Thinking of this, Yanagawa couldn't help but laugh.

"This guy is also a little too unlucky. "

The sudden movement alarmed King Liku, who was dealing with official business, and asked sharply: "Who!"

Yanagawa came out of the shadows, revealing his true face.

"Just an enthusiastic crowd who came to hear the news and came to help, don't be nervous, I won't do anything to you." "

Seeing the young man's appearance, King Liku quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

He also thought that Doflamingo had sent someone to assassinate him, and he was shocked.

However, even if it is confirmed that it is not someone who is not Doflamingo, King Riku is still very vigilant.

"Help? What are you going to help? What do you know?"

Even if it seems to be a teenager, he is not allowed to be careless, after all, this teenager can come here quietly, which is enough to show his strength.

Hearing that he was here to help, King Liku not only did not feel happy, but became more vigilant.

If you have nothing to offer, you are either a traitor or a thief.

Although the visitor said that he was an enthusiastic mass, looking at his appearance, I am afraid that the visitor was not good.

Seeing King Riku's vigilant gaze, Liu Chuan said unimpressedly: "I know that you are in trouble and want to deal with Doflamingo, and I am also unhappy with him, so I came to find you." "

"Look, we have the same goal, shouldn't we join forces against Doflamingo?"

Yanagawa spread out his hands, exposing both of them to the other's line of sight.

Psychologically, this gives peace of mind to the person in contact.

Although it didn't have much effect, Yanagawa still did it.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend, as long as he can enlist the help of King Riku, he will be more sure of dealing with Doflamingo.

And...... Yanagawa also wanted to earn some pocket money to spend, and naturally took this exchange seriously.

"In this way, I don't think you can quite believe my appearance, how about we make a deal?"

Seeing that King Liku was not moved, Yanagawa thought for a moment and proposed a deal.

"I'll help you kill Doflamingo and the gang, how about you give me money?"

"The price is set at 10 billion Bailey, plus half of Dressrosa's tax revenue for three years. "

"I can get a lot of money, and you can feel at ease with your past, that's fair, isn't it?"

Fair fart!

Hearing him say this, King Riku cursed angrily in his heart.

Open mouth is 10 billion, as if money is not money.

King Riku even wondered if Yanagawa lacked enough concepts about money to open his mouth to say such an outrageous price.

And...... This teenager looks so young, can he really fight against Doflamingo?

King Riku didn't believe his words at all.

"If you're okay, you'd better leave from here, you're not welcome here, you go." "

If it had been in normal times, King Riku would definitely shout to catch the assassin and at the same time deal with Yanagawa to leave him here.

But now how can he still think about this, Doflamingo alone is enough for him to have a headache, if there is another guy of unknown origin, he will simply kill himself.

Seeing that King Riku still didn't want to believe it, Yanagawa thought for a moment and decided to make a trick.

"No... Take a look, give me an answer after reading it, don't rush to conclusions. "

This time it was a rash visit late at night, and it was impossible to gain King Riku's trust in a while.

Only by making a surprise move can the other party believe in their own strength.

Yanagawa threw a rolled document towards King Riku, who took it and glanced at Liu Chuan vigilantly, slowly unfolding the document.

When he saw the contents of the paper, King Liku was silent.

Yanagawa threw over nothing else, it was his own wanted warrant.

Bounties don't mean much, but a bounty of up to half a billion is very different.

A guy who was recognized by the Navy as extremely ferocious, to say that he did not have the strength to match it, he would not live now.

King Liku somewhat understood where this young man's confidence was, and strength was the root of his lion's big mouth.

However, a wanted warrant alone was not enough to convince him of the teenager.

The numbers on the wanted warrant can only say that the teenager's strength may rival that of Doflamingo, and does not say anything else.

Yanagawa wanted to gain King Riku's trust, which was not enough.

"I'm sure you can deal with Doflamingo, but that doesn't mean anything. "

"If you're an undercover agent sent by Doflamingo, wouldn't I be dead?"

"It's not enough, you need to provide something more to prove your sincerity!"

Seeing this, Liu Chuan covered his face a little helplessly.

If this is the first half of the great voyage, he doesn't need to say anything more, as long as he says that he is here to deal with Doflamingo, he can directly gain the trust of the other party.

The contradiction between him and Doflamingo is well known, and there is no need to bother so much at all.

It's a pity that the consultation on this side of the new world is too backward, and it seems that his influence has not yet covered this side.

What a hassle.

Yanagawa hesitated for a moment, then took out another thing from his arms and threw it over.

Seriously, if it weren't for dealing with Doflamingo, he wouldn't want to embarrass himself with this kind of thing.

But the best way at the moment is this, Yanagawa has no choice.

As for what that thing was... It's not a rare thing.

The most common and worthless thing in life is just a newspaper.

The conflict between Yanagawa and Doflamingo is recorded in detail, and there is no need to explain it after reading it, and King Riku will understand that he is sincerely here to help.

"Take a look, you'll know what's going on. "

Yanagawa sighed, feeling a little embarrassed, and turned his face to the side.

King Liku looked at the newspaper with a half-hearted look, saw the portrait of the boy on the headline, and quickly read it carefully.

After reading it, King Liku understood.

Originally...... What the boy said was all true, and he really came to help.

It's just that this is obviously a cooperation that is beneficial to both parties, why does he dare to ask for remuneration?

King Liku thought for a moment, but still voiced his doubts.

"It's okay to work with you, but why should I give you so much money. "

"Do you know what the concept of 10 billion is, I can't give you so much money, don't even think about it!"

Compared to $10 billion in cash, half of Dressrosa's taxes are nothing.

Dressrosa is not a rich country, and it is basically impossible to raise so much money in a short period of time!

And King Riku does not intend to raise money, anyway, this teenager has a feud with Doflamingo, why not use this as a bargaining chip?

Even asking for help doesn't have to come at a cost.

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