"If you don't want to face death..."

"Now! Immediately! me!! "

Seeing the domineering color integrated into the overlord color, making the breath more condensed, and at the same time more deterrent!

This time, the giant sea king class finally moved.

They wander around the membrane, transmitting their emotions.

"Your strength is very strong, but this is not enough, we feel the mood of the master, we don't need you to dictate!"

Feeling their thoughts, Yanagawa snorted coldly with disdain.

From that breath, Yanagawa sensed the intention of retreating, knowing that they would linger for a while longer and leave here.

He didn't do anything extraneous, just stared coldly at these beasts to prevent them from suddenly twitching their brains and destroying the barrier outside Fishman Island.

During this period, Yanagawa did not stop releasing deterrence.

He could feel that the thinking of these huge guys was not as clear as he thought, and he would only be slightly settled under the pressure of the overlord color.

But in this way, the people on the ground are miserable.

Whether it's a fishman or a mermaid, or a human.

They are not ravaged by the aftermath of the overlord color all the time.

For them, even just the aftermath is a huge injury.

Yanagawa's overlord color domineering is too strong, and although the sense of oppression does not make people faint, it is inevitable to be dizzy.

In this way, the confrontation lasted for a full five minutes, until the giant sea king sensed that the white star was not in danger and turned back and left step by step.

Yanagawa breathed a sigh of relief and returned from the sky.

And at this time, the people of Fishman Island broke away from their torment.

"What the hell is that, it seems to be like a god-sama, it's terrible."

"Nope! That must be Lord God, otherwise it would be impossible to scare off the giant sea king. "

"Remember yesterday's red lightning? He seemed to be the Lightning Lord, but he didn't expect him to be a god, which was really terrifying. "

The hearts of the people on the ground were palpitating, and those who were slightly weaker in spirit knelt down in public, praying to thank Yanagawa for what he had done.

In their eyes, whether the black shadow in the sky is a god or anything else, it is their lifesaver.

Thank him for what he deserves.

Of course, Yanagawa, who returned to the ground, did not know anything about all this.

But even if you know, you are dismissive.

Thanksgiving or worship is meaningless.

Only solid strength is real.

If his strength is a little stronger, he will not be uncontrolled when he encounters accidents today.

Directly crushing the past with a stronger overlord-colored domineering, that is the answer that Yanagawa really wants.

After returning to the ground, Yanagawa glanced at Bai Xing thoughtfully and closed his eyes.

Releasing the overlord-colored domineering for five minutes in a row is also a great burden on him.

It was imperative that he hurry up to restore his spiritual emptiness.

Jinpei keenly sensed Yanagawa's weakness and suggested, "It's better for you to go back and rest today." "

Yanagawa had this intention, nodded and agreed.

"Well, I'm really a little tired, let's go back and rest first."

The truth of the matter has come out, and by the way, I also saw the power of Poseidon the sea king.

Yanagawa's purpose has been achieved, and naturally he will not stay much.

Nodding towards Little White Star and Neptune , he broke away from the group and walked in the direction of the villa.

After he left, Jinping also said goodbye to Neptune as well.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I want to go to Hody Jones to confirm the truth, I can't accompany you today."

Neptune glanced at Jinping with a complicated look and nodded slightly.

"Then it's hard for you, it's time to confirm."

That being said, Neptune knew Hody Jones was dead.

Even, there is no wreckage left, it has long been swallowed up by the fish on the bottom of the sea.

However, Neptune couldn't reveal the truth of the matter, after all, Yanagawa had specially instructed him not to easily offend this terrifying teenager.

That domineering and terrifying aura, Neptune just recalled it and felt his heart jump.

If the object of shock were replaced by them, would they be able to withstand it?

Neptune came to a conclusion instantly.

"I'm afraid we'll die suddenly on the spot."

The overlord color domineering is really terrifying, especially the overlord color awakened by Yanagawa body.

That strong sense of oppression can make people's spirits collapse instantly.

It is estimated that only a creature of the size of a giant sea king, or a strong person with the same strong strength, can withstand it.

Thinking of this, Neptune has a new understanding of high-end combat power.

Lovingly glancing at his daughter who was asleep in his arms, Neptune secretly made up his mind in his heart.

"These people are monsters that cannot be matched by manpower, and if they encounter them in the future, they must be treated respectfully."

After thinking for a while, Neptune solemnly ordered the minister beside him.

"Pass on the order, and in the future, Lord Yanagawa will be the guardian saint of our fishman island."

"Everyone should treat Yanagawa-sama respectfully."

"If you hear any orders from Lord Yanagawa in the future, you will definitely obey them wholeheartedly."

"Those who disobey the order, directly expel Fishman Island!"

The ministers gathered around the king looked at each other, savored the meaning of the king's move, and bowed down together.

"Yes! His Majesty the King. "

If Yanagawa was present, I am afraid that it would not be necessary to think for a few seconds like them to reach a conclusion.

It's just that I want to establish a deeper connection with him, Fox Fake Tiger Wei.

However, if Yanagawa noticed the situation here, it is estimated that he would not stop it.

Anyway, these are Neptune self-made ideas, and it's a big deal not to admit it when something goes wrong.

For Yanagawa, this is really not a big deal!


After returning to the villa, Yanagawa did not continue to exercise, but would go to the room to rest for the night.

The excessive use of the ability to overlord colors is too serious a burden on the spirit.

Yanagawa only felt dizzy, and he couldn't raise the spirit to swing his sword at all.

Now the system's judgment of swinging the sword is becoming more and more strict, and if you only do the movement, it will not have any effect at all.

Instead of pretending to be there, it is better to cultivate the spirit and cultivate seriously.

Yanagawa closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the time had already come to evening.

Glancing at the alarm clock on the bedside table, eight hours had passed before I knew it.

For the first time in such a long time at sea, he slept for eight hours, and he only felt comfortable and refreshed.

Yanagawa concentrates and immerses himself in the spiritual world.

The shaky feeling has dissipated and the spirit has re-stabilized.


Yanagawa took a deep breath, this accident was successfully passed, and there were no sequelae, it can be said that he was very lucky.

Moreover, Yanagawa faintly felt that the overlord color domineering had improved a little after experiencing this incident.

Thinking of this, Yanagawa Faith moved to unfold the system panel.

The gaze focused on the overlord-colored column, and sure enough, there was a slight change.

The level of the overlord color domineering has been increased from the original level 27 to level 30, directly crossing the third level.

"Sure enough, direct cultivation of the corresponding skills will also be improved."

"However, this kind of adventure is unattainable, and if you train step by step, I am afraid that it is still not as efficient as wielding a sword."

Although he was clearly aware of this, Yanagawa still planned to use the swing of his sword to improve his strength.

After all, he couldn't come across a giant sea king class every day.

If there is no stimulation of those sea kings, if the overlord color domineering wants to make leapfrog progress, it is tantamount to foolish dreams.

Yanagawa shook his head and was about to close the system panel, but at this moment, he noticed a trace of abnormality in the afterlight of his vision.

"Huh? How did the domineering spirit also rise by one level? "

Seeing the domineering column, the level shows level 34.

Liu Chuan clearly remembers that in the past few days of exercise, he has only improved by 1 level, from the original 32 level to 33.

Looking at it again today, it has been upgraded by another level, which is really a bonus.

Yanagawa was surprised, and then glanced at the armed color.


It is still level 37 unchanged, without the slightest change.

"Well, it seems that I think too much."

Think about it, there are so many good things in the world!

Just the improvement of the overlord color and the color of seeing and smelling is already very good, in the end, he still has a trace of greed.

"Let's improve little by little, don't think that pies will fall from the sky."

With this said, Yanagawa picked up the mess placed on the head of the bed and walked out of the room.

When I came to the living room, I saw Jinping sitting on a chair with a gray face, as if he was drinking alcohol, and seemed to be in a daze.

Seeing the way he held up the wine bottle to drink or not, Yanagawa couldn't give a clear judgment.

"Yo, what's the matter, let people cook it?"

Isn't it like a boiled eggplant?

Jinping glanced at Liu Chuan with blank eyes, and said absently: "Hodi Jones seems to have heard the news in advance and ran away." "

When Jinping came to Yuren Street, he saw that the scene was empty.

There are only some traces of battles, and there is no sign of anyone else being found.

In Jinping's eyes, this is not a runaway, what can it be?

Jinping attributed all this to Hody Jones' fear of absconding, feeling sorry for his lack of knowledge.

However, this is a little inexplicable to Liu Chuan's ears.

The sword qi energy released was basically absorbed by those pirates, and it did not cause much energy leakage.

If Jinping only saw the square of Fishman Street, it would indeed be possible to judge that Hody Jones ran away.

But what happened in that giant ship, Yanagawa did not hide it in the slightest.

"Don't tell me that the body in the cabin is gone, that's too scary."

Thinking so, Yanagawa couldn't help but shiver.

Speaking of which, he is also afraid of ghosts.

In the face of the unknown, it is difficult to bring up courage.

Just thinking about it for a while, Yanagawa came to a more convincing conclusion.

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