Thinking of breaking the agreement with his mother for the sake of some people who have nothing to do with him, the more Bai Xing thought about it, the more sad he became, and cried loudly.

"I just... Why is it so uncomfortable not to want to see innocent people hurt? "

"Father-sama... You said...... Will my mother blame me? "

Discovering his daughter's abnormality, Neptune would say anything else.

"Otohime won't blame you, how can Bai Xing be so kind Otohime blame you."

Neptune is constantly in danger, hoping that his daughter can come out of her grief.

But no matter how coaxed, Bai Xing seemed to have fallen into a dead end, crying all the time.

At this time, even Jinping, who wanted to go to Hody Jones to ask about the situation, stopped.

None of the people present knew Bai Xing's specialness, if her emotions continued to be unstable, it might lead to a huge disaster.

Everyone was immersed in the truth before and did not react for a while.

Now that they have accepted that cruel reality, they will naturally not let White Star fall into collapse.

But it was already too late, and White Star's emotions were already out of control.

Bai Xing burst into tears and cried loudly.

It seems that he has received a great grievance and wants to vent the sad emotions in his heart.

No matter how coaxed the people around her were, it was difficult to calm her emotions.

As her cry grew louder, she finally attracted the attention of the sea kings.

Yanagawa's gaze shifted to the sky, and a large number of giant sea kings had gathered outside the huge membrane.

Looking at their number, it seems to be increasing.

They surround the membrane and use their huge pupils to look at the situation inside Fishman Island.

As if concerned about the safety of this little girl.

Seeing the huge sea king class that was gathering more and more, Yanagawa's pupils shrank sharply, knowing that things were in order.

He thought that there would only be three or five, but the result was greatly unexpected to him, and the number was uncountable.

At this time, everyone's eyes on Fishman Island looked out of the film.

Without exception, everyone looked at the behemoths with extremely terrified eyes.

This scene is no different from the end of the world, and the dense giant sea king class is an unrivaled force wherever it goes.

Fishman Island, a trade zone open to humans.

Klockdar and his party on the street noticed the vision in the sky and widened their eyes in disbelief.

"This is ... Giant sea kings, right? Feng Kelei asked in disbelief.

In fact, no one needs to answer, he knows the answer.


With such a huge size, only a few legendary creatures except for the huge sea king class have it.

These in front of you obviously can't be legendary creatures, then naturally there is only one answer: these are huge sea kings!

The people in the team, even Klockdar's eyes, had a look of surprise in them.

With such a large number of huge sea kings, even on land, it is an extremely terrifying disaster.

Not to mention that this is in the sea, if they are attacked by these monsters, most of them will be completely destroyed.

At the same time, Klockdar thought of another possibility.

"This may be one of the ancient weapons, Poseidon the Sea King, triggered a vision."

It's just that Klockdar is not sure, he has not read the relevant records, and he does not know the specific function of Aquaman, but there is probably no mistake.

Apart from Aquaman, Klockdar couldn't think of anything that could cause such a big movement.

It's just that Klockdar is more concerned about the safety of his group than the covetousness of ancient weapons.

The specific situation at the moment is unknown, and Klockdar does not dare to act rashly.


Just when all parts of Fishman Island felt that danger was about to come.

Yanagawa's mind turned sharply, and he felt that in order to deal with this matter, he must first start from the root.

Turning his gaze to the girl who kept crying, Yanagawa said calmly: "I heard you say before, your mother's last words are don't hate the murderer, right?" "

Yanagawa's words seemed to have magical power, and the girl who could not listen to the others no matter how much he persuaded heard it.

Bai Xing looked over suspiciously and choked, "Yes... Yes, what's the problem? "

"I just wanted to remind you that you didn't go against your mother's last words." Yanagawa said lightly.

Bai Xing was stunned, "Yes... Is it? "

The little head couldn't handle too complicated information, and when I heard Yanagawa say this, I didn't understand the connection.

However, Neptune next to him was bright.

Yes, why didn't I expect it, Bai Xing didn't violate Otohime's last words at all.

Otomihime's last words are not to hate the murderer, not not to reveal the truth.

There is a fundamental difference between the two, how can you be bypassed in a blur?

Neptune did not dwell on this little question, and the priority was to quickly calm his daughter's emotions.

Yanagawa saw that his purpose had been achieved, and turned to look at the sky.

"Giant sea kings, I don't know if with my current overlord-colored domineering can deter them?"

It was not enough to calm White Star's emotions, and the sea king class would not leave easily without investigating White Star's situation.

On the one hand, it is necessary to regain Bai Xing's calm, and on the other hand, it is indispensable to personally drive away these monsters.

"Whether it works or not, after trying it, I know that no matter what the result is, it will never get worse if I try it."

Thinking of this, Yanagawa stepped on the ground and used his "razor" to gallop into the sky.

Because it was not clear whether these sea kings would attack, Yanagawa did not dare to be careless.

Coming to mid-air, Yanagawa looked at these huge monsters, and his eyes became extremely sharp.

A majestic momentum spread from Liu Chuan's body and radiated around.

That is the huge coercion that can only be presented by the gods, and even the ground being swept away by the aftermath makes people feel palpitations.

Neptune felt the breath like a god and couldn't help but look into the sky.

Recognize the identity of the teenager at a glance.

Unconsciously, the young man had already left here and came to mid-air.

And from the momentum that made people can't help but worship, Neptune felt it.

That is overlord color domineering.

"It turns out that Lord Yanagawa understands the overlord color domineering! And his domineering is so strong!! "

Since the last time he asked about the process of eliminating the new fishman pirate group, Neptune has always thought that Yanagawa has not awakened the overlord-colored domineering and will use the knife to solve the battle.

Now that I think about it, he is too superficial.

"Yes, no one has ever stipulated that overlord-colored domineering must be used."

"Jian Hao uses his sword to meet the battle, is that normal?"

Just when Neptune was shocked, Jinping felt the same way.

He also experienced Yanagawa's domineering for the first time.

Before he had only seen Yanagawa use armed colors and saw and heard colors, he also thought that Yanagawa would not overlord colors.

Now it seems to be a big mistake!

The aftermath alone has such a strong sense of oppression, and those who meet the overlord-colored domineering person head-on will probably die suddenly on the spot.

The thought of this possibility sent chills to his heart.

If this teenager uses the overlord color domineering to do evil, I don't know how many people will die because of this.

But fortunately, he is not an indiscriminate killer and will not use domineering indiscriminately.

Klockdar recognized the man in the sky at a glance from a distance.

"Sure enough, as soon as I saw an accident, I knew that it was your kid who caused trouble, you are really a scourge who causes trouble everywhere, as long as something happens, you are indispensable!"

Since the last time he was pitted by Yanagawa, Klockdar went to inquire about Yanagawa's past experience.

The result is obvious, and the place where Yanagawa is located is indispensable for wonderful and exciting scenes.

I don't know if Yanagawa provoked it, or if something bad came to the door.

In short, there is no point in thinking about this now.

Klockdar has linked Yanagawa to the Scourge Spirit.

Whether he took the initiative to provoke right or wrong, it makes no difference.

Then, Klockdar felt that unusually majestic breath.

"This is ... Overlord color domineering! "

When he was on Long Roundabout before, Klockdar had already experienced Yanagawa's overlord domineering once.

But at that time, it was not as fierce as it is now.

That kind of courage to conquer the sky and half a son made Klockdar also admire it.

"I didn't expect Yanagawa to be so strong in overlord-colored attainments, what a terrifying guy."

Even the strong people on the sea are also in the field of expertise.

For example, Klockdar is good at using the power of the Devil Fruit to fully squeeze the potential of the Devil Fruit.

Although he does not move the tricolor domineering, he can occupy a place on the sea, which shows how far his development of fruit ability has reached.

A strong person like Klockdar, who develops only one of these capabilities, is the mainstream of high-end forces.

Yanagawa is more like an outlier among them, his abilities are too balanced, and he can hardly find any shortcomings.

Of course, if he can use every ability to the extreme like him, Klockdar is also willing to learn from him.

But this is easier said than done.

It's as simple as you think.

While the people on the ground were thinking a lot, Yanagawa was facing the pressure from the huge sea king class in mid-air.

He now couldn't think about what kind of thoughts the people on the ground would have, and in the face of countless huge sea kings, his pressure was equally great.

The momentum has been raised to the extreme, but looking at these sea kings, it seems that their thinking is only slightly stagnant, and they do not mean to leave or pass out.

If this continues, I am afraid that Fishman Island will be dangerous.

Thinking of this, while releasing a majestic breath, Liu Chuan used the power of seeing and smelling to enter information into this breath.

"There is nothing wrong with White Star, you don't need to worry."

"But if you mess with me, you will become very dangerous."

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