For Peach Rabbit, the New World is not a danger zone.

As long as she does not take the initiative to provoke some big forces, there will probably be no problem.

And as a navy, and even the top of the navy, it is impossible not to take risks at all.

There are no risks that exist only among children, and cannot exist in the military.

Sengoku thought for a long time, but found that he could not find a reason to oppose.

Instead, after thinking about it, he even wanted to encourage Peach Rabbit to take risks.

Looking at Peach Rabbit's serious gaze, Sengoku was silent for a long time before he focused his head.

"Yes, I can go through your application."

Hearing this, Peach Rabbit breathed a sigh of relief.

Without the permission of the marshal, her actions could not have been carried out.

At least no one will offer her the warship and want to continue the pursuit, which is unrealistic.

It's just that Sengoku's words haven't finished speaking, and before Peach Rabbit completely relaxed, he listened to Sengoku continue.

"But you have to be clear, in the new world, you will not get any support."

"No matter what you have to do, think of the consequences in advance, where you can only fight alone!"

Since the beginning of the era of the sea pirates, the navy has withdrawn from the New World and shifted its mind to other seas.

Only those few naval branches remain in the New World.

In the vast sea, a few naval fortresses and a drop in the bucket are no different.

Don't expect much support from them.

For these reasons, Sengoku explained the matter to Peach Rabbit in advance.

lest she have a wrong judgment of her own power, and when the time comes, she will encounter danger in the new world alone and be overwhelmed.

Momo Rabbit is Vice Admiral Tsuru's younger sister, and she is like a mirror to the arrangement of the Navy in the New World.

Hearing the serious reminder of the war Chinese, he replied seriously: "Don't worry, Marshal, I have self-knowledge and will not do stupid things!" "

Hearing this, Sengoku thought for a moment and waved her to leave.

"In that case, then you take your people with you, I will say hello to the Red Earth Continent, and they will let you go."

Peach Rabbit looked at the Warring States gratefully, and seriously performed a military salute.

"Please rest assured, Marshal, I will not let you down again this time!"

After speaking, Peach Rabbit turned and left.

Sengoku looked at the back of the peach rabbit leaving, and secretly said in his heart.

"I hope so."


After a period of sailing, Yanagawa and his party finally reached the sea.

Seeing the clear blue sky, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the depths of the dark and deep sea, it is too depressing.

Especially for long trips, everyone is silent.

It gives people the illusion that only they exist in the world, which makes people fearful.

Not to mention the sound of swords being swung from time to time on the ship.

The movement that cuts through the air flow is not much different from the ghost's scream in the deep sea, and some of the more nervous guys almost didn't collapse, and the trip was much more difficult than expected.

Klockdar glanced at the indisputable subordinates expressionlessly, and took a deep breath.

This is an instinctive human emotion, and it is not good for him to do anything, he can only secretly scold them in his heart as a bunch of waste.

Looking at the boy on the bow who never stopped swinging his sword, Klockdar didn't know what to say.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Yanagawa was also afraid.


The bottom of the sea is so dark, and the ship is so silent, there are ghosts if you are not afraid!

Yanagawa's constant swing of the sword was just to divert his attention and immerse his mind in cultivation, so that the fear would be weakened or even eliminated.

Because of this, the rest of the boat was under more pressure for no reason.

But Yanagawa won't apologize even if he knows, who makes them unwilling to talk one by one.

I raised my head and watched the clouds in the sky for a long time.

Yanagawa was about to collect the knife and go to rest for a while, when Klockdar came over.

"We've arrived in the new world, shouldn't you provide more information?"

Previously, Yanagawa only said that Hades was in the New World, and did not say anything more.

Klockdar knew that it was the teenager who did not trust him and did not want to reveal more details.

He could accept that.

After all, all pirate alliances will be the same process, which is a normal reaction.

But by now, Klockdar had to mention something.

I hadn't asked before because they had a clear goal and knew they should come to a new world.

But everything is different when you get here, if you don't know your destination, where do you drive the ship?

Hearing Klockdar's question, Yanagawa was stunned for a moment.

However, he quickly reacted and quickly said: "Dressrosa, we are going to Dressrosa." "

Too much time passed, and Yanagawa almost forgot what he had said to Klockdar before.

But the destination has never been forgotten.

Doflamingo will go to trouble with Dressrosa during this time, and as long as he gets to Dressrosa, he will be able to meet the old enemy.

After hearing the answer, Klockdar nodded slightly, and then turned to leave.

As long as there is a clear goal, there is no need to rush to know the rest.

Yanagawa was stunned, and the words prepared in his heart were swallowed again.

"Isn't this guy worried at all? I also made up some stories for him. "

In fact, this is Yanagawa's inexperience.

If you are an old pirate, you know the rules for contact with other pirates.

In order for the two sides not to clash until the final share of the spoils, the party providing the information often confides in everything at the last stage.

This is a rule that has been formed over the years, except in special cases, it will be followed by the rules.

Klockdar was just used to doing this, and nothing else.

After all, Yanagawa has already shown his "sincerity", and this sincerity is full of weight, which is completely worth the value of this cooperation.

I have received enough information, and if I ask more, it will seem a bit of a quick success.

Watching Klockdar leave, Yanagawa shrugged and didn't take it seriously.

Pack up your things and return to the cabin, wash up and rest in bed.

"I haven't closed my eyes in days, it's time to take a break."


Just as Yanagawa and them returned to the bottom of the sea, the pirate ship of the Don Quixote family happened to arrive in Dressrosa.

Doflamingo took the latest newspaper from Torrepol and looked at the news registered in the newspaper and smiled strangely.

"This little devil has actually grown to this point, cutting off Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit's sword, which is really a remarkable achievement."

The newspaper was talking about Yanagawa's disturbances in the Chambord Islands.

There were only a few words written about the businessman George, and more of it was to introduce how dangerous the Red Flame Sword Hao was and let everyone pay attention.

The details of it talk about the injury of the ghost spider and the battle between Peach Rabbit and Red Flame Sword Hao.

It is said that Yanagawa's strength is not what it used to be, and he is no longer the fledgling teenager he was at the beginning.

In this regard, Doflamingo only felt that there was an unquenchable anger gushing out of his heart.

"This damn guy, I didn't expect to live at ease until now, it's really cheap for him."

I thought that releasing an underground bounty would make Yanagawa suffer a little, but the bitterness did not, but it was dashing.

Compared with Don Quixote's loss of a large number of cadres, how could Doflamingo swallow this breath.

However, now was a critical time for them to plot Dressrosa, and Doflamingo knew the priority no matter how angry he was.

"Nothing more than the intelligence in the newspapers?" Looking at Torrepol, Doflamingo asked in a deep voice.

Torrebol took out a sticky-looking white paper from his arms, unfolded it and looked at the content on it, and slowly said: "The intelligence of the underground world says that the little ghost has set off from Fishman Island and come to the new world. "

After saying the contents of the note, Torrebol put the things back away, looked at Doflamingo with concern, and said: "I don't know what his purpose is in coming to the new world, I always think that it may have something to do with us, Dover, you better pay more attention, I'm afraid that kid will have some ideas." "

This is not unfounded speculation, but traces.

Judging from his past deeds, Yanagawa's vengeance is extremely heavy, and he has always had revenge, and has never shown any sign of letting go of his enemies.

As soon as he heard that Yanagawa had come to the new world, Torrepol guessed that it might be related to his group.

But this is just his speculation, there is no tangible evidence.

The corners of Doflamingo's mouth curved down in an exaggerated arc, and he said with a sinister smile: "Then let him come, it just so happens that I have been patient for a long time, that damn little ghost, he should have been taught a lesson a long time ago." "

Thinking of those subordinates who had died, Doflamingo only felt his teeth itch.

If those cadres were still there, they wouldn't have to put down roots in Dressrosa and slowly figure it out.

Just go to Kuli Wang for a showdown, there is no need for such trouble.

It was precisely because of Yanagawa's existence that the Don Quixote family suffered huge losses, and had to think of some strategies to slowly deal with the Dressrosa Kingdom.

"Arrange for people to keep an eye on the news of that little ghost, once you hear that he is here, tell me as soon as possible, and I will make him regret being here."

Doflamingo threw the newspaper on the table and said with a smile.

"I see, Dover." Torrebol replied, ready to leave the room.

However, Doflamingo seemed to have not finished speaking, and stopped him.

"You wait a minute."

Torrebol looked back suspiciously, not knowing what he was going to say.

I heard Doflamingo ask about the country of Wa.

"What happened to the people sent over there by the big snake, is there any news?"

Recently, Doflamingo has been a little busy, and he forgot to ask about the harvest over there.

Even if you can't directly retaliate against Yanagawa, even if you add some trouble to him, it's good to disgust him.

It's just that...... Torrebol doesn't know about it.

"Those people didn't know what was going on, and suddenly there was no news halfway through, and they couldn't find anyone."

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