"Do you need to say more after that? Of course, I went to inquire about the intelligence on the island. "

How to make a plan without intelligence, take the brain to make up for it?

Talking is like joking.

Klockdahl was dumbfounded.

Indeed, he took it for granted.

Seeing that the teenager was in control of everything and looked leisurely, he took it for granted that everything was in his control.

But if you think about it, how is this possible.

The boy came out of the East China Sea and came to Dressrosa for the first time.

If he knew all the information about the Kingdom of Dressrosa, what else would he need to do.

Come over as a mascot?

Thinking about it like this, Klockdar was a little speechless.

It seems like...... He really doesn't differ from a mascot.

Just as Klockdar decided to take the initiative and arrange the next work himself, he listened to the boy continue.

"But this time we have to bring fewer people over, the target is too obvious and it is not good for us, in case it is exposed in advance, it will not be good."

Klockdar subconsciously asked: "Then you plan?" "

As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't wait to pump himself a mouth.

Just thinking about how to take the initiative back, this sentence is basically out of play.

It's really unlucky.

Liu Chuan didn't know anything about this, thought a little, and said: "It's better to take Von Kray, Daz and Galtino together, and the five of us go in." "

Hearing this, Klockdar was stunned for a moment, and then reacted that he said MR.1, MR.2 and MR.3.

After thinking about it for a while, what the young man said made some sense and agreed.

"So be it, without further ado, let's go now?"

Yanagawa nodded, but then shook his head again.

"Things are still quite urgent, but we can't be too anxious, let's wait for the sky to get darker."

Looking at Klockdahl is not clear, Yanagawa explained: "The terrain of Dressrosa is too special, once you get to the cliff at a glance, it is easy to be discovered, if the past is basically no different from throwing yourself into the net, it is better to sneak in by night." "

In fact, Liu Chuan is not in a hurry from the bottom of his heart, take his time, step by step to find clues, there is no need to rush to act.

But in theory, he should be in a hurry.

After all, on the bright side, they are competing with Doflamingo to see who can find clues about Hades first.

It's quite painful to talk about, and I don't know what he thought about deceiving Klockdar together.

Maybe it was the original strength that did not allow Yanagawa to be big, or maybe it was other ideas.

The real reason Yanagawa has long forgotten everything.

If the box of meteorites on the ship is to be conscious, it is estimated that he will cry and faint on the spot.

It was only a long time before Yanagawa forgot it.

In any case, in order not to let Klockdar find the problem, Yanagawa can only continue to load.

But in fact, Yanagawa began to get a little impatient.

It's just that for the sake of being able to take revenge, he can barely maintain a superficial calm.

Fortunately, Klockdar did not continue to ask, and turned to his three subordinates to discuss the plan.

Looking at his back as he left, Yanagawa fell into deep thought.

"Do you want to tell the truth?"

After thinking for a while, Yanagawa decided not to mess around.

"Let's wait until Doflamingo is killed, now there may be surprises."

Patiently waiting for the night to fall, Yanagawa danced his sword as usual during the period again.

When the darkness completely covered the entire forest, the five of them gathered together and set off under the leadership of Yanagawa.

According to the images in memory, Yanagawa quickly found the chain bridge.

After jumping on the bridge, he made a follow-up gesture to the person behind him, using the overlord-colored domineering aura to spread the momentum near the sea, while carefully controlling the deterrent power so as not to leak it, while rushing towards Dressrosa.

After the overlord color domineering passed level 20, these subtle operations were no longer too big a problem for Yanagawa to be.

It's just that you still need to concentrate, and if you want to control the range as you like, I'm afraid it's only possible until level 40.

The 4 people who followed behind looked surprised, they never thought that the overlord color domineering could be used like this.

Combined with the information revealed by Yanagawa before, Klockdar roughly guessed the purpose of his doing so, and was surprised and quickly followed.

The other three were still shocked, but seeing that their boss had begun to act, they quickly followed.

"Is this a high-level use of overlord-colored domineering?"

Klockdar asked in a low voice.

On the silent sea, even the smallest sound will expand for no reason under the background of the silent environment.

Yanagawa clearly heard his question and answered in a low voice.

"It's not a high-level use, it's just a skill after mastering, this method of use is quite physically exhausting, and has no practical value."

After all, it is the seven seas of paradise that are active in the first half of the great voyage.

Klockdahl's perception of domineering remains at a superficial level.

Yanagawa has no intention of cherishing these brooms, anyway, it is not a big deal, and it is said and said.

Hearing this, Klockdar thought thoughtfully, and there was a faint urge in his heart to come to the development of the new world.

After all, Paradise is still too weak for him, and it is difficult to make great progress if he continues to stay there.

Don't see that the strength of the young man has surpassed him, and he is still cultivating non-stop?

Klockdar was unknowingly infected by Yanagawa, and had the urge to stay in the New World to increase his knowledge and improve his strength.

Before they knew it, they had safely crossed the chain bridge and came to the cliff on the edge of Dressrosa.

The sound of waves crashing against the cliffs is heard from time to time, and in the silent night sky, it exudes a peaceful atmosphere.

Walking to the edge of the cliff, the five looked towards the interior of the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

The town is brightly lit and there seem to be quite a few people walking around the streets.

Yanagawa's gaze turned towards Galtino.

"Gar, you think of a way to get us down from here, it's better not to make any movement, everything is based on caution."

MR.3 glanced at Yanagawa and then at the boss.

Seeing that Klockdar did not speak, he held his chin and fell into thought.

A few seconds later, he swung his hands to the edge of the cliff, and a large number of candles were released from his hands.

After a while, a slide leading to the bottom of the cliff appeared in front of the five people.

Without saying much, everyone sat up the slide in silence.

Following the smooth slide, they quickly reached the bottom of the cliff, and after entering the town, the five dispersed according to the previously arranged work.

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