Yanagawa knew that this matter was covered up.

Seeing Neptune showing a surprised gaze and as if he wanted to say something, Yanagawa raised his arm and stopped him from speaking with a look in his eyes.

He walked to his original position and sat down, and said a few words with Jinping Xiao.

As if nothing had happened, he continued to talk and laugh.

It was not until Jinpei couldn't hold on again and left the table apologetically that Yanagawa made the progress of the mission public.

"I think you should have heard the news about what happened over there in the hard shell tower, so I won't say it again."

Seeing Neptune nodding slightly, Yanagawa continued while biting the delicious shell meat: "Later, I followed the guy named Van der Deken to a place called Fishman Street. "

"I see that the pirates there seem to be all subordinates of Vanderdeken, so I simply killed them all."

Patting the remaining juice on his hand, Yanagawa said nonchalantly.

As if those fish people were just some scraps, he said these words without the slightest emotion.

"All... Kill them all?! "

Neptune was stunned, he didn't know if this boy knew what concept it was, it was hundreds of people.

Liu Chuan nodded, and said nonchalantly: "Yes, all, none of them remain, all, killed." "

In order to convey the precise message, Yanagawa used several prepositions with the same meaning in a row so that he had a clear idea.

As soon as these words came out, the sound of inhalation at the banquet rose and fell one after another.

Neptune couldn't help but gasp, "That's hundreds of people, did you kill them all?" It's only been a long time..."

Even if you line up, it will take half an hour to cut one by one, right?

Counting the time spent going back and forth to Fishman Street, it's almost impossible.

Thinking of this, Neptune was a little unconvinced.

Liu Chuan could see his distrust from his expression, and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, just send someone to take a look." "

"Also, my commission, don't forget to send it to me after you determine the situation, I don't like trouble, so I won't ask you for it first."

Seeing through the conjecture in his heart, Neptune smiled a little embarrassed, beckoned someone to find out the situation, and warmly invited Yanagawa to drink.

Yanagawa gave him a blank look, "I'm not an adult, can't I drink, understand?" "

"Yes, yes, forget about it if you are not careful." Neptune smiled awkwardly and said, "Then Lord Yanagawa, you eat more dishes, please do not hesitate to mention any requirements, as long as we can satisfy you, we will do our best." "

Yanagawa shook his head helplessly, not knowing what to say.

This change of attitude is also a little too blunt, can you not be so realistic.

"I don't need anything else, your food here is quite delicious, and I haven't eaten such delicious things for a long time."

Glancing at the realist king, Yanagawa continued: "If you have any questions you want to ask, just ask, there is no need to exaggerate so much. "

In fact, Yanagawa can be somewhat aware of Neptune psychic distance.

It is nothing more than feeling that his tone is too determined, and he believes that the facts will not be too different.

Then I felt that this was unlikely, and I was afraid to ask him how he did it.

Sure enough, Neptune only hesitated slightly, but still asked.

"I just want to know how you managed to bring the New Fishman Pirates to the pot in such a short time?"

These people have always been very difficult and powerful, and he really can't understand how this happened.

In this regard, Yanagawa smiled meaningfully.

"In fact, for high-end forces, quantity has lost its meaning."

Although Yanagawa believes that he has only touched the threshold of high-end force, he still has some say in this.

Seeing Neptune curious expression, Yanagawa took a bite of the tender seafood meat of shellfish and continued: "You should understand the overlord color domineering, that is the most typical representative." "

"A strong person with a domineering overlord can kill a huge number of low-end forces in an instant, and this alone has already widened the distance between the strong and the weak, not to mention that there are other means."

Hearing this, Neptune suddenly realized.

"That really... If it is overlord-colored domineering, it can indeed deter a large number of pirates in an instant, which I have rarely seen before. "

Although overlord-colored domineering is rare, it is not uncommon among the strong.

If this Liu Chuan is an overlord-colored domineering awakener, it is too normal to destroy a pirate group in such a short time.

Thinking of this, Neptune asked again.

"So, Lord Yanagawa, are you the new fishman pirate group that was destroyed by the overlord color domineering?"

"Nope!" Yanagawa picked up another, more brightly colored shellfish, dismissing Neptune 's problem.

"I hacked them to death, not with overlord-colored domineering."

Instead of crushing them with overlord-colored domineering, Yanagawa prefers to use sword qi.

Using the overlord color to fight, there will be an illusion that the weight of life is too frivolous.

That feeling is not good, only by actually hacking people to death can you feel how heavy the weight on your body is.

Yanagawa doesn't care much about killing, but he always remembers that killing a person means ending a life of the same kind.

Only by keeping these in mind will we not fall into the trap of complaining when we encounter a crisis in the future.

Of course, Yanagawa will not have such concerns when faced with intellectual disability.

Stupid and bad people are not worthy of sympathy at all, there is one to count one, see the direct shock to death, this kind of person is not worthy of living in the world at all.

Yanagawa's mind was complicated, but these words automatically translated into another meaning in Neptune ears.

That is: he will not be overbearing.

Yanagawa didn't bother to explain this.

Feeling the aura of Jinping appear nearby, he quickly reminded Neptune not to continue.

Jinping has a close relationship with the New Fishman Pirates, and if he knows this, I am afraid that he will have different ideas.

Although Yanagawa didn't care much whether he would provoke Jinping.

But to be honest, his friends themselves are small, and it is still necessary to hide the past if he can avoid a little risk.

As for whether Jinping will find out in the future, it doesn't matter.

What kind of goods the new fishman pirate group is, even Ping knows better than anything.

As long as you get through that impulsive period, there will be no problems.

Neptune froze and did not continue, pretending to be nonchalant and beckoning everyone to continue enjoying the feast.

It's just that...... They were still in the mood to drink it.

The thought of a murderous fierce god sitting next to him without blinking, without fidgeting, is already considered to be full of courage.

Yanagawa noticed the expressions of these people and laughed helplessly.

"Don't worry, I don't have a psychological burden to kill scum, but you are different."

"As long as you don't provoke me, I won't go on a killing spree, the weight of life is very heavy, and the people who will be overwhelmed are breathless."

Believe it or not, everything that should have been said has already been said.

What we pursue in life is to be at ease and do so much.

After Jinping came back, he saw that the atmosphere of the banquet had become a little cooler, and he was stunned for a moment.

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