"I heard the black carbon snake say that the last time I contacted them was in the capital of water, and after that, it is not clear what the situation is."

"Perhaps... It is not necessary that they are killed halfway through. "

Torrebol voiced his guess, but he wasn't quite sure what was wrong.

It stands to reason that although the people of Wano Country are a little weaker, they are much stronger than the pirates in the first half of the Great Voyage.

To be reasonable, they will not die easily, more likely to run away halfway.

As for Yanagawa cutting his beard in the middle, Torrebol didn't even think about it.

Where in the world is there such a clever thing.

Just happened to meet Yanagawa on the vast sea, and happened to be accidentally discovered by Yanagawa, and then killed by him?

It's too whimsical to make up a story.

It's just that...... Torrebol didn't know.

In fact, Yanagawa had far more information in his hands than he thought.

It was indeed a coincidence that I happened to meet that group of people.

But everything after that was excavated by his own initiative, and it was no accident at all.

Because of the lack of sufficient conditions, Torrebol directly ruled out the correct answer.

After Doflamingo listened, he didn't know what to say.

It can only be said that he pinned too much hope on the unreliable guy of the black carbon snake.

Other than that, Doflamingo didn't have any ideas.

"Forget it, you go and get busy with yours, I just hope that our operation this time can go a little smoother."

Doflamingo waved his hand and signaled that Torrepol could go.

Torrebol answered and left the room.

"It's going to be fine, as long as we take the country."


After about a month or so of sailing, the Baroque Working Society ship finally reached the waters near Dressrosa.

On the road of sailing, it can be regarded as a smooth wind.

Except for encountering a few pirate groups without long eyes and erasing them from the world, there were no accidents.

Yanagawa swung his knife on the deck as always, listening to the pleasant sound from the system, without the slightest impatience.

【Ding! The number of sword swings has accumulated 108,000]

[Reward: Armed Color Domineering Level + LV1]

"Finally... Before arriving in Dressrosa, the level of armed color domineering reached level 40. "

Yanagawa wiped the sweat condensed on his forehead aside with the back of his hand, exhaled deeply, and revealed a bright smile.

Every time he improves his strength, an inseparable joy rises from the bottom of his heart, and Yanagawa likes this feeling.

Especially when it comes to reaching the critical level, this joy is even stronger.

It's a down-to-earth feeling.

As long as his strength steadily improved, Yanagawa's heart became more and more peaceful.

Strong strength is the foundation of his survival in this world, and there is nothing more exciting than increasing strength.

Glancing at the lush island in the distance, he drew his knife back into its sheath and returned to the cabin.

Freshened up in the washroom, changed into clean clothes and returned to the deck.

The upper body is a red printed T-shirt, and the lower body is a close-fitting shorts.

The whole person looks very refreshing.

In the hot season, there is nothing more comforting than coolness.

Seeing the navigator in control of the rudder constantly adjusting the course, Yanagawa felt a little curious and walked behind him to take a look from behind.

It turned out that this guy also had a permanent pointer with three pointers in his hand, which constantly changed course according to the direction pointed by the pointer.

Yanagawa observed for a while and asked curiously, "Why do you rely on the pointer to determine the course?" "

The navigator glanced back and was startled to see that it was Yanagawa.

Unexpectedly, this teenager, who had never communicated with them, uncharacteristically spoke to him.

The navigator looked a little nervous, and answered Yanagawa's question in a hushed manner.

"That... At sea, you can only rely on the pointer to identify the course, there is no other way. "

Hearing this answer, Yanagawa blinked and pointed to the island not far away.

"Isn't that our destination? Just go straight in that direction? "

The island that Yanagawa was referring to was Greenbit, and the final destination of their voyage was Dressrosa, an island near Greenbit.

The navigator was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were dull and looked over there.

Dressrosa, hidden behind that lush island, was revealed.

"No wonder I always feel that the direction of the pointer is not quite right, is it because of this?"

The navigator was stunned, and he thought it was his own illusion, but it turned out to be just blocked by another island.

Seeing that he understood, Yanagawa shrugged and left from the control deck.

In fact, a few minutes ago, Yanagawa was also quite confused, and the ship kept adjusting its course, one moment to the right and one to the right, as if drunk.

He also noticed the abnormality before kindly reminding him.

But coincidentally, I don't know how the boat went, and how it got to the place where the two islands were connected.

If he hadn't seen that the plants on the island were somewhat familiar and recognized where it was, it is estimated that even he would not have been able to figure out what the situation was.

Fortunately, the problem has been clarified, and the ship is also moving normally, and it will not shake like before.

Back at the front of the deck, looking at the nearby sub-island, watching Yanagawa subconsciously want to swing his sword to cultivate.

Resisting the instinct of his body, he looked at the island in front of him and fell into thought.

"If I'm not mistaken, the terrain of Dressrosa is almost like a basin."

"The edge of the island rises with huge rocks, enveloping the inner masses."

"Except for a limited number of passages to this country, there is no way to land anywhere else."

"In other words, if Doflamingo had landed on the island in advance, as long as we deployed people in a limited number of places, we would have sensed that we had arrived here."

“emmm...... That's more embarrassing. "

Yanagawa touched his chin and thought about how to solve this problem.

Before coming, I just thought about how to trick Klockdar to come over, and I was completely unprepared for the specific details.

Near the destination, Yanagawa remembered that life is not a fairy tale where you have to live and think of ideas with a pat on your head.

Without careful planning, I am afraid that this operation will not achieve much.

As soon as I entered the island, I was discovered, so how to explore intelligence.

Without intelligence, there is no plan of action, and without a plan of action means being led by the other side.

Landing on the island rashly will only lead to a trap that may be laid out, and it cannot be so risky.

Thinking so, Yanagawa turned around and went to the captain's room and found Klockdar to directly indicate his intentions.

"You go and inform the navigator to stop going any further, stop at Grimbit, we won't go to Dressrosa first."

Seeing that the teenager took the initiative to come to him, Klockdar was a little surprised.

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