From yesterday afternoon to now, Yanagawa is not the only one who goes to Yuren Street.

There are also people from Dragon Palace City who have also gone to find out the truth.

If it is said that the guards on Fishman Island took their bodies, it makes sense.

Thinking of this, Yanagawa didn't think about it anymore.

Picked up the chaos and walked towards the gate, passing by a word of encouragement, and ignored the matter.

Whether it was the people of Dragon Palace City who made their own claims to help him cover up the flaws, it didn't matter anymore.

Anyway, this thing has passed, and there is no point in thinking about it.

Now all he has to do is to cultivate, cultivate, and cultivate again.

Although with his current strength, he is no longer afraid of the enemy of Doflamingo, but who thinks that his strength is stronger?

Swinging a sword makes people happy, and swinging a sword makes people stronger.

Isn't it beautiful to be happy and stronger at the same time?

Yanagawa has no reason to refuse to swing the sword!

Under the setting sun, the figure of the young man wielding a sword presents a strange beauty.

Even Jinpei was infected and came to Yanagawa to practice fishman karate.


Another day passed, and it was time to set off.

The reward that Neptune had promised had been delivered to Yanagawa, a box slightly larger than a briefcase.

Yanagawa simply nodded, roughly calculated the quantity, and put it aside if there was no problem.

Hearing Jinping ask what it was, Yanagawa just perfunctorily replied that it was a parting gift from Neptune .

Jinping didn't care, didn't take it seriously.

If he knew that there were banknotes with a face value of one million inside, it is estimated that he would probably be stunned for half a day, right?

Yanagawa finally dispelled the desire to open the box in front of Jinping, and followed Jinping out of the villa with a smile on his face.

"Speaking of which, you haven't said who the owner of the villa is, living for so long in vain, shouldn't you go and thank you?"

On the occasion of parting, Yanagawa offered to visit the owner of the villa.

Jinping said, "If the owner of the villa is concerned, you have already visited the second day you came here, so there is no need to visit again." "

"When you leave, if you really want to thank you, when you pass by the Sea Forest, please worship the tombstones there by the way."

"If Otohime found out, I'm afraid she would be happy."

Hearing Jinping say these words in a calm tone, Yanagawa faintly felt that the cash box in his hand was a little hot.

"It turns out that the owner of the villa is that woman... I already knew that it would be better to have less. "

It was really unexpected that what Jinpei brought him over was Otohime's villa.

Then again, the strong girlish aura in the villa has been faintly revealed.

It's just that Yanagawa hasn't cared about it.

Think about it, except for the delicate woman, who would put delicate tables and chairs in the courtyard, and arrange for someone to wipe them clean every day.

And the juice that was chilled in the refrigerator at that moment, if it was a man, would he have such a delicate mind?

Pay a little attention to the details of life, and Yanagawa should actually be able to guess.

And Jinping has given hints from the beginning, and the owner of the villa will not mind him bringing friends to stay.

In Fishman Island, in addition to Otohime, will anyone really welcome humans?

I'm afraid that even Neptune is only polite on the surface, and will not really welcome his arrival.

Based on the above clues, it is not difficult to conclude the identity of the owner of the villa.

However, Jinping still released some smoke bombs in some respects.

For example, he once said that the owner of the villa would come back from time to time to rest for a while.

No matter how you understand this, you can't justify it.

Unless Jinping says a word, Otohime's soul and Fishman Island will be together forever.

But it would be too scary to think about it, and Yanagawa didn't want to think about it.

When he went to the area that was open to the public, Yanagawa sighed in his heart.

Suddenly looked at Jinping, and said seriously: "After I leave, you can tell Neptune about it, I promised to come down on the Guardian Spirit, and if you encounter trouble in the future, please mention my name." "

Although he is a non-existent person, since he has inherited the love of others, he must at least return something.

Yanagawa doesn't know how much his name can help, but it will always make some people jealous.

As long as it can play a little role, it will help Fishman Island.

And no matter how bad it is, he can take the initiative to make this public and let the whole world know that Fishman Island is protected by him.

Yanagawa still has his own things to do, and there is only so much to give in return.

Jinping thought for a moment and nodded seriously.

"I know, I will truthfully convey it to Your Majesty, you can rest assured."

The sea thief with a reward of 500 million is a famous figure even if he is put in the new world.

The promises of the sea thief can be counted, and Jinping understands the weight contained in this sentence.

At this time, neither Jinping nor Yanagawa knew that 500 million was already the past bounty amount, and the new bounty amount had been freshly baked.

However, it is estimated that in a short time, Yanagawa will not know this result.

He doesn't have the habit of actively ordering newspapers, and there are no moving newspaper seagulls in the new world.

Klockdar would not take the initiative to tell him the news, wondering when his latest bounty amount would be.

It's just that...... Yanagawa knew that he probably wouldn't care.

After the bounty exceeds 500 million, it does not represent any practical significance.

Under the premise of the Navy not dispatching generals, it is simply impossible to capture the sea pirates worth 500 million.

Not to mention bounty hunters, who have this strength to become bounty hunters.

Is it that the pirates are not fragrant or is the navy not powerful enough?

No matter which force you join, you are a big man on one side.

Would such a person go out of his way to capture a specific target for a bounty?

No kidding, that's almost impossible.

After arriving in the open area, Yanagawa reunited with Klockdar.

After saying a solemn goodbye to Jinping, he set off from the bottom of the sea and left Fishman Island.


The sight came to the first half of the Great Route.

Peach Rabbit, who went to the middle of the park before, received a brand new weapon - Tong Zi Chean Gang.

This knife, both in terms of name and quality, Peach Rabbit is very satisfied.

"Tong Zi cut, Tong Zi cut, Yanagawa you little devil wait for me, sooner or later I will catch up with you and cut you!"

Walking into the marshal's office with a big grin, Peach Rabbit saluted seriously.

"See Lord Marshal!"

When saluting, Peach Rabbit deliberately exposed the latest weapon so that the Warring States could see more clearly.

Sengoku didn't feel anything remarkable after seeing it, he only felt a headache!

In order to buy this knife, the Navy headquarters spent a sky-high price of 600 million Baileys!

The devil knows when a big fast knife 21 workers rose to this price, and the Warring States only felt that the flesh hurt!

But fortunately, Peach Rabbit has regained its spirits, and if this experience can make Peach Rabbit's state of mind go to a higher level, the price of 600 million Bailey is still worth it.

You must know that every admiral is piled up by huge resources, and it is not at all distressing to spend this money on alternate generals.

Sengoku looked at Peach Rabbit's spirit, nodded with satisfaction, and asked playfully, "Happy now?" Not dead anymore? Know what to say? "

The three consecutive questions made Peach Rabbit's face red, and she couldn't help but recall the picture of the tantrum that day, and she couldn't wait to find a seam to drill into.

It's a shame.

The image of the fierce style that she has worked hard to create over the past two years has long been lost, and she has become the laughing stock of the Navy's top brass.

Fortunately, the people who knew about this were limited to the high-ranking naval officials, and even the vice admiral of the headquarters only faintly heard about it, but it did not cause a large-scale impact.

As for those elite navies in the Chambord Islands, they will not use this matter to spread gossip.

After all, it is a matter of the majesty of the candidate of the general, and no one dares to take this matter wrongly.

Of course, what happened cannot be taken as not being seen.

At least Peach Rabbit clearly knew that he had lost people and was angry.

This time, she took the initiative to make people laugh, in order to avenge the humiliation of that time!

Of course, deep down, Peach Rabbit wants to make up for his mistakes, so he took the initiative to ask the Warring States.

Forced to endure the shyness in his heart, Peach Rabbit said seriously: "Your Excellency Marshal, your subordinates heard that Red Flame Sword Hao has entered the new world, and their subordinates apply to continue to pursue the past. "

"This time, his subordinates will definitely arrest the Red Flame Sword Hao and bring them to justice!"

Peach Rabbit's voice was loud, without the slightest intention of joking.

Hearing this, Sengoku looked at her in amazement, a little unable to believe his ears.

"Did I hear you right, Gion, are you going to take the initiative to pursue that monster?"

All the navies who had met Yanagawa had no way to raise their heads again in front of him.

Even for vice admirals.

I don't know where Peach Rabbit has such strong confidence, he has already failed once and dares to continue chasing.

Thinking of this, the first reaction of the Warring States was to refuse.

But after thinking about it again, it seems... It's not that there are no opportunities to operate.

Back then, Karp was also like Peach Rabbit now, like a vicious dog, biting Roger's tail fiercely with the belief of victory.

Caused an unknown amount of trouble for Roger's pirates.

Although he was unable to capture Roger on his own strength in the end, he at least cultivated a legendary figure like Karp.

If Peach Rabbit is likely to go down this path, perhaps he should provide support.

Moreover, Peach Rabbit's character flaws still need to be honed, and the new world will be a good whetstone.

Even if you can't cultivate a new Karp, it won't be too bad.

Don't look at the appearance of Peach Rabbit when she collapsed before, but she is a real admiral candidate.

Whether it is strength or strategy, she is the elite of the elite in the navy.

In addition to being slightly inferior in strength, it is not much worse than other generals.

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