In line with the principle that most of the work is left to the younger brother, the two leaders naturally went straight to the local tavern.

Putting on the black cloak that had been prepared for a long time, and covering his body firmly, he entered the tavern.

The tavern is not as lively as the other islands, but it is not too quiet.

Most of the guests were local residents, and only a few guys dressed as pirates drank and noisily under the disgruntled eyes of the residents.

Yanagawa and Klockdar looked at each other and came to the bar in unison.

They each ordered a glass of wine and pricked up their ears to inquire about the news.

"These guys are also so annoying, they all blame the guy from the Don Quixote family for making Dressrosau smoky and miasmatic. "

"Although I don't like it very much, I can't blame Don Quixote's people, after all, they are also the former owners of the island, and they can't be driven away." "

"That was eight hundred years ago, what are you still talking about now, if I were King Liku, I would definitely ignore them, leave them here and make trouble?"

Residents complained that since Doflamingo arrived in Dressrosa, the peaceful life had been shattered.

Before you know it, there are more and more pirates on the island.

When the pirates heard this, they didn't think so, and smiled wickedly at the residents with malice in their eyes.

But that's the end of it, and nothing more excessive is done.

"If it weren't for Doflamingo warning us not to make trouble, these words you said would have been hacked to death, and a group of guys who don't know whether they are dead or alive don't know how to be grateful." "

"Gee, these unconscious guys are just like that, they have been troubled by the trivial things in life all their lives, but all the little ideals have gone to sea, what kind of goods are left to live on the island, don't you know?"

Saying that, the pirates laughed, ignoring the more dissatisfied expressions of the residents.

Yanagawa keenly noticed the unscrupulous attitude of these pirates, and had a bad premonition in his heart.

"It's like... Doflamingo has already cultivated a lot of power, I wonder what he is going to do?"

"If it was the original plot, Doflamingo would have gone directly to King Riku and forced him to abdicate. "

"But now there seems to be a lot of changes, King Riku does not seem to be controlled by Doflamingo, as if he is still on the throne. "

"It's more interesting, I don't know if I can play a role in it." "

Originally, they had planned to fight hard with Doflamingo, but looking at the current appearance, it seemed that there was no need to do this.

Yanagawa thought for a moment and decided to go to the palace to see the situation first.

But before that, it's better to wait a little longer.

The three agents of the Baroque studio are all professional intelligence workers, and the information they get is not necessarily smaller than their own gain, wait until they gather some intelligence over there.

Thinking so, Yanagawa and Klockdar made eye contact for a while, drinking juice and waiting patiently.

Meanwhile, inside a luxurious manor house in town, people from the Doflamingo family were gathering, seemingly for a meeting.

"Serka, how is the recruitment of pirates done, can our forces control the Kingdom of Dressrosa?"

Doflamingo's gaze turned to the burly man in gold armor and asked.

Without thinking, Seka replied: "Don't worry, young master, as long as you want, we can attack Dressrosa at any time, without thinking about whether we can fight or not." "

Hearing this, Doflamingo sighed helplessly, and his eyes turned to look at another more reliable guy - Torrepol.

Although Seka is strong, his brain is not very good and he is used to thinking about problems with muscles.

Asking him was no different from asking for nothing, and he didn't realize what Doflamingo was asking.

If he just wanted to attack Dressrosa, why did he have to wait so long.

In the face of absolute strength, Dressrosa's power is not worth mentioning at all.

The real question is how to control the kingdom after capturing Dressrosa.

In terms of name, Doflamingo's family is the former royal family of the kingdom, and there will not be much obstacles.

The problem is the lack of manpower.

That accident in the East China Sea Doflamingo lost too many manpower, and it was almost impossible to control the whole of Dressrosa.

It is precisely because of this that he will cultivate pirate forces and wait patiently for the opportunity.

To sum up, Doflamingo was actually asking if the men they recruited could control all areas of the island.

It's a pity that Serka's simple brain circuitry is simply not capable of thinking about such a complex question, and the answer is not what he asked.

But Torrepol is different, his mind has always been good, and sometimes he knows what to say without waiting for Doflamingo to ask questions.

In this regard, Doflamingo was both relieved and a little jealous.

Although the strong in this world are respected, people with brains should not be underestimated.

If Torrebol had a different heart, it would be a disaster for the entire family.

But for now, he doesn't seem to mean that.

Coupled with the fact that they have lived together for a while, Doflamingo is still relatively at ease with Torrepol.

Torrepol, dressed as a homeless man, noticed Doflamingo's gaze and laughed a few times.

Seeing that the young master was a little impatient, he stationed his crutches to support his body, leaned over slightly and replied: "The number of people is barely enough, if you want to take it now, it's no problem, but I suggest it's better to wait a few more days, it's still a little unstable." "

After all, pirates are not a strictly trained army, and they cannot be banned like the army.

Although the number of people is enough, if you want to use them to control the entire kingdom, you still need to continue training for a while.

Doflamingo nodded, signaling that he understood.

It's just that he has a faint sense of foreboding.

The figure of the teenager had been lingering in his mind.

Knowing that now was not the best time, he still made a hasty decision.

"Can't wait any longer, that little devil is afraid that he is almost to Dressrosa, and he won't watch me take the Dressrosa Kingdom." "

"Before that guy comes, it's better for us to take this kingdom into our own hands as soon as possible." "

Doflamingo thought for a while, looked up and decided.

Others naturally have no opinion and are ready to discuss specific details of the work.

However, Doflamingo did not rush to discuss this, but asked about other things.

"Torrepol, what is the attitude of King Riku, has he considered surrendering. "

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