Whether or not this teenager can cause Doflamingo trouble, the most important thing at the moment is to calm him.

As for the rest... King Riku was not unprepared.

It's just that it still takes a little time to promote, and for now, it can only be delayed by this teenager.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, King Liku still didn't trust Liu Chuan.

After all...... It's so young!

The young man's capricious personality is a deep experience, and he does not expect Yanagawa to solve Doflamingo.

"It is enough for this teenager to delay for a while, and the rest is still up to me to figure it out." "

King Riku didn't even think about raising money, anyway, he still had to fend for himself after all, and he basically decided that the boy could not fight Doflamingo.

Yanagawa could feel King Riku's attitude to some extent, but he didn't care.

As long as it can cooperate with his work, nothing else is a problem.

"By the way, let's talk about what Doflamingo did during this time. "

"If I can, it's best to tell me the original rules of their actions, and I will see if I can find an opportunity to assassinate their senior cadres." "

As a local host, King Liku must be able to grasp some laws of action.

What Yanagawa wants to know most is actually this kind of information, and as for blackmail, it is only incidental.

King Liku gave the answer without thinking, these news had long been deeply remembered in his mind, and he could call up the relevant information without thinking.

"The senior cadres of the Don Quixote family do not know for what reason... There are only two senior cadres left. "

Halfway through speaking, King Liku paused, and suddenly remembered that those people were killed by the teenager in front of him, and almost didn't bite his tongue.

However, the king of a country is different, and soon reacted, and his expression naturally continued to continue.

"One of them is Torrepol, a confidant of Doflamingo, and the other is Serka, his main hitman. "

"Torrepol spent most of his time at the manor in the city, helping Doflamingo arrange the work of his subordinates, and occasionally coming to me to threaten me. "

"Serka's words are responsible for recruiting pirates, and usually stay in the city's arena to find recruits. "

Speaking of this, King Riku paused for two seconds and made a suggestion.

"If you want to assassinate, staying with me is actually a good choice. "

"Wait for Torrepol to come over, I believe that if it is you, there will be no problem. "

As for the other person, Serka, King Riku had nothing to suggest.

It is very difficult to assassinate in public.

Not to mention that the Don Quixote family lives on the edge of the arena, and it is difficult to find an opportunity to assassinate him.

Yanagawa nodded secretly after listening.

Truly...... If it turns out to be what he says, it would be a good strategy to sit on the line.

After killing Torrebol, he could have made an excuse and took Klockdar to take the initiative to trouble Doflamingo.

As long as the people in the Baroque studio dragged on the others, Yanagawa had a good chance of taking out Doflamingo.

Even if he can't do it once, he can come a second time and keep consuming Doflamingo's physical strength.

If it were otherwise, Yanagawa might not have much confidence.

But physical strength is one of his best aspects, and he doesn't believe that he can't consume the other party.

Thinking of this, Yanagawa made a decision.

"Then trouble you, arrange a place for me to live in the palace." "

Yanagawa said thoughtfully, asking King Riku to arrange a place to live.

Instead of running back and forth, it is better to live directly in the palace.

In this way, you can get the news as soon as you get it, and you won't miss the opportunity.

King Liku also thought so, and agreed to come down.

"I'll be ready for the place, you don't have to worry about these problems. "

The royal palace of Dressrosa lacks everything, but there is no shortage of places.

The young man's request did not embarrass him.

King Riku was only worried about one thing.

"Are you really sure you can take out Torrepol?" asked King Riku worriedly.

It would be embarrassing if he alarmed Doflamingo but failed to take the other party.

At that time, it will not be a question of scaring the snake, but whether it will stimulate Doflamingo and they will act in advance.

That's not what King Riku wants to see.

It's hard to say anything else, Yanagawa is full of confidence in this.

Just look at him confidently said: "Don't worry, except for Doflamingo himself, no one is my opponent." "

It is a kind of strong self-confidence that naturally exudes, and it is a temperament unique to the strong.

Somehow, King Riku heard his determined voice and was relieved.

"Well, as long as you are sure, there is no problem, and I will fully assist you in your work." "

Just as King Liku was thinking about continuing to discuss the follow-up plan, there were hurried footsteps outside.

King Liku thought for a moment, and said to Liu Chuan: "Why don't you hide first? "

The palace may not be all their own people, since Doflamingo came over without fear, most of them have made arrangements in advance.

King Riku was afraid that the news of the boy's presence in the palace would leak out.

Yanagawa thought for a moment, stepped on the bluestone slab, and quietly disappeared into the palace.

Just like when it came, it came and went without a trace.

King Liku's pupils shrank, almost not frightened, hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer, King Liku hurriedly adjusted his expression, pretending to be calm and waiting for someone to come over.

As expected, the visitor was a palace guard.

The guard entered the palace and half-knelt in front of King Riku to report: "Report Your Majesty, Torrepol asks for a meeting!"

King Riku's face moved, and without thinking about it, he ordered: "Let him come, tell him that I will wait for him here." "


The guards received the order, answered the call and left.

At this time, Yanagawa quietly appeared again.

"Oh, it seems that we are lucky, just said that we want to kill him and took the initiative to come over, interesting." "

Say that Cao Cao Cao will arrive, luck is really good.

King Liku also felt the same way and thought so.

However, he and Yanagawa have different ideas, and want to be more secure.

King Riku suggested, "It's better to forget it this time, he will come again in a few days, and it will be too late to kill him when we are fully prepared." "

King Riku is accustomed to planning and then moving, waiting for everything to be prepared before acting.

He was afraid that there would be accidents in a hasty launch, and he wanted to slow down.

Yanagawa shook his head and rejected his proposal, "No, it's better to choose the day than to hit the sun, since you have met, then seize the opportunity and take him down in one fell swoop." "

"Tianyu does not take the blame, or directly kill him, so as not to dream more at night." "

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