While preparing for the attack on Dressrosa, the Don Quixote family did not forget to put pressure on the royal family on the island.

It would be best if King Liku could recognize the current situation and abdicate with peace of mind.

The peaceful transition of royal power is more meaningful to Doflamingo, and naturally this opportunity will not be missed.

Torrebol laughed strangely and said, "No, he said that he would not consider surrender or accept your conditions, and he preferred to be a king rather than a nobleman." "

"Hmph!" Doflamingo sneered, thought for a while, and said: "You go again tonight and tell him that this is the last chance, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel!"

Torrebol answered and promised the matter.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard Doflamingo stop him.

"Don't worry, you take Seka with you, it's better to be careful at this time." "

The latest information indicates that Yanagawa has arrived near Dressrosa, and if he has sneaked in, it would be too dangerous for Torrepol to act alone.

Doflamingo didn't want to hear the news that another subordinate had been killed.

It doesn't matter if Torrepol dies, the problem is that his death will bring more trouble.

To be cautious, Doflamingo decided to let Seka go with him.

Although Serka's brain is not very easy to make a little, his strength is real.

Even if you can't escape in front of that little ghost, you can at least delay it for a while.

As long as he gets the news and rushes over as soon as possible, there will not be much problem.

Torrepol also thought of this possibility and did not refuse.

Although Seka did not understand why the young master arranged this, he had always been obedient and obediently walked out with Torrepol.

Watching the two leave, Doflamingo fell silent.

"That damn little ghost, really wasted a lot of my time!"

"I hope you bring some good news this time. "

If King Riku refuses to surrender this time, then he can only start in advance.

When tomorrow, when all the dust settles and takes control of Dressrosa, Yanagawa will no longer be a problem.

As long as everything goes well, he can lay a large number of traps in a short time, and when the time comes, Yanagawa dares to come over, enough for him to eat a pot.


After a long time, Yanagawa and Klockdar left the tavern.

After leaving the tavern, Klockdar said: "The intelligence investigation is almost over, we will go to the King's Heights to make peace." "

Yanagawa had no opinion, and the two walked towards that side in silence.

By the time of the sudden cylindrical peak, the three agents had been waiting for a long time.

The three simply said the intelligence they had investigated, giving them a clearer understanding of the situation here.

Simply put, Doflamingo is recruiting a large number of pirates and is preparing to attack Dressrosa.

King Liku didn't know for what reason, and turned a blind eye to these meanings that did not stop him.

In addition, they heard that Doflamingo's side seemed ready to attack, and that a rebellion could be launched at any time.

Yanagawa and Klockdar looked at each other, both feeling a little tricky.

If they really let them control the Kingdom of Dressrosa, it would be quite troublesome.

It is better to sabotage Doflamingo's plot before they act.

Thinking so, Yanagawa suggested: "Without further ado, let's go to the palace today to see and learn more about the situation, so that we can deal with Doflamingo's conspiracy." "

Klockdar also had this intention, but he wanted to get the clue before Doflamingo, and he had no intention of getting involved in the situation here.

"There is no problem, just do it, the specific work is still arranged by Yanagawa, we will listen to you." "

Under the premise of lack of intelligence, it is better to follow the person with the most information to arrange work.

It's unrealistic to pull out more clues from Yanagawa's mouth, but you can let him arrange the work and speed up the progress of the work.

Yanagawa was obliged, and immediately said: "Let's go to the king's high ground first and enter the palace." "

Turning his head to look at Galtino, he ordered: "It is up to you to help with this, think of a way, and make a passage out without alerting the guards." "

After that, he stopped taking Gartino and began to arrange the work of everyone.

"The purpose of our visit to Dressrosa this time is to find clues about Hades. "It's not.

"In order to ensure efficiency, we went separate this time. "Just to spread other people away and do other things.

"I'll go to King Liku to find out the situation and see if I can get more clues." "It's true.

"I won't say much about the rest, you are professional, you can arrange it yourself." "I don't know what to do best.

"As for the confidential document, it is a parchment recorded in ancient writing, as long as you see the physical object, you will naturally know that it is our goal, there will be no possibility of missing it, rest assured." "Because... That thing simply doesn't exist!

Yanagawa was assigning their respective tasks and constantly complaining in his heart.

He never thought that he would encounter the current situation, and he had a plan in his heart, so he could only play on the spot.

Fortunately, the previous foundation was very solid, and Klockdar did not doubt it.

With the help of the wax wax fruit, everything went smoothly, and the five managed to infiltrate the palace of Dressrosa.

Scatter according to the previously assigned tasks.

When everyone was out of sight, Yanagawa headed straight for the most conspicuous building of the palace.

With a domineering glance, he quickly found King Liku, who was dealing with official business.

He looked very distressed, and the sorrow between his eyebrows was very conspicuous, and it could be seen at a glance that he seemed to be in some kind of great trouble.

Yanagawa looked down and thought for a moment, roughly guessing King Liku's mental journey.

Speaking of which, this guy is also quite unlucky, obviously he was suddenly targeted by Qiwu Hai, which is simply a disaster without presumption.

If it's other Qiwu Hai, it's just a guy with the surname Don Quixote.

The most unfortunate thing is that King Riku has not yet found a reason to ask the world government for help.

It cannot be said that the royal family in the past came to his country, which made him a little embarrassed, and asked the world government to help drive him away.

That's a little ridiculous.

Unable to fight and fight, rush and drive away, King Riku could not find any way to deal with it, and could only watch Doflamingo's power grow more and more.

Of course, he knew that if he continued like this, his country would be taken away by this malicious fellow.

But it is also because of a clear understanding of this that King Liku is so depressed.

After all...... He is really a donkey who is exhausted.

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